30 Tex. Admin. Code § 115.245

Current through Reg. 49, No. 25; June 21, 2024
Section 115.245 - Testing Requirements

Prior to the decommissioning deadline of August 31, 2018, owners or operators of gasoline dispensing facilities that have not yet decommissioned Stage II vapor controls in compliance with the requirements of this division shall repair, replace, or retain Stage II vapor controls as follows.

(1) Within 30 days of installation, at least once every 36 months thereafter, and upon major system replacement or modification, Stage II vapor recovery systems must successfully meet the performance criteria proper to the system by successfully completing the following testing requirements using the test procedures as found in the commission's Vapor Recovery Test Procedures Handbook, (RG-399, November 2002).
(A) For balance and assist systems:
(i) the manifolding or interconnectivity of the vapor space must be consistent with the Executive Order or third-party certification requirements for the installed system (Texas test procedure TXP-101 or equivalent);
(ii) the sum of the vapor leaks in the system must not exceed acceptable limits for the system as defined in the pressure decay test (Texas test procedure TXP-102 or equivalent);
(iii) the maximum acceptable backpressure through a given vapor path must not exceed the limits as found in the backpressure/liquid blockage test applicable for the vapor path for the system (Texas test procedure TXP-103 or equivalent); and
(iv) the maximum gasoline flow rate through the nozzle must not exceed the limits found in the Executive Order or third-party certification for the system (Texas test procedure TXP-104 or equivalent).
(B) For bootless nozzle assist systems, the volume-to-liquid ratio (V/L ratio) or air-to-liquid ratio (A/L ratio) must be within acceptable limits (Texas test procedure TXP-106 or equivalent).
(C) Each system must meet minimum performance criteria specific to the individual system as defined in the CARB Executive Order or third-party certification. The criteria and test methods contained in the test procedures handbook specified in this paragraph must take precedence for applicable tests where performance criteria exist in both the Executive Order and the test procedures handbook; otherwise, the Executive Order specific criteria must take precedence.
(2) Verification of proper operation of the Stage II equipment must be performed in accordance with the test procedures referenced in this paragraph at least once every 12 months. The verification must include all functional tests that were required for the initial system test, except for TXP-101, Determination of Vapor Space Manifolding of Vapor Recovery Systems at Gasoline Dispensing Facilities, and TXP-103, Determination of Dynamic Pressure Performance (Dynamic Back-Pressure) of Vapor Recovery Systems at Gasoline Dispensing Facilities, which must be performed at least once every 36 months.
(3) The owner or operator, or his or her representative, shall provide written notification to the appropriate regional office and any local air pollution program with jurisdiction of the testing date and time and of whom will conduct the test. The notification must be received by the appropriate regional office and any local air pollution program with jurisdiction at least ten working days in advance of the test, and the notification must contain the information and be in the format as found in the test procedures handbook. Notification may take the form of a facsimile or telecopier transmission, as long as the facsimile is received by the appropriate regional office and any local air pollution program with jurisdiction at least ten working days prior to the test and it is followed up within two weeks of the transmission with a written notification. The owner or operator, or his or her representative, shall give at least 24-hour notification to the appropriate regional office and any local air pollution program with jurisdiction if a scheduled test is cancelled. In the event that the test cancellation is not anticipated prior to 24 hours before the scheduled test, the owner or operator, or his or her representative, shall notify the appropriate regional office and any local air pollution program with jurisdiction as soon in advance of the scheduled test as is practicable.
(4) Minor modifications of these test methods may only be used if they have been approved by the executive director.
(5) All required tests must be conducted either in the presence of a Texas Commission on Environmental Quality or local program inspector with jurisdiction, or by a person who is registered with the executive director to conduct Stage II vapor recovery tests. The requirement to be registered begins on November 15, 1993, or 60 days after the executive director has established the registry, whichever occurs later. The executive director may remove an individual from the registry of testers for any of the following causes:
(A) the executive director can demonstrate that the individual has failed to conduct the test(s) properly in at least three separate instances; or
(B) the individual falsifies test results for tests conducted to fulfill the requirements of this section.
(6) The owner or operator, or his or her representative, shall submit the results of all tests required by this section to the appropriate regional office and any local air pollution control program with jurisdiction within ten working days of the completion of the test(s) using the format specified in the test procedures handbook. For purposes of on-site recordkeeping, the Test Procedures Results Cover Sheet, properly completed with the summary of the testing, is acceptable. The detailed results from each test conducted along with a properly completed summary sheet, as provided for in the test procedures handbook, must be submitted to the appropriate regional office and any local air pollution control program with jurisdiction.

30 Tex. Admin. Code § 115.245

The provisions of this §115.245 adopted to be effective November 16, 1992, 17 TexReg 7782; amended to be effective December 3, 1993, 18 TexReg 8538; amended to be effective November 27, 2002, 27 TexReg 10935; amended to be effective April 13, 2005, 30 TexReg 2069; amended to be effective October 31, 2013, 38 TexReg 7453