Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 25.181 - Energy Efficiency Goal(a) Purpose. The purpose of this section is to ensure that: (1) electric utilities administer energy efficiency incentive programs in a market-neutral, nondiscriminatory manner and do not offer competitive services, except as permitted in § RSA 25.343 of this title (relating to Competitive Energy Services) or this section;(2) all customers, in all eligible customer classes and all areas of an electric utility's service area, have a choice of and access to the utility's portfolio of energy efficiency programs that allow each customer to reduce energy consumption, summer and winter peak demand, or energy costs; and(3) each electric utility annually provides, through market-based standard offer programs, targeted market-transformation programs, or utility self-delivered programs, incentives sufficient for residential and commercial customers, retail electric providers, and energy efficiency service providers to acquire additional cost-effective energy efficiency, subject to EECRF caps established in § RSA 25.182(d)(7) of this title (relating to Energy Efficiency Cost Recovery Factor), for the utility to achieve the goals in subsection (e) of this section.(b) Application. This section applies to electric utilities and the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc. (ERCOT).(c) Definitions. The following terms, when used in this section and in § RSA 25.182 of this title, shall have the following meanings unless the context indicates otherwise: (1) Affiliate -- (A) A person who directly or indirectly owns or holds at least 5.0% of the voting securities of an energy efficiency service provider;(B) A person in a chain of successive ownership of at least 5.0% of the voting securities of an energy efficiency service provider;(C) A corporation that has at least 5.0% of its voting securities owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by an energy efficiency service provider;(D) A corporation that has at least 5.0% of its voting securities owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by:(i) a person who directly or indirectly owns or controls at least 5.0% of the voting securities of an energy efficiency service provider; or(ii) a person in a chain of successive ownership of at least 5.0% of the voting securities of an energy efficiency service provider; or(E) A person who is an officer or director of an energy efficiency service provider or of a corporation in a chain of successive ownership of at least 5.0% of the voting securities of an energy efficiency service provider;(F) A person who actually exercises substantial influence or control over the policies and actions of an energy efficiency service provider;(G) A person over which the energy efficiency service provider exercises the control described in subparagraph (F) of this paragraph;(H) A person who exercises common control over an energy efficiency service provider, where "exercising common control over an energy efficiency service provider" means having the power, either directly or indirectly, to direct or cause the direction of the management or policies of an energy efficiency service provider, without regard to whether that power is established through ownership or voting of securities or any other direct or indirect means; or(I) A person who, together with one or more persons with whom the person is related by ownership, marriage or blood relationship, or by action in concert, actually exercises substantial influence over the policies and actions of an energy efficiency service provider even though neither person may qualify as an affiliate individually.(2) Baseline--A relevant condition that would have existed in the absence of the energy efficiency project or program being implemented, including energy consumption that would have occurred. Baselines are used to calculate program-related demand and energy savings. Baselines can be defined as either project-specific baselines or performance standard baselines (e.g., building codes).(3) Claimed savings--Values reported by an electric utility after the energy efficiency activities have been completed, but prior to the time an independent, third-party evaluation of the savings is performed. As with projected savings estimates, these values may utilize results of prior evaluations and/or values in technical reference manuals. However, they are adjusted from projected savings estimates by correcting for any known data errors and actual installation rates and may also be adjusted with revised values for factors such as per-unit savings values, operating hours, and savings persistence rates. Can be indicated as first year, annual demand or energy savings, and/or lifetime energy or demand savings values. Can be indicated as gross savings and/or net savings values.(4) Commercial customer--A non-residential customer taking service at a point of delivery at a distribution voltage under an electric utility's tariff during the prior program year or a non-profit customer or government entity, including an educational institution. For purposes of this section, each point of delivery shall be considered a separate customer.(5) Competitive energy efficiency services--Energy efficiency services that are defined as competitive under § RSA 25.341 of this title (relating to Definitions).(6) Conservation load factor--The ratio of the annual energy savings goal, in kilowatt hours (kWh), to the peak demand goal for the year, measured in kilowatts (kW) and multiplied by the number of hours in the year.(7) Deemed savings calculation--An industry-wide engineering algorithm used to calculate energy and/or demand savings of the installed energy efficiency measure that has been developed from common practice that is widely considered acceptable for the measure and purpose, and is applicable to the situation being evaluated. May include stipulated assumptions for one or more parameters in the algorithm, but typically requires some data associated with actual installed measure. An electric utility may use the calculation with documented measure-specific assumptions, instead of energy and peak demand savings determined through measurement and verification activities or the use of deemed savings.(8) Deemed savings value--An estimate of energy or demand savings for a single unit of an installed energy efficiency measure that has been developed from data sources and analytical methods that are widely considered acceptable for the measure and purpose, and is applicable to the situation being evaluated. An electric utility may use deemed savings values instead of energy and peak demand savings determined through measurement and verification activities.(9) Demand--The rate at which electric energy is used at a given instant, or averaged over a designated period, usually expressed in kW or megawatts (MW).(10) Demand savings--A quantifiable reduction in demand.(11) Eligible customers--Residential and commercial customers. In addition, to the extent that they meet the criteria for participation in load management standard offer programs developed for industrial customers and implemented prior to May 1, 2007, industrial customers are eligible customers solely for the purpose of participating in such programs.(12) Energy efficiency--Improvements in the use of electricity that are achieved through customer facility or customer equipment improvements, devices, processes, or behavioral or operational changes that produce reductions in demand or energy consumption with the same or higher level of end-use service and that do not materially degrade existing levels of comfort, convenience, and productivity.(13) Energy Efficiency Cost Recovery Factor (EECRF)--An electric tariff provision, compliant with § RSA 25.182 of this title, ensuring timely and reasonable cost recovery for utility expenditures made to satisfy the goal of PURA §39.905 that provide for a portfolio of cost-effective energy efficiency programs under this section.(14) Energy efficiency measures--Equipment, materials, and practices, including practices that result in behavioral or operational changes, implemented at a customer's site on the customer's side of the meter that result in a reduction at the customer level and/or on the utility's system in electric energy consumption, measured in kWh, or peak demand, measured in kW, or both. These measures may include thermal energy storage and removal of an inefficient appliance so long as the customer need satisfied by the appliance is still met.(15) Energy efficiency program--The aggregate of the energy efficiency activities carried out by an electric utility under this section or a set of energy efficiency projects carried out by an electric utility under the same name and operating rules.(16) Energy efficiency project--An energy efficiency measure or combination of measures undertaken in accordance with a standard offer, market transformation program, or self-delivered program.(17) Energy efficiency service provider--A person or other entity that installs energy efficiency measures or performs other energy efficiency services under this section. An energy efficiency service provider may be a retail electric provider or commercial customer, provided that the commercial customer has a peak load equal to or greater than 50 kW. An energy efficiency service provider may also be a governmental entity or a non-profit organization, but may not be an electric utility.(18) Energy savings--A quantifiable reduction in a customer's consumption of energy that is attributable to energy efficiency measures, usually expressed in kWh or MWh.(19) Estimated useful life (EUL)--The number of years until 50% of installed measures are still operable and providing savings, and is used interchangeably with the term "measure life". The EUL determines the period of time over which the benefits of the energy efficiency measure are expected to accrue.