Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 565.3 - DefinitionsThe following words and terms, when used in this subchapter, have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
(1) Abuse--Considered to be:(C) verbal or emotional abuse.(2) Actively involved--Significant, ongoing, and supportive involvement with an applicant or individual by a person, as determined by the applicant's or individual's service planning team or program provider, based on the person's: (A) interactions with the applicant or individual;(B) availability to the applicant or individual for assistance or support when needed; and(C) knowledge of, sensitivity to, and advocacy for the applicant's or individual's needs, preferences, values, and beliefs.(3) Activities of daily living (ADL)--Basic personal everyday activities, including tasks such as eating, toileting, grooming, dressing, bathing, and transferring.(4) Actual harm--A negative outcome that compromises an individual's physical, mental, or emotional well-being but does not constitute an immediate threat.(5) Alarm call--A signal transmitted from an individual's Community First Choice (CFC) emergency response services (ERS) equipment to the CFC ERS response center indicating that the individual needs immediate assistance.(6) Alleged perpetrator--A person alleged to have committed an act of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of an individual.(7) Applicant--A Texas resident seeking services in the Home and Community-based Services (HCS) Program.(8) Behavioral emergency--A situation in which an individual's severely aggressive, destructive, violent, or self-injurious behavior: (A) poses a substantial risk of imminent probable death of, or substantial bodily harm to, the individual or others;(B) has not abated in response to preventive de-escalatory or redirection techniques;(C) is not addressed in a written behavior support plan; and(D) does not occur during a medical or dental procedure.(9) Business day--Any day except a Saturday, Sunday, or national or state holiday listed in Texas Government Code § 662.003(a) or (b).(10) Calendar day--Any day, including weekends and holidays.(11) Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)--The federal agency within the United States Department of Health and Human Services that administers the Medicare and Medicaid programs.(12) Certification standard--A minimum standard for a program provider used by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) during a survey to ensure health and safety of an individual. Violations of a certification principle or standard are subject to administrative penalties.(13) CFC--Community First Choice.(14) CFC emergency response services (CFC ERS)--Backup systems and supports used to ensure continuity of services and supports. CFC ERS includes electronic devices and an array of available technology, personal emergency response systems, and other mobile communication devices.(15) CFC ERS provider--The entity directly providing CFC ERS to an individual, which may be the program provider or a contractor of the program provider.(16) CFC Financial management services (CFC FMS)--The term used for FMS on the individual plan of care (IPC) of an applicant or individual if the applicant or individual receives only CFC personal assistance services/habilitation (PAS/HAB) through the CDS option.(17) CFC personal assistance services/habilitation (CFC PAS/HAB). A service that: (A) consists of: (i) personal assistance services that aid an individual in performing ADLs and instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs) based on the individual's person-centered service plan, including: (I) non-skilled assistance with the performance of the ADLs and IADLs;(II) household chores necessary to maintain the home as a clean, sanitary, and safe environment;(III) escort services, which consist of accompanying and assisting an individual to access services or activities in the community, but do not include transporting an individual; and(IV) assistance with health-related tasks; and(ii) habilitation that aids an individual in acquiring, retaining, and improving self-help, socialization, and daily living skills and training the individual on ADLs, IADLs, and health-related tasks, such as: (VI) community integration, including how to get around in the community;(VII) use of adaptive equipment;(VIII) personal decision making;(IX) reduction of challenging behaviors to allow individuals to accomplish ADLs, IADLs, and health-related tasks; and(X) self-administration of medication; and(B) does not include transporting the individual, which means driving the individual from one location to another.(18) CFC support consultation--The term used for support consultation on the IPC of an applicant or individual if the applicant or individual receives only CFC PAS/HAB through the CDS option.(19) CFC support management--Training regarding how to select, manage, and dismiss an unlicensed service provider of CFC PAS/HAB, as described in the HCS Handbook.