28 Tex. Admin. Code § 34.203

Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 34.203 - Review of Community Fire Ratings
(a) Submission. A filer must submit a proposed fire rating for a community to the State Fire Marshal's Office. A submission must contain:
(1) a recommended fire rating based on the filer's survey;
(2) justification for the recommended fire rating, consistent with the applicable fire suppression and mitigation grading schedule;
(3) identification of the fire suppression and mitigation grading schedule used to determine the fire rating;
(4) the primary contact information, including telephone and email, for the person completing the survey; and
(5) an explanation indicating why a community did not achieve a better rating, if applicable.
(b) Verification. After receiving a completed proposed fire rating, the State Fire Marshal's Office may review the proposed fire rating for compliance with the applicable fire suppression and mitigation grading schedule and with state laws and regulations.
(c) Requests for additional information. If the state fire marshal determines that the filer's submission is incomplete or otherwise deficient, the State Fire Marshal's Office may request additional information from the filer.
(d) Approval.
(1) The State Fire Marshal's Office will approve proposed fire ratings that are:
(A) consistent with the applicable fire suppression and mitigation grading schedule; and
(B) consistent with all applicable state laws and regulations.
(2) A proposed fire rating will be deemed approved 30 days after the date it is filed only if it meets the criteria in paragraph (1) of this subsection, and is not disapproved within that 30-day period, unless:
(A) the State Fire Marshal's Office provides notice of proposed disapproval of the fire rating during the 30-day period; or
(B) the filer agrees to extend the period.
(3) The time between the date the state fire marshal requests additional information from the filer and the date the state fire marshal receives the information requested is not included in the computation of the 30-day period in paragraph (2) of this subsection.
(e) Disapproval. If a proposed fire rating is not consistent with the applicable fire suppression and mitigation grading schedule and not compliant with applicable state laws and regulations, the State Fire Marshal's Office will:
(1) notify the filer of a proposed negative action no later than the fifth day before the date the State Fire Marshal's Office proposes to take the action; and
(2) disapprove the proposed fire rating and provide a written explanation of the reasons for the disapproval.
(f) Community notification. The State Fire Marshal's Office may notify an affected community of the proposed fire rating.
(g) Notification. The State Fire Marshal's Office will notify the filer of the final approval or disapproval of a fire rating. Notification will be in the form of a letter or electronic notification and will contain the effective date of the approval or disapproval.

28 Tex. Admin. Code § 34.203

Adopted by Texas Register, Volume 41, Number 23, June 3, 2016, TexReg 4037, eff. 6/6/2016