16 Tex. Admin. Code § 4.162

Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 4.162 - [Effective 7/1/2025] Operating Requirements for Landfarming and Landtreating Permits
(a) Application. The applicant shall submit the following operating information with each application for landfarming permit:
(1) the estimated chloride concentration of the waste to be accepted at the facility;
(2) the procedure by which waste will be mixed into the soil;
(3) waste to soil application rates;
(4) the frequency of soil tilling;
(5) the maximum depth to which waste will be tilled;
(6) documentation on any soil amendments or microbes to be used;
(7) plans for monitoring and testing the landfarming area, and other appropriate procedures to ensure the treatment of organic constituents and prevention of pollution;
(8) the estimated duration of landfarming activities;
(9) the total cumulative volume of waste, in barrels, to be landfarmed over the active life of the operation or active cells; and
(10) the total cumulative height of waste, in inches, to be landfarmed over the active life of the operation or active cells.
(b) Operating requirements. A landfarming or landtreating permittee shall comply with the following requirements.
(1) Prior to waste application, the permittee shall thoroughly disk the entire landfarming or landtreating area and shall otherwise prepare the area by adding fertilizer, lime, and/or other agricultural chemicals, if needed.
(2) A landfarming or landtreating permittee shall comply with the following waste application requirements.
(A) The permittee shall apply the waste to each landfarming cell to prevent the pooling or migration of the waste outside of the approved landfarming cell and to prevent the waste from entering any watercourses or drainageways, including any drainage ditch, dry creek, flowing creek, river, or any other surface water.
(B) The total cumulative volume of waste applied to any landfarming cell over its lifetime shall not exceed the permitted volume.
(C) The permittee shall maintain freeboard of at least two feet plus capacity to contain the volume of precipitation from a 25-year, 24-hour rainfall event.
(D) The permittee shall ensure that the waste is uniformly dispersed across the landfarming or landtreating area and the waste is fully and evenly incorporated into the top six inches of soil. The waste shall be mixed with the soil within 24 hours of waste application. Any active cell shall be disked once a month thereafter until the cell is closed in accordance with the permit.
(E) The permittee is prohibited from applying waste to the cells during periods of rainfall.
(3) Any standing or pooled rainwater or other liquid in a landfarming cell or within the perimeter berm shall be removed within 72 hours and disposed of in an authorized manner. Contact stormwater may be disked into a landfarming cell with prior written approval from the Director.
(4) Land application of contact stormwater outside of a permitted landfarming cell is prohibited.
(5) Any spills of waste or any other materials shall be promptly containerized and disposed of in an authorized manner.
(6) Vehicle access into each cell shall be at a location where the stormwater surface flow cannot enter the treatment cells.

16 Tex. Admin. Code § 4.162

Adopted by Texas Register, Volume 50, Number 01, January 3, 2025, TexReg 0083, eff. 7/1/2025