After the commissioner issues an HMO's certificate of authority, the HMO is required to file with the commissioner, either for approval before effect or for information only, any items specified in § 11.204 of this title (relating to Contents) that the HMO has deleted, amended, or revised as outlined in paragraphs (4) and (5) of this section and any items specified in § 11.302 of this title (relating to Service Area Expansion or Reduction Applications). These requirements include filing changes made necessary by federal or state law or regulations. All requirements in this section apply to both electronic and paper filings unless stated otherwise.
(1) Completeness and format of filings. (A) The department will not accept a filing for review until the filing is complete. An application to modify an approved application for a certificate of authority that requires the commissioner's approval under Insurance Code § 843.080 (concerning Modification or Amendment of Application Information) or Insurance Code Chapter 1271, Subchapter C, (concerning Commissioner Approval) is considered complete when all information required by this section; §11.302; and Chapter 11, Subchapter T, of this title (relating to Quality of Care) that is applicable and reasonably necessary for the department to make a final determination has been filed.(B) Unless otherwise required by this chapter or the Insurance Code, an HMO may submit a filing electronically through the NAIC's System for Electronic Rate and Form Filing or through any other method acceptable to the department.(C) Unless otherwise required by this chapter or the Insurance Code, paper filings must: (i) be submitted on 8-1/2- by 11-inch paper;(ii) not be submitted in bound booklets;(iv) be in typewritten, computer generated, or printer's proof format; and(v) except for maps, not contain any color highlighting unless accompanied by a clean copy without highlighting.(D) As provided in this section, an HMO may submit some filings as provided in § 7.201 of this title (relating to Forms Filings).(E) As provided in this section, an HMO may submit some filings as provided in § 11.203(a) of this title (relating to Revisions During Review Process).(2) Identifying form numbers required. Each item required to be filed by paragraphs (4) and (5) of this section must be identified by a printed unique form number, adequate to distinguish it from other items. The identifying form numbers must be composed of a total of no more than 40 letters, numbers, symbols, or spaces. (A) The identifying form number must appear in the lower left-hand corner of the page. In the case of a multiple-page document, the identifying form number must only appear on the lower left-hand corner of the first page, and page numbers should appear on subsequent pages.(B) If an item is to be replaced or revised after issuance of a certificate of authority, a new identifying form number must be assigned. (i) A change in address or phone number on a form will not require a new identifying form number.(ii) A new edition date added to the original identifying form number is an acceptable way of revising the number so that it is identifiable from any previously approved item; for example, if "G-100" was the originally approved number, then the revision may be numbered "G-100 12/79."(iii) Changing the case of the suffix is not considered to be a change in the number; for example, "ED" and "ed," or "REV" and "rev" are the same for form numbering purposes.(3) Attachments for filings. Filings required by paragraphs (4)(A) and (B) and (5)(A) and (B) of this section must be accompanied by the following: (A) an HMO certification and transmittal form for each new, revised, or replaced item;(B) the supporting documentation considered necessary by the commissioner to review the filing and, for filings submitted on paper, a cover letter which includes the following: (ii) form numbers that are being submitted; and(iii) a paragraph that describes the type of filing being submitted, along with any additional information that would aid in processing the filing, including the reasons for submitting the filing; and(C) the applicable filing fee as determined by § 7.1301 of this title (relating to Regulatory Fees), unless the filing is made electronically through the NAIC's System for Electronic Rate and Form Filing, in which case the fees should not be attached to the filing. For filings made electronically, the department will send an invoice for the fees, and the HMO must pay, as provided in § 7.1302 of this title (relating to Billing System).