(a) The council shall meet at least once quarterly and at other times at the call of the chair or upon the written request of three or more members. Any written request must be filed with the chair or the vice chair. All meetings shall comply with the open meetings provisions in the Government Code, Chapter 551.(b) The chair will designate the time, date, and place of all meetings. The chair shall be responsible for filing notice of meetings as required by law. The chair shall also give notice of the meetings to council members.(1) The chair shall prepare the agenda before council meetings.(2) Items shall be included on the agenda upon the written request of one council member and approval of the chair.(3) A member who is unable to attend a meeting shall notify the chair before the meeting, and if possible send a designee to the meeting.(c) The council may take action upon a majority vote of the members eligible to vote on that action.(d) The chair shall designate a clerk to keep a complete record of the meetings of the council and shall prepare written summaries or minutes reflecting actions taken by council members present as required by the Government Code, Chapter 551.(e) An opportunity for public comment shall be provided at each council meeting. Public comment shall be heard subject to limitations imposed at the discretion of the chair, including time limits and other constraints as necessary for efficient and fair consideration of agenda items.(f) The council may periodically hold public hearings to obtain input regarding the policies and operations of the council, issues before the council, and to solicit suggestions and ideas from interested members of the public.13 Tex. Admin. Code § 50.5
The provisions of this §50.5 adopted to be effective October 18, 1998, 23 TexReg 9974; amended to be effective March 12, 2002, 27 TexReg 1728; amended to be effective September 10, 2003, 28 TexReg 7681