10 Tex. Admin. Code § 11.101

Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 11.101 - Site and Development Requirements and Restrictions
(a) Site Requirements and Restrictions. The purpose of this section is to identify specific requirements and restrictions related to a Development Site seeking multifamily funding or assistance from the Department.
(1) Floodplain. New Construction or Reconstruction Developments located within a 100 year floodplain as identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps must develop the site in full compliance with the National Flood Protection Act and all applicable federal and state statutory and regulatory requirements. The Applicant will have to use floodplain maps and comply with regulation as they exist at the time of commencement of construction. Even if not required by such provisions, the Site must be developed so that all finished ground floor elevations are at least one foot above the floodplain and parking and drive areas are no lower than six inches below the floodplain. If there are more stringent federal or local requirements they must also be met. Applicants requesting NHTF funds from the Department must also meet the federal environmental provisions under 24 CFR § 93.301(f)(1)(vi). Applicants requesting HOME, HOME-ARP, or NSP PI funds from the Department must meet the federal environmental provisions under 24 CFR Part 58, as in effect at the time of execution of the Contract between the Department and the Owner. If no FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps are available for the proposed Development Site, flood zone documentation must be provided from the local government with jurisdiction identifying the 100 year floodplain. Rehabilitation (excluding Reconstruction) Developments with existing and ongoing federal funding assistance from HUD or USDA are exempt from this requirement, to the extent NHTF is not being requested from the Department. All Developments located within a 100 year floodplain must state in the Tenant Rights and Resource Guide that part or all of the Development Site is located in a floodplain, and that it is encouraged that they consider getting appropriate insurance or take necessary precautions. However, where existing and ongoing federal assistance is not applicable such Rehabilitation (excluding Reconstruction) Developments will be allowed in the 100 year floodplain provided the local government has undertaken and can substantiate sufficient mitigation efforts and such documentation is submitted in the Application or the existing structures meet the requirements that are applicable for New Construction or Reconstruction Developments, as certified to by a Third Party engineer.
(2) Undesirable Site Features.
(A) An Undesirable Site Feature will render an Application ineligible unless acceptable mitigation as determined by staff or the Board is undertaken. For Competitive HTC Applications, if staff identifies an undesirable site feature reflected in clause (i) - (x) of subparagraph (E) and it was not disclosed, the Application shall be terminated by staff. If Department staff identifies what it believes would constitute an undesirable site feature not listed in this paragraph or covered under clause (xi) of subparagraph (E), staff may issue an Administrative Deficiency. In the event that staff cannot reasonably conclude whether a feature is considered undesirable, it may defer to the Board for decision.
(B) Rehabilitation (excluding Reconstruction) Developments with ongoing and existing federal assistance from HUD, USDA, or Veterans Affairs (VA) and Developments encumbered by a TDHCA LURA the earlier of the first day of the Application Acceptance Period for HTC, Application Acceptance Date for Direct Loan, or date the pre-application is submitted (if applicable) may be granted an exemption by staff; however, depending on the undesirable site feature(s) staff may recommend mitigation still be provided as appropriate. Such an exemption must be requested at the time of or prior to the filing of an Application. Historic Developments that would otherwise qualify under § 11.9(e)(6) of this chapter (related to Criteria promoting the efficient use of limited resources and applicant accountability) may be granted an exemption, and such exemption must be requested at the time of or prior to the filing of an Application.
(C) Requests for pre-determinations of Site eligibility prior to pre-application or Application submission will not be binding on full Applications submitted at a later date. For Tax-Exempt Bond Developments where the Department is the Issuer, the Applicant may submit a request for pre-determination at pre-application or for Tax-Exempt Bond Developments utilizing a local issuer a request for a pre-determination may be submitted prior to Application submission. An Applicant should understand that any determination made by staff or the Board at that point in time regarding Site eligibility based on the documentation presented, is preliminary in nature. Should additional information related to any of the Undesirable Site Features become available while the Application is under review, or the information by which the original determination was made changes in a way that could affect eligibility, then such information will be re-evaluated by staff and may result in an Administrative Deficiency or re-evaluation.
(D) If a state or federal cognizant agency would require a new facility under its jurisdiction to have a minimum separation from housing, the Department will defer to that agency and require the same separation for a new housing facility near an existing regulated or registered facility. In addition to these limitations, a Development Owner must ensure that the proposed Development Site and all construction thereon comply with all applicable state and federal requirements regarding separation for safety purposes.
(E) The Undesirable Site Features include those described in clauses (i) - (xi) of this subparagraph. The distances are to be measured from the nearest boundary of the Development Site to the nearest boundary of the property or easement containing the undesirable feature, unless otherwise noted below. Where there is a local ordinance that specifies the proximity of such undesirable feature to a multifamily development that has smaller distances than the minimum distances noted below, then such smaller distances may be used and documentation such as a copy of the local ordinance identifying such distances relative to the Development Site must be included in the Application. Pre-existing zoning does not meet the requirement for a local ordinance.
(i) Development Sites located within 300 feet of junkyards. For purposes of this paragraph, a junkyard shall be defined as stated in Texas Transportation Code § 396.001;
(ii) Development Sites located within 300 feet of an active solid waste facility, sanitary landfill facility, waste transfer station, or illegal dumping sites (as such dumping sites are identified by the local municipality);
(iii) Development Sites located within 300 feet of a sexually-oriented business. For purposes of this paragraph, a sexually-oriented business shall be defined in Local Government Code §243.002, or as zoned, licensed and regulated as such by the local municipality;
(iv) Development Sites located within 500 feet of active railroad tracks, measured from the closest rail to the boundary of the Development Site, unless:
(I) the Applicant provides evidence that the city/community has adopted a Railroad Quiet Zone covering the area within 500 feet of the Development Site;
(II) the Applicant has engaged a qualified Third Party to perform a noise assessment and the Applicant commits to perform sound mitigation in accordance with HUD standards as if they were directly applicable to the Development; or
(III) the railroad in question is commuter or light rail;
(v) Development Sites located within 500 feet of heavy industry (i.e. facilities that require extensive use of land and machinery, produce high levels of external noise such as manufacturing plants, or that maintain fuel storage facilities, to the extent that these qualifying items are consistent with the general characteristics of heavy industry. Gas stations and other similar facilities that are not consistent with the characteristics of heavy industry are not considered an undesirable site feature;
(vi) Development Sites located within 10 miles of a nuclear plant;
(vii) Development Sites in which the buildings are located within the accident potential zones or the runway clear zones of any airport;
(viii) Development Sites that contain one or more pipelines, situated underground or aboveground, which carry highly volatile liquids or Development Sites located adjacent to a pipeline easement (for a pipeline carrying highly volatile liquids), the Application must include a plan for developing near the pipeline(s) and mitigation, if any, in accordance with a report conforming to the Pipelines and Informed Planning Alliance (PIPA);
(ix) Development Sites located within 2 miles of refineries capable of refining more than 100,000 barrels of oil daily;
(x) Development Sites that are located in a Clear Zone, any Accident Potential Zone, or within any Noise Contour of 65 decibels or greater, as reflected in a Joint Land Use Study for any military Installation, except that if the Development Site is located in a Noise Contour between 65 and 70 decibels, the Development Site will not be considered to have an Undesirable Site Feature if the Applicant has engaged a qualified Third Party to perform a noise assessment and the Applicant commits to perform sound mitigation in accordance with HUD standards as if they were directly applicable to the Development; or
(xi) Any Site deemed unacceptable, which would include, without limitation, those with exposure to an environmental factor that may adversely affect the health and safety of the residents or render the Site inappropriate for housing use and which cannot be adequately mitigated. If staff believe that a Site should be deemed unacceptable under this provision due to information that was not included in the Application, it will provide the Applicant with written notice and an opportunity to respond.
