26 Tex. Admin. Code § 320.9

Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 320.9 - Rights of Individuals Receiving Residential Mental Health Services
(a) Personal rights.
(1) The following personal rights shall be provided to all persons receiving residential mental health services.
(A) The right to communicate with persons outside the department facility, community center, or psychiatric hospital, in keeping with the general rules of the facility, including:
(i) receiving visitors at reasonable times and places, allowing for as much privacy as possible;
(ii) making phone calls at reasonable times, allowing for as much privacy as possible; and
(iii) communicating by uncensored and sealed mail with others, except in the following situations:
(I) When there is reason to suspect that the mail contains items such as illicit drugs or weapons which may present imminent risk of harm to the individual or others, the treating physician may authorize observing the opening of the mail by writing a specific order into the individual's chart explaining the potential harm, the reason for suspicion, and what mail is to be opened. The mail may then be opened by the individual in the presence of two members of the individual's treatment team. After inspecting the mail and removing any items which might present imminent risk of harm to the individual or others, the mail shall be given to the individual; those observing the opening of the mail may not read it.
(II) If the individual is unable to open personal mail because of a physical limitation, a staff member may assist if documentation of the need for assistance is provided in the individual's record and if the individual requests or agrees to such assistance. An order authorizing this assistance must be signed by the treating physician and must be reviewed every seven days, except in the case of an individual with a chronic physical limitation, when the order may remain in effect until there is an improvement in the individual's condition. Other orders may be renewed as long as the condition exists. Staff members may offer to read mail to individuals unable to read because of illiteracy, blindness, or other reason, but staff members may not read the mail if the individual declines the offer.
(III) Employees may observe the opening of packages received by individuals deemed not capable of protecting personal property. An order authorizing this limitation must be signed by the treating physician and must be reviewed every seven days, except in the case of an individual with a chronic limitation, when the order must be reviewed at least every 30 days. A diagnosis of mental illness or mental retardation is not in itself considered a chronic limitation. Any cash or articles received shall be recorded in the individual's record and placed in appropriate safekeeping accessible to the individual.
(B) The right to keep and use personal possessions. This includes the right to wear one's own clothing and religious or other symbolic items. This right may be limited only if the use of the possession is determined by the treatment team to present imminent risk of harm, to present a security risk, or to prevent the individual from participating in the treatment plan. This includes the right to be free from searches of belongings except those searches based on reasonable belief that failure to search may present imminent risk of harm to the individual or others. A clinical justification must exist and be documented in the individual's record if access to or the use of any personal possession is limited or if a search of the individual's belongings is conducted.
(C) The right to have an opportunity for physical exercise and for going outdoors, with or without supervision, as clinically indicated, at least daily. A physician's order limiting this right must be reviewed and renewed, if necessary, at intervals no longer than every three days and the findings of the review must be documented in the individual's record.
(D) The right to have access, with or without supervision, as clinically indicated, to appropriate areas of the campus of the department facility, community MHMR center, or psychiatric hospital away from the individual's living unit, including, but not limited to, recreation and canteen/snack areas. The access should be available as frequently as the individual's clinical condition and schedule of therapeutic activities allow.
(E) The right to have opportunities for suitable interactions with individuals of the opposite sex, with or without supervision, as appropriate for the individual.
(2) For persons receiving inpatient services, the exercise of these rights may be limited by the treating physician only to the extent that the restriction is necessary to maintain the individual's physical and/or emotional well-being or to protect another person. If a restriction is imposed, the treating physician shall document the reasons for the restriction and the duration of the restriction in the individual's record. Unless otherwise specified, the written order must be reviewed within seven days, and if renewed, it must be renewed in writing at intervals no greater than every seven days. The treatment team should consider strategies to help the individual regain or resume the practice of the right.
(A) A physician or physician's designee shall inform the individual of the clinical reasons for the restriction and its duration as soon as possible. The parent/conservator of a minor or the legal guardian of an individual, if applicable, shall also be informed of the restriction and its duration as appropriate.
(B) The right to communicate with legal counsel, the department, the courts, or the state attorney general may not be restricted.
