16 Tex. Admin. Code § 4.124

Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 4.124 - [Effective 7/1/2025] Requirements Applicable to All Permit Applications and Reports
(a) Unless otherwise specified by rule, a permit application shall be filed with the Technical Permitting Section. The application shall be filed by mail, hand delivery, or by an electronic process approved by the Director. A permit application shall be considered filed with the Commission on the day it is date-stamped by the Commission's office in Austin.
(b) The permit application shall contain information addressing each applicable application requirement and all information necessary to initiate the final review by the Technical Permitting Section, including all information required by this division and the applicable provisions of Divisions 5 through 9 of this subchapter, as described in §4.120 of this title (relating to General Requirements for All Permitted Operations).
(c) When a Commission prescribed application form exists, either in paper or electronic form, an applicant shall apply on the prescribed form according to the form instructions. When a Commission prescribed application form does not exist, the permit application shall contain a signature, printed name, contact telephone number or email address, the date of signing, and the following certification: "I certify that I am authorized to make this application, that this application was prepared by me or under my supervision and direction, and that the data and facts stated herein are true, correct, and complete to the best of my knowledge."
(d) The permit application shall contain the following information for the applicant:
(1) the applicant's organization name;
(2) the applicant's organization report (P-5) number;
(3) the applicant's physical address, and mailing address if different;
(4) the name, telephone number, and email address of a contact person for the application, which can be someone within the applicant's organization or an agent;
(5) the identifying name of the proposed facility; and
(6) a general narrative description of the proposed management of oil and gas wastes at the facility.
(e) The technical data in the permit application shall comply with the following requirements.
(1) All geographic coordinates submitted to the Technical Permitting Section shall use the North American Datum (NAD) 83, in decimal degrees to six decimal places of longitude and latitude.
(2) All maps, plans, and diagrams submitted to the Technical Permitting Section shall be drawn to scale and include a scale, north arrow, title block, and legend. Maps shall be of material suitable for a permanent record and shall be on sheets 8-1/2 inches by 11 inches or, alternatively, 8-1/2 inches by 14 inches or 11 inches by 17 inches folded to standard letter size.
(3) All chemical laboratory analyses submitted to the Technical Permitting Section are required to be performed in accordance with the following.
(A) All chemical laboratory analyses shall be conducted using appropriate EPA methods or standard methods by an independent National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program certified laboratory neither owned nor operated by the permittee. Any sample collected for chemical laboratory analysis shall be collected and preserved in a manner appropriate for that analytical method as specified in 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 136. All geotechnical testing shall be performed by a laboratory certified to conduct geotechnical testing according to the standards specified by ASTM and certified by a professional engineer licensed in Texas.
(B) All chemical laboratory analytical results shall include the full laboratory analytical report and the corresponding chain of custody.
(4) All NORM screening surveys submitted to the Technical Permitting Section shall be performed using a properly calibrated scintillation meter with a sodium iodide detector (or equivalent), with the results reported in microroentgens per hour. The manufacturer's specifications and relevant calibration records shall be submitted to the Technical Permitting Section for all devices used for NORM detection. All equipment, including piping, pumps, and vessels shall be surveyed. Readings shall be taken around the circumference of the pits and to the extent possible, over the pits. The ground surrounding the equipment and pits shall be surveyed in a systematic grid pattern. At a minimum, the following information shall be reported:
(A) the date of the survey;
(B) the instrument used and the last calibration date;
(C) a background reading;
(D) a facility diagram showing where all readings, including the background, were taken;
(E) the readings (in microroentgens per hour); and
(F) the full name of the person conducting the survey.
(f) The application shall include a stormwater management plan that contains plans and diagrams to segregate, manage, and dispose of all contact stormwater and non-contact stormwater at the facility.

16 Tex. Admin. Code § 4.124

Adopted by Texas Register, Volume 50, Number 01, January 3, 2025, TexReg 0076, eff. 7/1/2025