(20) Evaluated savings--Savings estimates reported by the EM&V contractor after the energy efficiency activities and an impact evaluation have been completed. Differs from claimed savings in that the EM&V contractor has conducted some of the evaluation and/or verification activities. These values may rely on claimed savings for factors such as installation rates and the Technical Reference Manual for values such as per unit savings values and operating hours. These savings estimates may also include adjustments to claimed savings for data errors, per unit savings values, operating hours, installation rates, savings persistence rates, or other considerations. Can be indicated as first year, annual demand or energy savings, and/or lifetime energy or demand savings values. Can be indicated as gross savings and/or net savings values.(21) Evaluation--The conduct of any of a wide range of assessment studies and other activities aimed at determining the effects of a program; or aimed at understanding or documenting program performance, program or program-related markets and market operations, program-induced changes in energy efficiency markets, levels of demand or energy savings, or program cost-effectiveness. Market assessment, monitoring, and evaluation, and measurement and verification (M&V) are aspects of evaluation.(22) Evaluation, measurement, and verification (EM&V) contractor--One or more independent, third-party contractors selected and retained by the commission to plan, conduct, and report on energy efficiency evaluation activities, including verification.(23) Free driver--Customers who do not directly participate in an energy efficiency program, but who undertake energy efficiency actions in response to program activity.(24) Free rider--A program participant who would have implemented the program measure or practice in the absence of the program. Free riders can be total, in which the participant's activity would have completely replicated the program measure; partial, in which the participant's activity would have partially replicated the program measure; or deferred, in which the participant's activity would have completely replicated the program measure, but at a time after the time the program measure was implemented.(25) Growth in demand--The annual increase in demand in the Texas portion of an electric utility's service area at time of peak demand, as measured in accordance with this section.(26) Gross savings--The change in energy consumption and/or demand that results directly from program-related actions taken by participants in an efficiency program, regardless of why they participated.(27) Hard-to-reach customers--Residential customers with an annual household income at or below 200% of the federal poverty guidelines.(28) Impact evaluation--An evaluation of the program-specific, directly induced changes (e.g., energy and/or demand reduction) attributable to an energy efficiency program.(29) Incentive payment--Payment made by a utility to an energy efficiency service provider, an end-use customer, or third-party contractor to implement and/or attract customers to energy efficiency programs, including standard offer, market transformation and self-delivered programs.(30) Industrial customer--A for-profit entity engaged in an industrial process taking electric service at transmission voltage, or a for-profit entity engaged in an industrial process taking electric service at distribution voltage that qualifies for a tax exemption under Tax Code § RSA 151.317 and has submitted an identification notice under subsection (u) of this section.(31) Inspection--Examination of a project to verify that an energy efficiency measure has been installed, is capable of performing its intended function, and is producing an energy savings or demand reduction equivalent to the energy savings or demand reduction reported towards meeting the energy efficiency goals of this section.(32) Installation rate--The percentage of measures that receive incentives under an energy efficiency program that are actually installed in a defined period of time. The installation rate is calculated by dividing the number of measures installed by the number of measures that receive incentives under an efficiency program in a defined period of time.(33) International performance measurement and verification protocol (IPMVP)--A guidance document issued by the Efficiency Valuation Organization with a framework and definitions describing the M&V approaches.(34) Lifetime energy (demand) savings--The energy (demand) savings over the lifetime of an installed measure(s), project(s), or program(s). May include consideration of measure estimated useful life, technical degradation, and other factors. Can be gross or net savings.(35) Load control--Activities that place the operation of electricity-consuming equipment under the control or dispatch of an energy efficiency service provider, an independent system operator, or other transmission organization or that are controlled by the customer, with the objective of producing energy or demand savings.(36) Load management--Load control activities that result in a reduction in peak demand, or a shifting of energy usage from a peak to an off-peak period or from high-price periods to lower price periods.(37) Market transformation program--Strategic programs intended to induce lasting structural or behavioral changes in the market that result in increased adoption of energy efficient technologies, services, and practices, as described in this section.(38) Measurement and verification--A subset of program impact evaluation that is associated with the documentation of energy or demand savings at individual sites or projects using one or more methods that can involve measurements, engineering calculations, statistical analyses, and/or computer simulation modeling. M&V approaches are defined in the IPMVP.(39) Net savings--The total change in load that is attributable to an energy efficiency program. This change in energy and/or demand use shall include, implicitly or explicitly, consideration of appropriate factors. These factors may include free ridership, participant and non-participant spillover, induced market effects, changes in the level of energy service, and/or other non-program causes of changes in energy use and/or demand.(40) Net-to-gross--A factor representing net program savings divided by gross program savings that is applied to gross program impacts to convert them into net program impacts. The factor may be made up of a variety of factors that create differences between gross and net savings, commonly considering the effects of free riders and spillover.(41) Non-participant spillover--Energy savings that occur when a program non-participant installs energy efficiency measures or applies energy savings practices as a result of a program's influence.(42) Off-peak period--Period during which the demand on an electric utility system is not at or near its maximum. For the purpose of this section, the off-peak period includes all hours that are not in the peak period.(43) Participant spillover--The additional energy savings that occur when a program participant independently installs incremental energy efficiency measures or applies energy savings practices after having participated in the efficiency program as a result of the program's influence.(44) Peak demand--Electrical demand at the times of highest annual demand on the utility's system at the source. Peak demand refers to Texas retail peak demand and, therefore, does not include demand of retail customers in other states or wholesale customers.(45) Peak demand reduction--Reduction in demand on the utility's system at the times of the utility's summer peak period or winter peak period.(46) Peak period--For the purpose of this section, the peak period consists of the hours from one p.m. to seven p.m. during the months of June, July, August, and September, and the hours of six a.m. to ten a.m. and six p.m. to ten p.m. during the months of December, January, and February, excluding weekends and Federal holidays.(47) Program year--A year in which an energy efficiency incentive program is implemented, beginning January 1 and ending December 31.(48) Projected savings--Values reported by an electric utility prior to the time the energy efficiency activities are implemented. Are typically estimates of savings prepared for program and/or portfolio design or planning purposes. These values are based on pre-program or portfolio estimates of factors such as per-unit savings values, operating hours, installation rates, and savings persistence rates. These values may utilize results of prior evaluations and/or values in the Technical Reference Manual. Can be indicated as first year, annual demand or energy savings, and/or lifetime energy or demand savings values. Can be indicated as gross savings and/or net savings values.(49) Renewable demand side management (DSM) technologies--Equipment that uses a renewable energy resource (renewable resource), as defined in §RSA 25.173<subdiv>(c)</subdiv> of this title (relating to Goal for Renewable Energy), a geothermal heat pump, a solar water heater, or another natural mechanism of the environment, that when installed at a customer site, reduces the customer's net purchases of energy, demand, or both.(50) Savings-to-Investment Ratio (SIR)--The ratio of the present value of a customer's estimated lifetime electricity cost savings from energy efficiency measures to the present value of the installation costs, inclusive of any incidental repairs, of those energy efficiency measures.(51) Self-delivered program--A program developed by a utility in an area in which customer choice is not offered that provides incentives directly to customers. The utility may use internal or external resources to design and administer the program.