(3) Neighborhood Risk Factors.
(A) A Neighborhood Risk Factor will render an application ineligible unless acceptable mitigation as determined by staff or the board is undertaken. If the Development Site has any of the characteristics described in subparagraph (D) of this paragraph, the Applicant must disclose the presence of such characteristics in the Application submitted to the Department. For Competitive HTC Applications, should staff determine that the Development Site has any of the characteristics described in subparagraph (D) of this paragraph and such characteristics were not disclosed, the Application shall be terminated by staff.
(B) Requests for pre-determinations of Site eligibility prior to pre-application or Application submission will not be binding on full Applications submitted at a later date. For Tax-Exempt Bond Developments where the Department is the Issuer, the Applicant may submit the documentation described under subparagraph (E) of this paragraph at pre-application or for Tax-Exempt Bond Developments utilizing a local issuer a request for a pre-determination may be submitted prior to Application submission. An Applicant should understand that any determination made by staff or the Board at that point in time regarding Site eligibility based on the documentation presented, is preliminary in nature. Should additional information related to any of the Neighborhood Risk Factors become available while the Tax-Exempt Bond Development or Direct Loan only Application is under review, or the information by which the original determination was made changes in a way that could affect eligibility, then such information will be re-evaluated by staff and staff may issue an Administrative Deficiency.
(C) The presence of any characteristics listed in subparagraph (D) of this paragraph will prompt staff to perform an assessment of the Development Site and neighborhood, which may include a site visit. Mitigation to be considered by staff is identified in subparagraph (E) of this paragraph. Preservation of affordable units alone does not present a compelling reason to support a conclusion of eligibility.
(D) The Neighborhood Risk Factors include those noted in clauses (i) - (iii) of this subparagraph and additional information as applicable to the neighborhood risk factor(s) disclosed as provided in subparagraph (E) of this paragraph must be submitted in the Application. In order to be considered an eligible Site despite the presence of Neighborhood Risk Factors, an Applicant must demonstrate actions being taken that would lead staff to conclude that there is a high probability and reasonable expectation the risk factor will be sufficiently mitigated or significantly improved prior to placement in service and that the risk factor demonstrates a positive trend and continued improvement. Conclusions for such reasonable expectation may need to be affirmed by an industry professional, as appropriate, and may be dependent upon the severity of the Neighborhood Risk Factor disclosed.
(i) The Development Site is located within a census tract that has a poverty rate above 40% for individuals (or 55% for Developments in regions 11 and 13). Rehabilitation Developments with ongoing and existing federal assistance from HUD, USDA, or Veterans Affairs (VA), and Developments encumbered by a TDHCA LURA re exempt from this Neighborhood Risk Factor.
(ii) The Development Site is New Construction or Reconstruction and is located in a census tract (or for any adjacent census tract with a boundary less than 500 feet from the proposed Development Site that is not separated from the Development Site by a natural barrier such as a river or lake, or an intervening restricted area, such as a military installation) in an Urban Area and the rate of Part I violent crime is greater than 18 per 1,000 persons (annually) as reported on neighborhoodscout.com. Rehabilitation developments with ongoing and existing federal assistance from HUD, USDA, or Veterans Affairs (VA), and Developments encumbered by a TDHCA LURA are exempt from this Neighborhood Risk Factor.
(iii) The Development Site is located within the attendance zone of an elementary school, a middle school or a high school that had a TEA Accountability Rating of "Not Rated: Senate Bill 1365" for 2022.
(I) In districts with district-wide enrollment or choice districts an Applicant shall use the rating of the closest elementary, middle and high school, respectively, which may possibly be attended by the tenants in determining whether or not disclosure is required. Schools with an application process for admittance, limited enrollment or other requirements that may prevent a child from attending will not be considered as the closest school or the school which attendance zone contains the site.
(II) School ratings will be determined by the school number, so that in the case where a new school is formed or named or consolidated with another school but is considered to have the same number that rating will be used. A school that has never been rated by the Texas Education Agency will use the district rating.
(III) If a school is configured to serve grades that do not align with the Texas Education Agency's conventions for defining elementary schools (typically grades K-5 or K-6), middle schools (typically grades 6-8 or 7-8) and high schools (typically grades 9-12), the school will be considered to have the lower of the ratings of the schools that would be combined to meet those conventions. In determining the ratings for all three levels of schools, ratings for all grades K-12 must be included, meaning that two or more schools' ratings may be combined. Sixth grade centers will be considered as part of the middle school rating.
(IV) Elderly Developments, Supportive Housing SRO Developments or Supportive Housing Developments where all Units are Efficiency Units, and Applications with USDA financing for Rehabilitation of existing properties are exempt and are not required to provide mitigation for this subparagraph, but are still required to provide rating information in the Application.
(E) Information regarding mitigation of neighborhood risk factors should be relevant to the risk factors that are present in the neighborhood. Mitigation must include documentation of efforts underway at the time of Application, and should include the measures described in clauses (i) - (iii) of this subparagraph or such other mitigation as the Applicant determines appropriate to support a finding of eligibility. If staff determines that the Development Site cannot be found eligible and the Applicant appeals that decision to the Board, the Applicant may not present new information at the Board meeting.
(i) Mitigation for Developments in a census tract that has a poverty rate that exceeds 40% may include a resolution from the Governing Body of the appropriate municipality or county containing the Development, acknowledging the high poverty rate and authorizing the Development to move forward. If the Development is located in the ETJ, the resolution would need to come from the county.