(20) Chemical restraint--A medication used to control an individual's behavior or to restrict the individual's freedom of movement that is not a standard treatment for the individual's medical or psychological condition.(21) Cognitive rehabilitation therapy--A service that: (A) assists an individual in learning or relearning cognitive skills that have been lost or altered because of damage to brain cells or brain chemistry in order to enable the individual to compensate for lost cognitive functions; and(B) includes reinforcing, strengthening, or reestablishing previously learned patterns of behavior, or establishing new patterns of cognitive activity or compensatory mechanisms for impaired neurological systems.(22) Community resource coordination group (CRCG)--A local interagency group composed of public and private agencies that develops service plans for individuals whose needs can be met only through interagency coordination and cooperation. The group's role and responsibilities are described in the Memorandum of Understanding on Coordinated Services to Persons Needing Services from More Than One Agency, which is available on the HHSC website.(23) Competitive employment--Employment that pays an individual at least minimum wage if the individual is not self-employed.(24) Consumer directed services option (CDS option)--A service delivery option in which an individual or legally authorized representative employs and retains service providers and directs the delivery of program services.(25) Contract--A provisional contract or a standard contract.(26) Controlling person--A person who: (A) has an ownership interest in a program provider;(B) is an officer or director of a corporation that is a program provider;(C) is a partner in a partnership that is a program provider;(D) is a member or manager in a limited liability company that is a program provider;(E) is a trustee or trust manager of a trust that is a program provider; or(F) because of a personal, familial, or other relationship with a program provider, is in a position of actual control or authority with respect to the program provider, regardless of the person's title.(27) Critical incident--An event listed in the HCS Provider User Guide found on the HHSC website.(28) Critical violation--A violation for which HHSC may assess an administrative penalty before giving a program provider an opportunity to correct the violation. A critical violation: (A) is an immediate threat;(B) has resulted in actual harm and is widespread;(C) has resulted in actual harm and is a pattern; or(D) has the potential to result in actual harm and is widespread.(29) DADS--Formerly the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services. Its functions have been transferred to the Texas Health and Human Services Commission.(30) DFPS--The Department of Family and Protective Services.(31) Emergency--An unexpected situation in which the absence of an immediate response could reasonably be expected to result in risk to the health and safety of an individual or another person.(32) Emergency Plan--A written plan that describes the actions that will be taken to protect individuals, including evacuation or sheltering-in-place, in the event of an emergency such as a fire or natural disaster.(33) Emergency situation--An unexpected situation involving an individual's health, safety, or welfare, of which a person of ordinary prudence would determine that the legally authorized representative (LAR) should be informed, such as: (A) an individual needing emergency medical care;(B) an individual being removed from his or her residence by law enforcement;(C) an individual leaving his or her residence without notifying a staff member or service provider and not being located; and(D) an individual being moved from his or her residence to protect the individual (for example, because of a hurricane, fire, or flood).(34) Enclosed bed--A protective device that: (A) is commercially produced;(B) includes a 360-degree side enclosure, inclusive of a top cover or canopy; and(C) must be appropriate for the size and weight of the individual.(35) Exploitation--The illegal or improper act or process of using, or attempting to use, an individual or the resources of an individual for monetary or personal benefit, profit, or gain.(36) Family-based alternative--A family setting in which the family provider or providers are specially trained to provide support and in-home care for children with disabilities or children who are medically fragile.(37) Financial management services (FMS)--A service that is provided to an individual participating in the CDS option, as defined in 40 TAC § 41.103(relating to Definitions).(38) Financial management services agency (FMSA)--An entity that provides financial management services to an individual participating in the CDS option, as defined in 40 TAC § 41.103.(39) Follow-up survey--A review by HHSC of a program provider to determine if the program provider has completed corrective action.(40) Former military member--A person who served in the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, or Space Force: (A) who declared and maintained Texas as the person's state of legal residence in the manner provided by the applicable military branch while on active duty; and(B) who was killed in action or died while in service, or whose active duty otherwise ended.