13 Tex. Admin. Code § 6.21

Current through Reg. 49, No. 25; June 21, 2024
Section 6.21 - Definitions

The following words and terms, when used in these sections, have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. Terms not defined in these sections have the meanings defined in the Government Code, Chapter 441, or technical report AIIM TR2 adopted by reference in § RSA 6.22<subdiv>(a)</subdiv> of this title (relating to Adopted National Standards).

(1) Agency--A state executive, educational, judicial, legislative, or eleemosynary department, institution, board, or commission.
(2) Aperture card--A card with a rectangular opening(s) into which 16mm/35mm microfilm frames can be inserted, mounted, or pre-mounted.
(3) Batch--A quantity of chemicals or film which has been prepared at one time, and which has been identified through labeling or through other means by the manufacturer as a batch or lot.
(4) CAD (computer assisted design)--A method of creating microimages by computer-driven laser.
(5) Convenience film--Microfilm copies of records created only for convenience of use and considered nonrecords under the Government Code, § RSA 441.031<subdiv>(5)</subdiv>.
(6) Declaration by the camera operator--A target photographed on film following the filmed records that provides identification of beginning and ending records on the film; signature of the camera operator; date the declaration was filmed; and reduction range, if more than one ratio has been used.
(7) Diazo--A photographic film containing one or more photosensitive layers composed of diazonium salts in a polymeric material which react with coupler(s) to form an azo dye image after film processing.
(8) Duplicate microfilm--A microfilm copy made from the original or master negative. Can be silver, diazo or vesicular film.
(9) Essential record--Any state record necessary to resume or continue a state agency's business; to recreate its legal and financial status; and to preserve the rights of the agency, its employees, and its clients.
(10) Microfilm--Roll microfilm, microfiche, computer output microfilm (COM), and all other formats produced by any method of microphotography or other means of miniaturization on film.
(11) Microfilm container--Generic term for any enclosure in close or direct contact with film such as a reel, can, bag, folder, sleeve (sheath), jacket, envelope, window mount or mat, slide mount, carton, cartridge, cassette, and aperture card.
(12) Microfilming--The methods, procedures, and processes used to produce microfilm.
(13) Needs assessment--A documented process to determine the feasibility and justification for microfilming records including consideration of the retention period and activity rate of the records, advantages and limitations of alternate records media, protection of essential records, access or retrieval concerns, and cost comparisons.
(14) Original microfilm--Film produced directly from the record (also known as first-generation microfilm and camera film).
(15) Records administrator--The head of an agency or the person appointed by the head of an agency to act as the agency's representative in all issues of records management policy, responsibility, and statutory compliance pursuant to the Government Code, § 441.037.
(16) Records custodian--The agency employee who is in charge of an office that creates or receives state records.
(17) Records retention schedule--A document prepared in accordance with § RSA 6.2 of this title (relating to Submission of Records Retention Schedules for Certification).
(18) Records series--A group of identical or related records that are normally used and/or filed together, and that permit evaluation as a group for retention scheduling purposes.
(19) Retention period--The period of time during which a state record must be maintained before final disposition.
(20) Security copy--Either the original microfilm or a duplicate that is stored offsite for the full retention period of the record.
(21) State record--Any written, photographic, machine-readable, or other recorded information created or received by a state agency that documents its activities in the conduct of state business or use of public resources. The term does not include library or museum material made or acquired and preserved solely for reference or exhibition purposes, an extra copy of recorded information preserved only for reference, or a stock of publications or blank forms.
(22) Step-and-repeat system--A method of microfilming by which images are directly placed on an area of film according to a predetermined format, usually in orderly rows and columns.
(23) Title page--A target photographed on film stating that the records are microfilmed in the regular course of business and identifying the name of the agency of origin, if applicable; name of the records administrator or name and title of the current records custodian; name and location of service bureau, if applicable; reduction ratio; records series title; inclusive dates of records and volume numbers or serial numbers needed to clearly identify the records; and restriction or classification, if applicable.
(24) Vesicular--Photographic film containing one or more photosensitive layers composed of diazonium salt in a thermoplastic material.

13 Tex. Admin. Code § 6.21

The provisions of this §6.21 adopted to be effective June 12, 1996, 21 TexReg 4989.