Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 506.91 - Construction Requirements(a) General. When local regulations are in effect and enforced governing the construction of a SCF, the SCF shall be constructed in accordance with the local regulations. An existing SCF may voluntarily comply with any of the following requirements.(b) Existing special care facilities. In the absence of local regulations, an existing SCF shall comply with the following sections. (1) Compliance. (A) A licensed SCF which is licensed prior to the effective date of these rules is considered to be an existing licensed SCF and shall continue, at a minimum, to meet the licensing requirements under which it was originally licensed.(B) In lieu of meeting the requirements in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, an existing licensed SCF may, instead, comply with National Fire Protection Association 101, Code for Safety to Life from Fire in Buildings and Structures, 2000 edition (NFPA 101), Chapter 33, Existing Residential Board and Care Facilities, or Chapter 19, Existing Health Care Occupancies. All documents published by NFPA as referenced in these rules may be obtained by writing or calling the NFPA, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02169-7471, or (800) 344-3555.(2) Remodeling and additions. All remodeling, renovations, additions and alterations to or relocation of an existing SCF shall be done in accordance with the requirements for new construction in subsection (c) of this section. When existing conditions make such changes impractical, the department may grant a conditional approval of minor deviations from the requirements of subsection (c) of this section, if the intent of the requirements is met and if the care, safety and welfare of residents will not be jeopardized. The operation of the SCF, accessibility of individuals with disabilities, and safety of the residents shall not be compromised by a condition(s) that is not in compliance with this chapter. (A) Building equipment alterations or installations. Any alteration or any installation of new building equipment, such as mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection, or piped medical gas system shall comply with the requirements for new construction and may not be replaced, materially altered, or extended in an existing SCF until complete plans and specifications have been submitted to the department, and the department has reviewed and approved the plans and specifications in accordance with § 506.94 of Title 40 (relating to Preparation, Submittal, Review and Approval of Plans).(B) Minor remodeling or alterations. Minor remodeling or alterations within an existing SCF which do not involve alterations to load bearing members and partitions, change functional operation, affect fire safety, add or subtract services, or involve any of the major changes listed in subparagraph of this paragraph are considered to be minor projects and require evaluation and approval by the department. An SCF shall submit a written request for evaluation, a brief description of the proposed changes, and sketches of the area being remodeled or altered. Based on such submittal, the department will evaluate and determine whether any additional submittals or inspections are required. The department will notify the SCF of its decision.(C) Major remodeling or alterations. All remodeling or alterations which involve alterations to load bearing members or partitions, change functional operation, affect fire safety, or add or delete services, are considered major projects. A SCF shall comply with this subparagraph prior to beginning construction of major projects. (i) Submittal of plans. Plans shall be submitted in accordance with § 506.94 of Title 40 for all major remodeling or alterations.(ii) Phasing of construction in existing facilities. Projects involving alterations of or additions to existing buildings shall be programmed and phased so that on-site construction will minimize disruptions of existing functions. (I) Access, exit access, fire protection and all necessary functions shall be maintained so that the safety of the occupants will not be jeopardized during construction.(II) Construction, dust, objectionable fumes and vapor barriers shall be provided to separate areas undergoing demolition and construction from occupied areas.(III) Temporary sound barriers shall be provided where intense, prolonged construction noises will disturb patients, residents or staff in the occupied portions of the building.(3) Previously licensed SCF. A previously licensed SCF that has been vacated for 12 months or longer or used for other purposes shall comply with all the requirements for new construction contained in subsection (c) of this section in order to be licensed.