Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 365.20 - Course Instructors for Continuing Professional Education and Training Programs(a) A Course Instructor must Hold a current Journeyman, Master Plumber or Plumbing Inspector License issued by the Board that is in good standing in order to teach general continuing education or training programs.(b) A Course Instructor must: (1) hold a current medical gas piping endorsement issued by the Board that is in good standing in order to teach continuing education or training programs on: (A) how to install pipe to transport gas for medical purposes;(B) how to install a vacuum used for medical purposes;(C) how to inspect medical gas piping installations;(D) how to verify medical gas and vacuum piping integrity; and(E) material from NFPA 99; Health Care Facilities Code.(2) hold a current multipurpose residential fire protection sprinkler specialist endorsement issued by the Board that is in good standing in order to teach continuing education or training programs on: (A) how to design, install or inspect a multipurpose residential fire protection sprinkler system; or(B) material form NFPA 13; Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems,(3) hold a current water supply protection specialist endorsement issued by the Board that is in good standing in order to teach continuing education or training programs on: (A) how to perform Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) customer service inspections to identify potential contaminant hazards, and illegal lead materials, and to prevent cross-connections;(B) how to install, service and repair plumbing associated with the treatment, use and distribution of rainwater to supply a plumbing fixture or appliance;(C) material from American National Standard Institute/NSF International Standard 60 for Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals; and(D) material from American National Standards Institute/NSF International Standard 61 for Drinking Water System Components.(c) The Executive Director will approve an instructor to teach continuing education or training programs who meets the minimum qualifications, submits a complete application and pays the required application fee.(d) A Course Instructor must comply with the Plumbing License Law and Board Rules, including the standards of conduct for licensees and registrants.(e) A Course Instructor has a responsibility to teach approved material that meets curriculum standards and to report students' successfully completed hours no later than three (3) business days after the course ends.(f) The Board will randomly monitor Course Instructors for quality of instruction and compliance with the Plumbing License Law and Board Rules.22 Tex. Admin. Code § 365.20
Adopted by Texas Register, Volume 42, Number 30, July 28, 2017, TexReg 3774, eff. 9/1/2017; Amended by Texas Register, Volume 47, Number 46, November 18, 2022, TexReg 7685, eff. 11/23/2022