(ii) Evidence by the most qualified person that the data and evidence establish that there is a reasonable basis to proceed on the belief that the crime data shows, or will show, a favorable trend such that within the next two years Part I violent crime for that location is expected to be less than 18 per 1,000 persons or the data and evidence reveal that the data reported on neighborhoodscout.com does not accurately reflect the true nature of what is occurring and what is actually occurring does not rise to the level to cause a concern to the Board over the level of Part I violent crime for the location. The data and evidence may be based on violent crime data from the city's police department or county sheriff's department, as applicable based on the location of the Development, for the police beat or patrol area within which the Development Site is located, based on the population of the police beat or patrol area that yields a crime rate below the threshold indicated in this section or that would yield a crime rate below the threshold indicated in this section by the time the Development is placed into service. The instances of violent crimes within the police beat or patrol area that encompass the census tract, calculated based on the population of the census tract, may also be used. The data must include incidents reported during the entire calendar year previous to the year of Application. Violent crimes reported through the date of Application submission may be requested by staff as part of the assessment performed under subparagraph (C) of this paragraph. A written statement from the most qualified person (i.e. Chief of Police or Sheriff (as applicable) or the police officer/detective for the police beat or patrol area containing the proposed Development Site), including a description of efforts by such enforcement agency addressing issues of crime and the results of their efforts may be provided, and depending on the data provided by the Applicant, such written statement may be required, as determined by staff. It is expected that such written statement would also speak to whether there is a reasonable expectation that based on the efforts underway there is crime data that reflects a favorable downward trend in crime rates.
(iii) Evidence of mitigation for each of the schools in the attendance zone that has a TEA Accountability Rating of "Not Rated: Senate Bill 1365" for 2022 must meet the requirements of clause (iv) which will be a requirement of the LURA for the duration of the Affordability Period and cannot be used to count for purposes of meeting the threshold requirements under subparagraph (7)(B)(ii) of this paragraph.
(iv) Acceptable mitigation requires that the Applicant has committed that it will operate an after school learning center that offers at a minimum 15 hours of weekly, organized, on-site educational services provided to elementary, middle and high school children by a dedicated service coordinator or Third-Party entity which includes at a minimum: homework assistance, tutoring, test preparation, assessment of skill deficiencies and provision of assistance in remediation of those deficiencies (e.g., if reading below grade level is identified for a student, tutoring in reading skills is provided), research and writing skills, providing a consistent weekly schedule, provides for the ability to tailor assistance to the age and education levels of those in attendance, and other evidence-based approaches and activities that are designed to augment classroom performance. Up to 20% of the activities offered may also include other enrichment activities such as music, art, or technology.
(F) In order for the Development Site to be found eligible, including when mitigation described in subparagraph (E) of this paragraph is not provided in the Application, despite the existence of one or more Neighborhood Risk Factors, the Applicant must explain how the use of Department funds at the Development Site is consistent with the goals in clauses (i) - (iii) of this subparagraph. If the Board grants an Appeal of staff's determination of Site eligibility, the Board shall document the reasons for a determination of eligibility.
(i) Preservation of existing occupied affordable housing units to ensure they are safe and suitable or the new construction of high quality affordable housing units that are subject to federal rent or income restrictions.
(ii) Determination that the risk factor(s) that has been disclosed are not of such a nature or severity that should render the Development Site ineligible based on the assessment and mitigation provided under subparagraphs (C) and (D) of this paragraph.
(iii) No mitigation was provided, or in staff's determination the mitigation was considered unsatisfactory and the Applicant has requested a waiver of the presence of Neighborhood Risk Factors on the basis that the Development is necessary to enable the state, a participating jurisdiction, or an entitlement community to comply with its obligation to affirmatively further fair housing, a HUD approved Conciliation Agreement, or a final and non-appealable court order and such documentation is submitted with the disclosure.
(4) Site and Neighborhood Standards (Direct Loan and HOME-ARP only). A New Construction Development, as defined by the applicable federal fund source, requesting federal funds must meet the Site and Neighborhood Standards in 24 CFR § 983.57(e)(2) or (3). A Development requesting NHTF funds that meets the federal definition of reconstruction in 24 CFR § 93.2 must also meet these standards.
(b) Development Requirements and Restrictions. The purpose of this subsection is to identify specific restrictions on a proposed Development requesting multifamily funding by the Department.
(1) Ineligible Developments. A Development shall be ineligible if any of the criteria in subparagraphs (A) - (C) of this paragraph apply.
(A) General Ineligibility Criteria include:
(i) Developments such as hospitals, nursing homes, trailer parks, dormitories (or other buildings that will be predominantly occupied by students) or other facilities that are usually classified as transient housing (as provided in Code §42(i)(3)(B)(iii) and (iv));
(ii) any Development with any building(s) with four or more stories that does not include an elevator. Developments where topography or other characteristics of the Site require basement splits such that a tenant will not have to walk more than two stories to fully utilize their Unit and all Development amenities, will not require an elevator;
(iii) a Housing Tax Credit Development that provides on-site continual or frequent nursing, medical, or psychiatric services. Refer to IRS Revenue Ruling 98-47 for clarification of assisted living;
(iv) a Development that proposes population limitations that violate § 1.15 of this title (relating to Integrated Housing Rule);
(v) a Development seeking Housing Tax Credits that will not meet the general public use requirement under Treasury Regulation, §1.42-9 or a documented exception thereto;
(vi) a Development utilizing a Direct Loan that is subject to the Housing and Community Development Act, 104(d) requirements and proposing Rehabilitation or Reconstruction, if the Applicant is not proposing at least the one-for-one replacement of the existing Unit mix. Adding additional units would not violate this provision; or
(vii) any New Construction or Reconstruction proposing more than 35.00% efficiency and/or one-Bedroom Units. This requirement will not apply to Elderly or Supportive Housing Developments. For Historic Developments, this requirement will not apply to any units constructed within the Historic structure. For any New Construction or Reconstruction undertaken as part of a Historic Application, those newly constructed or reconstructed Units must meet this standard. The Units that are part of the Historic structure will not be included in the total when determining if the Application meets this requirement.
(B) Ineligibility of Elderly Developments include:
(i) any Elderly Development of two stories or more that does not include elevator service for any Units or Common Areas above the ground floor;
(ii) any Elderly Development with any Units having more than two Bedrooms with the exception of up to three employee Units reserved for the use of the manager, maintenance, or security officer. These employee Units must be specifically designated as such; or
(iii) any New Construction, Reconstruction, or Adaptive Reuse Elderly Development (including Elderly in a Rural Area) proposing more than 70% two-Bedroom Units.
(C) Ineligibility of Developments within Certain School Attendance Zones. Due to uncertainty linked to the delayed release of TEA Accountability ratings, this item is suspended. Any Development that falls within the attendance zone of a school that has a TEA Accountability Rating of F for 2023 and a rating of "Not Rated: Senate Bill 1365" for 2022 is ineligible with no opportunity for mitigation. Developments that are encumbered by a TDHCA LURA on the first day of the Application Acceptance Period or at the time of Pre-application (if applicable), an Elderly Development, or a Supportive Housing SRO Development or Supportive Housing Development where all Units are Efficiency Units are exempt. If the Board grants an Appeal of staff's determination of Site eligibility, the Board shall document the reasons for a determination of eligibility.