(c) Construction requirements for new SCFs. (1) SCF location. A SCF may be a distinct separate part of an existing hospital. It may occupy an entire separate independent structure, or it may be located within another building such as an office building or commercial building. (A) Accessibility to facility. The location of a proposed new SCF shall be easily accessible to service vehicles and fire protection apparatus.(B) Means of egress. A SCF shall have at least two exits remotely located in accordance with NFPA 101, §§,, and When a required means of egress from the SCF is through another portion of the building, that means of egress shall comply with the requirements of NFPA 101 which are applicable to the occupancy of the other building. Such means of egress shall be open, available, unlocked, unrestricted, and lighted at all times during the SCF hours of operation.(C) Hazardous locations. (i) Underground and above ground hazards. A new SCF or an addition(s) to an existing SCF shall not be constructed within 125 feet of a hazardous location or easement. Hazardous locations include underground liquid butane or propane, liquid petroleum or natural gas transmission lines, high-pressure lines, or under high voltage electrical lines.(ii) Fire hazards. A new SCF shall not be built within 300 feet of above ground or underground storage tanks containing liquid petroleum or other flammable liquids used in connection with a bulk plant, marine terminal, aircraft refueling, bottling plant of a liquefied petroleum gas installation, or near other hazardous or hazard producing areas.(iii) Health and safety hazards. A new SCF shall not be located in a building which, because of its location, physical condition, state of repair, or arrangement of facilities, would be determined hazardous to the health or safety of the resident.(D) Undesirable locations. (i) Nuisance producing sites. A new SCF shall not be located near nuisance producing sites such as industrial sites, feed lots, sanitary landfills, or manufacturing plants which produce excessive noise or air pollution.(ii) Flood plains. Construction of a new SCF shall be avoided in designated flood plains. Where such is unavoidable, access and required SCF components shall be constructed at least one foot above the designated flood plain. This requirement also applies to new additions to an existing SCF or a portion of facility which has been licensed previously as a SCF, but which has been vacated or used for other purposes. This requirement does not apply to remodeling of an existing licensed SCF.(iii) Cemeteries. A new SCF shall not be located near a cemetery in a manner that allows direct views of the cemetery from resident rooms, dining area, living areas or front entry of the facility.(2) SCF site. The SCF site shall include paved roads, walkways, and parking in accordance with the requirements set out in this paragraph. (A) Paved roads and walkways. (i) Paved roads shall be provided within lot lines for access from public roads to the main entrance and to service entrances. Gravel-based roads are permitted in rural areas.(ii) Finished surface walkways shall be provided for pedestrians. When public transportation or walkways serve the site, finished surface walkways or paved roads shall extend from the public conveyance to the building entrance.(B) Parking. (i) Off street parking shall be provided at the minimum ratio of one space for each four resident beds, one space for each daytime staff member, and one visitor space for every four resident beds, or per local code, whichever is more stringent.(ii) Handicapped parking. Parking spaces for handicapped persons shall be provided in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, Public Law 101-336, 42 United States Code, Chapter 126, and Title 36 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 1191, Appendix A, Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities.(3) Building design and construction requirements. Every building and every portion thereof shall be designed and constructed to sustain all dead and live loads in accordance with accepted engineering practices and standards and local governing building codes. Where there is no local governing building code, the International Building Code (IBC), 2000 edition, or the International Residential Code (IRC) shall govern: The IBC and IRC are published by the International Code Council, 5203 Leesburg Pike, Suite 600, Falls Church, VA 22041, telephone (703) 931-4533. (A) General architectural requirements. All new construction, including conversion of an existing building to a SCF or establishing a separately licensed SCF within another existing building, shall comply with NFPA 101, Chapter 32, New Residential Board and Care Occupancies, or Chapter 18, New Health Care Occupancies, and this subchapter. (i) Construction types for multiple building occupancy.