(52) Spillover--Reductions in energy consumption and/or demand caused by the presence of an energy efficiency program, beyond the program-related gross savings of the participants and without financial or technical assistance from the program. There can be participant and/or non-participant spillover.(53) Spillover rate--Estimate of energy savings attributable to spillover expressed as a percent of savings installed by participants through an energy efficiency program.(54) Standard offer contract--A contract between an energy efficiency service provider and a participating utility or between a participating utility and a commercial customer specifying standard payments based upon the amount of energy and peak demand savings achieved through energy efficiency measures, the measurement and verification protocols, and other terms and conditions, consistent with this section.(55) Standard offer program--A program under which a utility administers standard offer contracts between the utility and energy efficiency service providers.(56) Technical reference manual (TRM)--A resource document compiled by the commission's EM&V contractor that includes information used in program planning and reporting of energy efficiency programs. It can include savings values for measures, engineering algorithms to calculate savings, impact factors to be applied to calculated savings (e.g., net-to-gross values), protocols, source documentation, specified assumptions, and other relevant material to support the calculation of measure and program savings.(57) Verification--An independent assessment that a program has been implemented in accordance with the program design. The objectives of measure installation verification are to confirm the installation rate, that the installation meets reasonable quality standards, and that the measures are operating correctly and have the potential to generate the predicted savings. Verification activities are generally conducted during on-site surveys of a sample of projects. Project site inspections, participant phone and mail surveys and/or implementer and participant documentation review are typical activities associated with verification. Verification is also a subset of evaluation.(d) Cost-effectiveness standard. An energy efficiency program is deemed to be cost-effective if the cost of the program to the utility is less than or equal to the benefits of the program. Utilities are encouraged to achieve demand reduction and energy savings through a portfolio of cost-effective programs that exceed each utility's energy efficiency goals while staying within the cost caps established in § RSA 25.182(d)(7) of this title. (1) The cost of a program includes the cost of incentives, EM&V contractor costs, any shareholder bonus awarded to the utility, and actual or allocated research and development and administrative costs. The benefits of the program consist of the value of the demand reductions and energy savings, measured in accordance with the avoided costs prescribed in this subsection. The present value of the program benefits shall be calculated over the projected life of the measures installed or implemented under the program.(2) The avoided cost of capacity shall be established in accordance with this paragraph. (A) By November 1 of each year, commission staff shall file the avoided cost of capacity for the upcoming year, including supporting data, in the commission's central records under the control number for the energy efficiency implementation project. (i) Staff shall calculate the avoided cost of capacity from the base overnight cost using the lower of a new conventional combustion turbine or a new advanced combustion turbine, as reported by the United States Department of Energy's Energy Information Administration's (EIA) Cost and Performance Characteristics of New Central Station Electricity Generating Technologies associated with EIA's Annual Energy Outlook. If EIA cost data that reflects current conditions in the industry does not exist, staff may establish an avoided cost of capacity using another data source.(ii) If the EIA base overnight cost of a new conventional or an advanced combustion turbine, whichever is lower, is less than $700 per kW, the avoided cost of capacity shall be $80 per kW-year. If the base overnight cost of a new conventional or advanced combustion turbine, whichever is lower, is at or between $700 and $1,000 per kW, the avoided cost of capacity shall be $100 per kW-year. If the base overnight cost of a new conventional or advanced combustion turbine, whichever is lower, is greater than $1,000 per kW, the avoided cost of capacity shall be $120 per kW-year.(iii) The avoided cost of capacity calculated by staff may be challenged only by the filing of a petition within 45 days of the date the avoided cost of capacity is filed in the commission's central records under the control number for the energy efficiency implementation project described by paragraph (2)(A) of this subsection. The petition must clearly describe the reasons commission's staff's avoided cost calculation is incorrect, include supporting data and calculations, and state the relief sought.(B) A utility in an area in which customer choice is not offered may petition the commission for authorization to use an avoided cost of capacity different from the avoided cost determined according to subparagraph (A) of this paragraph by filing a petition no later than 45 days after the date the avoided cost of capacity calculated by staff is filed in the commission's central records under the control number for the energy efficiency implementation project described by paragraph (2)(A) of this subsection. The petition must clearly describe the reasons a different avoided cost should be used, include supporting data and calculations, and state the relief sought. The avoided cost of capacity proposed by the utility shall be based on a generating resource or purchase in the utility's resource acquisition plan and the terms of the purchase or the cost of the resource shall be disclosed in the filing.(3) The avoided cost of energy shall be established in accordance with this paragraph. (A) By November 1 of each year, ERCOT shall file the avoided cost of energy for the upcoming year for the ERCOT region, as defined in §RSA 25.5<subdiv>(48)</subdiv> of this title (relating to Definitions), in the commission's central records under the control number for the energy efficiency implementation project. ERCOT shall calculate the avoided cost of energy by determining the load-weighted average of the competitive load zone settlement point prices for the peak periods covering the two previous winter and summer peaks. The avoided cost of energy calculated by ERCOT may be challenged only by the filing of a petition within 45 days of the date the avoided cost of capacity is filed by ERCOT in the commission's central records under the control number for the energy efficiency implementation project described by paragraph (2)(A) of this subsection. The petition must clearly describe the reasons ERCOT's avoided cost of energy calculation is incorrect, include supporting data and calculations, and state the relief sought.(B) A utility in an area in which customer choice is not offered may petition the commission for authorization to use an avoided cost of energy other than that otherwise determined according to this paragraph. The avoided cost of energy may be based on peak period energy prices in an energy market operated by a regional transmission organization if the utility participates in that market and the prices are reported publicly. If the utility does not participate in such a market, the avoided cost of energy may be based on the expected heat rate of the gas-turbine generating technology specified in this subsection, multiplied by a publicly reported cost of natural gas.(e) Annual energy efficiency goals. (1) An electric utility shall administer a portfolio of energy efficiency programs to acquire, at a minimum, the following:(A) Beginning with the 2013 program year, until the trigger described in subparagraph (B) of this paragraph is reached, the utility shall acquire a 30% reduction of its annual growth in demand of residential and commercial customers.(B) If the demand reduction goal to be acquired by a utility under subparagraph (A) of this paragraph is equivalent to at least four-tenths of 1% of its summer weather-adjusted peak demand for the combined residential and commercial customers for the previous program year, the utility shall meet the energy efficiency goal described in subparagraph (C) of this paragraph for each subsequent program year.(C) Once the trigger described in subparagraph (B) of this paragraph is reached, the utility shall acquire four-tenths of 1% of its summer weather-adjusted peak demand for the combined residential and commercial customers for the previous program year.(D) Except as adjusted in accordance with subsection (u) of this section, a utility's demand reduction goal in any year shall not be lower than its goal for the prior year, unless the commission establishes a goal for a utility under paragraph (2) of this subsection.(2) The commission may establish for a utility a lower goal than the goal specified in paragraph (1) of this subsection, a higher administrative spending cap than the cap specified under subsection (g) of this section, or an EECRF greater than the cap specified in § RSA 25.182(d)(7) of this title, if the utility demonstrates that compliance with that goal, administrative spending cap, or EECRF cost cap is not reasonably possible and that good cause supports the lower goal, higher administrative spending cap, or higher EECRF cost cap. To be eligible for a lower goal, higher administrative spending cap, or a higher EECRF cost cap, the utility must request a good cause exception as part of its EECRF application under § 25.182 of this title. If approved, the good cause exception is limited to the program year associated with the EECRF application.