Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 10.405 - Amendments and Extensions(a) Amendments to Housing Tax Credit (HTC) Application or Award Prior to Land Use Restriction Agreement (LURA) recording or amendments that do not result in a change to the LURA (§2306.6712). The Department expects the Development Owner to construct or rehabilitate, operate, and own the Development consistent with the representations in the Application. The Department must receive notification of any amendments to the Application. Regardless of development stage, the Board shall re-evaluate a Development that undergoes a material change, as identified in paragraph (3) of this subsection at any time after the initial Board approval of the Development (§2306.6731(b)). The Board may deny an amendment request and subsequently may rescind any Commitment or Determination Notice issued for an Application, and may reallocate the credits to other Applicants on the waiting list.(1) Requesting an amendment. The Department shall require the Applicant to file a formal, written request for an amendment to the Application. Such request must include a detailed explanation of the amendment request and other information as determined to be necessary by the Department, and the applicable fee as identified in Chapter 11, Subchapter E of this title (relating to Fee Schedule, Appeals, and other Provisions) in order to be received and processed by the Department. Department staff will evaluate the amendment request to determine if the change would affect an allocation of Housing Tax Credits by changing any item that received points, by significantly affecting the most recent underwriting analysis, or by materially altering the Development as further described in this subsection.(2) Notification Items. The Department must be notified of the changes described in subparagraphs (A) - (F) of this paragraph. The changes identified are subject to staff agreement based on a review of the amendment request and any additional information or documentation requested. Notification items will be considered satisfied when an acknowledgment of the specific change(s) is received from the Department and include:(A) Changes to Development Site acreage required by the City or other local governmental authority, or changes resulting from survey discrepancies, as long as such change does not also result in a modification to the residential density of more than 5%;(B) Minor modifications to the site plan that will not significantly impact development costs, including, but not limited to, relocation or rearrangement of buildings on the site (as long as the number of residential and non-residential buildings remains the same), and movement, addition, or deletion of ingress/egress to the site;(C) Increases or decreases in net rentable square footage or common areas that do not result in a material amendment under paragraph (4) of this subsection;(D) Changes in amenities that do not require a change to the recorded LURA and do not negatively impact scoring, including changes to outdated amenities that could be replaced by an amenity with equal benefit to the resident community;(E) Changes in Developers or Guarantors (notifications for changes in Guarantors that are also the General Contractor or are only providing guaranties during the construction period are not required) with no new Principals (who were not previously checked by Previous Participation review that retain the natural person(s) used to meet the experience requirement in Chapter 11 of this title (relating to Qualified Allocation Plan)); and(F) Any other amendment not identified in paragraphs (3) and (4) of this subsection.(3) Non-material amendments. The Executive Director or designee may administratively approve all non-material amendments, including, but not limited to:(A) Any amendment that is determined by staff to exceed the scope of notification acknowledgement, as identified in paragraph (2) of this subsection but not to rise to a material alteration, as identified in paragraph (4) of this subsection;(B) Changes in Developers or Guarantors (excluding changes in Guarantors that are also the General Contractor or are only providing guaranties during the construction period) not addressed in §10.405(a)(2)(E). Changes in Developers or Guarantors will be subject to Previous Participation requirements as further described in Chapter 11 of this title and the credit limitation described in § 11.4(a) of this title; and(C) For Exchange Developments only, requests to change elections made on line 8(b) of the IRS Form(s) 8609 to group buildings together into one or more multiple building projects. The request must include an attached statement identifying the buildings in the project. The change to the election may only be made once during the Compliance Period.(4) Material amendments. Amendments considered material pursuant to this paragraph must be approved by the Board. When an amendment request requires Board approval, the Development Owner must submit the request and all required documentation necessary for staff's review of the request to the Department at least 45 calendar days prior to the Board meeting in which the amendment is anticipated to be considered. Before the 15th day preceding the date of Board action on the amendment, notice of an amendment and the recommendation of the Executive Director and Department staff regarding the amendment will be posted to the Department's website and the Applicant will be notified of the posting (§2306.6717(a)(4)). Material Amendment requests may be denied if the Board determines that the modification proposed in the amendment would materially alter the Development in a negative manner or would have adversely affected the selection of the Application in the Application Round. Material alteration of a Development includes, but is not limited to: (A) A significant modification of the site plan;(B) A modification of the number of Units or bedroom mix of Units;(C) A substantive modification of the scope of tenant services;(D) A reduction of 3% or more in the square footage of the Units or common areas;(E) A significant modification of the architectural design of the Development;(F) A modification of the residential density of at least 5%;(G) A request to implement a revised election under §42(g) of the Code prior to filing of IRS Form(s) 8609;(H) Exclusion of any requirements as identified in Chapter 11, Subchapter B of this title (relating to Site and Development Requirements and Restrictions) and Chapter 11, Subchapter C of this title (relating to Application Submission Requirements, Ineligibility Criteria, Board Decisions and Waiver of Rules); or(I) Any other modification considered material by the staff and therefore required to be presented to the Board as such.(5) Amendment requests will be denied if the Department finds that the request would have changed the scoring of an Application in the competitive process such that the Application would not have received a funding award or if the need for the proposed modification was reasonably foreseeable or preventable by the Applicant at the time the Application was submitted, unless good cause is found for the approval of the amendment.(6) This section shall be administered in a manner that is consistent with §42 of the Code. If a Development has any uncorrected issues of noncompliance outside of the corrective action period (other than the provision being amended) or otherwise owes fees to the Department, such non-compliance or outstanding payment must be resolved to the satisfaction of the Department before a request for amendment will be acted upon.