16 Tex. Admin. Code § 4.172

Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 4.172 - [Effective 7/1/2025] Minimum Permit Provisions for Operations
(a) The following provisions apply to any removal of tank bottoms or other oil and gas wastes from any oil producing lease tank, pipeline storage tank, or other production facility.
(1) Tank bottoms and other oil and gas wastes shall be reclaimed using the methods authorized in the permit.
(2) An authorized representative of the operator of a reclamation plant shall execute a manifest in accordance with § 3.85 of this title (relating to Manifest To Accompany Each Transport of Liquid Hydrocarbons by Vehicle) upon each removal of tank bottoms or other oil and gas wastes from any oil producing lease tank, pipeline storage tank, or other production facility. In addition to the information required pursuant to § 3.85 of this title, the operator of the reclamation plant or other authorized person shall also include on the manifest:
(A) the Commission identification number of the lease or facility from which the material is removed; and
(B) the gross and net volume of the material as determined by the required shakeout test.
(3) The operator of the reclamation plant or other authorized person shall complete the manifest before leaving the lease or facility from which the liquid hydrocarbons are removed and shall retain a copy for three years.
(4) The operator of the reclamation plant or other authorized person shall keep a copy of the manifest in the vehicle transporting the material.
(b) The operator of a reclamation plant or other authorized person shall conduct a shakeout test on all tank bottoms or other oil and gas wastes upon removal from any producing lease tank, pipeline storage tank, or other production facility to determine the crude oil and/or lease hydrocarbon condensate content. The shakeout test shall be conducted in accordance with the most current API or ASTM method.
(c) Pursuant to §4.190 of this title (relating to Oil and Gas Waste Characterization and Documentation), waste characterization and profiling shall be performed before the waste is accepted at the reclamation plant.

16 Tex. Admin. Code § 4.172

Adopted by Texas Register, Volume 50, Number 01, January 3, 2025, TexReg 0084, eff. 7/1/2025