(3) Each utility's demand-reduction goal shall be calculated as follows: (A) Each year's historical demand for residential and commercial customers shall be adjusted for weather fluctuations, using weather data for the most recent ten years. The utility's growth in residential and commercial demand is based on the average growth in retail load in the Texas portion of the utility's service area, measured at the utility's annual system peak. The utility shall calculate the average growth rate for the prior five years.(B) The demand goal for energy-efficiency savings for a year under paragraph (1)(A) of this subsection is calculated by applying the percentage goal to the average growth in peak demand, calculated in accordance with subparagraph (A) of this paragraph. The annual demand goal for energy efficiency savings under paragraph (1)(C) of this subsection is calculated by applying the percentage goal to the utility's summer weather-adjusted five-year average peak demand for the combined residential and commercial customers. This annual peak demand goal at the source is then converted to an equivalent goal at the meter by applying reasonable line loss factors.(C) A utility may submit for commission approval an alternative method to calculate its growth in demand, for good cause.(D) If a utility's prior five-year average load growth, calculated under subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, is negative, the utility shall use the demand reduction goal calculated using the alternative method approved by the commission beginning with the 2013 program year or, if the commission has not approved an alternative method, the utility shall use the previous year's demand reduction goal.(E) A utility shall not claim savings obtained from energy efficiency measures funded through settlement orders or count towards the bonus calculation any savings obtained from grant incentives that have been awarded directly to the utility for energy efficiency programs.(F) Savings achieved through programs for hard-to-reach customers shall be no less than 5.0% of the utility's total demand reduction goal.(G) Utilities may apply peak savings on a per project basis to summer or winter peak, but not to both summer and winter peaks.(4) An electric utility shall administer a portfolio of energy efficiency programs designed to meet an energy savings goal calculated from its demand savings goal, using a 20% conservation load factor.(5) Electric utilities shall administer a portfolio of energy efficiency programs to effectively and efficiently achieve the goals set out in this section. (A) Incentive payments may be made under standard offer contracts, market transformation contracts, or as part of a self-delivered program for energy savings and demand reductions. Each electric utility shall establish standard incentive payments to achieve the objectives of this section.(B) Projects or measures under a standard offer, market transformation, or self-delivered program are not eligible for incentive payments or compensation if: (i) A project would achieve demand or energy reduction by eliminating an existing function, shutting down a facility or operation, or would result in building vacancies or the re-location of existing operations to a location outside of the area served by the utility conducting the program, except for an appliance recycling program consistent with this section.(ii) A measure would be adopted even in the absence of the energy efficiency service provider's proposed energy efficiency project, except in special cases, such as hard-to-reach and weatherization programs, or where free riders are accounted for using a net to gross adjustment of the avoided costs, or another method that achieves the same result.(iii) A project results in negative environmental or health effects, including effects that result from improper disposal of equipment and materials.(C) Ineligibility under subparagraph (B) of this paragraph does not apply to standard offer, market transformation, and self-delivered programs aimed at energy code adoption, implementation, compliance, and enforcement under subsection (k) of this section, nor does it preclude standard offer, market transformation, or self-delivered programs promoting energy efficiency measures also required by energy codes to the degree such codes do not achieve full compliance rates.(D) A utility in an area in which customer choice is not offered may achieve the goals of paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection by: (i) providing rebate or incentive funds directly to eligible residential and commercial customers for programs implemented under this section; or(ii) developing, subject to commission approval, new programs other than standard offer programs and market transformation programs, to the extent that the new programs satisfy the same cost-effectiveness standard as standard offer programs and market transformation programs using the process outlined in subsection (q) of this section.(E) For a utility in an area in which customer choice is offered, the utility may achieve the goal of this section in rural areas by providing rebate or incentive funds directly to customers after demonstrating to the commission in a contested case hearing that the goal requirement cannot be met through the implementation of programs by retail electric providers or energy efficiency service providers in the rural areas.(f) Incentive payments. The incentive payments for each customer class shall not exceed 100% of avoided cost, as determined in accordance with this section. The incentive payments shall be set by each utility with the objective of achieving its energy and demand savings goals at the lowest reasonable cost per program. Different incentive levels may be established for areas that have historically been underserved by the utility's energy efficiency programs or for other appropriate reasons. Utilities may adjust incentive payments during the program year, but such adjustments must be clearly publicized in the materials used by the utility to set out the program rules and describe the programs to participating energy efficiency service providers.(g) Utility administration. The cost of administration in a program year shall not exceed 15% of a utility's total program costs for that program year. The cost of research and development in a program year shall not exceed 10% of a utility's total program costs for that program year. The cumulative cost of administration and research and development shall not exceed 20% of a utility's total program costs, unless a good cause exception filed under subsection (e)(2) of this section is granted. Any portion of these costs that is not directly assignable to a specific program shall be allocated among the programs in proportion to the program incentive costs. Any bonus awarded by the commission shall not be included in program costs for the purpose of applying these limits. (1) Administrative costs include all reasonable and necessary costs incurred by a utility in carrying out its responsibilities under this section, including: (A) conducting informational activities designed to explain the standard offer programs and market transformation programs to energy efficiency service providers, retail electric providers, and vendors;(B) for a utility offering self-delivered programs, internal utility costs to conduct outreach activities to customers and energy efficiency service providers will be considered administration;(C) providing informational programs to improve customer awareness of energy efficiency programs and measures;(D) reviewing and selecting energy efficiency programs in accordance with this section;(E) providing regular and special reports to the commission, including reports of energy and demand savings;(F) a utility's costs for an EECRF proceeding conducted under § RSA 25.182(d) of this title;(G) the costs paid by a utility pursuant to PURA §33.023(b) for an EECRF proceeding conducted under § RSA 25.182(d) of this title; however, these costs are not included in the administrative caps applied in this paragraph; and(H) any other activities that are necessary and appropriate for successful program implementation.(2) A utility shall adopt measures to foster competition among energy efficiency service providers for standard offer, market transformation, and self-delivered programs, such as limiting the number of projects or level of incentives that a single energy efficiency service provider and its affiliates is eligible for and establishing funding set-asides for small projects.(3) A utility may establish funding set-asides or other program rules to foster participation in energy efficiency programs by municipalities and other governmental entities.(4) Electric utilities offering standard offer, market transformation, and self-delivered programs shall use standardized forms, procedures, and program templates. The electric utility shall file any standardized materials, or any change to it, with the commission at least 60 days prior to its use. In filing such materials, the utility shall provide an explanation of changes from the version of the materials that was previously used. For standard offer, market transformation, and self-delivered programs, the utility shall provide relevant documents to retail electric providers and energy efficiency service providers and work collaboratively with them when it changes program documents, to the extent that such changes are not considered in the energy efficiency implementation project described in subsection (q) of this section.