(I) Mixed occupancies. When a SCF is part of another occupancy, the SCF shall be separated from the other occupancy with a minimum of 2-hour fire rated construction, in accordance with NFPA 101, §, and § 32.1.2.(II) Small facility. When a SCF is classified as a small facility for residential board and care occupancy, the SCF shall comply with NFPA 101, §, Minimum Construction Requirements.(III) Large facility. When a SCF is classified as a large facility for residential board and care occupancy, the SCF shall comply with NFPA 101, §, Minimum Construction Requirements.(IV) Multistory buildings. When a SCF is located in a multistory building of two or more stories, the entire building shall meet the construction requirements of NFPA 101, §, or § A SCF shall not be located in a multistory building that does not comply with the minimum construction requirements of NFPA 101, § or § Single story buildings. When a SCF is part of a one-story building that does not comply with the construction requirements of NFPA 101, §§,, or The SCF must be separated from the remainder of the building with a 2-hour fire rated construction. The designated SCF portion shall have the construction type upgraded to comply with NFPA 101, §§,, or, as applicable.(ii) Special design provisions. Special provisions shall be made in the design of a facility if located in a region where local experience shows loss of life or extensive damage to buildings resulting from hurricanes, tornadoes, or floods.(iii) Foundations. Foundations shall rest on natural solid bearing if satisfactory bearing is available. Proper soil-bearing values shall be established in accordance with nationally recognized requirements. If solid bearing is not encountered at practical depths, the structure shall be supported on driven piles or drilled piers designed to support the intended load without detrimental settlement, except that one-story buildings may rest on a fill designed by a soils engineer. When engineered fill is used, site preparation and placement of fill shall be done under the direct full-time supervision of the soils engineer. The soils engineer shall issue a final report on the compacted fill operation and certification of compliance with the job specifications.(iv) Physical environment. A physical environment that protects the health and safety of resident, personnel, and the public shall be provided in each facility. The physical premises of the facility and those areas of the facility's physical structure that are used by the residents (including all stairwells, corridors, and passageways) shall meet the local building and fire safety codes and the requirements of this chapter.(v) Handicapped requirements. Special considerations that benefit handicapped residents, staff, and visitors shall be provided. Each SCF shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, Public Law 101-336, 42 United States Code, Chapter 126, and Title 36, Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter XI, Part 1191, Appendix A, Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities.(vi) Other regulations. Certain projects may be subject to other regulations, including those of federal, state, and local authorities. The more stringent standard or requirement shall apply when a difference in requirements exists.(vii) Exceeding minimum requirements. Nothing in these sections shall be construed to prohibit a better type of building construction or otherwise safer conditions than the minimum requirements specified in these sections.(viii) Equivalency. Nothing in these sections is intended to prevent the use of systems, methods, or devices of equivalent or superior quality, strength, fire resistance, effectiveness, durability, performance and safety to those prescribed by these sections, provided technical documentation which demonstrates equivalency is submitted to the department for approval.(ix) Separate freestanding buildings (not for resident use). Separate freestanding buildings for non-patient use which are located at least 20 feet from the SCF building such as the heating plant, boiler plant, repair workshops, or general storage may be designed and constructed in accordance with other applicable occupancy classification requirements listed in NFPA 101.(B) General detail requirements. (i) Corridors. The minimum clear and unobstructed width of a public corridor shall be at least four feet in a RBCF. In a LCF, the minimum clear and unobstructed width of public corridor shall be at least eight feet.(ii) Doors and windows.(I) Door types. Doors at all openings between corridors and rooms or spaces subject to occupancy shall be swing type. Elevator doors are excluded from this requirement.