(D) Ineligibility of Developments within Areas of High Crime. Any Development involving New Construction or Adaptive Reuse located in an area described in (a)(3)(D(ii) of this paragraph still yields a Part I violent crime rate greater than 18 per 1,000 persons (annually) is ineligible with no opportunity for mitigation. If the Board grants an Appeal of staff's determination of Site eligibility, the Board shall document the reasons for a determination of eligibility.
(2) Development Size Limitations. The minimum Development size is 16 Units. Competitive Housing Tax Credit or Multifamily Direct Loan-only Developments involving New Construction or Adaptive Reuse in Rural Areas are limited to a maximum of 80 total Units. Tax-Exempt Bond Developments involving New Construction or Adaptive Reuse in a Rural Area must meet the Development size limitation and corresponding capture rate requirements in § 11.302(i)(1)(C) of this chapter (related to Feasibility Conclusion). Rehabilitation Developments do not have a limitation as to the maximum number of Units.
(3) Rehabilitation Costs. Developments involving Rehabilitation must establish a scope of work that will substantially improve the interiors of all units and exterior deferred maintenance, and meet the minimum Rehabilitation amounts identified in subparagraphs (A) - (C) of this paragraph. Such amounts must be maintained through the issuance of IRS Forms 8609. For Developments with multiple buildings that have varying placed in service dates, the earliest date will be used for purposes of establishing the minimum Rehabilitation amounts. Applications must meet the Rehabilitation amounts identified in subparagraphs (A), (B) or (C) of this paragraph. For Tax-Exempt Bond Developments that include existing USDA funding that is continuing or new USDA funding, staff may consider the cost standard under subparagraph (A) of this paragraph on a case-by-case basis.
(A) For Housing Tax Credit Developments with USDA financing the Rehabilitation will involve at least $25,000 per Unit in Building Costs and Site Work.
(B) For Tax-Exempt Bond Developments, less than 20 years old, based on the placed in service date, the Rehabilitation will involve at least $20,000 per Unit in Building Costs and Site Work. If such Developments are greater than or equal to 20 years old, based on the placed in service date, the Rehabilitation will involve at least $30,000 per Unit in Building Costs and Site Work.
(C) For all other Developments, the Rehabilitation will involve at least $30,000 per Unit in Building Costs and Site Work.
(4) Mandatory Development Amenities. (§2306.187) New Construction, Reconstruction or Adaptive Reuse Units must include all of the amenities in subparagraphs (A) - (O) of this paragraph. Rehabilitation (excluding Reconstruction) Developments must provide the amenities in subparagraphs (D) - (L), (N), and (O) of this paragraph unless stated otherwise. Supportive Housing Developments are not required to provide the amenities in subparagraph (B), (E), (F), (G), (H) or (N) of this paragraph; however, access must be provided to a comparable amenity in a Common Area. All amenities listed below must be at no charge to the residents. Residents must be provided written notice of the applicable required amenities for the Development. The Board may waive one or more of the requirements of this paragraph for Developments that will include Historic Tax Credits, with evidence submitted with the request for amendment that the amenity has not been approved by the Texas Historical Commission or National Park Service, as applicable. Applicants for Multifamily Direct Loans should be aware that certain amenities are not eligible for Direct Loan funding, including without limitation, detached community spaces, furnishings, swimming pools, athletic courts, and playgrounds, as more fully described at § 13.3 of this title (relating to General Loan Requirements). Amenities include:
(A) All Units must have connections available using current technology for data and phone;
(B) Laundry connections;
(C) Exhaust/vent fans (vented to the outside) in the bathrooms;
(D) Screens on all operable windows;
(E) Disposal (not required for USDA Rehabilitation);
(F) Energy-Star or equivalently rated dishwasher; Rehabilitation Developments exempt from dishwasher if one was not originally in the Unit;
(G) Energy-Star or equivalently rated refrigerator;
(H) Oven/Range;
(I) Blinds or window coverings for all windows;
(J) At least one Energy-Star or equivalently rated ceiling fan per Unit;
(K) Energy-Star or equivalently rated lighting in all Units;
(L) All areas of the Unit (excluding exterior storage space on an outdoor patio/balcony) must have heating and air-conditioning;
(M) Adequate parking spaces consistent with local code, unless there is no local code, in which case the requirement would be one and a half spaces per Unit for non-Elderly Developments and one space per Unit for Elderly Developments. The minimum number of required spaces must be available to the tenants at no cost. If parking requirements under local code rely on car sharing or similar arrangements, the LURA will require the Owner to provide the service at no cost to the tenants throughout the Affordability Period. If a waiver or variance of local code parking requirements has been requested then evidence to that effect must be included in the Application;
(N) Energy-Star or equivalently rated windows (for Rehabilitation Developments, only if windows are planned to be replaced as part of the scope of work); and
(O) Adequate accessible parking spaces consistent with the requirements of the 2010 ADA Standards with the exceptions listed in "Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability in Federally Assisted Programs and Activities" 79 FR 29671, the Texas Accessibility Standards, and if covered by the Fair Housing Act, HUD's Fair Housing Act Design Manual.
(5) Common Amenities.
(A) All Developments must include sufficient common amenities as described in subparagraph (C) of this paragraph to qualify for at least the minimum number of points required in accordance with clauses (i) - (vi) of this subparagraph:
(i) Developments with 16 to 40 Units must qualify for two (2) points;
(ii) Developments with 41 to 76 Units must qualify for four (4) points;
(iii) Developments with 77 to 99 Units must qualify for seven (7) points;
(iv) Developments with 100 to 149 Units must qualify for ten (10) points;
(v) Developments with 150 to 199 Units must qualify for fourteen (14) points; or
(vi) Developments with 200 or more Units must qualify for eighteen (18) points.
(B) These points are not associated with any selection criteria points. The amenities must be for the benefit of all residents and made available throughout normal business hours and maintained throughout the Affordability Period. Residents must be provided written notice of the elections made by the Development Owner. If fees or deposits in addition to rent are charged for amenities, then the amenity may not be included among those provided to satisfy the requirement. All amenities must meet all applicable accessibility standards, including those adopted by the Department, and where a specific space or size requirement for a listed amenity is not specified then the amenity must be reasonably adequate based on the Development size. Applications for non-contiguous scattered site housing, excluding non-contiguous single family sites, will have the test applied based on the number of Units per individual site and the amenities selected must be distributed proportionately across all sites. A Development composed of non-contiguous single family sites must provide a combination of unit and common amenities to equal the appropriate points under subparagraph (A) of this paragraph for the Development size. In the case of additional phases of a Development any amenities that are anticipated to be shared with the first phase development cannot be claimed for purposes of meeting this requirement for the second phase. The second phase must include enough points to meet this requirement that are provided on the Development Site, regardless of resident access to the amenity in another phase. All amenities must be available to all Units via an accessible route.