(5) Each electric utility in an area in which customer choice is offered shall conduct programs to encourage and facilitate the participation of retail electric providers and energy efficiency service providers in the delivery of efficiency and demand response programs, including: (A) Coordinating program rules, contracts, and incentives to facilitate the statewide marketing and delivery of the same or similar programs by retail electric providers;(B) Setting aside amounts for programs to be delivered to customers by retail electric providers and establishing program rules and schedules that will give retail electric providers sufficient time to plan, advertise, and conduct energy efficiency programs, while preserving the utility's ability to meet the goals in this section; and(C) Working with retail electric providers and energy efficiency service providers to evaluate the demand reductions and energy savings resulting from time-of-use prices; home-area network devices, such as in-home displays; and other programs facilitated by advanced meters to determine the demand and energy savings from such programs.(h) Standard offer programs. A utility's standard offer program shall be implemented through program rules and standard offer contracts that are consistent with this section. Standard offer contracts will be available to any energy efficiency service provider that satisfies the contract requirements prescribed by the utility under this section and demonstrates that it is capable of managing energy efficiency projects under an electric utility's energy efficiency program.(i) Market transformation programs. Market transformation programs are strategic efforts, including, but not limited to, incentives and education designed to reduce market barriers for energy efficient technologies and practices. Market transformation programs may be designed to obtain energy savings or peak demand reductions beyond savings that are reasonably expected to be achieved as a result of current compliance levels with existing building codes applicable to new buildings and equipment efficiency standards or standard offer programs. Market transformation programs may also be specifically designed to express support for early adoption, implementation, and enforcement of the most recent version of the International Energy Conservation Code for residential or commercial buildings by local jurisdictions, express support for more effective implementation and enforcement of the state energy code and compliance with the state energy code, and encourage utilization of the types of building components, products, and services required to comply with such energy codes. The existence of federal, state, or local governmental funding for, or encouragement to utilize, the types of building components, products, and services required to comply with such energy codes does not prevent utilities from offering programs to supplement governmental spending and encouragement. Utilities should cooperate with the retail electric providers, and, where possible, leverage existing industry-recognized programs that have the potential to reduce demand and energy consumption in Texas and consider statewide administration where appropriate. Market transformation programs may operate over a period of more than one year and may demonstrate cost-effectiveness over a period longer than one year.(j) Self-delivered programs. A utility may use internal or external resources to design, administer, and deliver self-delivered programs. The programs shall be tailored to the unique characteristics of the utility's service area in order to attract customer and energy efficiency service provider participation. The programs shall meet the same cost effectiveness requirements as standard offer and market transformation programs.(k) Requirements for standard offer, market transformation, and self-delivered programs. A utility's standard offer, market transformation, and self-delivered programs shall meet the requirements of this subsection. A utility may conduct information and advertising campaigns to foster participation in standard offer, market transformation, and self-delivered programs. (1) Standard offer, market transformation, and self-delivered programs: (A) shall describe the eligible customer classes and allocate funding among the classes on an equitable basis;(B) may offer standard incentive payments and specify a schedule of payments that are sufficient to meet the goals of the program, which shall be consistent with this section, or any revised payment formula adopted by the commission. The incentive payments may include both payments for energy and demand savings, as appropriate;(C) shall not permit the provision of any product, service, pricing benefit, or alternative terms or conditions to be conditioned upon the purchase of any other good or service from the utility, except that only customers taking transmission and distribution services from a utility can participate in its energy efficiency programs;(D) shall provide for a complaint process that allows:(i) an energy efficiency service provider to file a complaint with the commission against a utility; and(ii) a customer to file a complaint with the utility against an energy efficiency service provider;(E) may permit the use of distributed renewable generation, geothermal, heat pump, solar water heater and combined heat and power technologies, involving installations of ten megawatts or less;(F) may factor in the estimated level of enforcement and compliance with existing energy codes in determining energy and peak demand savings; and(G) may require energy efficiency service providers to provide the following: (i) a description of how the value of any incentive will be passed on to customers;(ii) evidence of experience and good credit rating;(iii) a list of references;(iv) all applicable licenses required under state law and local building codes;(v) evidence of all building permits required by governing jurisdictions; and(vi) evidence of all necessary insurance.(2) Standard offer and self-delivered programs: (A) shall require energy efficiency service providers to identify peak demand and energy savings for each project in the proposals they submit to the utility;(B) shall be neutral with respect to specific technologies, equipment, or fuels. Energy efficiency projects may lead to switching from electricity to another energy source, provided that the energy efficiency project results in overall lower energy costs, lower energy consumption, and the installation of high efficiency equipment. Utilities may not pay incentives for a customer to switch from gas appliances to electric appliances except in connection with the installation of high efficiency combined heating and air conditioning systems;(C) shall require that all projects result in a reduction in purchased energy consumption, or peak demand, or a reduction in energy costs for the end-use customer;(D) shall encourage comprehensive projects incorporating more than one energy efficiency measure;(E) shall be limited to projects that result in consistent and predictable energy or peak demand savings over an appropriate period of time based on the life of the measure; and(F) may permit a utility to use poor performance, including customer complaints, as a criterion to limit or disqualify an energy efficiency service provider or its affiliate from participating in a program.(3) A market transformation program shall identify:(B) market barriers the program is designed to overcome;(C) key intervention strategies for overcoming those barriers;(D) estimated costs and projected energy and capacity savings;(E) a baseline study that is appropriate in time and geographic region. In establishing a baseline, the study shall consider the level of regional implementation and enforcement of any applicable energy code;(F) program implementation timeline and milestones;(G) a description of how the program will achieve the transition from extensive market intervention activities toward a largely self-sustaining market;(H) a method for measuring and verifying savings; and(I) the period over which savings shall be considered to accrue, including a projected date by which the market will be sufficiently transformed so that the program should be discontinued.(4) A market transformation program shall be designed to achieve energy or peak demand savings, or both, and lasting changes in the way energy efficient goods or services are distributed, purchased, installed, or used over a defined period of time. A utility shall use fair competitive procedures to select energy efficiency service providers to conduct a market transformation program, and shall include in its annual report the justification for the selection of an energy efficiency service provider to conduct a market transformation program on a sole-source basis.(5) A load-control standard-offer program shall not permit an energy efficiency service provider to receive incentives under the program for the same demand reduction benefit for which it is compensated under a capacity-based demand response program conducted by an independent organization, independent system operator, or regional transmission operator. The qualified scheduling entity representing an energy efficiency service provider is not prohibited from receiving revenues from energy sold in ERCOT markets in addition to any incentive for demand reduction offered under a utility load-control standard offer program.(6) Utilities offering load management programs shall work with ERCOT and energy efficiency service providers to identify eligible loads and shall integrate such loads into the ERCOT markets to the extent feasible. Such integration shall not preclude the continued operation of utility load management programs that cannot be feasibly integrated into the ERCOT markets or that continue to provide separate and distinct benefits.