30 Tex. Admin. Code § 305.70

Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 305.70 - Municipal Solid Waste Permit and Registration Modifications
(a) This section applies only to modifications to municipal solid waste (MSW) permits and registrations related to regulated MSW activities. Modifications to industrial and hazardous solid waste permits are covered in § 305.69 of this title (relating to Solid Waste Permit Modification at the Request of the Permittee). Changes to conditions in an MSW permit or registration which were specifically ordered by the commission following the contested hearing process or included by the executive director as a result of negotiations between the applicant and interested persons during the permitting/registration process are not eligible for modification under this section. Applications filed before the effective date of this section will be subject to the section as it existed at the time the application was received.
(b) References to the term "permit" in this section include the permit document and all of the attachments thereto as further defined in Chapter 330, Subchapter B of this title (relating to Permit and Registration Application Procedures). References to the term "registration" in this section include the registration document and all of the attachments thereto as further defined in Chapter 330, Subchapter B of this title.
(c) Any increase in the permitted or registered daily maximum limit of waste acceptance for a Type V processing facility shall be subject either to the requirements of § 305.62(c)(1) of this title (relating to Amendment) in the case of a permitted facility, or to the requirements of a new registration in the case of a registered facility. Changes in the annual waste acceptance rate at landfill facilities are subject to the requirements of § 330.125(h) of this title (relating to Recordkeeping Requirements).
(d) Permit and registration modifications apply to minor changes to an MSW facility or its operation that do not substantially alter the permit or registration conditions and do not reduce the capability of the facility to protect human health and the environment.
(e) A permittee or registrant may implement a modification to an MSW permit or registration provided that the permittee or registrant has received prior written authorization for the modification from the executive director. In order to receive prior written authorization, the permittee or registrant must submit a modification application to the executive director which includes, at a minimum, the following information:
(1) a description of the proposed change;
(2) an explanation detailing why the change is necessary;
(3) appropriate revisions to all applicable narrative pages and drawings of Attachment A of a permit or a registration (i.e., a site development plan, site operating plan, engineering report, or any other approved plan attached to a permit or a registration document). These revisions shall be marked and include revision dates and notes as necessary in accordance with § 330.57(g) of this title (relating to Permit and Registration Applications for Municipal Solid Waste Facilities);
(4) a reference to the specific provision under which the modification application is being made; and
(5) for those modifications submitted in accordance with subsection (l) of this section that the executive director determines that notice is required and for those listed in subsection (k) of this section, an updated landowners map and an updated landowners list as required under § 330.59(c)(3) of this title (relating to Contents of Part I of the Application).
(f) The permittee or registrant must submit one original, two unmarked copies, and one marked (e.g., redline/strikeout) copy of the modification application in accordance with § 305.44 of this title (relating to Signatories to Applications). The applicant shall provide one of the two unmarked copies to the appropriate commission regional office. Failure to submit the modification application with complete information may result in the application being returned to the permittee or registrant without further action. Engineering documents must be signed and sealed by the responsible licensed professional engineer as required by § 330.57(f) of this title.
(g) The following shall guide the processing of applications for modification of permits and registrations:
(1) For an application for a modification that does not require notice, if at the end of 60 calendar days after receipt of the permit or registration modification application the executive director has not taken one of the following five steps, the application shall be automatically approved:
(A) approve the application, with or without changes, and modify the permit or registration accordingly;
(B) deny the application;
(C) provide a notice-of-deficiency letter requiring additional or clarified information regarding the proposed change;
(D) determine that the application does not qualify as a registration modification, and that the requested change requires a new application for registration; or
(E) determine that the application does not qualify as a permit modification and that the requested change requires an amendment to the permit in accordance with § 305.62(c) of this title.
(2) For an application for a modification that requires notice, technical review shall be completed within 60 calendar days of receipt of the permit or registration modification application, unless the review period is extended by the executive director in writing if needed to resolve an outstanding notice of deficiency. Upon completion of the public comment period, the executive director may do one of the following.
(A) If no timely comments are received, the executive director may grant the application on the 28th calendar day (unless extended by the executive director) after the notice requirements have been met as evidenced by the certification of notice filed with the chief clerk. The application is automatically approved if not acted on by the 28th calendar day (unless extended by the executive director) after the notice requirements have been met as evidenced by the certification of notice filed with the chief clerk.
(B) If timely comments are received, the executive director may take one of the steps listed in paragraph (1) of this subsection on or before the 45th calendar day (unless extended by the executive director) after the notice requirements have been met as evidenced by the certification of notice filed with the chief clerk. The application is automatically approved if not acted on by the 45th calendar day (unless extended by the executive director) after the notice requirements have been met as evidenced by the certification of notice filed with the chief clerk.
(h) If an application for a permit or registration modification is denied by the executive director, the permittee or registrant must comply with the original permit or registration conditions.