(C) The common amenities and respective point values are set out in clauses (i) - (v) of this subparagraph, which are grouped primarily for organizational purposes. Applicants are not required to select a specific number of amenities from each section. An Applicant can only count an amenity once; therefore combined functions (a library which is part of a community room) will only qualify for points under one category:
(i) Community Space for Resident Supportive Services includes:
(I) Except in Applications where more than 10% of the Units in the proposed Development are Supportive Housing SRO Units, an Application may qualify to receive half of the points required under §11.101(b)(5)(A)(i) - (vi) by electing to provide a High Quality Pre-Kindergarten (HQ Pre-K) program and associated educational space at the Development Site. To receive the points the Applicant must commit to all of items (-a-) - (-c-) of this subclause.
(-a-) Space and Design. The educational space for the HQ Pre-K program must be provided on the Development Site and must be a suitable and appropriately designed space for educating children that an independent school district or open-enrollment charter school can utilize to establish and operate a HQ Pre-K program. This space includes at a minimum a bathroom and large closet in the classroom space; appropriate design considerations made for the safety and security of the students; including limited and secure ingress and egress to the classroom space; and satisfaction of the requirements of all applicable building codes for school facilities. The Applicant must provide in the Application a copy of the current school facility code requirements applicable to the Development Site and Owner and Architect certifications that they understand the associated space and design requirements reflected in those code requirements. The Application must also include acknowledgement by all lenders, equity providers and partners that the Application includes election of these points.
(-b-) Educational Provider Agreement. The Applicant must enter into an agreement, addressing all items as described in subitems (-1-) - (-5-) of this item, and provide evidence of such agreement to the Department on or before submission of the Cost Certification. Lack of evidence of such agreement by the deadline will be cause for rescission of the Carryover Agreement for Competitive HTC Applications.
(-1-) The agreement must be between the Owner and an Educational Provider.
(-2-) The agreement must reflect that at the Development Site the Educational Provider will provide a HQ Pre-K program, in accordance with Texas Education Code Chapter 29, Subchapter E-1, at no cost to residents of the proposed Development and that is available for general public use, meaning students other than those residing at the Development may attend.
(-3-) Such agreement must reflect a provision that the option to operate the HQ Pre-K program in the space at the Development Site will continue to be made available to the school or provider until such time as the school or provider wishes to withdraw from the location. This provision will not limit the Owner's right to terminate the agreement for good cause.
(-4-) Such agreement must set forth the responsibility of each party regarding payment of costs to use the space, utility charges, insurance costs, damage to the space or any other part of the Development, and any other costs that may arise as the result of the operation of the HQ Pre-K program.
(-5-) The agreement must include provision for annual renewal, unless terminated under the provisions of item (-c-) of this subclause.
(-c-) If an Educational Provider who has entered into an agreement becomes defunct or elects to withdraw from the agreement and provision of services at the location, as provided for in subitem (-b-)(-3-) of this subclause, the Owner must notify the Texas Commissioner of Education at least 30 days prior to ending the agreement to seek out any other eligible parties listed in subitem (-b-)(-1-) of this subclause above. If another interested open-enrollment charter school or school district is identified by the Texas Commissioner of Education or the Owner, the Owner must enter into a subsequent agreement with the interested open-enrollment charter school or school district and continue to offer HQ Pre-K services. If another interested provider cannot be identified, and the withdrawing provider certifies to the Department that their reason for ending the agreement is not due to actions of the Owner, the Owner will not be considered to be in violation of its commitment to the Department. If the Owner is not able to find a provider, they must notify the Commissioner annually of the availability of the space.
(II) Multifunctional learning and care center(s) or conference room(s) with the appropriate furnishings to deliver the Resident Supportive Services pertaining to classes or care for children and selected by the Development Owner. The room(s) devoted to meeting this requirement must equal 15 square feet times the total number of Units, but need not exceed 2,000 square feet in total. This space must be separate from any other community space but may include a full kitchen. The room(s) must include storage space, such as closets or cabinetry (4 points).
(III) Multifunctional learning and care center(s) or conference room(s) with the appropriate furnishings to deliver the Resident Supportive Services pertaining to classes or care for adults and selected by the Development Owner. The room(s) devoted to meeting this requirement must equal 10 square feet times the total number of Units, but need not exceed 1,000 square feet in total. This space must be separate from any other community space but may include a full kitchen. The room(s) must include storage space, such as closets or cabinetry (2 points).
(IV) Service provider office in addition to leasing offices (1 point).
(ii) Safety amenities include:
(I) Controlled gate access for entrance and exit areas, intended to provide access that is limited to the Development's tenancy (1 point).
(II) Secured Entry (applicable only if all Unit entries are within the building's interior) (1 point).
(III) Twenty-four hour, seven days a week monitored camera/security system in each building. Monitoring may be on-site or off-site (2 points).
(IV) Twenty-four hour, seven days a week recorded camera / security system in each building (1 point).
(V) The provision of a courtesy patrol service that, at a minimum, answers after-hour resident phone calls regarding noise and crime concerns or apartment rules violations and that can dispatch to the apartment community a courtesy patrol officer in a timely manner (3 points).
(iii) Health/Fitness/Play amenities include:
(I) Accessible walking/jogging path, equivalent to the perimeter of the Development or a length that reasonably achieves the same result, separate from a sidewalk and in addition to required accessible routes to Units or other amenities (1 point).
(II) Furnished fitness center. Equipped with a variety of fitness equipment (at least one item for every 40 Units). Choose from the following: stationary bicycle, elliptical trainer, treadmill, rowing machine, universal gym, multi-functional weight bench, stair-climber, dumbbell set, or other similar equipment. Equipment shall be commercial use grade or quality. Fitness center must be located indoors or be a designated room with climate control and allow for after-hours access. (1 point).
(III) Furnished fitness center. Equipped with a variety of fitness equipment (at least one item for every 20 Units). Choose from the following: stationary bicycle, elliptical trainer, treadmill, rowing machine, universal gym, multi-functional weight bench, stair-climber, dumbbell set, or other similar equipment. Equipment shall be commercial use grade or quality. Fitness center must be located indoors or be a designated room with climate control and allow for after-hours access. (2 points).
(IV) One Children's Playscape Equipped for five to 12 year olds, or one Tot Lot (2 points). Must be covered with a shade canopy or awning, intended to keep equipment cool, and provide shade and ultraviolet protection. This item can only be selected if subclause (V) of this clause is not selected.
(V) Two Children's Playscapes Equipped for five to 12 year olds, two Tot Lots, or one of each (4 points). Must be covered with a shade canopy or awning, intended to keep equipment cool, and provide shade and ultraviolet protection. This item can only be selected if subclause (IV) of this clause is not selected.
(VI) Horseshoe pit; putting green; shuffleboard court; pool table; ping pong table; or similar equipment in a dedicated location accessible to all residents to play such games (1 point).