(3) Except for the general rules of the program, there is no provision for limiting these rights for persons voluntarily admitted to a residential program other than an inpatient unit.
(b) Additional rights. In addition to the rights outlined in subsection (a) of this section, persons receiving residential mental health services shall also have the following rights.
(1) The right to have unrestricted visits from attorneys, internal advocates, representatives of Advocacy, Inc. with the consent of the person served, private physicians, or other mental health professionals at reasonable times and places. At department facilities, this right shall also include unrestricted visits from public responsibility committee members at reasonable times and places.
(2) The right to be informed in writing and by any other means necessary for communication, at the time of admission to and discharge from inpatient services and upon request, of the existence and purpose of the protection and advocacy system in this state under the federal Protection and Advocacy for Mentally Ill Individuals Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-319). The notice must include the protection and advocacy system's telephone number and address. In Texas, the system is called Advocacy, Inc.
(3) The right to wear suitable clothing which is neat, clean, and well-fitting. At department facilities and community centers, clothing will be obtained and provided for individuals not having such clothing.
(4) The right to religious freedom. No person shall be forced to attend or engage in any religious activity.
(5) The right to a timely consideration of a request for transfer to another room if another person in the room is unreasonably disturbing the individual, with the right to be informed of any reasons for any denial of such a request.
(6) The right to receive appropriate treatment of any physical ailments essential to the treatment of a mental disorder and for a physical disorder arising in the course of an individual's inpatient psychiatric care. The manner in which these physical disorders are treated is the decision of the physician, consistent with good professional judgment. If the physician determines the procedures required for treatment to be elective rather than essential, the individual has the right to consult with a provider outside the facility for treatment at the individual's own expense.
(7) The right of each adult individual admitted to an inpatient program to have the department facility, community center, or psychiatric hospital notify a person chosen by the individual of the admission if the individual grants permission. Documentation of the individual's granting or denial of that permission must be entered into the individual's clinical record. If such notification is refused upon admission, the individual served shall be reinformed of this right as the individual's condition changes.
(8) The right of each adult individual admitted to an inpatient program to have the department facility, community center, or psychiatric hospital notify a person chosen by the individual prior to discharge or release if the individual grants permission. Documentation of the individual's granting or denial of that permission must be entered into the individual's clinical record.
(9) The right of each adult individual admitted to an inpatient program to have the department facility, community center, or psychiatric hospital provide information about the right to make health care decisions and execute advance directives as allowed by state law.
(10) Effective May 1, 1994, the right to written information, in the individual's primary language, if possible, about any prescription medications ordered by the treating physician. This information shall, at minimum, identify the major types of prescription medications; specify the conditions for which the medications are prescribed; identify the risks, side effects, and benefits associated with each type of medication; and include sources of detailed information about each particular medication. This right extends to the individual's family on request unless prohibited by state or federal confidentiality laws.
(11) The right to receive, within four hours after the facility administrator or designee receives a written request, a list of the medications prescribed for administration to the individual while the individual is in the department facility, community center, or psychiatric hospital. The list must include the name, dosage, and administration schedule of each medication and the name of the physician who prescribed each medication. This right extends to a person designated by the individual and to the individual's legal guardian or managing conservator, if applicable. If sufficient time to prepare the list before discharge is not available, the list may be mailed within 24 hours after discharge to the individual or another appropriate, designated party.
(A) If an individual informs a person associated with or employed by the department facility, community center, or psychiatric hospital of the individual's desire to leave, the employee or person shall, as soon as possible, assist the individual in creating the written request and present it to the individual to sign, date, and time.
(B) Without regard to whether the individual agrees to sign the paperwork, the request will be documented and processed by staff.
(12) The right to have a periodic review of the need for continued inpatient treatment.

26 Tex. Admin. Code § 320.9

Transferred from 25 TAC § 320.155 Texas Register, Volume 49, Number 44, November 1, 2024, TexReg 8747 eff. 11/29/2024