28 Tex. Admin. Code § 34.340

Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 34.340 - Inspection Fees For Requested Inspections
(a) The commissioner adopts by reference the Inspection Request Form for use to request a fire safety inspection by the State Fire Marshal's Office. This form is published by and available from the State Fire Marshal's Office.
(b) The amount of money a person requesting an inspection must pay to the department for a state fire marshal fire safety inspection is listed in paragraphs (1) - (7) of this subsection. If the building includes more than one building type as listed in paragraphs (1) - (7) of this subsection, then the requester must pay for the most expensive building type that the building includes, plus the amount of money specified in paragraph (8) of this subsection.
(1) Licensed adult or child day care facility or foster home--$75;
(2) Licensed nursing home, assisted living or board and care facility, or school--$100;
(3) Apartment building, hotel, motel, lodge, or rooming house--$150;
(4) Assembly occupancy, restaurant, or other commercial facility--$150;
(5) Industrial facility or warehouse--$200;
(6) Private prison or jail--$200;
(7) Other building not listed in paragraphs (1) - (6) of this subsection:
(A) less than 25,000 square feet--$100;
(B) 25,000 square feet to less than 100,000 square feet--$200; and
(C) 100,000 square feet or greater--$300.
(8) Each additional building after the first--$25.
(c) To obtain an inspection, a person requesting an inspection must submit the Inspection Request Form to the State Fire Marshal's Office. The form must be submitted as specified in the Inspection Request Form. All payments are nonrefundable.
(d) A person submitting an inspection request must pay the inspection fee by cashier's check or money order made payable to the Texas Department of Insurance at the time the Inspection Request Form is submitted to the state fire marshal.

28 Tex. Admin. Code § 34.340

The provisions of this §34.340 adopted to be effective November 8, 2012, 37 TexReg 8835