(VII) Swimming pool (5 points).
(VIII) Splash pad/water feature play area (3 points).
(IX) Sport Court or field (including, but not limited to, Tennis, Basketball, Volleyball, Pickleball, Soccer, or Baseball Field) (2 points).
(iv) Design / Landscaping amenities include:
(I) Full perimeter fencing that contains the parking areas and all amenities (excludes guest or general public parking areas) (2 points).
(II) Enclosed community sun porch or covered community porch/patio (1 point).
(III) Dog Park area that is fully enclosed (the perimeter fencing may be used for part of the enclosure) and intended for tenant owned dogs to run off leash (requires that the Development allow dogs) (2 points).
(IV) Shaded rooftop or structural viewing deck of at least 500 square feet (2 points).
(V) Porte-cochere (1 point).
(VI) Lighted pathways along all accessible routes (1 point).
(VII) a resident-run community garden with annual soil preparation and mulch provided by the Owner and access to water (which may be subject to local water usage restrictions) (1 point).
(v) Community Resources amenities include:
(I) Community laundry room with at least one washer and dryer for every 40 Units (2 points).
(II) Barbecue grill and picnic table with at least one of each for every 50 Units (1 point). Grill must be permanently installed (no portable grills).
(III) Business center with workstations and seating internet access, 1 printer and at least one scanner which may be integrated with the printer, and either 2 desktop computers or laptops available to check-out upon request (2 points).
(IV) Furnished Community room (2 points).
(V) Library with an accessible sitting area (separate from the community room) (1 point).
(VI) Activity Room stocked with supplies (Arts and Crafts, board games, etc.) (2 points).
(VII) Community Dining Room with full or warming kitchen furnished with adequate tables and seating (3 points).
(VIII) Community Theater Room equipped with a 52 inch or larger screen or projection with surround sound equipment; DVD player or a streaming service at no cost to residents; and seating (3 points).
(IX) High-speed Wi-Fi with advanced telecommunications capacity as determined under 47 U.S.C. 1302 or more with coverage throughout the clubhouse or community building (1 point).
(X) High-speed Wi-Fi with advanced telecommunications capacity as determined under 47 U.S.C. 1302 with coverage throughout the Development (2 points).
(XI) Bicycle parking that allows for, at a minimum, one bicycle for every five Units, within reasonable proximity to each residential building that allows for bicycles to be secured with lock (lock not required to be provided to tenant) (1 point).
(XII) Package Lockers or secure package room. Automated Package Lockers or secure package room provided at a location within the complex that can be accessed by residents 24/7 and at no charge to the resident. To qualify, there would need to be at least one locker for every eight residential units (2 points).
(XIII) Recycling Service (includes providing a storage location and service for pick-up) (1 point).
(XIV) Community car vacuum station (1 point).
(XV) Access to onsite bike sharing services, provided tenants have short-term, autonomous access to community-owned bicycles, with at least one bicycle per 25 Units (1 point).
(6) Unit Requirements.
(A) Unit Sizes. Developments proposing New Construction or Reconstruction will be required to meet the minimum sizes of Units as provided in clauses (i) - (v) of this subparagraph. These minimum requirements are not associated with any selection criteria. Developments proposing Rehabilitation (excluding Reconstruction) or Supportive Housing Developments will not be subject to the requirements of this subparagraph. If the Development involves both Rehabilitation and Reconstruction or New Construction, the Reconstruction or New Construction Units must meet these requirements. The requirements are:
(i) four hundred fifty (450) square feet for an Efficiency Unit;
(ii) five hundred fifty (550) square feet for a one Bedroom Unit;
(iii) eight hundred (800) square feet for a two Bedroom Unit;
(iv) one thousand (1,000) square feet for a three Bedroom Unit; and
(v) one thousand, two-hundred (1,200) square feet for a four Bedroom Unit.
(B) Unit, Development Construction, and Energy and Water Efficiency Features. Housing Tax Credit Applicants may select amenities for the score of an Application under this section, but must maintain the points associated with those amenities by maintaining the amenity selected or providing substitute amenities with equal or higher point values. Tax-Exempt Bond Developments must include enough amenities to meet a minimum of nine (9) points. Direct Loan Applications not layered with Housing Tax Credits must include enough amenities to meet a minimum of five (5) points. The amenity shall be for every Unit at no extra charge to the tenant. The points selected at Application and corresponding list of amenities will be required to be identified in the LURA, and the points selected at Application must be maintained throughout the Affordability Period. Applications involving scattered site Developments must have a specific amenity located within each Unit to count for points. Rehabilitation Developments and Supportive Housing Developments will start with a base score of five (5) points. At least two (2) points must be selected from clause (iii), Energy and Water Efficiency Features, of this subparagraph.
(i) Unit Features include:
(I) Covered entries (0.5 point);
(II) Nine foot ceilings in living room and all Bedrooms (at minimum) (1 point);
(III) Microwave ovens (0.5 point);
(IV) Self-cleaning or continuous cleaning ovens (0.5 point);
(V) Storage room or closet, of approximately 9 square feet or greater, separate from and in addition to Bedroom, entryway or linen closets and which does not need to be in the Unit but must be on the Property site (0.5 point);
(VI) Covered patios or covered balconies (0.5 point);
(VII) High Speed Internet service to all Units (can be wired or wireless; required equipment for either must be provided) (1 point);
(VIII) Built-in (recessed into the wall) shelving unit (0.5 point);
(IX) Breakfast Bar (a space, generally between the kitchen and dining area, that includes an area for seating although actual seating such as bar stools does not have to be provided) (0.5 point);
(X) Walk-in closet in at least one Bedroom (0.5 point);
(XI) 48-inch upper kitchen cabinets (1 point);
(XII) Kitchen island (0.5 points);
(XIII) Kitchen pantry with shelving (may include the washer/dryer unit for Rehabilitation Developments only) (0.5 point);
(XIV) Natural stone or quartz countertops in kitchen and bath (1 point);
(XV) Double vanity in at least one bathroom (0.5 point); and
(XVI) Hard floor surfaces in over 50% of unit NRA (0.5 point).
(ii) Development Construction Features include:
(I) Covered parking (may be garages or carports, attached or freestanding) and include at least one covered space per Unit (1.5 points);
(II) Thirty year roof (0.5 point);
(III) Greater than 30% stucco or masonry (includes stone, cultured stone, and brick but excludes cementitious and metal siding) on all building exteriors; the percentage calculation may exclude exterior glass entirely (2 points);
(IV) Electric Vehicle Charging Station (0.5 points);
(V) An Impact Isolation Class (IIC) rating of at least 55 and a Sound Transmission Class (STC) rating of 60 or higher in all Units, as certified by the architect or engineer of record (3 points); and
(VI) Green Building Features. Points under this item are intended to promote energy and water conservation, operational savings and sustainable building practices. Four (4) points may be selected from only one of the categories described in items (-a-) - (-d-) of this subclause. If the Development involves scattered sites, there must be green building features incorporated into each site in order to qualify for these points.