(II) Door swing. Doors, except doors to spaces such as small closets that are not subject to occupancy, shall not swing into corridors in a manner that might obstruct traffic flow or reduce the required corridor width. Large walk-in type closets are considered as occupied spaces.(III) Labeled doors. Labeled fire doors shall be listed by an independent testing laboratory and shall meet the construction requirement for fire doors in NFPA 80, Standard for Fire Doors and Fire Windows, 1999 edition. Reference to a labeled door shall be construed to include labeled frame and hardware.(IV) Glazing. Glass doors, sidelights, borrowed lights, and windows located within 12 inches of a door jamb or with a bottom-frame height of less than 18 inches above the finished floor shall be glazed with safety glass or plastic glazing material that will resist breaking and will not create dangerous cutting edges when broken. Similar materials shall be used for wall openings unless otherwise required for fire safety. Safety glass, tempered glass, or plastic glazing materials shall be used for shower doors, bath enclosures, interior windows, and doors (which have glazing).(V) Operable windows. All operable windows shall be insect screened.(iii) Ceiling heights. The minimum ceiling height shall be eight feet with the following exceptions. Ceilings in storage rooms, toilet rooms, and other minor rooms not meant for resident of public use shall be not less than seven feet six inches.(iv) Toilet room accessories. Grab bars shall be provided at resident showers and tubs. The bars shall be one and one-half inches in diameter, shall have one and one-half inches clearance to walls, and shall have sufficient strength and anchorage to sustain a concentrated vertical or horizontal load of 250 pounds. Grab bars intended for use by the disabled shall also comply with ADA requirements.(v) Hand drying. Provisions for hand drying shall be included at all hand washing facilities. Hot air dryers or individual paper units shall be provided and must be enclosed in such a way as to provide protection against dust or soil.(vi) Rooms with heat producing equipment. Rooms containing heat producing equipment such as mechanical and electrical equipment and laundry rooms shall be insulated and ventilated to prevent floors of any occupied room located above it from exceeding a temperature differential of 10 degrees Fahrenheit above the ambient room temperature.(C) General finish requirements. (i) Floor finishes. (I) General. Floor materials shall be easily cleanable, wear resistant, and appropriate for the location involved. In areas subject to frequent wet cleaning methods, floor materials shall not be physically affected by germicidal and cleaning solutions. Floors that are subject to traffic while wet, such as shower areas, shall have non-slip surfaces.(II) Threshold and expansion joint covers. Thresholds at doorways may not exceed 3/4 inch in height for exterior sliding doors or 1/2 inch for other type doors. Raised thresholds and floor level changes at accessible doorways shall be beveled with a slope no greater than 1:2. Expansion joint covers may not exceed 1/2 inch in height and shall have beveled edges with a slope no greater than 1:2.(ii) Wall finishes. Wall finishes shall be smooth, washable, moisture resistant, and cleanable by standard housekeeping practices. Wall finishes shall be in compliance with the requirements of NFPA 101, § 18.3.3, and §, relating to flame spread. (I) Finishes at plumbing fixtures. Wall finishes shall be water resistant in the immediate area of plumbing fixtures.(II) Wet cleaning methods. Wall finishes in areas subject to frequent wet cleaning methods shall be impervious to water, tightly sealed; and without voids.(iii) Ceiling finishes. (I) General. All occupied rooms and spaces shall be provided with finished ceilings, unless otherwise noted. Ceilings that are a part of a rated roof and ceiling assembly or a floor-ceiling assembly shall be constructed of listed components (by a nationally recognized testing laboratory) and installed in accordance with the listing.(II) Special requirements. Finished ceilings may be omitted in mechanical and equipment spaces, shops, and similar spaces unless required for fire-resistive purposes.(iv) Floor, wall, and ceiling penetrations. Floor, wall, and ceiling penetrations by pipes, ducts, and conduits shall be tightly sealed to minimize entry of dirt particles, rodents, and insects. Joints of structural elements shall be similarly sealed.(v) Cubicle curtains, draperies, and other hanging fabrics. Cubicle curtains, draperies, and other hanging fabrics shall be noncombustible or flame retardant and shall pass both the small scale and large scale test of NFPA 701, Standard Methods of Fire Tests for Flame-Resistant Textiles and Films, 1996 edition. Copies of laboratory test reports for installed materials shall be submitted to the department at the time of the final construction inspection.