30 Tex. Admin. Code § 293.18

Current through Reg. 49, No. 42; October 18, 2024
Section 293.18 - Creation of a Groundwater Conservation District in a Groundwater Management Area
(a) Groundwater conservation district creation landowner submittal. An original and one copy of the complete groundwater conservation district (GCD) creation submittal shall be filed with the executive director on behalf of a group of landowners as provided in subsection (b) of this section and shall contain a petition as described in subsection (b) of this section, supporting information as described in subsection (c) of this section, the name and address of a representative designated by the group of landowners for contact purposes, and a $700 non-refundable submittal fee at the time the petition is filed.
(b) Groundwater conservation district petition. A complete district creation petition must be signed by the majority of the landowners in the proposed district or, if there are more than 50 landowners, at least 50 of those landowners. A complete petition must include the following:
(1) the name of the proposed GCD;
(2) the area and boundaries of the proposed district, including a map generally outlining the boundaries of the proposed district;
(3) the purpose or purposes of the proposed district;
(4) if any proposed projects are to be funded by the issuance of bonds or notes, a statement of the general nature of the projects proposed to be undertaken by the proposed district, the necessity and feasibility of the work, and the estimated cost of those projects according to the petitioners;
(5) the names of at least five individuals qualified to serve as temporary directors; and
(6) financial information, including the projected maintenance tax or production fee rate and a proposed budget of revenues and expenses for the proposed district.
(c) Supporting information. As part of the GCD creation submittal, the petitioners must include the following information.
(1) The petitioners must submit the following information about the area and boundaries of the proposed district:
(A) a metes and bounds description of the proposed boundaries of the proposed district if those boundaries differ from a political subdivision boundary which existed on the date the petition was submitted;
(B) a vicinity map outlining the boundaries of the proposed district which is 22 inches by 36 inches in size at a minimum, or in a digital data electronic format showing as appropriate the location of municipalities, highways, roads, surface water features, and other water districts, together with the areal extent of groundwater aquifers, and showing the location of recharge (i.e., outcrops of aquifer units, karst features, etc.) and Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) located discharge (i.e., seeps, springs, etc.) features identified with state well number, the downdip limits of usable quality groundwater, and any other information the petitioners believe is pertinent to the creation of the proposed district; and
(C) an evaluation and description of how the boundaries of the proposed district will provide for effective management of the groundwater resources within the proposed district and in the GMA.
(2) If the petitioners propose projects that are to be funded by the issuance of bonds or notes, the petitioners must submit an evaluation of the general nature of the proposed projects to be undertaken by the district, the necessity and feasibility of the work, and the estimated cost of those projects according to the petitioners.
(3) The petitioners must submit affidavits from the individuals named in the petition under subsection (b)(5) of this section, establishing that these individuals are qualified to serve as temporary directors according to Texas Water Code (TWC), §§ 36.051(b), 36.058, and 36.059(b).
(4) The petitioners must submit financial information that includes the projected maintenance tax rate or production fee rate and a proposed budget of revenues and expenses for the proposed district, and a listing of current tax assessments within the boundaries of the proposed district.
(A) If the petitioners propose to finance the district through maintenance taxes, the petitioners must provide a certification by the central appraisal district(s) within the proposed district which indicates the total tax valuation of all land within the proposed district, as reflected on the current county tax rolls. The petitioners must evaluate the projected maintenance tax rate for the proposed district with the total tax valuation and describe how this revenue source will support the proposed budget of expenses.
(B) If the petitioners propose to finance the district through well production fees, the petitioners must provide the estimated non-exempt groundwater usage, by type, for the proposed district. The petitioners must evaluate the projected production fee rate for the proposed district with the total non-exempt groundwater usage, by type, and describe how this revenue source will support the proposed budget of expenses.
(5) The petitioners must provide a certification by the central appraisal district(s) within the proposed district which indicates that the petitioners are landowners within the proposed district on the date the petition is submitted.
(A) If the tax rolls do not show the petitioners to be the majority of the landowners within the proposed district, then the petitioners shall submit to the executive director a certified copy of the deed(s) tracing title from the person(s) listed on the county tax rolls to establish that the petitioners comprise the majority of the landowners or that at least 50 of the petitioners are landowners in the proposed district.
(B) The executive director may request any additional information to accurately show the ownership of the land to be included in the proposed district.
(6) The petitioners must provide one contact person for all correspondence from the executive director regarding the petition.
(7) The petitioners must provide a signed statement by the appropriate county clerk or city secretary that a copy of the petition for creation of the proposed district was received by each county in whole or in part within the proposed district and by each city in whose corporate limits any part of the proposed district is located.
(8) Concurrent with filing the petition and supporting information with the executive director, the petitioners shall make a copy or copies of the petition and supporting information available for public inspection during regular business hours at a centralized location or locations in each county in whole or in part within the proposed district. The petitioners must provide the address and contact information for each location where the petition and supporting information have been made available for public inspection.
(9) The executive director may request any other related information as needed to process the district creation petition.
(d) Petition review. The executive director's review of a petition for the creation of a GCD shall be governed by this subsection.