(l) Energy efficiency plans and reports (EEPR). Each electric utility shall file by April 1 of each year an energy efficiency plan and report in a project annually designated for this purpose, as described in this subsection and §RSA 25.183<subdiv>(d)</subdiv> of this title. The plan and report shall be filed as a searchable pdf document. (1) Each electric utility's energy efficiency plan and report shall describe how the utility intends to achieve the goals set forth in this section and comply with the other requirements of this section. The plan and report shall be based on program years. The plan and report shall propose an annual budget sufficient to reach the goals specified in this section.(2) Each electric utility's plan and report shall include: (A) the utility's total actual and weather-adjusted peak demand and actual and weather-adjusted peak demand for residential and commercial customers for the previous five years, measured at the source;(B) the demand goal calculated in accordance with this section for the current year and the following year, including documentation of the demand, weather adjustments, and the calculation of the goal;(C) the utility's customers' total actual and weather-adjusted energy consumption and actual and weather-adjusted energy consumption for residential and commercial customers for the previous five years;(D) the energy goal calculated in accordance with this section, including documentation of the energy consumption, weather adjustments, and the calculation of the goal;(E) a description of existing energy efficiency programs and an explanation of the extent to which these programs will be used to meet the utility's energy efficiency goals;(F) a description of each of the utility's energy efficiency programs that were not included in the previous year's plan, including measurement and verification plans if appropriate, and any baseline studies and research reports or analyses supporting the value of the new programs;(G) an estimate of the energy and peak demand savings to be obtained through each separate energy efficiency program;(H) a description of the customer classes targeted by the utility's energy efficiency programs, specifying the size of the hard-to-reach, residential, and commercial classes, and the methodology used for estimating the size of each customer class;(I) the proposed annual budget required to implement the utility's energy efficiency programs, broken out by program for each customer class, including hard-to-reach customers, and any set-asides or budget restrictions adopted or proposed in accordance with this section. The proposed budget shall detail the incentive payments and utility administrative costs, including specific items for research and information and outreach to energy efficiency service providers, and other major administrative costs, and the basis for estimating the proposed expenditures;(J) a discussion of the types of informational activities the utility plans to use to encourage participation by customers, energy efficiency service providers, and retail electric providers to participate in energy efficiency programs, including the manner in which the utility will provide notice of energy efficiency programs, and any other facts that may be considered when evaluating a program;(K) the utility's performance in achieving its energy goal and demand goal for the prior five years, as reported in annual energy efficiency reports filed in accordance with this section;(L) a comparison of projected savings (energy and demand), reported savings, and verified savings for each of the utility's energy efficiency programs for the prior two years;(M) a description of the results of any market transformation program, including a comparison of the baseline and actual results and any adjustments to the milestones for a market transformation program;(N) a description of self-delivered programs;(O) expenditures for the prior five years for energy and demand incentive payments and program administration, by program and customer class;(P) funds that were committed but not spent during the prior year, by program;(Q) a comparison of actual and budgeted program costs, including an explanation of any increase or decreases of more than 10% in the cost of a program;(R) information relating to energy and demand savings achieved and the number of customers served by each program by customer class;(S) the utility's most recent EECRF, the revenue collected through the EECRF, the utility's forecasted annual energy efficiency program expenditures in excess of the actual energy efficiency revenues collected from base rates as described in § RSA 25.182(d)(2) of this title, and the control number under which the most recent EECRF was established;(T) the amount of any over- or under-recovery of energy efficiency program costs whether collected through base rates or the EECRF;(U) a list of any counties that in the prior year were under-served by the energy efficiency program;(V) a description of new or discontinued programs, including pilot programs that are planned to be continued as full programs. For programs that are to be introduced or pilot programs that are to be continued as full programs, the description shall include the budget and projected demand and energy savings;(W) a link to the program manuals for the current program year; and(X) the calculations supporting the adjustments to restate the demand goal from the source to the meter and to restate the energy efficiency savings from the meter to the source.(m) Review of programs. Commission staff may initiate a proceeding to review a utility's energy efficiency programs. In addition, an interested entity may request that the commission initiate a proceeding to review a utility's energy efficiency programs.(n) Inspection, measurement and verification. Each standard offer, market transformation, and self-delivered program shall include use of an industry-accepted evaluation and/or measurement and verification protocol, such as the International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol or a protocol approved by the commission, to document and verify energy and peak demand savings to ensure that the goals of this section are achieved. A utility shall not provide an energy efficiency service provider final compensation until the provider establishes that the work is complete and evaluation and/or measurement and verification in accordance with the protocol verifies that the savings will be achieved. However, a utility may provide an energy efficiency service provider that offers behavioral programs incremental compensation as work is performed. If inspection of one or more measures is a part of the protocol, a utility shall not provide an energy efficiency service provider final compensation until the utility has conducted its inspection on at least a sample of measures and the inspections confirm that the work has been done. A utility shall provide inspection reports to commission staff within 20 days of staff's request.(1) The energy efficiency service provider, or for self-delivered programs, the utility, is responsible for the determination and documentation of energy and peak demand savings using the approved evaluation and/or measurement and verification protocol, and may utilize the services of an independent third party for such purposes.(2) Commission-approved deemed energy and peak demand savings may be used in lieu of the energy efficiency service provider's measurement and verification, where applicable. The deemed savings approved by the commission before December 31, 2007 are continued in effect, unless superseded by commission action.(3) Where installed measures are employed, an energy efficiency service provider shall verify that the measures contracted for were installed before final payment is made to the energy efficiency service provider, by obtaining the customer's signature certifying that the measures were installed, or by other reasonably reliable means approved by the utility.(4) For projects involving over 30 installations, a statistically significant sample of installations will be subject to on-site inspection in accordance with the protocol for the project to verify that measures are installed and capable of performing their intended function. Inspection shall occur within 30 days of notification of measure installation.(5) Projects of less than 30 installations may be aggregated and a statistically significant sample of the aggregate installations will be subject to on-site inspection in accordance with the protocol for the projects to ensure that measures are installed and capable of performing their intended function. Inspection shall occur within 30 days of notification of measure installation.(6) Where installed measures are employed, the sample size for on-site inspections may be adjusted for an energy efficiency service provider under a particular contract, based on the results of prior inspections.(o) Evaluation, measurement, and verification (EM&V). The following defines the evaluation, measurement, and verification (EM&V) framework. The goal of this framework is to ensure that the programs are evaluated, measured, and verified using a consistent process that allows for accurate estimation of energy and demand impacts. (1) EM&V objectives include: (A) Documenting the impacts of the utilities' individual energy efficiency and load management portfolios, comparing their performance with established goals, and determining cost-effectiveness;(B) Providing feedback for the commission, commission staff, utilities, and other stakeholders on program portfolio performance; and(C) Providing input into the utilities' and ERCOT's planning activities.