(D) General mechanical requirements. This subparagraph contains requirements for mechanical systems; air-conditioning, heating and ventilating systems; steam and hot and cold water systems; plumbing fixtures; piping systems; and thermal and acoustical insulation. (i) Cost. All mechanical systems shall be designed for overall efficiency and life cycle costing, including operational costs. Recognized engineering practices shall be followed to achieve the most economical and effective results except that in no case shall patient care or safety be sacrificed for conservation.(ii) Equipment location. Mechanical equipment may be located indoors or outdoors (when in a weatherproof enclosure), or in a separate building(s).(iii) Vibration isolation. Mechanical equipment shall be mounted on vibration isolators as required to prevent unacceptable structure-borne vibration. Ducts, pipes, etc., connected to mechanical equipment which is a source of vibration shall be isolated from the equipment with vibration isolators.(iv) Performance and acceptance. Prior to completion and acceptance of the facility, all mechanical systems shall be tested, balanced, and operated to demonstrate to the design engineer or his representative that the installation and performance of these systems conform to the requirements of the plans and specifications. (I) Material lists. Upon completion of the contract, the owner shall obtain from the construction contractor parts lists and procurement information with numbers and description for each piece of equipment.(II) Instructions. Upon completion of the contract, the owner shall obtain from the construction contractor instructions in the operational use and maintenance of systems and equipment as required.(v) Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. (I) Code requirements. All central HVAC systems shall comply with and shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 90A, Standard for the Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems, 1999 edition, or NFPA 90B, Standard for the Installation of Warm Air Heating and Air-Conditioning Systems, 1999 edition, as applicable and the requirements contained in this clause. Air handling units serving two or more rooms are considered to be central units. (-a-) Temperature and humidity. The indoor design temperature shall be 75 degrees Fahrenheit with relative humidity of not less than 30 percent.(-b-) Thermostat gauges. Thermostats shall be provided for all heating and cooling systems with an on and off switch.(-c-) Air handling duct requirements. Fully ducted supply, return and exhaust air systems shall be provided for all resident care areas. Combination systems, utilizing both ducts and plenums for movement of air in these areas shall not be permitted. (-1-) Protection of ducts penetrating fire and smoke partitions. Combination fire and smoke leakage limiting dampers (Class II) shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer's instructions for all ducts penetrating 1 and 2-hour rated fire and smoke partitions required by NFPA 101, § 12-6.3.7, Subdivision of Building Space, (not required in SCFs meeting the provisions of NFPA 101, § 12-, Exception).(-2-) Fail-safe installation. Combination smoke and fire dampers shall close on activation of the fire alarm system by smoke detectors installed and located as required by NFPA 72, Chapter 5, National Fire Alarm Code, 1996 edition; NFPA 90A, Chapter 4; and NFPA 101, § 12-6.3.7; by activation of the fire sprinkler system; and upon loss of electrical power. Smoke dampers shall not close by fan shut-down alone. This requirement applies to all existing and new installations.(-3-) Interconnection of air handling fans and smoke dampers. Air handling fans and smoke damper controls shall be interlocked so that closing of smoke dampers will not damage the ducts.(-4-) Frangible devices. The use of frangible (non-resetting) devices for shutting smoke dampers shall not be permitted.(-d-) Outside air intake locations. Outside air intakes shall be located at least 10 feet from exhaust outlets of ventilating systems, combustion equipment stacks, plumbing vents, or areas which may collect vehicular exhaust or other noxious fumes. (Prevailing winds and proximity to other structures may require other arrangements).(-e-) Pressure relationship. Ventilation systems for a LCF shall be designed and balanced to provide pressure relationships contained in Table 1 of Title 40. For reductions and shut down of ventilation systems when a room is unoccupied, the provisions in Note 4 of Table 1 of Title 40 shall be followed.