(i) If a permit or registration modification is listed in subsection (k) of this section or if a permit or registration modification application is made under subsection (l) of this section and the executive director determines that notice is required, notice shall be made in accordance with § 39.1009 of this title (relating to Notice of Modification of a Municipal Solid Waste Permit or Registration) and the following requirements:
(1) The permittee or registrant shall:
(A) file a landowner's list current on the day of filing under subsection (e)(5) of this section and § 39.413(1) of this title (relating to Mailed Notice);
(B) provide Notice of Application and Preliminary Decision after technical review is complete in accordance with § 39.1009 of this title;
(C) mail the notice to the persons listed in § 39.413 of this title; and
(D) file certification with the commission on a form prescribed by the executive director that notice was provided as required by this section.
(2) The text of the notice prepared by the executive director shall:
(A) comply with § 39.1009 of this title;
(B) state that a person may provide the commission with written comments on the application within 23 days after the date the applicant mails notice; and
(C) provide the website address where the application has been placed in accordance with § 330.57(i) of this title.
(3) Before acting on an application, the executive director shall review and consider any timely written comments. The executive director is not required to file a response to comment.
(4) The chief clerk shall mail notice of issuance of a modification in accordance with § 50.133(b) of this title (relating to Executive Director Action on Application or WQMP Update). Section 50.133(b) of this title does not apply to modifications which do not require notice under subsection (j) or (l) of this section.
(j) Paragraphs (1) - (32) of this subsection are allowable permit and registration modifications that do not require notice if they meet the criteria in subsection (d) of this section (i.e., they must apply to minor changes to an MSW facility or its operation that do not substantially alter the permit or registration conditions and do not reduce the capability of the facility to protect human health and the environment):
(1) the establishment of a cell or area that will accept brush and construction demolition waste and rubbish only (also known as a Type IV area) if the cell or area is located within the disposal footprint specified in the site development plan or municipal solid waste landfill (MSWLF) permit;
(2) changes in excavation details for landfills, except for changes that would:
(A) increase the depth or lateral extent of the disposal footprint as described in the site development plan or permit; or
(B) increase the disposal capacity of the landfill facility;
(3) changes to the landfill marker systems (e.g., from a grid based upon geographic coordinates to a grid based upon survey coordinates);
(4) an increase in sampling frequency (e.g., for groundwater and landfill gas monitoring systems);
(5) submittal of a new Soils and Liner Quality Control Plan (SLQCP) or changes to an existing SLQCP;
(6) changes to existing landfill underdrain or dewatering systems that maintain or improve effectiveness;
(7) changes to the site layout plan that add or delete a registered or exempted MSW facility/activity (e.g., a used or scrap tire collection area, a compost operation, a recycling collection area, a liquid waste processing facility, a registered transfer station, a citizens' collection station, a beneficial landfill gas recovery plant, a brush collection/chipping/mulching area, etc.);
(8) changes in the site layout, other than entry gate location, that relocate the gatehouse, office or maintenance building locations, or that add scales to the facility;
(9) changes in the design details for an authorized solidification basin;
(10) changes in the drainage control plan that alter internal storm water run-on/run-off control without impacting offsite drainage or increasing landfill disposal capacity;
(11) the addition of design and operational requirements in accordance with § 330.173 of this title (relating to the Disposal of Industrial Wastes) for the opening of a dedicated cell or area that will accept Class 1 nonhazardous industrial waste, provided that the landfill permit authorizes the acceptance of that waste and that the dedicated cell or area is located within the disposal footprint specified in the site development plan or MSWLF permit;
(12) changes in the sequence of landfill development unless the changes would potentially affect the adjacent property owners or the community in which case notice in accordance with subsection (i) of this section would be required;
(13) changes in the perimeter access control system that do not reduce system effectiveness in controlling access to the site;
(14) corrections in the metes and bounds description of the permit or registration boundary that reduce the size of the facility and that do not result in permit or registration acreage beyond the original permit or registration boundary;
(15) a change in the facility records storage area from an onsite to an offsite location;
(16) the addition of a composting refund plan (a plan containing instructions and procedures to ensure collection of the composting refund, as cited in Texas Health and Safety Code, § 361.0135 ) to the site operating plan of an MSWLF;
(17) changes to the Site Development Plan or Site Operating Plan to provide performance-based standards for personnel or equipment, or minor corrections to provide consistency within the permit;
(18) installation of a new monitoring well(s) that replace(s) an existing monitoring well(s) (e.g., landfill gas or groundwater monitoring well(s)) that has been damaged or rendered inoperable, with no change to the design or depth of the well(s), or to the monitoring system design;
(19) changes to an existing leachate collection system design;
(20) installation of a new landfill gas monitoring system not required by permit;
(21) changes to an existing landfill gas monitoring system design that maintain or improve the monitoring system design;
(22) changes to an existing landfill gas collection system design. Changes made for the purpose of complying with other permits, rules, or regulations do not require prior approval under this section before implementation. Notification of changes made to a landfill gas collection system in order to comply with other permits, rules, or regulations shall be sent within 30 days to the executive director and the appropriate commission regional office. Upon receipt of the notification the executive director will determine if submittal of a modification is required;
(23) submittal of a new Groundwater Sampling and Analysis Plan (GWSAP) or changes to an existing GWSAP;