(41) Four-person residence--A residence:(A) that a program provider leases or owns;(B) in which at least one person but no more than four persons receive: (iii) a non-HCS Program service like residential support or supervised living (for example, services funded by DFPS or by a person's own resources); or(C) that, if it is the residence of four persons, at least one of those persons receives residential support;(D) that is not the residence of any persons other than a service provider, the service provider's spouse, or person with whom the service provider has a spousal relationship, or a person described in subparagraph (B) of this paragraph; and(E) that is not a dwelling described in § 263.101(a)(5) of this title (relating to Eligibility Criteria for HCS Program Services and CFC Services).(42) General residential operation (GRO)--The term has the meaning set forth in Texas Human Resources Code § 42.002.(43) Good cause--As used in § 565.19(10) of this chapter (relating to Community First Choice (CFC) Emergency Response Systems (ERS) Services), a reason outside the control of the CFC ERS provider, as determined by HHSC.(44) Health-related tasks--Specific tasks related to the needs of an individual, which can be delegated or assigned by licensed health care professionals under state law to be performed by a service provider of CFC PAS/HAB. These include tasks delegated by a registered nurse (RN); health maintenance activities as defined in 22 TAC § 225.4(relating to Definitions), that may not require delegation; and activities assigned to a service provider of CFC PAS/HAB by a licensed physical therapist, occupational therapist, or speech-language pathologist.(45) Home and Community-based Services Program (HCS Program)--The program operated by HHSC as authorized by CMS in accordance with §1915(c) of the Social Security Act.(46) HHSC--The Texas Health and Human Services Commission.(47) Instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs)--Activities related to living independently in the community, including meal planning and preparation; managing finances; shopping for food, clothing, and other essential items; performing essential household chores; communicating by phone or other media; and traveling around and participating in the community.(48) ICAP--Inventory for Client and Agency Planning.(49) ICF/IID--Intermediate care facility for individuals with an intellectual disability or related conditions. An ICF/IID is a facility in which the ICF/IID program is:(A) licensed in accordance with Texas Health and Safety Code Chapter 252; or(B) certified by HHSC, including a state supported living center.(50) ICF/IID program--The Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability or Related Conditions Program, which provides Medicaid-funded residential services to individuals with an intellectual disability or related conditions.(51) Immediate threat--A situation that causes, or is likely to cause, serious injury, harm, impairment to, or the death of an individual.(52) Implementation plan--A written document developed by the program provider that, for each HCS Program service, except for transportation provided as a supported home living activity, and CFC service, except for CFC support management, on the individual's IPC to be provided by the program provider, includes: (A) a list of outcomes identified in the person-directed plan (PDP) that will be addressed using HCS Program and CFC services;(B) specific objectives to address the outcomes required by subparagraph (A) of this paragraph that are:(i) observable, measurable, and outcome-oriented; and(ii) derived from assessments of the individual's strengths, personal goals, and needs;(C) a target date for completion of each objective;(D) the number of units of HCS Program and CFC services needed to complete each objective;(E) the frequency and duration of HCS Program and CFC services needed to complete each objective; and(F) the signature and date of the individual, LAR, and program provider.(53) Individual--A person enrolled in the HCS Program.(54) Individual plan of care (IPC)--A written plan that:(A) states: (i) the type and amount of each HCS Program service and each CFC service, except for CFC support management, to be provided to the individual during an IPC year;(ii) the services and supports to be provided to the individual through resources other than HCS Program services or CFC services, including natural supports, medical services, and educational services; and(iii) if an individual will receive CFC support management; and(B) is authorized by HHSC.(55) Initial certification survey--A review by HHSC of a program provider with a provisional contract to determine if the program provider complies with the certification standards.(56) Initial IPC--The first IPC for an individual developed before the individual's enrollment into the HCS Program.(57) Intellectual disability--Significant sub-average general intellectual functioning existing concurrently with deficits in adaptive behavior and manifested during the developmental period.