(-f-) Duct linings. Friable internal linings shall not be used in ducts, air terminal units, or other air system components. This requirement shall not apply to air terminal units and sound attenuators that have approved nonfriable coverings, e.g., foil facing, over such linings. (II) Thermal and acoustical insulation for air handling systems. Asbestos containing insulation materials shall not be used. (-a-) Thermal duct insulation. Air ducts and casings with outside surface temperature below the ambient dew point or temperature above 80 degrees Fahrenheit shall be provided with thermal insulation.(-b-) Insulation in air plenums and ducts. When installed, linings in air ducts and equipment shall meet the Erosion Test Method described in Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., Standard 181, Factory-Made Duct Materials and Air Duct Connectors. This document may be obtained from the Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., 333 Pfingsten Road, Northbrook, IL 60062-2096.(-c-) Insulation flame spread and smoke developed ratings. Interior and exterior insulation, including finishes and adhesives on the exterior surfaces of ducts and equipment, shall have a flame spread rating of 25 or less and a smoke developed rating of 50 or less as required by NFPA 90A, Chapters 2 and 3 and as determined by an independent testing laboratory in accordance with NFPA 255, A Standard Method of Test of Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials, 1999 edition.(-d-) Friable insulation. Insulation of soft and spray-on types shall not be used where it is subject to air currents or mechanical erosion or where loose particles may create a maintenance problem or occupant discomfort. (vi) Piping systems and plumbing fixture requirements. All piping systems and plumbing fixtures shall be designed and installed in accordance with the requirements of the International Plumbing Code (IPC), 2000 edition. The IPC is published by the International Code Council, 5203 Leesburg Pike, Suite 600, Falls Church, VA 22041, telephone (703) 931-4533. (I) Water supply piping systems. Water supply piping systems shall be designed to supply water at sufficient pressure to operate all fixtures and equipment during maximum demand. (-a-) Valves. Each water service main, branch main, riser, and branch to a group of fixtures shall be valved. Stop valves shall be provided at each fixture.(-b-) Backflow preventers. Backflow preventers (vacuum breakers) shall be installed on hose bibs, laboratory sinks, janitor sinks, bedpan-flushing attachments, and on all other fixtures to which hoses or tubing can be attached. Connections to high hazard sources, e.g., x-ray film processors, shall be from a cold-water hose bibb through a reduced pressure principle type backflow preventer (RPBFP).(-c-) Flushing valves. Flush valves installed on plumbing fixtures shall be of a quiet operating type, equipped with silencers.(-d-) Water storage tanks. Water storage tanks shall be fabricated of corrosion-resistant metal or lined with noncorrosive material.(II) Fire sprinkler systems. When provided, fire sprinkler systems shall comply with the requirements of NFPA 101, § 7-7, Automatic Sprinklers and Other Extinguishing Equipment, and the requirements of this subclause. All fire sprinkler systems shall be designed, installed, and maintained in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, 1999 edition, and shall be certified as required by § 506.94 of Title 40 (relating to Preparation, Submittal, Review and Approval of Plans).(vii) Steam and hot water systems. (I) Boilers. When provided, boilers shall have the capacity, based upon the net ratings published by the Hydronics Institute or another acceptable national standard, to supply the normal heating, hot water, and steam requirements of all systems and equipment. (-a-) Valves. Supply and return mains and risers of cooling, heating, and process steam systems shall be valved to isolate the various sections of each system. Each piece of equipment shall be valved at the supply and return ends except that vacuum condensate returns need not be valved at each piece of equipment.(-b-) Boiler certification. When required, the SCF shall ensure compliance with Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, Boiler Section, Texas Boiler Law, 1995 (Health and Safety Code, Chapter 755, Boilers), which requires certification documentation for boilers to be posted on site at each boiler installation.(II) Domestic hot water system. Hot water distribution system serving all resident care areas shall be under constant recirculation to provide continuous hot water at each hot water outlet. (-a-) Capacity of water heating equipment. Water heating equipment shall have sufficient capacity to supply water for all residents' needs based on accepted engineering practices using actual number and type of fixtures and for heating, when applicable.