Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 334.127 - Registration for Aboveground Storage Tanks (ASTs)(a) General provisions. (1) All aboveground storage tanks (ASTs) in existence on or after September 1, 1989, must be registered with the agency on authorized agency forms in accordance with subsection (e) of this section, except for those tanks which: (A) are exempt from regulation under § 334.123 of this title (relating to Exemptions for Aboveground Storage Tanks (ASTs)); or(B) are excluded from regulation under § 334.124 of this title (relating to Exclusions for Aboveground Storage Tanks (ASTs)).(2) The owner and operator of an AST are responsible for compliance with the tank registration requirements of this section. An owner or operator may designate an authorized representative to complete and submit the required registration information; however, the owner and operator remain responsible for compliance with the provisions of this section.(3) All ASTs subject to the registration requirements of this section are also subject to the fee provisions in § 334.128 of this title (relating to Annual Facility Fees for Aboveground Storage Tanks (ASTs)), except where specifically exempted from such fee provisions. The failure by a tank owner or operator to properly or timely register any tanks shall not exempt the owner from such fee assessment and payment provisions.(4) Proper completion of the specified agency tank registration form will result in the agency's issuance of a registration certificate for the tanks at the facility covered by that registration. This certificate is tied to the delivery prohibitions detailed in § 334.125 of this title (relating to General Prohibitions and Requirements for Aboveground Storage Tanks (ASTs)).(b) Existing tanks. Any person who owns or operates an AST subject to the provisions of this section that was in existence on September 1, 1989, shall register such tank with the agency not later than March 1, 1990, on an authorized agency form.(c) New or replacement tanks. Any person who owns or operates a new or replacement AST subject to the provisions of this section that is placed into service on or after September 1, 1989, must register the tank with the agency on an authorized agency form within 30 days from the date any petroleum product is first placed into the tank.(d) Changes or additional information. An owner or operator of an AST subject to the provisions of this section must provide written notice to the agency of any changes or additional information concerning the status of any regulated tanks, including, but not limited to, information regarding the operational status, condition, substance stored, ownership, location of records, and number of tanks. This notice must be submitted on an authorized agency form which has been completed in accordance with subsection (e) of this section. This form must be properly completed and signed, and shall include the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) facility identification number in the appropriate space on the form. Notice of any change or additional information must be filed with the agency within 30 days of the occurrence of the change or addition, or within 30 days from the date on which the owner or operator first became aware of the change or addition, as applicable.(e) Required form for providing AST registration information. (1) Any AST owner or operator required to submit tank registration information under subsections (a) - (d) of this section must provide all the information indicated on the agency's authorized form for each regulated AST owned.(2) The tank registration form must be filled out completely and accurately. Upon completion, the form must be dated and signed by the owner, operator, or an authorized representative of the owner or operator, and must be filed with the agency within the time frames specified in this section.(3) All AST owners or operators required to submit AST registration information under subsections (a) - (d) of this section must provide the registration information for all ASTs located at a particular facility on the same registration form.(4) All AST owners or operators who own or operate ASTs located at more than one facility must complete and file a separate registration form for each facility where regulated ASTs are located, unless otherwise allowed under subsection (f) of this section.(5) If additional documents are submitted with new or revised registration data, the specific facility identification information (including the facility identification number, if known) must be conspicuously indicated on each document, and all such documents must be securely attached to and filed with the registration form.(f) Registration requirements for movable ASTs. Movable or mobile ASTs which are regularly used to store petroleum products (e.g., skid tanks) must also be registered by the owner or operator in accordance with the provisions of this section. When such tanks are intended to be moved from one location to another on a regular basis and are not permanently part of any particular facility, then an owner or operator may register the tanks in accordance with the following procedures: (1) for the purposes of completing the tank registration form, the owner or operator must identify the facility location for such movable tanks as the owner's or operator's principal business address or location;(2) the owner or operator must continuously maintain complete and accurate records of the specific location, operational status, condition, and type of petroleum products stored at the owner's or operator's principal business address or location. At any given time, the records must include the required tank information for at least the preceding five years. Such records must be readily accessible and available for inspection upon request by agency personnel; and(3) any movable or mobile tank which is registered at the owner's or operator's business address or location, rather than at the actual facility location, must be permanently and legibly labeled with the agency's designated identification number for such tank by painting, decals, tags, or other permanent identification method.(g) Inadequate information. When any of the required AST registration information submitted to the agency is determined to be inaccurate, unclear, illegible, incomplete, or otherwise inadequate, the agency may require the owner and/or operator to submit additional information. An owner and/or operator must submit any such additional information within 30 days of receipt of such request.(h) Temporary delivery authorization. (1) Upon receipt of a TCEQ construction notification form indicating pending installation of a new or replacement AST system(s), the agency will issue a temporary delivery authorization for that tank system(s).(2) The temporary delivery authorization is valid for no more than 90 days after the first delivery of petroleum product into the new or replacement AST system.(3) The AST owner and operator are responsible for maintaining complete and accurate records of the date of the first deposit of petroleum product into a new or replacement AST, as well as the date that the initial 90-day period expires. The bill of lading for the first delivery of regulated substance into any new or replacement AST at the facility must be attached to the temporary delivery authorization for that facility.30 Tex. Admin. Code § 334.127
The provisions of this §334.127 adopted to be effective June 25, 1990, 15 TexReg 3424; amended to be effective November 8, 1995, 20 TexReg 8800; amended to be effective November 23, 2000, 25 TexReg 11442; Amended by Texas Register, Volume 43, Number 21, May 25, 2018, TexReg 3455, eff. 5/31/2018