(58) Intellectual Disability/Related Conditions Assessment (ID/RC Assessment)--A form used by HHSC for level of care (LOC) determination and level of need (LON) assignment.(59) Intermittent survey--A review by HHSC of a program provider, which may originate from a complaint, that is not an initial certification survey, a recertification survey, or a follow-up survey, to determine if the program provider complies with the certification standards.(60) IPC cost--Estimated annual cost of HCS Program services included on an IPC.(61) IPC year--A 12-month time period starting on the date an initial or renewal IPC begins. A revised IPC does not change the begin or end date of an IPC year.(62) Isolated--The scope of a violation that has affected a very limited number of individuals or that has occurred only occasionally.(63) Legally authorized representative (LAR)--A person authorized by law to act on behalf of a person in a matter described in this subchapter, and may include a parent, guardian, or managing conservator of a minor, or the guardian of an adult.(64) Level of care (LOC)--A determination given to an individual as part of the eligibility determination process based on data submitted on the ID/RC Assessment.(65) Level of need (LON)--An assignment given by HHSC to an individual upon which reimbursement for host home/companion care, supervised living, residential support, and individualized skills and socialization is based.(66) Licensed vocational nurse (LVN)--A person licensed to practice vocational nursing in accordance with Texas Occupations Code Chapter 301.(67) Local intellectual and developmental disability authority (LIDDA)--An entity designated by the HHSC Executive Commissioner, in accordance with Texas Health and Safety Code § 533A.035.(68) Managed care organization--This term has the meaning set forth in Texas Government Code § 536.001.(69) Means of escape--A continuous and unobstructed path of travel from an occupied portion of a building to an outside area.(70) Mechanical restraint--A mechanical device, material, or equipment used to control an individual's behavior by restricting the ability of the individual to freely move part or all of the individual's body.(71) Medical Assistance Only Medicaid (MAO Medicaid)--A type of Medicaid for which an applicant or individual qualifies financially for Medicaid assistance but does not receive Supplemental Security Income benefits.(72) Microboard--A program provider:(A) that is a non-profit corporation: (i) that is created and operated by no more than 10 persons, including an individual;(ii) the purpose of which is to address the needs of the individual and directly manage the provision of HCS Program services or CFC services; and(iii) in which each person operating the corporation participates in addressing the needs of the individual and directly managing the provision of HCS Program services or CFC services; and(B) that has a service capacity designated in the HHSC data system of no more than three individuals.(73) Military family member--A person who is the spouse or child (regardless of age) of: (A) a military member; or(B) a former military member.(74) Military member--A member of the United States military serving in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, or Space Force on active duty who has declared and maintains Texas as the member's state of legal residence in the manner provided by the applicable military branch.(75) Natural supports--Unpaid persons, including family members, volunteers, neighbors, and friends, who assist an individual.(76) Neglect--A negligent act or omission that caused physical or emotional injury or death to an individual or placed an individual at risk of physical or emotional injury or death.(77) Nursing facility--A facility licensed in accordance with Texas Health and Safety Code Chapter 242.(78) Pattern--The scope of a violation that is not widespread but represents repeated failures by the program provider to comply with certification standards and the failures: (A) are found throughout the services provided by the program provider; or(B) involve or affect the same individuals, service providers, or volunteers.(79) Permanency planning--A philosophy and planning process that focuses on the outcome of family support for an applicant or individual under 22 years of age by facilitating a permanent living arrangement in which the primary feature is an enduring and nurturing parental relationship.(80) Permanency Planning Review Screen--A screen in the HHSC data system, completed by a LIDDA, that identifies community supports needed to achieve an applicant's or individual's permanency planning outcomes and provides information necessary for approval to provide supervised living or residential support to the applicant or individual.(81) Person-directed plan (PDP)--A written plan, based on person-directed planning and developed with an applicant or individual in accordance with the HHSC Person-Directed Plan form and discovery tool found on the HHSC website, that describes the supports and services necessary to achieve the desired outcomes identified by the applicant or individual (and LAR on the applicant's or individual's behalf) and ensure the applicant's or individual's health and safety.