30 Tex. Admin. Code § 115.726

Current through Reg. 49, No. 25; June 21, 2024
Section 115.726 - Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements
(a) To satisfy the requirements of § 115.725 of this title (relating to Monitoring and Testing Requirements), the owner or operator of each affected flare or vent gas stream shall, as applicable:
(1) develop, implement, and follow a written quality assurance plan (QAP) for the monitoring requirements (including installation, calibration, operation, and maintenance of continuous emissions monitoring systems) of this division (relating to Vent Gas Control) for each flare monitored in accordance with § 115.725(d) of this title.
(A) The owner or operator shall maintain records on-site of the QAP and any revisions to the QAP.
(B) Upon written request by the executive director, the QAP required in this paragraph shall be submitted within 30 days for review. The executive director may specify revisions to the QAP;
(2) develop, implement, and follow a written test plan for flares and vent gas streams required to be tested in accordance with § 115.725(a) of this title. The owner or operator must submit written notification to the Houston regional office at least 45 days prior to conducting any flare and vent gas stream testing required by § 115.725(a) of this title to provide the commission opportunity to request a pretest meeting and observe the testing. The written notification must include, at a minimum, the following:
(A) the proposed test date; and
(B) the written test plan required by this paragraph.
(b) The owner or operator of a vent gas stream subject to the requirements of § 115.725(a) of this title shall comply with the following recordkeeping requirements as applicable:
(1) maintain records of all testing conducted in accordance with § 115.725(a) of this title to determine highly-reactive volatile organic compound (HRVOC) emission rates on a pounds-per-hour basis for each affected vent gas stream;
(2) maintain hourly records of the parameter monitoring in accordance with § 115.725(a)(1) or (2) of this title;
(3) maintain records of the monitoring plans required under § 115.725(a)(4) of this title;
(4) maintain hourly records of HRVOC emission rates on a pound-per-hour basis for each affected vent gas stream monitored in accordance with § 115.725(b)(1) of this title;
(5) maintain records of all continuous emissions monitoring system calibrations and cylinder gas audits performed in accordance with § 115.725(b)(1)(A) and (B) of this title;
(6) maintain records of all process information and calculations used to determine vent gas flow rate as specified in § 115.725(b)(1)(C) of this title; and
(7) maintain records of all process information, actual testing, process monitoring data, and calculations used to comply with § 115.725(a) of this title under the alternatives to the testing requirements in § 115.725(b)(2) of this title;
(c) The owner or operator of a pressure relief valve subject to the requirements of § 115.725(c) of this title shall comply with the following recordkeeping requirements:
(1) maintain records of the date, time, duration, volumetric flow rate, and speciated and total HRVOC emission rates on a pounds-per-hour basis for each pressure relief event;
(2) maintain hourly records of the parameter monitoring in accordance with § 115.725(c)(1) of this title;
(3) maintain records of all process information, monitored data, and calculations used to determine volumetric flow rate and HRVOC hourly emission data as specified in § 115.725(c)(2) of this title; and
(4) maintain records of the monitoring plans required under § 115.725(c)(3) of this title.
(d) The owner or operator of a flare at a site that is subject to § 115.722 of this title (relating to Site-wide Cap and Control Requirements) or the continuous monitoring requirements of § 115.725 of this title shall comply with the following recordkeeping requirements:
(1) maintain hourly records of the speciated and total HRVOC emission rates on a pounds-per-hour basis for each affected flare in order to demonstrate compliance with § 115.722 of this title;
(2) maintain records of all monitoring, testing, and calibrations performed in accordance with the provisions of § 115.725 of this title;
(3) maintain records on a weekly basis that detail all corrective actions made to the continuous monitoring systems during monitor downtimes, and any delay in corrective action taken by documenting the dates, reasons, and durations of such occurrences;
(4) maintain records of each one-hour block average calculated net heating value of the gas stream routed to the flare and each one-hour block average calculated exit velocity at the flare tip, determined in accordance with the provisions of § 115.725 of this title; and
(5) for flares subject to the monitoring requirements of § 115.725(e) of this title, maintain records of each loading activity including, but not limited to:
(A) the nominal size of vessel being loaded;
(B) the start time and the end time for each vessel loaded;
(C) any compounds loaded at a concentration greater than 1% by weight, in addition to the compounds at a concentration greater than 1% by weight loaded into the vessel immediately previous to the current loading operation, if the vessel being loaded is not clean;
(D) the quantity of material loaded;
(E) the loading rate in gallons per minute;
(F) the method of loading, such as submerged fill, bottom fill, or splash loading; and
(G) all process information, monitored data, and calculations used to determine volumetric flow rate and HRVOC hourly emission data;
(6) for flares used solely for the abatement of emissions from scheduled or unscheduled maintenance, startup, or shutdown activities in § 115.725(f) of this title, the owner or operator shall maintain records, including, but not limited to:
(A) the date, time, and duration for each flaring event;
(B) the volumetric flow rate, in standard cubic feet per minute, of the gas routed to the flare recorded in 15-minute block average periods, or portion thereof, for each flaring event; and