(-b-) Water temperature measurements. Water temperatures shall be measured at hot water point of use or at the inlet to processing equipment. Hot water temperature at point of use for residents, staff and visitors shall not exceed 110 degrees Fahrenheit.(viii) Drainage systems. Building sewers shall discharge into a community sewage system. Where such a system is not available, a facility providing sewage treatment must conform to applicable local and state regulations. (I) Above ground piping. Soil stacks and roof drains installed above ground within buildings shall be drain-waste-vent (DWV) weight or heavier and shall be: copper pipe, copper tube, cast iron pipe, or Schedule 40 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe. In LCF schedule 40 polyvinylchloride (PVC) pipe is not permitted.(II) Underground piping. All underground building drains shall be cast iron soil pipe, hard temper copper tube (DWV or heavier), acrylonitrile-butodiene-styrene (ABS) plastic pipe (DWV Schedule 40 or heavier), or PVC pipe (DWV Schedule 40 or heavier. Underground piping shall have at least 12 inches of earth cover or comply with local codes.(ix) Thermal insulation for piping systems and equipment. Asbestos containing insulation materials shall not be used. (I) Insulation. Insulation shall be provided for the following: (-a-) boilers, smoke breeching, and stacks;(-b-) steam supply and condensate return piping;(-c-) hot water piping and all hot water heaters, generators, converters, and storage tanks;(-d-) chilled water, refrigerant, other process piping, equipment operating with fluid temperatures below ambient dew point, and water supply and drainage piping on which condensation may occur. Insulation on cold surfaces shall include an exterior vapor barrier; and(-e-) other piping, ducts, and equipment as necessary to maintain the efficiency of the system.(II) Flame spread. Flame spread shall not exceed 25 and smoke development rating shall not exceed 50 for pipe insulation as determined by an independent testing laboratory in accordance with NFPA 255, Standard Method of Test of Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials, 1996 edition.(x) Plumbing fixtures. Plumbing fixtures shall be made of nonabsorptive, acid resistant materials and shall comply with the requirements of the International Plumbing Code, 2000 edition, and this clause. (I) Sink and lavatory controls. All lavatories used by residents and staff shall be trimmed with valves or electronic controls.(II) Back flow or siphoning. All plumbing fixtures and equipment shall be designed and installed to prevent the back-flow or back-siphonage of any material into the water supply. The over-the-rim type water inlet shall be used wherever possible. Vacuum-breaking devices shall be properly installed when an over-the-rim type water inlet cannot be utilized.(III) Floor drains or floor sinks. Where floor drains or floor sinks are installed, they shall be of a type that can be easily cleaned by removal of the cover. Removable stainless steel mesh shall be provided in addition to a grilled drain cover to prevent entry of large particles of waste which might cause stoppages.(IV) Under counter piping. Under counter piping and above floor drains shall be arranged (raised) so as not to interfere with cleaning of the floor below the equipment. (E) General electrical requirements. All electrical material and equipment, including conductors, controls, and signaling devices, shall be installed in compliance with applicable sections of the NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, 1999 edition, NFPA 99, 1999 edition, the requirements of this subparagraph; and as necessary to provide a complete electrical system. Electrical systems and components shall be listed by nationally recognized listing agencies as complying with available standards and shall be installed in accordance with the listings and manufacturer's instructions. (i) All fixtures, switches, sockets, and other pieces of apparatus shall be maintained in a safe and working condition.(ii) Extension cords and cables shall not be used for permanent wiring.(iii) All electrical heating devices shall be equipped with a pilot light to indicate when the device is in service, unless equipped with a temperature limiting device integral with the heater.(iv) All equipment, fixtures, and appliances shall be properly grounded in accordance with NFPA 70.(v) Under-counter electrical installations shall be arranged (raised) to not interfere with cleaning of the floor below the equipment.