(4) Filings requiring approval. After issuance of a certificate of authority, each HMO must file with the commissioner, using the method specified below, a written request to implement or modify the following operations or documents and receive the commissioner's approval before putting the modifications into effect: (A) electronically through the NAIC's System for Electronic Rate and Form Filing: (i) evidence of coverage filings, as described in § 11.501 of this title (relating to Contents of the Evidence of Coverage);(ii) a description and a map of the service area, with key and scale, which must identify the county or counties or portions of counties to be served;(iii) the written description of health care plan terms and conditions made available to any current or prospective group contract holder and current or prospective enrollee of the HMO, including the member handbook for all plans other than Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) plans in compliance with the requirements of Insurance Code § 843.201 (concerning Disclosure of Information About Health Care Plan Terms) and § 11.1600 of this title (relating to Information to Prospective and Current Contract Holders and Enrollees); and(iv) any material change in the HMO's emergency care procedures;(B) on paper or electronically through the NAIC's System for Electronic Rate and Form Filing or any other method acceptable to the department: (i) any material change in network configuration; and(ii) if a material change in the network configuration results in the HMO's inability to comply with the network adequacy standards described in § 11.1607 of this title (relating to Accessibility and Availability Requirements), an access plan that complies with that section;(C) as provided in § 7.201 of this title: (i) the form of all contracts described in §11.204(14)(A), (C), (D), and (E) of this title, including any amendments to those contracts and prior notification of the cancellation of any management contracts in § 11.204(14)(E) of this title;(ii) the form of all contracts or subcontracts between affiliated physician and provider groups with the individual members of the groups providing health care services to the HMO's enrollees described in § 11.204(14)(B) of this title, including any amendments to those contracts;(iii) any new or revised loan agreements or amendments documenting loans made by the HMO to any affiliated person or to any medical or other health care physician or provider, whether providing services currently, previously, or potentially in the future; and any guarantees of any affiliated person's, physician's, or provider's obligations to any third party;(iv) any agreement by which an affiliate agrees to handle an HMO's investments under § 11.806 of this title (relating to Investment Management by Affiliate Corporation);(v) any change in the physical address of the books and records described in § 11.205 of this title (relating to Additional Documents to be Available for Review);(vi) any change to any of the requirements for guarantees under § 11.810 of this title (relating to Guarantee from a Sponsoring Organization);(vii) any insurance contracts or amendments, guarantees, or other protection against insolvency, including the stop-loss or reinsurance agreements, if changing the carrier or description of coverage, between the HMO and affiliates, as described in § 11.204(16) of this title; and(viii) modifications to any type of affiliate compensation arrangements, such as compensation based on fee-for-service arrangements, risk-sharing arrangements, or capitated risk arrangements, made to physicians and providers in exchange for the provision of, or the arrangement to provide health care services to, enrollees, including any financial incentives for physicians and providers;(D) as provided in § 11.203(a) of this title, a copy of any proposed amendment to basic organizational documents, bylaws, rules, or any similar document regulating the conduct of the internal affairs of the applicant and, if the approved amendment must be filed with the secretary of state, a certified copy of the amendment with the file mark of the secretary of state; and(E) as provided in Chapter 11, Subchapter B, of this title (relating to Name Application Procedure), any name or assumed name on a form, as specified in § 11.105 of this title (relating to Use of the Term "HMO," Service Marks, Trademarks, Assumed Name).(5) Filings for information. Material filed under this paragraph is not to be considered approved, but may be subject to review for compliance with Texas law and consistency with other HMO documents. Each item filed under this paragraph must be accompanied by a completed HMO certification and transmittal form in addition to those attachments required under paragraph (3) of this section. Within 30 days of the effective date, an HMO must file with the commissioner, for information, deletions and modifications to the following previously approved or filed operations and documents: (A) electronically through the NAIC's System for Electronic Rate and Form Filing: (i) the formula or method for calculating the schedule of charges as specified in Chapter 11, Subchapter H, of this title (relating to Schedule of Charges);(ii) any modification of drug coverage under Insurance Code § 1369.0541 (concerning Modification of Drug