(2) The principles that guide the EM&V activities in meeting the primary EM&V objectives are: (A) Evaluators follow ethical guidelines.(B) Important and relevant assumptions used by program planners and administrators are reviewed as part of the EM&V efforts.(C) All important and relevant EM&V assumptions and calculations are documented and the reliability of results is indicated in evaluation reports.(D) The majority of evaluation expenditures and efforts are in areas of greatest importance or uncertainty.(3) The commission shall select an entity to act as the commission's EM&V contractor and conduct evaluation activities. The EM&V contractor shall operate under the commission's supervision and oversight, and the EM&V contractor shall offer independent analysis to the commission in order to assist in making decisions in the public interest. (A) Under the oversight of the commission staff and with the assistance of utilities and other parties, the EM&V contractor will evaluate specific programs and the portfolio of programs for each utility.(B) The EM&V contractor shall have the authority to request data it considers necessary to fulfill its evaluation, measurements, and verification responsibilities from the utilities. A utility shall make good faith efforts to provide complete, accurate, and timely responses to all EM&V contractor requests for documents, data, information and other materials. The commission may on its own volition or upon recommendation by staff require that a utility provide the EM&V contractor with specific information.(4) Evaluation activities will be conducted by the EM&V contractor to meet the evaluation objectives defined in this section. Activities shall include, but are not limited to: (A) Providing appropriate planning documents.(B) Impact evaluations to determine and document appropriate metrics for each utility's individual evaluated programs and portfolio of all programs, annual portfolio evaluation reports, and additional reports and services as defined by commission staff to meet the EM&V objectives.(C) Preparation of a statewide technical reference manual (TRM), including updates to such manual as defined in this subsection.(5) The impact evaluation activities may include the use of one or more evaluation approaches. Evaluation activities may also include, or just include, verification activities on a census or sample of projects implemented by the utilities. Evaluations may also include the use of due-diligence on utility-provided documentation as well as surveys of program participants, non-participants, contractors, vendors, and other market actors.(6) The following apply to the development of a statewide TRM by the EM&V contractor. (A) The EM&V contractor shall use existing Texas, or other state, deemed savings manual(s), protocols, and the work papers used to develop the values in the manual(s), as a foundation for developing the TRM. The TRM shall include applicability requirements for each deemed savings value or deemed savings calculation. The TRM may also include standardized EM&V protocols for determining and/or verifying energy and demand savings for particular measures or programs. Utilities may apply TRM deemed savings values or deemed savings calculations to a measure or program if the applicability criteria are met.(B) The TRM shall be reviewed by the EM&V contractor at least annually, under a schedule determined by commission staff, with the intention of preparing an updated TRM, if needed. In addition, any utility or other stakeholder may request additions to or modifications to the TRM at any time with the provision of documentation for the basis of such an addition or modification. At the discretion of commission staff, the EM&V contractor may review such documentation to prepare a recommendation with respect to the addition or modification.(C) Commission staff shall approve any updated TRMs through the energy efficiency implementation project. The approval process for any TRM additions or modifications, not made during the regular review schedule determined by commission staff, shall include a review by commission staff to determine if an addition or modification is appropriate before an annual update. TRM changes approved by staff may be challenged only by the filing of a petition within 45 days of the date that staff's approval is filed in the commission's central records under the control number for the energy efficiency implementation project described by subsection (d)(2)(A) of this section. The petition must clearly describe the reasons commission staff should not have approved the TRM changes, include supporting data and calculations, and state the relief sought.(D) Any changes to the TRM shall be applied prospectively to programs offered in the appropriate program year.(E) The TRM shall be publicly available.(F) Utilities shall utilize the values contained in the TRM, unless the commission indicates otherwise.(7) The utilities shall prepare projected savings estimates and claimed savings estimates. The utilities shall conduct their own EM&V activities for purposes such as confirming any incentive payments to customers or contractors and preparing documentation for internal and external reporting, including providing documentation to the EM&V contractor. The EM&V contractor shall prepare evaluated savings for preparation of its evaluation reports and a realization rate comparing evaluated savings with projected savings estimates and/or claimed savings estimates.(8) Baselines for preparation of TRM deemed savings values or deemed savings calculations or for other evaluation activities shall be defined by the EM&V contractor and commission staff shall review and approve them. When common practice baselines are defined for determining gross energy and/or demand savings for a measure or program, common practice may be documented by market studies. Baselines shall be defined by measure category as follows (deviations from these specifications may be made with justification and approval of commission staff): (A) Baseline is existing conditions for the estimated remaining lifetime of existing equipment for early replacement of functional equipment still within its current useful life. Baseline is applicable code, standard or common practice for remaining lifetime of the measure past the estimated remaining lifetime of existing equipment;(B) Baseline is applicable code, standard or common practice for replacement of functional equipment beyond its current useful life;(C) Baseline is applicable code, standard or common practice for unplanned replacements of failed equipment; and(D) Baseline is applicable code, standard or common practice for new construction or major tenant improvements.(9) Relevant recommendations of the EM&V contractor related to program design and reporting should be addressed in the Energy Efficiency Implementation Project (EEIP) and considered for implementation in future program years. The commission may require a utility to implement the EM&V contractor's recommendations in a future program year.(10) The utilities shall be assigned the EM&V costs in proportion to their annual program costs and shall pay the invoices approved by the commission. The commission shall at least biennially review the EM&V contractor's costs and establish a budget for its services sufficient to pay for those services that it determines are economic and beneficial to be performed.(A) The funding of the EM&V contractor shall be sufficient to ensure the selection of an EM&V contractor in accordance with the scope of EM&V activities outlined in this subsection.(B) EM&V costs shall be itemized in the utilities' annual reports to the commission as a separate line item. The EM&V costs shall not count against the utility's cost caps or administration spending caps.(11) For the purpose of analysis, the utility shall grant the EM&V contractor access to data maintained in the utilities' data tracking systems, including, but not limited to, the following proprietary customer information: customer identifying information, individual customer contracts, and load and usage data in accordance with §RSA 25.272<subdiv>(g)(1)(A)</subdiv> of this title (relating to Code of Conduct for Electric Utilities and Their Affiliates). Such information shall be treated as confidential information. (A) The utility shall maintain records for three years that include the date, time, and nature of proprietary customer information released to the EM&V contractor.(B) The EM&V contractor shall aggregate data in such a way as to protect customer, retail electric provider, and energy efficiency service provider proprietary information in any non-confidential reports or filings the EM&V contractor prepares.(C) The EM&V contractor shall not utilize data provided or received under commission authority for any purposes outside the authorized scope of work the EM&V contractor performs for the commission.(D) The EM&V contractor providing services under this section shall not release any information it receives related to the work performed unless directed to do so by the commission.(p) Targeted low-income energy efficiency program. Each unbundled transmission and distribution utility shall include in its energy efficiency plan a targeted low-income energy efficiency program. A utility in an area in which customer choice is not offered may include in its energy efficiency plan a targeted low-income energy efficiency program that utilizes the cost-effectiveness methodology provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection. Savings achieved by the program shall count toward the utility's energy efficiency goal. (1) Each utility shall ensure that annual expenditures for the targeted low-income energy efficiency program are not less than 10% of the utility's energy efficiency budget for the program year.