30 Tex. Admin. Code § 293.59

Current through Reg. 49, No. 42; October 18, 2024
Section 293.59 - Economic Feasibility of Project
(a) In addition to determining the engineering feasibility of a project, the commission shall also determine the economic feasibility of each proposed bond issue, bond amendment, and extension of time application for a bond issue. The staff of the commission shall use the following sections in making economic feasibility analysis. In its written recommendations to the commission, which analyze the particular application, the staff shall always address the economic feasibility.
(b) Economic feasibility is the determination of whether the land values, existing improvements, and projected improvements in the district will be sufficient to support a reasonable tax rate for debt service payments for existing and proposed bond indebtedness while maintaining competitive utility rates. Utility rates that do not exceed the rates of the largest city in the geographic area in which the district is located are conclusively deemed to be competitive. Economic feasibility is influenced by many factors and varies widely depending on economic conditions, the real estate market, the number of competing projects, and geographic location.
(c) Projected debt service tax rate is the tax rate required to meet the projected annual debt service requirement using projected assessed valuations and an appropriate tax collection rate. The projected annual debt service requirement shall include the previous and proposed debt. The projected debt service tax rate for any bond issue shall be shown in the cash flow table as a level or decreasing tax rate.
(d) No-growth debt service tax rate is the tax rate required to meet projected annual debt service requirements using the current assessed value and a 100% tax collection rate. The current value is determined by either:
(1) the most recent certificate of assessed valuation from the central appraisal district; or
(2) a certificate of estimated assessed valuation from the central appraisal district. Projected annual debt service requirements shall include the previous and proposed debt. The no-growth debt service tax rate for any bond issue shall be shown on the cash flow table as a level or decreasing tax rate.
(e) Combined no-growth tax rate is the sum of the following:
(1) no-growth debt service tax rate of the district;
(2) projected no-growth debt service tax rate of all overlapping entities specifically attributable to water, wastewater, drainage, or recreational facilities that are smaller in size than a county, and for roads if the entity is a road district or road utility district smaller in size than a county commissioner's precinct. (In other words, for road districts or road utility districts that are as large as one county commissioner's precinct, the road district tax is not counted.);
(3) an equivalent surcharge tax rate for water and wastewater surcharge, if any;
(4) city tax rate specifically attributable to water, sewage, drainage, and recreational facilities if the district is located within a city;
(5) current or proposed district or overlapping maintenance tax levy, if any;
(6) contract tax, if any; and
(7) less any equivalent tax rebate or other payments.
(f) Combined projected tax rate is the sum of the following:
(1) projected debt service tax rate of the district;
(2) projected debt service tax rate of all overlapping entities specifically attributable to water, wastewater, drainage, recreational facilities, and for roads if the entity is a road district or road utility district smaller in size than a county commissioner's precinct;
(3) an equivalent surcharge tax rate for water and wastewater surcharge, if any;
(4) city tax rate specifically attributable to water, sewage, drainage, and recreational facilities if the district is located within a city;
(5) current or proposed district or overlapping maintenance tax levy, if any;
(6) contract tax, if any; and
(7) less any equivalent tax rebate or other payment.
(g) A surcharge is a flat charge in addition to rates imposed on residents receiving water and/or wastewater service from resources of a city or other entity and supplied through district facilities. Surcharge revenues are placed in the district's debt service fund and are intended to be used to meet the debt service requirement on the district's bonds.
(h) For districts collecting surcharge revenues, the equivalent surcharge tax rate shall be calculated as follows.
(1) For residential development with similar house prices:

Attached Graphic

(2) For mixed-use development and diverse house prices:

Attached Graphic

(3) For purposes of this calculation, no adjustments shall be made for projected collection rate of the surcharge, interest earnings on the surcharge account, or other factors.
(i) For districts receiving a rebate for taxes paid to a city or other entity for water, wastewater, drainage, recreational, or road service, the equivalent tax rebate shall be calculated as follows:

Attached Graphic

(j) The assessed value is the appraised value after considering exemptions and special valuations and is the amount to which the tax rate is applied to determine the total tax levy.
(k) For a district's first bond issue, the following paragraphs apply except that paragraphs (5), (6), (8), and (10) of this subsection are only applicable to a district that has a developer as defined by Texas Water Code (TWC), §49.052(d).
(1) The district shall provide the current and projected tax rates of all entities levying or proposing to levy taxes on land within the district and a comparison of such taxes with the total tax levy on all competing projects in the same market area, as defined in the market study, if applicable, shall be provided.
(2) A cash flow analysis to determine the projected debt service revenue and projected tax rate shall be provided. It should include the following assumptions.
(A) Each ending debt service balance in the cash flow analysis will be not less than 25% of the following year's debt service requirement.
(B) Interest income will only be shown on the ending debt service balance for the first two years.
(C) A 90% tax collection rate shall be used in all the projected tax rate calculations and a 100% tax collection rate shall be used in the no-growth tax rate calculations.
(D) The projected tax rate shall be level or decreasing for the life of the bonds.
(3) The combined projected tax rate must not exceed the following:
(A) $1.50 in Chambers, Harris, Galveston, Montgomery, Fort Bend, Waller, and Brazoria Counties;
(B) $1.20 in Dallas, Denton, Collin, Tarrant, Travis, Hays, Williamson, Comal, and Guadalupe Counties; or
(C) $1.00 in all other counties.
(4) The combined no-growth tax rate must not exceed the following:
(A) $2.50 in Chambers, Harris, Galveston, Montgomery, Fort Bend, Waller, and Brazoria Counties;
(B) $2.20 in Dallas, Denton, Collin, Tarrant, Travis, Hays, Williamson, Comal, and Guadalupe Counties; or
(C) $2.00 for all other counties.
(5) The following apply to the central appraisal district certificate.
(A) If the valuations contained in the certificate of certified assessed valuation are at least 25% higher than those contained in the previous year's certified valuation, a written explanation from the district of such increase and a detailed calculation demonstrating how the value was derived shall be provided.
(B) In determining the projected or no-growth tax rates, a certificate of estimated assessed valuation may be used under the following conditions:
(i) the developer or landowner to receive bond proceeds shall certify, represent, and agree that it will not challenge and attempt to reduce its valuations below the values shown on the certificate for the life of the bonds;
(ii) if the valuation contained in the certificate of estimated taxable valuation is at least 25% higher than that contained in the most recent certified valuation, a written explanation from the district of such increase shall be provided;
(iii) if the estimated taxable valuation results in an exemption from § 293.47 of this title (relating to Thirty Percent of District Construction Costs To Be Paid by Developer) and the final certificate of taxable value is not sufficient for an exemption from that section, the developer will be obligated to refund to the district the difference in the bond issue requirement without developer contribution and with developer contribution plus interest at the bond interest rate to the district; and
(iv) developed land values will not be used in the commission's analysis for lots that do not have completed water, wastewater, and drainage facilities and roads constructed to county or city standards, as applicable, at the time of development.
(6) At the time of commission approval, the following shall apply:
(A) all underground water, wastewater, and drainage facilities to be financed with proceeds from the proposed bond issue or necessary to serve the projected build-out used to support the feasibility of the subject bond issue, shall be at least 95% complete as certified by the district's engineer;
(B) all groundwater, surface water, waste discharge permits, or other permits needed to secure capacity to support the projected build-out shall have been obtained;
(C) sufficient lift station, water plant, and sewage treatment plant capacity, as applicable depending on the type of district, to serve the connections projected for a period of not less than 18 months shall be either 95% complete as certified by the district's engineer or available in existing plants in accordance with executed contracts for capacity in plant(s) owned by other entities (but in no event less than 50,000 gallons per day water plant and sewage treatment plant capacity);
(D) water supply, lift station, and wastewater treatment capacity needed to support the projected build-out used to support the feasibility of the subject bond application must be existing or funds for that capacity must be included in the bond issue or secured by a letter of credit or other acceptable guarantees approved by the executive director; and
(E) all street and road construction to provide access to the areas provided with utilities to be financed with proceeds from the proposed bond issue, or necessary to serve the projected build-out used to support the feasibility of the subject bond issue, must be 95% complete as certified by the district's engineer. All streets and roads shall be constructed in accordance with city or county standards, as appropriate.
