28 Tex. Admin. Code § 34.710

Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 34.710 - Certificates of Registration
(a) Required. Each person or organization, before engaging in business in this state as an independent fire protection sprinkler contractor on or for any fire protection sprinkler system, must obtain a certificate of registration from the state fire marshal. A registered firm may not subcontract with an unregistered firm to allow the unregistered firm as an independent contractor to perform any act of a fire protection sprinkler contractor.
(b) Business location. A specific business location must be maintained by each registered firm at a location that must be indicated on the certificate. The business location must be a physical address, not a mailing address or P.O. Box.
(c) Posting. Each certificate must be posted conspicuously for public view at the business location.
(d) Change of ownership.
(1) The total change of a firm's ownership invalidates the current certificate. To ensure continuance of the business, a new application for a new certificate should be submitted to the state fire marshal 14 days before the change.
(2) A partial change in a firm's ownership will require a revised certificate if it affects the firm's name, location, or mailing address.
(e) Change of corporate officers. Any change of corporate officers must be reported in writing to the state fire marshal within 14 days. This change does not require a revised certificate.
(f) Duplicate certificates. A duplicate certificate must be obtained from the state fire marshal to replace a lost or destroyed certificate. The certificate holder must submit written notification of the loss or destruction without delay, accompanied by the required fee.
(g) Revised certificates. The change of a firm's name, location, or mailing address requires a revised certificate. Within 14 days after the change requiring the revision the certificate holder must submit written notification of the necessary change, accompanied by the required fee.
(h) Nontransferable. A certificate is neither temporarily nor permanently transferable from one firm to another.
(i) Types.
(1) General--This certificate permits a fire protection sprinkler system contractor to conduct the planning, sales, installation, maintenance, or servicing of any fire protection sprinkler system or any part of such a system.
(2) Dwelling--This certificate permits the fire protection sprinkler system contractor to conduct the planning, sales, installation, maintenance, or servicing of a one- or two-family dwelling fire protection sprinkler system or any part of such a system.
(3) Underground Fire Main--This certificate permits a fire protection sprinkler system contractor to conduct the sales, installation, maintenance, or servicing, but not the planning, of an assembly of underground piping or conduits that conveys water with or without other agents, used as an integral part of any type of fire protection sprinkler system.

28 Tex. Admin. Code § 34.710

The provisions of this §34.710 adopted to be effective May 10, 1984, 9 TexReg 2380; amended to be effective April 14, 1989, 14 TexReg 1644; transferred effective September 1, 1991, as published in the Texas Register March 6, 1992, 17 TexReg 1745; amended to be effective August 26, 1996, 21 TexReg 7663; transferred effective September 1, 1997, as published in the Texas Register November 14, 1997, 22 TexReg 11091; amended to be effective April 1, 2006, 31 TexReg 1716; Amended by Texas Register, Volume 44, Number 34, August 23, 2019, TexReg 4485, eff. 8/29/2019