26 Tex. Admin. Code § 746.603

Current through Reg. 49, No. 25; June 21, 2024
Section 746.603 - What records must I have for children in my care and how long must I keep them?
(a) You must maintain the following records for each child enrolled in your child-care center:
(1) Child-care enrollment agreement specified in § 746.503 of Title 40 (relating to Must I provide parents with a copy of my operational policies?);
(2) Admission information specified in § 746.605 of Title 40 (relating to What admission information must I obtain for each child?);
(3) Statement of the child's health from a health-care professional;
(4) Immunization records;
(5) Tuberculosis screening and testing information, if required by your regional Texas Department of State Health Services or local health authority;
(6) Vision and hearing screening results, if applicable;
(7) Licensing Incident/Illness Report form, if applicable;
(8) A daily tracking system for when a child's care begins and ends as specified in § 746.631 of Title 40 (relating to Must I have a system for signing children in and out of my care?);
(9) Medication administration records, if applicable; and
(10) A copy of any health-care professional recommendations or orders for providing specialized medical assistance to the child. In some instances minimum standards allow for a deviation from a minimum standard with written documentation from a health-care professional. You must also maintain this written documentation in the child's record.
(b) These records must at a minimum be kept at the child-care center and must be available during hours of operation and for the following periods of time:
(1) Medication administration records for three months after administering the medication;
(2) Health-care professional recommendations or orders for three months after the health-care professional has indicated that the specialized medical assistance is no longer needed; and
(3) All other records noted in subsection (a) of this section for three months after the child's last day in care.

26 Tex. Admin. Code § 746.603

The provisions of this §746.603 adopted to be effective September 1, 2003, 28 TexReg 1402; amended to be effective March 1, 2012, 37 TexReg 928; amended to be effective April 15, 2017, 42 TexReg 1575; transferred effective March 9, 2018, as published in the Texas Register February 16, 2018, 43 TexReg 909