Coverage Under Plan); and(iii) the member handbook for CHIP plans, together with a certification from the HMO that the handbook has been approved by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission and a copy of the document approving the handbook;(B) on paper or electronically through the NAIC's System for Electronic Rate and Form Filing or any other method acceptable to the department: (i) a copy of the form of any new contract or subcontract or any substantive change to previously filed copies of forms of all contracts between the HMO and any physician or provider described in § 11.204(14)(B) of this title, and copies of forms of all contracts between the HMO and an insurer or group hospital service corporation to offer indemnity benefits, whether used with all contracts or on an individual basis. All copies of amended contracts must be marked to indicate revisions. In addition, the HMO must answer all questions listed on the HMO certification and transmittal form;(ii) a copy of the executed agreement between the HMO and any delegated entities and delegated networks as defined in § 11.2602 of this title (relating to Definitions); and(iii) any change in the quality assurance program, including the peer review program, as required by Insurance Code § 843.082(1) (concerning Requirements for Approval of Application) or §843.102 (concerning Health Maintenance Organization Quality Assurance), with descriptions of arrangements for sharing pertinent medical records between physicians and providers contracting or subcontracting under § 11.204(14)(B) of this title with the HMO and ensuring the records' confidentiality;(C) as provided in § 7.201 of this title, a copy of any notice of cancellation of fidelity bonds, new fidelity bonds, or amendments to fidelity bonds, for officers and employees, including notarized certification by the corporate secretary or corporate president that the material is true, accurate, and complete, as described in § 11.204(7) and (14)(D) of this title;(D) as provided in § 11.203(a) of this title:(i) a list of officers and directors and a biographical data sheet for each person listed on the officers and directors page under Insurance Code § 843.078(b) (concerning Contents of Application) and biographical data forms in §11.204(5)(A), (B), and (C) of this title; and(ii) any change of the certificate of authority for a domestic or foreign HMO, and, if a foreign HMO, a certified copy of the certificate of authority and power of attorney.(6) Approval period. Any modification for which the commissioner's approval is required may be considered approved, unless it is disapproved within 30 days from the date the filing is determined by the department to be complete. The commissioner may postpone the action for a period not to exceed 30 days, as necessary for proper consideration. The department will notify the HMO in writing if it postpones a decision on a modification.(7) Approval, disapproval, and pending. (A) Filings requiring approval under paragraph (4)(A)(i)- (iii) of this section will be approved or disapproved in writing within the period set forth in paragraph (6) of this section unless, before the department's issuance of notice of proposed negative action under § 1.704(a) of this title (relating to Summary Procedure; Notice), the HMO has been contacted by the department regarding corrections or additional information necessary for commissioner's approval, and files a written consent to waive the approval period with the department.(B) The department may waive the approval period on its receipt of the HMO's written consent.(C) The department may hold the filing in a pending status for a reasonable period, but not more than 15 calendar days after the date of the department's request.(D) If the HMO has not addressed the department's request for corrections or additional information within 15 calendar days, then the HMO may withdraw the filing before the end of the applicable review period, which is either the 30th day after filing or the 60th day after filing for an extended review period.28 Tex. Admin. Code § 11.301
The provisions of this §11.301 adopted to be effective January 1, 1980, 4 TexReg 4618; amended to be effective December 6, 1984, 9 TexReg 6010; amended to be effective February 21, 1985, 10 TexReg 465; amended to be effective July 15, 1986, 11 TexReg 3074; amended to be effective December 7, 1987, 12 TexReg 4415; amended to be effective August 17, 1992, 17 TexReg 5354; amended to be effective December 6, 1995, 20 TexReg 9697; amended to be effective April 1, 1996, 21 TexReg 2253; amended to be effective December 8, 1997, 22 TexReg 11684; amended to be effective November 2, 1998, 23 TexReg11347;amended to be effective June 1, 2003, 28 TexReg 3963; amended to be effective February 24, 2005, 30 TexReg 854; amended to be effective November 15, 2006, 31 TexReg 9298; Adopted by Texas Register, Volume 42, Number 16, April 21, 2017, TexReg 2227, eff. 8/1/2017