(-a-) Enterprise Green Communities. The Development must incorporate, at a minimum, all items necessary to obtain Enterprise Green Communities certification applicable to the construction type (i.e. New Construction, Rehabilitation, etc.) as provided in the most recent version of the Enterprise Green Communities Criteria found at http://www.greencommunitiesonline.org.
(-b-) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED). The Development must incorporate, at a minimum, all of the applicable criteria necessary to obtain a LEED Certification, regardless of the rating level achieved (i.e., Certified, Silver, Gold or Platinum).
(-c-) ICC/ASHRAE - 700 National Green Building Standard (NGBS). The Development must incorporate, at a minimum, all of the applicable criteria necessary to obtain a NGBS Green Certification, regardless of the rating level achieved (i.e. Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Emerald).
(-d-) 2018 International Green Construction Code.
(iii) Energy and Water Efficiency Features include:
(I) Energy-Star or equivalently rated refrigerator with icemaker (0.5 point);
(II) Energy-Star or equivalently rated laundry equipment (washers and dryers) for each individual Unit; must be front loading washer and dryer in required accessible Units (2 points);
(III) Recessed LED lighting or LED lighting fixtures in kitchen and living areas (1 point);
(IV) Energy-Star or equivalently rated ceiling fans in all Bedrooms (0.5 point);
(V) EPA WaterSense or equivalent qualified toilets in all bathrooms (0.5 point);
(VI) EPA WaterSense or equivalent qualified showerheads and faucets in all bathrooms (0.5 point);
(VII) 15 SEER HVAC, or in Region 13, an efficient evaporative cooling system. For Rehabilitation (excluding Reconstruction) where such systems are not being replaced as part of the scope of work, a radiant barrier in the attic is provided, (1 point);
(VIII) 16 SEER HVAC, for New Construction or Rehabilitation (1.5 points);
(IX) A rainwater harvesting/collection system or locally approved greywater collection system (0.5 points);
(X) Wi-Fi enabled, Energy-Star or equivalently rated "smart" thermostats installed in all units (1 point); and
(XI) Solar panels installed, with a sufficient number of panels to reach a rated power output of at least 300 watts for each Low-Income Unit. (2 points).
(7) Resident Supportive Services. The resident supportive services include those listed in subparagraphs (A) - (E) of this paragraph, which are grouped primarily for organizational purposes. Applicants are not required to select a specific number of services from each section. Tax Exempt Bond Developments must select a minimum of eight points; Direct Loan Applications not layered with Housing Tax Credits must include enough services to meet a minimum of four points. The points selected and complete list of supportive services will be included in the LURA and the timeframe by which services are offered must be in accordance with § 10.619 of this title (relating to Monitoring for Social Services) and maintained throughout the Affordability Period. The Owner may change, from time to time, the services offered; however, the overall points as selected at Application must remain the same. A Development Owner may be required to substantiate such service(s) if requested by staff. Should the QAP in subsequent years provide different services than those listed in subparagraphs (A) - (E) of this paragraph, the Development Owner may request an Amendment as provided in § 10.405(a)(2) of this chapter (relating to Amendments and Extensions). The services provided should be those that will directly benefit the Target Population of the Development. Residents must be provided written notice of the elections made by the Development Owner. No fees may be charged to the residents for any of the services, there must be adequate space for the intended services and services offered should be accessible to all (e.g. exercises classes must be offered in a manner that would enable a person with a disability to participate). Unless otherwise specified, services must be provided on-site or transportation to those off-site services identified on the list must be provided. The same service may not be used for more than one scoring item. These services are intended to be provided by a qualified and reputable provider in the specified industry such that the experience and background of the provider demonstrates sufficient knowledge to be providing the service. In general, on-site leasing staff or property maintenance staff would not be considered a qualified provider. Where applicable, the services must be documented by a written agreement with the provider. Unless otherwise noted in a particular clause, courses and services must be offered by an onsite instructor(s).
(A) Transportation Supportive Services include:
(i) shuttle, at least three days a week, to a grocery store and pharmacy or a major, big-box retailer that includes a grocery store and pharmacy, OR a daily shuttle, during the school year, to and from nearby schools not served by a school bus system for children who live at the Development (3.5 points); and
(ii) monthly transportation to community/social events such as mall trips, community theatre, bowling, organized tours, etc. (1 point).
(B) Children Supportive Services include:
(i) provide a High Quality Pre-Kindergarten (HQ Pre-K) program and associated educational space at the Development Site meeting the requirements of paragraph (5)(C)(i)(I) of this subsection. (Half of the points required under this paragraph); and
(ii) Twelve hours of weekly, organized, on-site services provided to K-12 children by a dedicated service coordinator or third-party entity. Services include after-school and summer care and tutoring, recreational activities, character building programs, mentee opportunities, test preparation, and similar activities that promote the betterment and growth of children and young adults (3.5 points).
(C) Adult Supportive Services include:
(i) Four hours of weekly, organized, in-person, hybrid, or virtual classes accessible to participants from a Common Area on site to an adult audience by persons skilled or trained in the subject matter being presented, such as English as a second language classes, computer training, financial literacy courses, homebuyer counseling, health education courses, certification courses, GED preparation classes, resume and interview preparatory classes, general presentations about community services and resources, and any other course, class, or presentation that may equip residents with new skills that they may wish to develop (3.5 points);
(ii) annual income tax preparation (offered by an income tax prep service) or IRS-certified VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) program (offered by a qualified individual) that also emphasizes how to claim the Earned Income Tax Credit (1 point);
(iii) contracted career training and placement partnerships with local worksource offices, culinary programs, or vocational counseling services; may include resident training programs that train and hire residents for job opportunities inside the development in areas like leasing, tenant services, maintenance, landscaping, or food and beverage operation (2 points);
(iv) external partnerships for provision of weekly substance abuse meetings at the Development Site (1 point);
(v) reporting rent payments to credit bureaus for any resident who affirmatively elects to participate, which will be a requirement of the LURA for the duration of the Affordability Period (2 points); and
(vi) participating in a non-profit healthcare job training and placement service that includes case management support and other need-based wraparound services to reduce barriers to employment and support Texas healthcare institution workforce needs (2 points).
(vii) An eviction prevention program operated by a case manager. The case manager may be an employee of the owner or a third-party social service provider and shall be responsible for no more than 50 cases at a time. On at least a monthly basis, the case manager will obtain contact information and past due balances for households that are at risk of eviction for nonpayment of rent. For households that voluntarily choose to participate, the case manager shall offer an eviction holdoff agreement providing a minimum of 6 months for the household to resolve the past due balance and forgiving any late fees associated with that balance, regardless of whether they have been paid, should the agreement be fulfilled. During the eviction holdoff period, the case manager will offer to meet with the household at least once every other week. The case manager will identify resources in the community that provide emergency rental assistance and other financial support and assist the household in applying for these programs (5 points).