(7) At least 25% of the projected value of houses, buildings, and/or other improvements shown in the projected tax rate calculations must be completed prior to advertising for the bond issue. The projections used to satisfy this section shall also be used in the calculations required by paragraphs (2) and (3) of this subsection.
(8) For bonds supported by taxes, a written agreement must be executed between the district and the developer and any other landowner and their respective lenders receiving proceeds of the bonds that permanently waives the right to claim agricultural, open-space, timberland, or inventory valuation for any land, homes, or buildings that they own in the district with respect to taxation by the district. The agreement shall be binding for 30 years on such developer, other landowners, their respective lenders, any related or affiliated entities, and their successors and assignees, unless such exemptions were in effect at the time of the commission's approval of the bond issue and such exemptions were shown in the projected tax rate calculations. Such developer, landowners, and lenders shall record covenants running with the land to such effect, which shall not be modified or released without written authorization of the commission, and shall provide recorded copies to the commission at the time of filing a bond application. If written agreements by owners of developable property who are not receiving bond proceeds are not voluntarily provided, and the ratio of the assessed valuation of their property to the district's total certified assessed valuation exceeds 10% for any individual or 20% for all combined, the feasibility analysis of the bond issue will be based on a reduced value for such property if not already on the tax rolls at a minimal value.
(9) One or more of the requirements in paragraphs (1) - (8) of this subsection may be waived for good cause by commission order if all of the facilities proposed under a bond issue application are essential because of valid orders, permits, or actions against the district by a governmental agency or court. If only a portion of the bond issue is for facilities essential because of valid orders, permits, or actions against the district by a governmental agency or court and if a waiver of any of the requirements is requested, all nonessential projects may be deleted from the bond issue if not feasible under the other provisions of these rules.
(10) A current market study is required for districts using growth projections to support the feasibility of the bond issue. The market study will meet the guidelines set out in the Bond Application Report Format. The market study provided will specifically address the projected building program for the three years subsequent to filing of the bond application and the period of projected build-out shown in the bond application and the competing projects in the surrounding market area. The study must contain a detailed description of the proposed development and the houses, buildings, and other improvements that are proposed.
(11) Requirements of paragraph (6)(A), (C), and (E) of this subsection, and the requirements of paragraph (7) of this subsection shall not apply in the following cases where:
(A) the no-growth tax rate for a district containing 2,000 acres or more providing only drainage facilities does not exceed $1.30; the no-growth tax rate of a district providing major water and sewage facilities that it finances by the issuance of its bonds to an area containing 2,000 acres or more does not exceed $1.30, and the combined no-growth tax rate does not exceed $2.00; and, the developer has completed a substantial amount of major thoroughfare or other infrastructure to serve the district;
(B) the district has an acceptable credit rating as defined in § 293.47(b)(4) of this title or a credit enhanced rating as defined in paragraph (5) of this subsection; or
(C) the district is providing water, wastewater, and drainage facilities and the combined no-growth tax rate of all overlapping entities specifically attributable to water, sewage, drainage, recreational facilities, and roads if the entity is a special district encompassing less than one county commissioner's precinct, if any, does not exceed the following:
(i) $1.50 in Chambers, Harris, Galveston, Montgomery, Fort Bend, Waller, and Brazoria Counties;
(ii) $1.20 in Dallas, Denton, Collin, Tarrant, Travis, Hays, Williamson, Comal, and Guadalupe Counties; or
(iii) $1.00 in all other counties.
(D) for the exceptions in subparagraph (A) or (C) of this paragraph, the developer shall provide a guarantee for its 30% share of utilities, if required under § 293.47 of this title, in the form and manner required by § 293.47(g) of this title;
(E) for utilities that are not funded and not complete but necessary to support the feasibility of the bond issue, the developer shall provide a guarantee for 100% of utilities for the exceptions in subparagraphs (A), (B), or (C) of this paragraph in the form and manner required by § 293.47(g) of this title;
(F) for the exceptions in subparagraph (B) or (C) of this paragraph, the developer shall provide a paving guarantee under § 293.48 of this title (relating to Street and Utilities Construction by Developer); or