(24) submittal of a new waste acceptance plan or the addition of detailed narrative or design drawings which provide details for the acceptance of waste streams authorized within the permit or registration (e.g., Class 1 nonhazardous industrial waste);
(25) revisions to an existing waste acceptance plan to include waste streams authorized by the permit or registration;
(26) upgrade of an existing landfill groundwater monitoring system with no increase in depth or design, or the installation of monitor wells at a different depth or design in addition to wells in the approved groundwater monitoring system. Changes to the groundwater monitoring system resulting from a change in the groundwater characterization as defined in Chapter 330, Subchapter J of this title (relating to Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action), must be requested as an amendment under § 305.62 of this title;
(27) the plugging of monitoring wells (e.g., landfill gas or groundwater monitoring wells) when the executive director has determined that the plugging of monitoring wells is appropriate in various situations including, but not limited to, when a facility has completed the post-closure maintenance period, when an obsolete monitoring system is being replaced with a new monitoring system, or when a damaged monitoring well is being replaced;
(28) changes to closure or post-closure care plans for technical corrections, updated testing procedures, etc.;
(29) substitution of an equivalent financial assurance mechanism;
(30) changes to a closure or post-closure care cost estimate required under §§ 330.503, 330.505, or 330.507 of this title (relating to Closure Cost Estimates for Landfills; Closure Cost Estimates For Storage and Processing Units; and Post-Closure Care Cost Estimates for Landfills) that result in an increase/decrease in the amount of financial assurance required if the increase/decrease in the cost estimate is due to an increase/decrease in the maximum area requiring closure;
(31) changes in the amount of financial assurance required as the result of corrective action;
(32) changes to the entry gate location that do not alter access traffic patterns delineated in the permit or registration;
(k) Paragraphs (1) - (13) of this subsection are modifications which require notice. For those modifications requiring notice, the permittee or registrant must send notice of the modification application by first-class mail in accordance with subsection (i) of this section and to all persons listed in § 39.413 of this title:
(1) the use of an alternate daily cover material on a permanent basis in accordance with § 330.165(d) of this title (relating to Landfill Cover);
(2) a modification in the operation of a landfill that will change the incoming waste stream to a more restrictive waste stream (i.e., a change from a Type I landfill operation to a Type IV landfill operation). The modification may be granted if the receipt of waste under the present operation ceases once the modification is approved; the filled portion of the landfill will be closed in accordance with Chapter 330, Subchapter K of this title (relating to Closure and Post-Closure); and the modification application details changes to the site development plan and site operating plan as appropriate to reflect the proposed change in operation;
(3) installation of a landfill gas collection system for a landfill gas remediation plan in accordance with § 330.371 of this title (relating to Landfill Gas Management);
(4) changes to groundwater monitor well depth or design that are consistent with the groundwater characterization and approved monitoring system design, and that improve the effectiveness of the system in detecting contamination. Changes to the groundwater monitoring system resulting from a change in the groundwater characterization, must be requested as an amendment under § 305.62 of this title;
(5) changes to decrease sampling frequency (e.g., for groundwater and landfill gas monitoring systems);
(6) changes to a site layout plan that relocate a liquid waste solidification facility or a petroleum-contaminated soil stabilization area;
(7) changes to the facility legal description due to the addition of property for purposes of increasing the buffer zone as defined in § 330.3 of this title;
(8) changes to the excavation plan with no increase in the landfill's maximum permitted elevation, depth or permitted capacity and which do not alter the effectiveness of the groundwater monitoring system;
(9) changes to the approved final contours and approved final slopes with no height or capacity increase over the maximum permitted height or capacity, with no impact to off-site drainage;
(10) changes to include an alternative final cover design in accordance with § 330.457(d) of this title (relating to Closure Requirements for Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Units that Receive Waste on or after October 9, 1993);
(11) installation of a new leachate collection system not authorized in the existing permit;
(12) changes to post-closure use of a landfill in accordance with § 330.957 of this title (relating to Contents of the Development Permit and Workplan Application) during the post-closure care period;
(13) name changes or transfers of municipal solid waste permits or registrations in accordance with § 305.64 of this title (relating to Transfer of Permits) must be processed as permit or registration modification and require public notice after issuance. The mailing procedures of this subsection shall be followed. Mailing procedures shall be completed after the transfer is approved and within 20 days following the approval.
(l) In case of an application for a permit or registration modification for a change not listed in subsection (j) or (k) of this section, the executive director shall make a determination as to whether the change is eligible to be processed as a permit or registration modification and if the change requires public notice in accordance with subsection (i) of this section. In making this determination, the executive director shall consider if the requested change meets the criteria in subsections (d) and (e) of this section. Public notice shall be reserved for modification applications of similar impact as modifications listed in subsection (k) of this section.
(m) The applicant, public interest counsel, or other person may file with the chief clerk a motion to overturn the executive director's action on a modification application in accordance with § 50.139 of this title (relating to Motion to Overturn Executive Director's Decision).

30 Tex. Admin. Code § 305.70

The provisions of this §305.70 adopted to be effective December 30, 2001, 26 TexReg 10993; amended to be effective May 29, 2008, 33 TexReg 4157; Amended by Texas Register, Volume 45, Number 19, May 8, 2020, TexReg 3111, eff. 5/14/2020