(D) Health Supportive Services include:
(i) food pantry consisting of an assortment of non-perishable food items and common household items (i.e. laundry detergent, toiletries, etc.) accessible to residents at least on a monthly basis or upon request by a resident. While it is possible that transportation may be provided to a local food bank to meet the requirement of this resident service, the resident must not be required to pay for the items they receive at the food bank (2 points);
(ii) annual health fair provided by a health care professional (1 point);
(iii) weekly exercise classes (offered at times when most residents would be likely to attend) (2 points); and
(iv) contracted onsite occupational or physical therapy services for Elderly Developments or Developments where the service is provided for Persons with Disabilities and documentation to that effect can be provided for monitoring purposes (2 points).
(E) Community Supportive Services include:
(i) partnership with local law enforcement or local first responders to provide quarterly on-site social and interactive activities intended to foster relationships with residents (such activities could include playing sports, having a cook-out, swimming, card games, etc.) (2 points);
(ii) Notary Services during regular business hours (§2306.6710(b)(3)) (1 point);
(iii) twice monthly arts, crafts, and other recreational activities (e.g. Book Clubs and creative writing classes) (1 point);
(iv) twice monthly on-site social events (i.e. potluck dinners, game night, sing-a-longs, movie nights, birthday parties, holiday celebrations, etc.) (1 point);
(v) specific service coordination services offered by a qualified Owner or Developer, qualified provider or through external, contracted parties for seniors, Persons with Disabilities or Supportive Housing (3 points);
(vi) weekly home chore services (such as valet trash removal, assistance with recycling, furniture movement, etc., and quarterly preventative maintenance including light bulb replacement) for Elderly Developments or Developments where the service is provided for Persons with Disabilities and documentation to that effect can be provided for monitoring purposes (2 points);
(vii) any of the programs described under Title IV-A of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. §§ 601, et seq.) which enables children to be cared for in their homes or the homes of relatives; ends the dependence of needy families on government benefits by promoting job preparation, work and marriage; prevents and reduces the incidence of unplanned pregnancies; and encourages the formation and maintenance of two-parent families (1 point);
(viii) a part-time resident services coordinator with a dedicated office space at the Development or a contract with a third-party to provide the equivalent of 15 hours or more of weekly resident supportive services at the Development (2 points); and
(ix) provision, by either the Development Owner or a community partner, of an education tuition- or savings-match program or scholarships to residents who may attend college (2 points).
(8) Development Accessibility Requirements. All Developments must meet all specifications and accessibility requirements as identified in subparagraphs (A) - (F) of this paragraph and any other applicable state or federal rules and requirements. The accessibility requirements are further identified in the Certification of Development Owner as provided in the Application.
(A) The Development shall comply with the accessibility requirements under Federal law and as further defined in Chapter 1, Subchapter B of this title (relating to Accessibility Requirements). (§§2306.6722; 2306.6730).
(B) Regardless of building type, all Units accessed by the ground floor or by elevator (affected units) must comply with the visitability requirements in clauses (i) - (iii) of this subparagraph. Design specifications for each item must comply with the standards of the Fair Housing Act Design Manual. Buildings occupied for residential use on or before March 13, 1991 are exempt from this requirement. If the townhome Units of a Rehabilitation Development do not have a bathroom on the ground floor, the Applicant will not be required to add a bathroom to meet the requirements of clause (iii) of this subparagraph. Visitability requirements include:
(i) All common use facilities must be in compliance with the Fair Housing Design Act Manual;
(ii) To the extent required by the Fair Housing Design Act Manual, there must be an accessible or exempt route from common use facilities to the affected units; and
(iii) Each affected unit must include the features in subclauses (I) - (V) of this clause:
(I) At least one zero-step, accessible entrance;
(II) At least one bathroom or half-bath with toilet and sink on the entry level. The layout of this bathroom or half-bath must comply with one of the specifications set forth in the Fair Housing Act Design Manual;
(III) The bathroom or half-bath must have the appropriate blocking relative to the toilet for the later installation of a grab bar, if ever requested by the tenant of that Unit;
(IV) There must be an accessible route from the entrance to the bathroom or half-bath, and the entrance and bathroom must provide usable width; and
(V) Light switches, electrical outlets, and thermostats on the entry level must be at accessible heights.
(C) The Development Owner is and will remain in compliance with state and federal laws, including but not limited to, fair housing laws, including Chapter 301, Property Code, Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. §§ 3601 et seq.), the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 (42 U.S.C. §§ 3601 et seq.); the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. §§ 2000a et seq.); the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. §§ 12101 et seq.); the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. §§ 701 et seq.); Fair Housing Accessibility; the Texas Fair Housing Act; and that the Development is designed consistent with the Fair Housing Act Design Manual produced by HUD, and the Texas Accessibility Standards. (§2306.257; §2306.6705(7))
(D) All Applications proposing Rehabilitation (including Reconstruction) will be treated as substantial alteration, in accordance with Chapter 1, Subchapter B of this title (relating to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Fair Housing Act).
(E) For all Developments other than Direct Loan Developments, for the purposes of determining the appropriate distribution of accessible Units across Unit Types, assuming all the Units have similar features only the number of Bedrooms and full bathrooms will be used to define the Unit Type, but accessible Units must have an equal or greater square footage than the square footage offered in the smallest non-accessible Unit with the same number of Bedrooms and full bathrooms. For Direct Loan Developments, for purposes of determining the appropriate distribution of accessible Units across Unit Types, the definition of Unit Type will be used. However, a single story Unit may be substituted for a townhome Unit, if the single story Unit contains the same number of Bedrooms and bathrooms and has an equal or greater square footage.
(F) Alternative methods of calculating the number of accessible Units required in a Development must be approved by the Department prior to award or allocation.

10 Tex. Admin. Code § 11.101

Adopted by Texas Register, Volume 43, Number 51, December 21, 2018, TexReg 8369, eff. 12/30/2018; Adopted by Texas Register, Volume 44, Number 51, December 20, 2019, TexReg 7935, eff. 12/29/2019; Adopted by Texas Register, Volume 45, Number 52, December 25, 2020, TexReg 9461, eff. 12/27/2020; Adopted by Texas Register, Volume 46, Number 51, December 17, 2021, TexReg 8639, eff. 12/23/2021; Adopted by Texas Register, Volume 47, Number 51, December 23, 2022, TexReg 8532, eff. 12/26/2022; Adopted by Texas Register, Volume 48, Number 51, December 22, 2023, TexReg 7931, eff. 12/31/2023; Adopted by Texas Register, Volume 49, Number 52, December 27, 2024, TexReg 10537, eff. 1/2/2025