(82) Person-directed planning--An ongoing process that empowers the applicant or individual (and the LAR on the applicant's or individual's behalf) to direct the development of a PDP. The process:(A) identifies supports and services necessary to achieve the applicant's or individual's outcomes;(B) identifies existing supports, including natural supports and other supports available to the applicant or individual and negotiates needed services system supports;(C) occurs with the support of a group of people chosen by the applicant or individual (and the LAR on the applicant's or individual's behalf); and(D) accommodates the applicant's or individual's style of interaction and preferences.(83) Physical abuse--Any of the following: (A) an act or failure to act performed knowingly, recklessly, or intentionally, including incitement to act, that caused physical injury or death to an individual or placed an individual at risk of physical injury or death;(B) an act of inappropriate or excessive force or corporal punishment, regardless of whether the act results in a physical injury to an individual;(C) the use of a restraint on an individual in a manner that is not in compliance with federal and state laws, rules, and regulations; or(84) Physical restraint--Any manual method used to control an individual's behavior, except for physical guidance or prompting of brief duration that an individual does not resist, that restricts: (A) the free movement or normal functioning of all or a part of the individual's body; or(B) normal access by an individual to a portion of the individual's body.(85) Plan of correction--A plan documented on the HHSC Plan of Correction form that includes the corrective action that a program provider will take for each violation identified on a final survey report.(86) Plan of removal--A written plan that describes the action a program provider will take to remove an immediate threat that HHSC identifies.(87) Post 45-day follow-up survey--A follow-up survey conducted at least 46 calendar days after the exit conference of the survey in which the violation requiring corrective action was identified.(88) Post-move monitoring visit--A visit conducted by the service coordinator in accordance with the Intellectual and Developmental Disability Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (IDD-PASRR) Handbook.(89) Pre-enrollment minor home modifications--Minor home modifications, as described in the HCS Program Billing Requirements, completed before an applicant is discharged from a nursing facility, an ICF/IID, or a GRO and before the effective date of the applicant's enrollment in the HCS Program.(90) Pre-enrollment minor home modifications assessment--An assessment performed by a licensed professional as required by the HCS Program Billing Requirements to determine the need for pre-enrollment minor home modifications.(91) Pre-move site review--A review conducted by the service coordinator in accordance with HHSC's IDD-PASRR Handbook.(92) Program provider--A "person" as defined in 40 TAC § 49.102(relating to Definitions) that has a contract with HHSC to provide HCS Program services, excluding an FMSA.(93) Protective Device--An item or device, such as a safety vest, lap belt, bed rail, safety padding, adaptation to furniture, or helmet, used only to protect an individual from injury, or for body positioning of the individual to ensure health and safety, and not used to modify or control behavior. The device or item is considered a protective device only when used in accordance with § 565.37 of this chapter (relating to Protective Devices).(94) Provisional contract--A contract that HHSC enters into with a program provider in accordance with 40 TAC § 49.208(relating to Provisional Contract Application Approval) that has a term of no more than three years, not including any extension agreed to in accordance with §49.208(e).(95) Public emergency personnel--Personnel of a sheriff's department, police department, emergency medical service, or fire department.(96) Recertification survey--A review by HHSC of a program provider with a standard contract to determine if the program provider complies with the certification standards and will be certified for a new certification period.(97) Registered nurse (RN)--A person licensed to practice professional nursing in accordance with Texas Occupations Code Chapter 301.(98) Related condition--A severe and chronic disability that: (A) is attributed to: (i) cerebral palsy or epilepsy; or(ii) any other condition, other than mental illness, found to be closely related to an intellectual disability because the condition results in impairment of general intellectual functioning or adaptive behavior, similar to that of individuals with an intellectual disability, and requires treatment or services similar to those required for individuals with an intellectual disability;(B) is manifested before the individual reaches age 22;(C) is likely to continue indefinitely; and(D) results in substantial functional limitation in at least three of the following areas of major life activity: (ii) understanding and use of language;(vi) capacity for independent living.