Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 4.2804 - DefinitionsThe following words and terms, when used in this subchapter, have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
(1) AVR--Asset valuation reserve.(2) Actuarial opinion--The opinion of an appointed actuary regarding the adequacy of the reserves and related actuarial items based on an asset adequacy analysis in accordance with § 4.2806 of this title (relating to Statement of Actuarial Opinion Based on an Asset Adequacy Analysis) and with applicable Actuarial Standards of Practice.(3) Actuarial Standards Board--The board established by the American Academy of Actuaries to develop and promulgate standards of actuarial practice.(4) Annual statement--That financial statement as of December 31st of the preceding year required to be filed annually by the company with the Texas Department of Insurance.(5) Appointed actuary--A qualified actuary who is appointed or retained to prepare the statement of actuarial opinion required by this subchapter, either directly by or by the authority of the board of directors through an executive officer of the company other than the qualified actuary.(6) Asset adequacy analysis--An analysis that meets the standards and other requirements referred to in § 4.2805(c) of this title (relating to General Requirements).(7) Company--A life insurance company or reinsurer subject to the provisions of this subchapter including a stipulated premium insurance company insuring or assuming risk for coverages under Insurance Code § 884.307, concerning Issuance of Annuity Contract, or §884.402, concerning Additional Coverage.(8) IMR--Interest maintenance reserve.(9) Qualified actuary--An individual who: (A) is a member in good standing of the American Academy of Actuaries;(B) is qualified to sign statements of actuarial opinion for life and health insurance company annual statements in accordance with the American Academy of Actuaries qualification standards for actuaries signing such statements;(C) is familiar with the valuation requirements applicable to life and health insurance companies;(D) has not been found by the commissioner (or, if so found, has subsequently been reinstated as a qualified actuary), following appropriate notice and opportunity for hearing, to have: (i) violated any provision of, or any obligation imposed by, the Insurance Code or other law in the course of their dealings as a qualified actuary;(ii) been found guilty of fraudulent or dishonest practices;(iii) demonstrated their incompetency, lack of cooperation, or untrustworthiness to act as a qualified actuary;(iv) submitted to the commissioner during the past five years, under this subchapter, an actuarial opinion or memorandum that the commissioner rejected because it did not meet the provisions of this subchapter including standards set by the Actuarial Standards Board; or(v) resigned or been removed as an actuary within the past five years as a result of acts or omissions indicated in any adverse report on examination or as a result of failure to adhere to generally acceptable actuarial standards; and(E) has not failed to notify the commissioner of any action taken by any commissioner of any other state similar to that under subparagraph (D) of this paragraph.28 Tex. Admin. Code § 4.2804
Adopted by Texas Register, Volume 49, Number 03, January 19, 2024, TexReg 0263, eff. 1/24/2024