Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 210.57 - Sampling and Record Keeping Requirements(a) Level I authorizations. No additional sampling or monitoring is required by the producer, user, or provider other than the requirements already established in this subchapter.(b) Level II authorizations. (1) Sampling. (A) The producer shall sample the reclaimed water after final treatment, if any, but before distribution to a provider or user and analyze such samples to assure that the water quality meets the limitations required by the authorization. The producer shall sample for the parameters listed in § 210.56(d) of this title (relating to Authorization Requirements) and any additional parameters required by the executive director in the authorization.(B) If any of the sample results exceed the limitations in the authorization, the producer may not use the wastewater, may not route the industrial wastewater to a user or provider, and shall use the means of disposal instead of reuse. The producer has the option to provide additional treatment to meet the limitations and, if the limitations are met, the water may be used as industrial reclaimed water.(C) Analytical methods for the analyses shall meet the requirements specified in Chapter 319 of this title (related to General Regulations Incorporated into Permits).(D) Monitoring samples and measurements shall be taken at times and in a manner so as to be representative of the monitored activity.(2) Recordkeeping requirements.(A) The producer shall maintain records of notifications made to the executive director under this subchapter concerning industrial reclaimed water use.(B) The producer shall maintain records of all monitoring activities. These records shall be readily available for inspection by the executive director for a minimum period of five years. Records of monitoring activities shall include: (i) date, time, and place of sample or measurement;(ii) identity of individual who collected the sample or made the measurement;(iv) identity of the individual and laboratory who performed the analysis;(v) the technique or method of analysis; and(vi) the results of the analysis or measurement.(C) The user shall maintain an operating log which records irrigation activities and shall be readily available for inspection by the executive director for a minimum period of five years. The operating log shall record irrigation activities which include: (i) the volume of industrial reclaimed water used for irrigation each day; and(ii) the actual surface area wetted each day.30 Tex. Admin. Code § 210.57
The provisions of this §210.57 adopted to be effective December 11, 2002, 27 TexReg 11611