(99) Relative--A person related to another person within the fourth degree of consanguinity or within the second degree of affinity. A more detailed explanation of this term is included in the HCS Program Billing Requirements.(100) Renewal IPC--An IPC developed for an individual in accordance with § 263.302(a) of this title (relating to Renewal and Revision of an IPC).(101) Repeated violation--A violation that is based on the same certification standard and involves the same HCS Program service or CFC service as a previous violation.(102) Residence--A host home/companion care, three-person, or four-person residence, as defined by the HCS Program Billing Requirements.(103) Residential survey--A review of a residence HHSC to determine if the program provider complies with § 565.23 of this chapter (relating to Residential Requirements).(104) Responder--A person designated to respond to an alarm call activated by an individual.(105) Restraint--Any of the following:(A) a physical restraint;(B) a mechanical restraint; or(C) a chemical restraint.(106) Revised IPC--An initial IPC or a renewal IPC that is revised during an IPC year, in accordance with § 263.302(b) or (d) of this title, to add a new HCS Program service or CFC service or change the amount of an existing service.(107) Seclusion--The involuntary placement of an individual in an area from which the individual is prevented from leaving.(108) Service backup plan--A plan that ensures continuity of critical program services if service delivery is interrupted.(109) Service coordination--A service as defined in Chapter 331 of this title (relating to LIDDA Service Coordination).(110) Service coordinator--An employee of a LIDDA who provides service coordination to an individual.(111) Service planning team--One of the following:(A) for an applicant or individual other than one described in subparagraphs (B) or (C) of this paragraph, a planning team consisting of: (i) an applicant, individual, and LAR;(ii) service coordinator; and(iii) other persons chosen by the applicant, individual, or LAR, for example, a staff member of the program provider, a family member, a friend, or a teacher;(B) for an applicant 21 years of age or older who is residing in a nursing facility and enrolling in the HCS Program, a planning team consisting of: (i) the applicant and LAR;(ii) a service coordinator;(iii) a staff member of the program provider;(iv) providers of specialized services;(v) a nursing facility staff person who is familiar with the applicant's needs;(vi) other persons chosen by the applicant or LAR, for example, a family member, friend, or teacher; and(vii) at the discretion of the LIDDA, and with the approval of the individual or LAR, other persons who are directly involved in the delivery of services to persons with an intellectual or developmental disability; or(C) for an individual 21 years of age or older who has enrolled in the HCS Program from a nursing facility or has enrolled in the HCS Program as a diversion from admission to a nursing facility, for 365 calendar days after enrollment, a planning team consisting of: (i) the individual and LAR;(ii) a service coordinator;(iii) a staff member of the program provider;(iv) other persons chosen by the individual or LAR, for example, a family member, a friend, or a teacher; and(v) with the approval of the individual or LAR, other persons who are directly involved in the delivery of services to persons with an intellectual or developmental disability.(112) Service provider--A person, who may be a staff member, who directly provides an HCS Program service or CFC service to an individual.(113) Sexual abuse--Any of the following: (A) sexual exploitation of an individual;(B) non-consensual or unwelcomed sexual activity with an individual; or(C) consensual sexual activity between an individual and a service provider, staff member, volunteer, or controlling person, unless a consensual sexual relationship with an adult individual existed before the service provider, staff member, volunteer, or controlling person became a service provider, staff member, volunteer, or controlling person.(114) Sexual activity--An activity that is sexual in nature, including kissing, hugging, stroking, or fondling with sexual intent.(115) Sexual exploitation--A pattern, practice, or scheme of conduct against an individual that can reasonably be construed as being for the purposes of sexual arousal or gratification of any person: (A) which may include sexual contact; and(B) does not include obtaining information about an individual's sexual history within standard accepted clinical practice.(116) Specialized services--The services defined in § 303.102 of this title (relating to Definitions).(117) SSI--Supplemental Security Income.(118) Staff member--An employee or contractor of an HCS Program provider.