(G) for the exceptions in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, financial guarantees for the internal subdivision utilities and streets are not required.
(l) For a district's second and subsequent bond issues, subsection (k) of this section shall apply, and the following shall apply except that only paragraph (1) of this subsection applies to districts that do not have a developer as defined by TWC, §49.052(d), or to districts that meet the criteria set out in subsection (k)(11) of this section.
(1) A 90% tax collection rate shall be used in the projected tax rate calculations unless the district demonstrates that its historical collection rate is higher, and a 100% tax collection rate shall be used in the no-growth tax rate calculations.
(2) The water, wastewater, and drainage facilities financed by the district under previous bond issues and all road and street construction to serve such connections shall be at least 95% complete as certified by the district's engineer.
(3) Sufficient lift station, water plant, and sewage treatment plant capacity to serve the connections shown in the tax rate calculations submitted in prior bond issues shall be at least 95% complete as certified by the district's engineer, unless the district is a participant in a regional surface water or wastewater plant, a permit sufficient for the expansion has been issued, and either:
(A) funds are available to finance such capacity and any additional capacity necessary for a feasible expansion;
(B) sufficient capacity is contractually available to serve all such prior connections; or
(C) the plant is under construction with sufficient capacity to serve all such prior connections.
(4) Houses and/or buildings equal to 75% of the projected buildout used in the projected tax rate calculations contained in all prior bond issues shall be completed and may be located on either:
(A) the area developed from the proceeds of the prior bond issues; or
(B) a combination of the area developed from the proceeds of prior bond issues, the proposed bond issue, and future bond issues.
(5) The requirements of subsection (k)(10) of this section shall apply, unless the district requests and the commission, in its discretion waives such requirement for one of the following reasons:
(A) disregarding those areas that had growth projected and were financed in previous bond issues, at least 50% of the value of the houses and/or buildings shown in the build-out schedule and used in the projected tax rate calculations supporting the subject bond issue must be existing;
(B) the district anticipates receiving an acceptable credit rating as defined in § 293.47(b)(4) of this title or a credit enhanced rating as defined in § 293.47(b)(5) of this title, and such rating must be obtained prior to the sale of bonds; or
(C) the district has a ratio of debt to assessed valuation as provided in § 293.47(a)(1) of this title.
(m) Bond issues supported only by revenue from a defined area must be analyzed to assure that the defined area meets the requirements of this section independently of the remainder of the issuing district.
(n) A district may request a variance if it does not meet the guidelines contained in subsections (k) and (l) of this section, and a majority of the district's board of directors finds by resolution that the district would be justified in requesting a variance. The district will be responsible for providing sufficient documentation to justify any request for a variance. The commission will only grant variances in exceptional cases and may deny any request for a variance. The commission shall not grant a variance to the maximum combined projected tax rate or the maximum combined no-growth tax rate specified in subsection (k) of this section for districts that have a developer and the district is financing 100% of construction costs under the criteria set out in § 293.47(a) of this title, which would otherwise require 30% developer participation. In determining whether to grant a variance, the following factors shall be considered:
(1) the degree of variation from the guidelines;
(2) the past history of the district with respect to its projections versus actual build-out and compliance with commission rules;
(3) the past history of the developer and related or affiliated entities with respect to its projections versus actual build-out and its compliance with commission rules and agreements with the district and other districts in which it developed land;
(4) other factors peculiar to the district, such as the area in which situated, economic factors, the adjoining competitive developments, and their status;
(5) the financial resources of the developer and its lender and any special commitments, obligations, or expenditures for the project;
(6) past history of the market area in which the project is located; and
(7) other factors that may affect the feasibility of the project.

30 Tex. Admin. Code § 293.59

The provisions of this §293.59 adopted to be effective August 9, 1989, 14 TexReg 3572; amended to be effective June 30, 1993, 18 TexReg 3758; amended to be effective April 15, 1994, 19 TexReg 2301; amended to be effective October 22, 1996, 21 TexReg 9905; amended to be effective September 14, 2000, 25 TexReg 8955; amended to be effective October 6, 2002, 27 TexReg 9365; amended to be effective May 5, 2005, 30 TexReg 2533; Amended by Texas Register, Volume 48, Number 12, March 24, 2023, TexReg 1641, eff. 4/2/2023