Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 4.196 - [Effective 7/1/2025] Surface Water Pollution Prevention(a) An operator shall not pollute the waters of the Texas offshore and adjacent estuarine zones (saltwater bearing bays, inlets, and estuaries) or damage aquatic life therein.(b) All activities under the jurisdiction of the Commission shall be conducted in such a manner to preclude the pollution of the waters of the Texas offshore and adjacent estuarine zones. The following procedures shall be utilized to prevent pollution. (1) No oil or other hydrocarbons in any form or combination with other materials or constituent shall be disposed of into the Texas offshore and adjacent estuarine zones.(2) All deck areas on drilling platforms, barges, workover unit, and associated equipment both floating and stationary subject to contamination shall be either curbed and connected by drain to a collecting tank, sump, or enclosed drilling slot in which the containment will be treated and disposed of without causing hazard or pollution; or else drip pans, or their equivalent, shall be placed under any equipment which might reasonably be considered a source from which pollutants may escape into surrounding water. These drip pans shall be piped to collecting tanks, sumps, or enclosed drilling slots to prevent overflow or prevent pollution of the surrounding water.(3) Solid wastes such as cans, bottles, any form of trash, or ashes of combustible waste shall be transported to shore in appropriate containers.(4) Drilling muds which contain oil shall be transported to shore or a designated area for disposal.(5) Fluids produced from offshore wells shall be mechanically contained in adequately pressure-controlled piping or vessels from producing well to disposition point. Oil and water separation facilities at offshore and onshore locations shall contain safeguards to prevent discharge of pollutants to the Texas offshore and adjacent estuarine zones.(6) Any person observing water pollution shall report such sighting, noting size, material, location, and current conditions to the ranking operating personnel. Immediate action shall be taken or notification made to eliminate further pollution. The operator shall then transmit the report to the appropriate Commission District Office.(7) Immediate corrective action shall be taken in all cases where pollution has occurred. An operator responsible for the pollution shall remove immediately such oil, oil field waste, or other pollution materials from the waters and the shoreline where it is found. Such removal operations will be at the expense of the responsible operator.(c) The Commission may suspend producing and/or drilling operations from any facility if the provisions of this rule are being violated.(d) The requirements of this section shall also apply to all oil, gas, or geothermal resource operations conducted on the inland and fresh waters of the State of Texas, such as lakes, rivers, and streams.16 Tex. Admin. Code § 4.196
Adopted by Texas Register, Volume 50, Number 01, January 3, 2025, TexReg 0088, eff. 7/1/2025