(vi) Installation testing and certification. The electrical installations, including grounding continuity, fire alarm, and communication systems, shall be tested to demonstrate that equipment installation and operation is appropriate and functional. A written record of performance tests on special electrical systems and equipment must show compliance with applicable codes and standards and shall be available to the department upon request.(vii) Electrical safeguards. Shielded isolation transformers, voltage regulators, filters, surge suppressors, and other safeguards shall be provided as required where power line disturbances are likely to affect fire alarm components, data processing, equipment used for treatment, and automated laboratory diagnostic equipment.(viii) Services and switchboards. Main switchboards shall be located in an area separate from plumbing and mechanical equipment and shall be accessible to authorized persons only. Switchboards shall be convenient for use, readily accessible for maintenance, away from traffic lanes, and located in dry, ventilated spaces free of corrosive or explosive fumes, gases, or any flammable material. Overload protective devices must operate properly in ambient temperatures.(ix) Panelboard. Distribution panels containing circuit breakers that control lighting and power to essential and normal electrical circuits shall be located within the SCF.(x) Wiring. When a SCF provides an essential electrical system all conductors for controls, equipment, lighting and power operating at 100 volts or higher shall be installed in metal or metallic raceways in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 70, Article 517. All surface mounted wiring operating at less than 100 volts shall be protected from mechanical injury with metal raceways to a height of seven feet above the floor. Conduits and cables shall be supported in accordance with NFPA 70, Article 300.(xi) Lighting. (I) In LCF lighting intensity for staff and patient needs shall comply with guidelines for health care facilities set forth in the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IES) Handbook published by the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, 120 Wall Street, New York, NY 10025-4001. (-a-) Consideration should be given to controlling light intensity and wavelength to prevent harm to the patient's eyes.(-b-) Approaches to buildings and parking lots, and all spaces within buildings shall have fixtures that can be illuminated as necessary. All rooms including storerooms, electrical and mechanical equipment rooms, and all attics shall have sufficient artificial lighting so that all spaces shall be clearly visible.(II) Means of egress and exit sign lighting intensity shall comply with NFPA 101, §§ 5-8, 5-9 and 5-10.(III) Electric lamps which may be subject to breakage or which are installed in fixtures in confined locations when near woodwork, paper, clothing, or other combustible materials, shall be protected by wire guards, or plastic shields.(xii) Receptacles. (I) Appliances shall be grounded in accordance with NFPA 99, Chapter 9.(II) A minimum of one duplex receptacle in each wall shall be installed in each work area or room other than storage or lockers. Each examination and work table shall have access to a minimum of two duplex receptacles.(xiii) Grounding requirements. Fixed electrical equipment shall be grounded in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 99, § 3-3.1.2, and NFPA 70, Article 517-13.(xiv) Nurses calling systems. (I) An audible voice two way communication nurse call system shall be provided in a SCF when it is classified as a LCF. The audible signal shall sound at a nurse station or similar control station.(II) Distinct visible and audible signals shall be activated in the nurse's duty station, lounge, and workroom, soiled workroom and clean workroom.(xv) Essential electrical system (EES). When SCF provides or requires an essential electrical system, the EES system shall comply with the requirements of NFPA 99, § 3-5. A Type I EES shall be provided for LCF when patients require the use of life-support systems.(xvi) Fire alarm system. A fire alarm system which complies with the requirements of NFPA 101, §§ 12-6.3.4,,, NFPA 70, Article 760; and NFPA 72, Chapter 3, shall be provided in each facility. (I) Fire alarm system shall be installed by or under direct supervision of a fire alarm installer licensed by the State Fire Marshal.(II) The SCF shall submit a copy of the Fire Alarm Installation Certificate (State Fire Marshal's form FML 009 040392) to the department for all new installations and for any material changes to the existing systems.26 Tex. Admin. Code § 506.91
The provisions of this §506.91 adopted to be effective July 25, 2004, 29 TexReg 6911; Chapter Transferred from Title 25, Part 1, Chapter 125 by Texas Register, Volume 44, Number 20, May 17, 2019, TexReg 2467, eff. 6/1/2019