Each dog and cat 12 weeks of age or older to be transported into Texas for any purpose shall be admitted only when vaccinated against rabies and the time elapsed since the most recent vaccination has not exceeded the manufacturer recommendations for the vaccine. If an initial vaccination was administered less than 30 days prior to arrival, the custodian should confine the dog or cat for the balance of the 30 days. Additionally, documentation must be provided by a vaccination certificate showing the date of vaccination, vaccine used, revaccination due date, identification information for the vaccinated animal, contact information of the animal's custodian, and signature, signature stamp, or computerized signature and contact information of the veterinarian responsible for administration of the vaccine. If the dog or cat is less than 12 weeks of age, the custodian should confine the animal until 30 days subsequent to its initial vaccination.
25 Tex. Admin. Code § 169.31