30 Tex. Admin. Code § 331.45

Current through Reg. 49, No. 49; December 6, 2024
Section 331.45 - Executive Director Approval of Construction and Completion

The executive director may approve or disapprove the construction and completion for an injection well or project. In making a determination whether to grant approval, the following shall be reviewed for compliance with the standards of this chapter:

(1) for Class I wells, except for those Class I wells authorized to inject only nonhazardous desalination concentrate or nonhazardous drinking water treatment residuals, and salt dome cavern disposal wells and associated salt dome caverns:
(A) actual as-built drilling and completion data on the well;
(B) all logging and testing data on the well;
(C) a demonstration of mechanical integrity;
(D) anticipated maximum pressure and flow rate at which the permittee will operate;
(E) results of the injection zone and confining zone testing program as required in § 331.62(a)(7) of this title (relating to Construction Standards) and § 331.65(a) of this title (relating to Reporting Requirements);
(F) the actual injection procedure;
(G) the compatibility of injected wastes with fluids in the injection zone and minerals in both the injection zone and the confining zone and materials used to construct the well;
(H) the calculated area of review and cone of influence based on data obtained during logging and testing of the well and the formation, and where necessary, revisions to the information submitted under § 331.121 of this title (relating to Class I Wells);
(I) the status of corrective action required for defective wells in the area of review;
(J) compliance with the casing and cementing performance standard in § 331.62(a)(5) of this title, and where necessary, changes to the permit to provide for additional testing and/or monitoring of the well to insure the continuous attainment of the performance standard; and
(K) compliance with the cementing requirements in § 331.62(a)(6) of this title.
(2) for Class I wells authorized to inject only nonhazardous desalination concentrate or nonhazardous drinking water treatment residuals:
(A) all available logging and testing program data on the well;
(B) a demonstration of mechanical integrity;
(C) the anticipated maximum pressure and flow rate at which the permittee will operate;
(D) the results of the formation testing program;
(E) the actual injection procedure;
(F) the compatibility of injected waste with fluids in the injection zone and minerals in both the injection zone and the confining zone; and
(G) the status of corrective action on defective wells in the area of review.
(3) for salt dome cavern disposal wells and associated salt dome caverns:
(A) actual as-built drilling and completion data on the well;
(B) all logging, coring, and testing program data on the well and salt pilot hole;
(C) a demonstration of mechanical integrity of the well;
(D) the anticipated maximum wellhead and casing seat pressures and flow rates at which the well will operate during cavern development and cavern waste filling;
(E) results of the salt dome cavern injection zone and salt dome cavern confining zone testing program as required in § 331.163(e)(3) of this title (relating to Well Construction Standards);
(F) the injection and production procedures for cavern development and cavern waste filling;
(G) the compatibility of injected materials with the contents of the salt dome cavern injection zone and the salt dome cavern confining zone, and with the materials of well construction;
(H) land subsidence monitoring data and groundwater quality monitoring data, including determinations of baseline conditions for such monitoring throughout the area of review;
(I) the status of corrective action required for defective wells in the area of review;
(J) actual as-built specifications of the well's surface support and monitoring equipment; and
(K) conformity of the constructed well system with the plans and specifications of the permit application;
(4) for Class III wells:
(A) logging and testing data on the well;
(B) a satisfactory demonstration of mechanical integrity for all new wells, excluding monitor and baseline wells;
(C) anticipated operating data;
(D) the results of the formation testing program;
(E) the injection procedures; and
(F) the status of corrective action required for defective wells in the area of review.

30 Tex. Admin. Code § 331.45

The provisions of this §331.45 adopted to be effective January 2, 1995, 19 TexReg 10099; amended to be effective April 28, 1997, 22 TexReg 3526; amended to be effective July 10, 2008, 33 TexReg 5342; amended to be effective March 12, 2009, 34 TexReg 1638; amended to be effective August 16, 2012, 37 TexReg 6078