(1) Within 20 working days of receipt, the executive director shall assign the petition a number and determine if the submittal complies with the requirements in subsection (a) of this section.
(A) If a submittal is not complete, the executive director shall notify the petition contact person of the deficiencies of the submittal via certified mail postmarked no later than 20 working days after the submittal was received.
(B) If the petitioners submit additional information within 20 working days of the date of the notice of deficiencies, the executive director shall evaluate the information within 15 working days and, where applicable, shall determine if the submittal complies with subsection (a) of this section.
(C) If the petitioners do not submit the required information within 20 working days of the date of the notice of deficiencies, the executive director shall return the incomplete submittal to the petitioners, and the submittal fee is forfeited.
(2) If a petition proposes the creation of a GCD in an area, in whole or in part, that has not been designated as a GMA, the executive director shall provide notice to the petitioners and to the executive administrator of the TWDB. The commission may not certify the petition until the TWDB has adopted a rule designating a GMA that is coterminous with or includes the boundaries of the proposed district.
(e) Notice and public meeting.
(1) If the executive director determines that the submittal is complete, the executive director shall prepare a public notice for publishing or mailing. The public notice shall:
(A) state that the commission has received a complete submittal for the proposed creation of a GCD;
(B) provide notice of the date, time, and location of a public meeting to receive comments on the petition to create the district;
(C) provide notice of availability of the petition and supporting information as established by the petitioners under subsection (c)(8) of this section and at any other location deemed appropriate by the executive director; and
(D) provide a general map of the proposed district if the area is not a recognizable political subdivision boundary.
(2) The executive director shall notify the chief clerk that the submittal is complete and shall forward the draft public notice and a mailing list of water stakeholders to the chief clerk. The water stakeholders shall include the governing body of each county, regional water planning group, adjacent GCD, municipality, river authority, water district, or other entity that supplies public drinking water, including each holder of a certificate of convenience and necessity issued by the commission and each irrigation district located either in whole or in part in the proposed district.
(3) The chief clerk shall mail the notice to the water stakeholders indicating that the petition for the creation of a GCD has been received.
(4) The chief clerk shall mail the notice to the petitioners with instructions for publishing the notice.
(5) The petitioners shall publish notice once a week for two consecutive weeks in one or more newspapers of general circulation in the area of the proposed district. The last publication shall be no later than 30 days before the public meeting. The petitioners must provide proof of publication by publishers affidavit to the chief clerk no later than one week prior to the public meeting.
(6) The petitioners shall post the notice on the bulletin board used for posting legal notices in each county in which all or part of the proposed district is located no later than ten days before the public meeting. The petitioners must provide proof of the posting to the chief clerk no later than one week prior to the public meeting.
(7) The commission or the executive director shall conduct the public meeting on the petition in a central location within the area of the proposed district. The public meeting shall be held no later than 60 days after the date the chief clerk mailed notice to the petitioners.
(f) Executive director actions. Following the public meeting, the executive director shall file recommendations regarding certification of the petition and the appointment of temporary directors with the chief clerk. The executive director shall summarize the public meeting comments and make a recommendation to the commission on whether the petition is administratively complete and should be certified.
(g) Commission actions. Not later than 90 days after the date of the public meeting, the commission shall certify the petition as administratively complete. A petition is administratively complete if it complies with the requirements of TWC, §36.013(b) and (c), and subsection (a) of this section.
(1) If the commission certifies the petition as administratively complete, the commission shall issue an order stating that the petition is administratively complete, creating the district, and appointing the temporary directors named in the petition.
(2) The commission shall appoint temporary directors according to §§ 293.31- 293.35 of this title (relating to Appointment of Directors; Qualifications of Directors; Commission Appointment of Directors to Fill Vacancies; Form of Affidavit for Appointment as Director; and Reinstatement of a Board Member).
(A) If a temporary director appointed by the commission fails to qualify, or if a vacancy occurs in the office of temporary director, the commission shall appoint an individual to fill the vacancy.
(B) Temporary directors appointed under this paragraph serve until the initial directors are elected and have qualified for office or until the voters fail to approve creation of the district.
(3) The commission may not certify a petition if the commission finds that:
(A) the proposed district cannot be adequately funded to finance required or authorized groundwater management planning, regulatory, and district-operation functions under TWC, Chapter 36 based on the financial information provided by the petitioners; or
(B) the boundaries of the proposed district do not provide for the effective management of the groundwater resources.
(4) The commission may alter the boundaries if such boundaries would facilitate district creation and confirmation and may also alter boundaries to provide for more effective management of groundwater resources. The commission may give preference to boundaries that are coterminous with those of a GMA and may also consider boundaries along existing political subdivision boundaries.
(5) If the commission does not certify the petition, the executive director shall provide to the petitioners in writing the reasons for not certifying the petition. The petitioners may resubmit the petition, without paying an additional fee, if the petition is resubmitted within 90 days after the date the executive director provides the notice. The resubmitted petition will be treated as a new GCD creation submittal.

30 Tex. Admin. Code § 293.18

The provisions of this §293.18 adopted to be effective August 29, 2002, 27 TexReg 7942