Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 210.3 - DefinitionsThe following words and terms when used in this chapter shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
(1) Beneficial use--An economic use of wastewater in accordance with the purposes, applicable requirements, and quality criteria of this chapter, and which takes the place of potable and/or raw water that could otherwise be needed from another source. The use of reclaimed water in a quantity either less than or the economically optimal amount may be considered a beneficial use as long as it does not constitute a nuisance.(2) BOD5 --Five-day biochemical oxygen demand.(3) CBOD5 --Five-day carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand.(4) CFU--Colony forming units.(5) Domestic wastewater--Waste and wastewater from humans or household operations that are discharged to a wastewater collection system or otherwise enters a treatment works. Also, this includes waterborne human waste and waste from domestic activities such as washing, bathing, and food preparation, including greywater and blackwater, that is disposed in an on-site wastewater system as defined in Chapter 285 of this title (relating to On-Site Wastewater Treatment).(6) DRASTIC--A classification system for comparing land units on the basis of their vulnerability to ground-water pollution, a detailed description of which is found in Appendix 1 of this chapter. Attached Graphic
(7) Edwards Aquifer--That portion of an arcuate belt of porous, water bearing, predominantly carbonate rocks known as the Edwards and Associated Limestones in the Balcones Fault Zone trending from west to east to northeast in Kinney, Uvalde, Medina, Bexar, Comal, Hays, Travis, and Williamson counties; and composed of the Salmon Peak Limestone, McKnight Formation, West Nueces Formation, Devil's River Limestone, Person Formation, Kainer Formation, Edwards Formation, and Georgetown Formation. The permeable aquifer units generally overlie the less-permeable Glen Rose Formation to the south, overlie the less-permeable Comanche Peak and Walnut formations north of the Colorado River, and underlie the less-permeable Del Rio Clay regionally. (See Chapter 213 of this title (relating to Edwards Aquifer).)(8) Edwards Aquifer Recharge zone--Generally, that area where the stratigraphic units constituting the Edwards Aquifer crop out, and including the outcrops of other geologic formations in proximity to the Edwards Aquifer, where caves, sinkholes, faults, fractures, or other permeable features would create a potential for recharge of surface waters into the Edwards Aquifer. The recharge zone is identified as that area designated as such on official maps located in the offices of the commission and the Edwards Underground Water District. (See Chapter 213 of this title (relating to Edwards Aquifer).)(9) Food crop--Any crops intended for direct human consumption.(10) Initial holding pond--An impoundment which first receives reclaimed water from a producer at the quality levels established by this chapter, not including subsequent holding ponds.(11) Geometric mean--The nth root of the product of all measurements made in a particular period of time, for example in a month's time, where n equals the number of measurements made. In the alternative, the geometric mean can also be computed as the antilogarithm of the sum of the logarithm of each measurement made. Where any measurement using either computation method equals zero, it must be substituted with the value of one.(13) Landscape impoundment--Body of reclaimed water which is used for aesthetic enjoyment or which otherwise serves a function not intended to include contact recreation.(14) Leak detection system--A system or device designed, constructed, maintained, and operated with a pond that is capable of immediately detecting a release of leachate or reclaimed water that migrates through a liner. The system may typically include a leachate collection system along with either leak detection sensors or view ports.(15) Municipal wastewater--Waste or wastewater discharged into a publicly owned or a privately owned sewerage treatment works primarily consisting of domestic waste.(16) mg/l--Milligram per liter.(17) NTU--Nephelometric turbidity units.(18) Nuisance--Any distribution, storage, or use of reclaimed water, in such concentration and of such duration that is or may tend to be injurious to or which adversely affects human health or welfare, animal life, vegetation, or property, or which interferes with the normal use and enjoyment of animal life, vegetation, or property.(19) On-channel pond--An impoundment wholly or partially within a definite channel of a stream in which water flows within a defined bed and banks, originating from a definite source or sources. The water may flow continuously or intermittently, and if intermittently, with some degree of regularity, dependent on the characteristics of the source or sources.(20) Permit or permitted--A written document issued by the commission or executive director in accordance with Chapter 305 of this title (relating to Consolidated Permits) which, by its conditions, may authorize the permittee to construct, install, modify, or operate, in accordance with stated limitations, a specified facility for waste discharge, including a wastewater discharge permit.(21) Pond system--Wastewater facility in which primary treatment followed by stabilization ponds are used for secondary treatment and in which the ponds have been designed and constructed in accordance with applicable design criteria. (See Chapter 317 of this title (relating to the Design Criteria for Sewerage Systems).)(22) Producer--A person or entity that produces reclaimed water by treating domestic wastewater or municipal wastewater, in accordance with a permit or other authorization of the Agency, to meet the quality criteria established in this chapter.(23) Provider--A person or entity that distributes reclaimed water to a user(s) of reclaimed water. For purposes of this chapter, the reclaimed water provider may also be a reclaimed water producer.(24) Reclaimed water--Domestic or municipal wastewater which has been treated to a quality suitable for a beneficial use, pursuant to the provisions of this chapter and other applicable rules and permits.(25) Restricted landscaped area--Land which has vegetative cover to which public access is controlled in some manner. Access may be controlled by either legal means (e.g. state or city ordinance) or controlled by some type of physical barrier (e.g., fence or wall). Example of such areas are: golf courses; cemeteries; roadway rights-of-way; median dividers.(26) Restricted recreational impoundment--Body of reclaimed water in which recreation is limited to fishing, boating and other non-contract recreational activities.(27) Single grab sample--An individual sample collected in less than 15 minutes.(28) Spray irrigation--Application of finely divided water droplets using artificial means.(29) Subsequent holding pond--A pond or impoundment which receives reclaimed water from an initial holding pond where the quality of the water changes after management in the initial holding pond, due to factors which may include:(A) the addition of water occurs such as contributions from surface water or ground water sources, but not including contributions of reclaimed water, domestic wastewater, or municipal wastewater;(B) some type of utilization of the reclaimed water for a beneficial use occurs; or(C) commingling of reclaimed water with surface water runoff where it occurs between storage in an initial holding pond and the subsequent holding pond.(30) Surface irrigation--Application of water by means other than spraying so that contact between the edible portion of any food crop and the irrigation water is prevented.(31) Type I reclaimed water use--Use of reclaimed water where contact between humans and the reclaimed water is likely.(32) Type II reclaimed water use--Use of reclaimed water where contact between humans and the reclaimed water is unlikely.(33) Unrestricted landscaped area--Land which has had its plant cover modified and access to which is uncontrolled. Examples of such areas are: parks; school yards; greenbelts; residences.(34) User--Person or entity utilizing reclaimed water for a beneficial use, in accordance with the requirements of this chapter. A reclaimed water user may also be a producer or a provider.30 Tex. Admin. Code § 210.3
The provisions of this §210.3 adopted to be effective February 12, 1997, 22 TexReg 1103