(119) Standard contract--A contract that HHSC enters into with a program provider in accordance with 40 TAC § 49.209(relating to Standard Contract) that has a term of no more than five years, not including any extension agreed to in accordance with 40 TAC § 49.209(d).(120) State Medicaid claims administrator--The entity contracting with the state as the Medicaid claims administrator and fiscal agent.(121) State supported living center--A state-supported and structured residential facility operated by HHSC to provide to persons with an intellectual disability a variety of services, including medical treatment, specialized therapy, and training in acquiring personal, social, and vocational skills, but does not include a community-based facility owned by HHSC.(122) Support consultation--A service, as defined in 40 TAC § 41.103, that is provided to an individual participating in the CDS option at the request of the individual or LAR.(123) Survey--An initial certification survey, a recertification survey, a follow-up survey, and an intermittent survey.(124) System check--A test of the CFC ERS equipment to determine if: (A) the individual can successfully activate an alarm call; and(B) the equipment is working properly.(125) Three-person residence--A residence: (A) that a program provider leases or owns;(B) in which at least one person but no more than three persons receive: (iii) a non-HCS Program service like residential support or supervised living (for example, services funded by DFPS or by a person's own resources); or(C) that is not the residence of any person other than a service provider, the service provider's spouse, a person with whom the service provider has a spousal relationship, or a person described in subparagraph (B) of this paragraph; and(D) that is not a dwelling described in § 263.101(a)(5) of this title.(126) Transition plan--As described in § 303.102 of this title, a written plan developed by the service planning team for an applicant who is residing in a nursing facility and enrolling in the HCS Program. A transition plan includes essential and nonessential services and supports the applicant needs to transition from a nursing facility to a community setting.(127) Transition assistance services (TAS)--Services provided to assist an applicant in setting up a household in the community before being discharged from a nursing facility, an ICF/IID, or a GRO and before enrolling in the HCS Program. TAS consists of: (A) for an applicant whose proposed initial IPC does not include residential support, supervised living, or host home/companion care: (i) paying security deposits required to lease a home, including an apartment, or to establish utility services for a home;(ii) purchasing essential furnishings for a home, including a table, a bed, chairs, window blinds, eating utensils, and food preparation items;(iii) paying for expenses required to move personal items, including furniture and clothing, into a home;(iv) paying for services to ensure the health and safety of the applicant in a home, including pest eradication, allergen control, or a one-time cleaning before occupancy; and(v) purchasing essential supplies for a home, including toilet paper, towels, and bed linens; and(B) for an applicant whose initial proposed IPC includes residential support, supervised living, or host home/companion care:(i) purchasing bedroom furniture;(ii) purchasing personal linens for the bedroom and bathroom; and(iii) paying for allergen control.(128) Transportation plan--A written plan based on person-directed planning and developed with an applicant or individual using the HHSC Individual Transportation Plan form found on the HHSC website. A transportation plan is used to document how transportation as a supported home living activity will be delivered to support an individual's desired outcomes and purposes for transportation as identified in the PDP.(129) Vendor hold--A temporary suspension of payments that are due to a program provider under a contract.(130) Verbal or emotional abuse--Any act or use of verbal or other communication, including gestures: (A) to: (i) harass, intimidate, humiliate, or degrade an individual; or(ii) threaten an individual with physical or emotional harm; and(B) that:(i) results in observable distress or harm to the individual; or(ii) is of such a serious nature that a reasonable person would consider it harmful or a cause of distress.(131) Violation--A finding by HHSC that a program provider is not or was not in compliance with a certification standard.(132) Volunteer--A person who works for a program provider without compensation, other than reimbursement for actual expenses.(133) Widespread--The scope of a violation that:(A) is pervasive throughout the services provided by the program provider; or(B) represents a systemic failure by the program provider that affects or has the potential to affect a large portion of, or all, individuals.(134) Willfully interfering--Acting or not acting to intentionally prevent, interfere with, or impede, or to attempt to intentionally prevent, interfere with, or impede.26 Tex. Admin. Code § 565.3
Adopted by Texas Register, Volume 48, Number 24, June 16, 2023, TexReg 3252, eff. 6/21/2023