(C) all process information, monitored data, and calculations used to determine volumetric flow rate and HRVOC hourly emission data;
(7) for emergency flares subject to the requirements of § 115.725(g) of this title, maintain records including, but not limited to:
(A) the date, time, and duration for each flaring event;
(B) the volumetric flow rate, in standard cubic feet per minute, of the gas routed to the flare recorded in 15-minute block average periods, or portion thereof, for each flaring event;
(C) all process information, monitored data, and calculations used to determine net heating value, volumetric flow rate, and HRVOC hourly emission data;
(D) hourly records of the parameter monitoring in accordance with § 115.725(g)(2)(A) or (B) of this title; and
(E) records of the monitoring plans required under § 115.725(g)(2)(C) of this title;
(8) for flares subject to the requirements of § 115.725(h) or (i) of this title, maintain records including, but not limited to:
(A) the date, time, and duration for each flaring event;
(B) the volumetric flow rate, in standard cubic feet per minute, of the gas routed to the flare recorded in 15-minute block average periods, or portion thereof, for each flaring event; and
(C) all process information, monitored data, and calculations used to determine net heating value, volumetric flow rate, and HRVOC hourly emission data;
(9) for flares subject to the requirements of § 115.725(j) of this title, the owner or operator shall maintain records including, but not limited to:
(A) the volumetric flow rate, in standard cubic feet per minute, of the gas routed to the flare recorded in 15-minute block average periods, or portion thereof, for each flaring event;
(B) all process information, monitored data, and calculations used to determine net heating value and HRVOC hourly emission data; and
(C) hourly records of parameter monitoring, if alternative parameter monitoring is approved by the executive director as specified in § 115.725(j)(1)(A) of this title; and
(10) for flares considered to be multi-purpose flares, as specified in § 115.725(k) of this title, the owner or operator shall maintain all applicable records as required in paragraphs (5) - (7) of this subsection.
(e) Records for exemptions in §115.727(a) - (e) of this title (relating to Exemptions) shall include the following.
(1) The owner or operator of any site claiming exemption under § 115.727(a) of this title shall maintain records to document that each vent gas stream that is routed to a flare contains less than 5.0% by weight HRVOC at all times and each vent gas stream not routed to a flare does not exceed 100 parts per million by volume HRVOC at any time.
(2) The owner or operator of any flare claiming exemption under § 115.727(b) of this title shall maintain records that document that the HRVOC content of the gas stream that is routed to the flare does not exceed 5.0% by weight at any time.
(3) The owner or operator of any vent gas stream or flare claiming exemption under § 115.727 of this title shall comply with the following recordkeeping requirements:
(A) for vent gas streams, maintain records that demonstrate continuous compliance with the exemption criteria of § 115.727(c) of this title; or
(B) for flares, maintain records that demonstrate continuous compliance with the exemption criteria of § 115.727(d) of this title.
(f) The owner or operator claiming an exemption under § 115.727(e) of this title shall submit written notification to the executive director no later than December 31, 2005.
(g) The owner or operator of each site subject to § 115.722 of this title shall maintain daily records to demonstrate compliance with the tons per calendar year emissions limits specified in § 115.722(a) and (b) of this title, including:
(1) cooling tower emissions from cooling towers that are subject to Division 2 of this subchapter (relating to Cooling Tower Heat Exchange Systems); and
(2) all emissions from flares, vents, and pressure relief valves subject to the requirements of § 115.725 of this title.
(h) The owner or operator of each site subject to § 115.722 of this title shall maintain hourly records to demonstrate compliance with the one-hour block emissions limits specified in § 115.722(c) of this title, including:
(1) cooling tower emissions from cooling towers that are subject to Division 2 of this subchapter; and
(2) all emissions from flares, vents, and pressure relief valves subject to the requirements of § 115.725 of this title.
(i) The owner or operator shall maintain on-site, all records required in this division and other records as necessary to demonstrate continuous compliance and records of periodic measurements for at least five years and make them available for review upon request by authorized representatives of the executive director, United States Environmental Protection Agency, or any local air pollution control agency with jurisdiction.
(j) The owner or operator of an affected flare, vent gas stream, or pressure relief valve subject to the requirements of this division that is reclassified as to the applicable requirements of the division or the exemption status, shall comply with the following:
(1) for affected flares, vent gas streams, or pressure relief valves that become exempt from the requirements of this division, maintain records of the date that the exemption became applicable as well as the recordkeeping requirements of subsection (e) of this section; and
(2) for affected flares, vent gas streams, or pressure relief valves that are reclassified as to operational status and the applicable requirements of the division (i.e., a continuous operation flare monitored in accordance with § 115.725(d) of this title reclassified as an emergency flare and monitored according to § 115.725(g) of this title), maintain records of the date of change in operational status and reclassification.

30 Tex. Admin. Code § 115.726

The provisions of this §115.726 adopted to be effective January 17, 2003, 28 TexReg 113; amended to be effective November 13, 2003, 28 TexReg 9835; amended to be effective December 23, 2004, 29 TexReg 11623