(2) The utility's targeted low-income program shall incorporate a whole-house assessment that will evaluate all applicable energy efficiency measures for which there are commission-approved deemed savings. The cost-effectiveness of measures eligible to be installed and the overall program shall be evaluated using the Savings-to-Investment ratio (SIR).(3) Any funds that are not obligated after July of a program year may be made available for use in the hard-to-reach program.(q) Energy Efficiency Implementation Project - EEIP. The commission shall use the EEIP to develop best practices in standard offer market transformation, self-directed, pilot, or other programs, modifications to programs, standardized forms and procedures, protocols, deemed savings estimates, program templates, and the overall direction of the energy efficiency program established by this section. Utilities shall provide timely responses to questions posed by other participants relevant to the tasks of the EEIP. Any recommendations from the EEIP process shall relate to future years as described in this subsection. (1) The following functions may also be undertaken in the EEIP:(A) development, discussion, and review of new statewide standard offer programs;(B) identification, discussion, design, and review of new market transformation programs;(C) determination of measures for which deemed savings are appropriate and participation in the development of deemed savings estimates for those measures;(D) review of and recommendations on the commission EM&V contractor's reports;(E) review of and recommendations on incentive payment levels and their adequacy to induce the desired level of participation by energy efficiency service providers and customers;(F) review of and recommendations on a utility's annual energy efficiency plans and reports;(G) utility program portfolios and proposed energy efficiency spending levels for future program years;(H) periodic reviews of the cost-effectiveness methodology; and(I) other activities as identified by commission staff.(2) The EEIP projects shall be conducted by commission staff. The commission's EM&V contractor's reports shall be filed in the project at a date determined by commission staff.(3) A utility that intends to launch a program that is substantially different from other programs previously implemented by any utility affected by this section shall file a program template and shall provide notice of such to EEIP participants. Notice to EEIP participants need not be provided if a program description or program template for the new program is provided through the utility's annual energy efficiency report. Following the first year in which a program was implemented, the utility shall include the program results in the utility's annual energy efficiency report.(4) Participants in the EEIP may submit comments and reply comments in the EEIP on dates established by commission staff.(5) Any new programs or program redesigns shall be submitted to the commission in a petition in a separate proceeding. The approved changes shall be available for use in the utilities' next EEPR and EECRF filings. If the changes are not approved by the commission by November 1 in a particular year, the first time that the changes shall be available for use is the second EEPR and EECRF filings made after commission approval.(6) Any interested entity that participates in the EEIP may file a petition to the commission for consideration regarding changes to programs.(r) Retail providers. Each utility in an area in which customer choice is offered shall conduct outreach and information programs and otherwise use its best efforts to encourage and facilitate the involvement of retail electric providers as energy efficiency service companies in the delivery of efficiency and demand response programs.(s) Customer protection. Each energy efficiency service provider that provides energy efficiency services to end-use customers under this section shall provide the disclosures and include the contractual provisions required by this subsection, except for commercial customers with a peak load exceeding 50 kW. Paragraph (1) of this subsection does not apply to behavioral energy efficiency programs that do not require a contract with a customer.(1) Clear disclosure to the customer shall be made of the following: (A) the customer's right to a cooling-off period of three business days, in which the contract may be canceled, if applicable under law;(B) the name, telephone number, and street address of the energy efficiency service provider and any subcontractor that will be performing services at the customer's home or business;(C) the fact that incentives are made available to the energy efficiency services provider through a program funded by utility customers, manufacturers or other entities and the amount of any incentives provided by the utility;(D) the amount of any incentives that will be provided to the customer;(E) notice of provisions that will be included in the customer's contract, including warranties;(F) the fact that the energy efficiency service provider must measure and report to the utility the energy and peak demand savings from installed energy efficiency measures;(G) the liability insurance to cover property damage carried by the energy efficiency service provider and any subcontractor;(H) the financial arrangement between the energy efficiency service provider and customer, including an explanation of the total customer payments, the total expected interest charged, all possible penalties for non-payment, and whether the customer's installment sales agreement may be sold;(I) the fact that the energy efficiency service provider is not part of or endorsed by the commission or the utility; and(J) a description of the complaint procedure established by the utility under this section, and toll free numbers for the Customer Protection Division of the Public Utility Commission of Texas, and the Office of Attorney General's Consumer Protection Hotline.(2) The energy efficiency service provider's contract with the customer, where such a contract is employed, shall include:(A) work activities, completion dates, and the terms and conditions that protect residential customers in the event of non-performance by the energy efficiency service provider;(B) provisions prohibiting the waiver of consumer protection statutes, performance warranties, false claims of energy savings and reductions in energy costs;(C) a disclosure notifying the customer that consumption data may be disclosed to the EM&V contractor for evaluation purposes; and(D) a complaint procedure to address performance issues by the energy efficiency service provider or a subcontractor.(3) When an energy efficiency service provider completes the installation of measures for a customer, it shall provide the customer an "All Bills Paid" affidavit to protect against claims of subcontractors.(t) Grandfathered programs. An electric utility that offered a load management standard offer program for industrial customers prior to May 1, 2007 shall continue to make the program available, at 2007 funding and participation levels, and may include additional customers in the program to maintain these funding and participation levels.(u) Identification notice. An industrial customer taking electric service at distribution voltage may submit a notice identifying the distribution accounts for which it qualifies under subsection (c)(30) of this section. The identification notice shall be submitted directly to the customer's utility. An identification notice submitted under this section must be renewed every three years. Each identification notice must include the name of the industrial customer, a copy of the customer's Texas Sales and Use Tax Exemption Certification (under Tax Code § RSA 151.317), a description of the industrial process taking place at the consuming facilities, and the customer's applicable account number(s) or ESID number(s). The identification notice is limited solely to the metered point of delivery of the industrial process taking place at the consuming facilities. The account number(s) or ESID number(s) identified by the industrial customer under this section shall not be charged for any costs associated with programs provided under this section, including any shareholder bonus awarded; nor shall the identified facilities be eligible to participate in utility-administered energy efficiency programs during the term. Notices shall be submitted not later than February 1 to be effective for the following program year. A utility's demand reduction goal shall be adjusted to remove any load that is lost as a result of this subsection.(v) Administrative penalty. The commission may impose an administrative penalty or other sanction if the utility fails to meet a goal for energy efficiency under this section. Factors, to the extent they are outside of the utility's control, that may be considered in determining whether to impose a sanction for the utility's failure to meet the goal include:(1) the level of demand by retail electric providers and energy efficiency service providers for program incentive funds made available by the utility through its programs;(2) changes in building energy codes; and(3) changes in government-imposed appliance or equipment efficiency standards.16 Tex. Admin. Code § 25.181
The provisions of this §25.181 adopted to be effective May 4, 2008, 33 TexReg 3585; amended to be effective December 1, 2010, 35 TexReg 7747; amended to be effective January 1, 2013, 37 TexReg 8512; Amended by Texas Register, Volume 42, Number 12, March 24, 2017, TexReg 1400, eff. 3/30/2017; Amended by Texas Register, Volume 43, Number 19, May 11, 2018, TexReg 3042, eff. 5/13/2018; Amended by Texas Register, Volume 44, Number 13, March 29, 2019, TexReg 1569, eff. 4/4/2019