(7) In the event that an Applicant or Developer seeks to be released from the commitment to serve the income level of tenants identified in the Application and Credit Underwriting Analysis Report at the time of award and as approved by the Board, the procedure described in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of this paragraph will apply to the extent such request is not prohibited based on statutory and/or regulatory provisions:(A) For amendments that involve a reduction in the total number of Low-Income Units, or a reduction in the number of Low-Income Units at any rent or income level, as approved by the Board, evidence noted in either clause (i) or (ii) of this subparagraph must be presented to the Department to support the amendment: (i) In the event of a request to implement (rent to a household at an income or rent level that exceeds the approved AMI limits established by the minimum election within the Development's Application or LURA) a revised election under §42(g) of the Code prior to an Owner's submission of IRS Form(s) 8609 to the IRS, Owners must submit updated information and exhibits to the Application as required by the Department and all lenders and the syndicator must submit written acknowledgement that they are aware of the changes being requested and confirm any changes in terms as a result of the new election; or(ii) For all other requests for reductions in the total number of Low-Income Units or reductions in the number of Low-Income Units at any rent or income level, prior to issuance of IRS Form(s) 8609 by the Department, the lender and syndicator must submit written confirmation that the Development is infeasible without the adjustment in Units. The Board may or may not approve the amendment request; however, any affirmative recommendation to the Board is contingent upon concurrence from Department staff that the Unit adjustment is necessary for the continued financial feasibility of the Development; and(B) If it is determined by the Department that the loss of low-income targeting points would have resulted in the Application not receiving an award in the year of allocation, and the amendment is approved by the Board, the approved amendment will carry a penalty that prohibits the Applicant and all Persons or entities with any ownership interest in the Application (excluding any tax credit purchaser/syndicator), from participation in the Housing Tax Credit Program (for both the Competitive Housing Tax Credit Developments and Tax-Exempt Bond Developments) for 24 months from the time that the amendment is approved.(b) Amendments to the LURA. Department approval shall be required for any amendment to a LURA in accordance with this section. An amendment request shall be submitted in writing, containing a detailed explanation of the request, the reason the change is necessary, the good cause for the change, financial information related to any financial impact on the Development, information related to whether the necessity of the amendment was reasonably foreseeable at the time of application, and other information as determined to be necessary by the Department, along with any applicable fee as identified in Chapter 11, Subchapter E of this title (relating to Fee Schedule, Appeals, and other Provisions). The Department may order or require the Development Owner to order a Market Study or appraisal at the Development Owner's expense. If a Development has any uncorrected issues of noncompliance outside of the corrective action period (other than the provision being amended) or otherwise owes fees to the Department, such non-compliance or outstanding payment must be resolved to the satisfaction of the Department, before a request for amendment will be acted upon. The Department will not approve changes that would violate state or federal laws including the requirements of §42 of the Code, 24 CFR Part 92 (HOME Final Rule), 24 CFR Part 93 (NHTF Interim Rule), Chapter 1 of this title (relating to Administrative Requirements), Chapter 11 of this title (relating to Qualified Allocation Plan), Chapter 12 of this title (relating to Multifamily Housing Revenue Bond Rules), Chapter 13 of this title (relating to Multifamily Direct Loan Rule), Tex. Gov't Code, Chapter 2306, and the Fair Housing Act. For Tax-Exempt Bond Developments, compliance with their Regulatory Agreement and corresponding bond financing documents. Prior to staff taking a recommendation to the Board for consideration, the procedures described in paragraph (3) of this subsection must be followed.(1) Non-Material LURA Amendments. The Executive Director or designee may administratively approve all LURA amendments not defined as Material LURA Amendments pursuant to paragraph (2) of this subsection. A non-material LURA amendment may include but is not limited to: (A) HUB participation removal. Removal of a HUB participation requirement will only be processed as a non-material LURA amendment after the issuance of IRS Form(s) 8609 and requires that the Department find that:(i) The HUB is requesting removal of its own volition or is being removed as the result of a default under the organizational documents of the Development Owner;(ii) the participation by the HUB has been substantive and meaningful, or would have been substantive or meaningful had the HUB not defaulted under the organizational documents of the Development Owner, enabling it to realize not only financial benefit but to acquire skills relating to the ownership and operating of affordable housing; and(iii) where the HUB will be replaced as a general partner or special limited partner that is not a HUB and will sell its ownership interest, an ownership transfer request must be submitted as described in § 10.406 of this subchapter;(B) A change resulting from a Department work out arrangement as recommended by the Department's Asset Management Division;(C) A change in the Right of First Refusal period as described in amended § 2306.6726 of the Tex. Gov't Code;(D) Where the Board has approved a de minimis modification of the Unit Mix or bedroom mix of Units to increase the Development's accessibility;(E) In accordance with HOMEFires, Vol. 17 No. 1 (January 2023, as may be amended from time to time) bifurcation of the term of a HOME or NSP LURA with the Department that requires a longer affordability period than the minimum federal requirement, into a federal and state affordability period; or(F) A correction of error.(2) Material LURA Amendments. Development Owners seeking LURA amendment requests that require Board approval must submit the request and all required documentation necessary for staff's review of the request to the Department at least 45 calendar days prior to the Board meeting at which the amendment is anticipated to be considered. Before the 15th day preceding the date of Board action on the amendment, notice of an amendment and the recommendation of the Executive Director and Department staff regarding the amendment will be posted to the Department's website and the Applicant will be notified of the posting. (§2306.6717(a)(4)). The Board must consider the following material LURA amendments:(A) Reductions to the number of Low-Income Units;(B) Changes to the income or rent restrictions;(C) Changes to the Target Population;(D) The removal of material participation by a Nonprofit Organization as further described in § 10.406 of this subchapter;(E) The removal of material participation by a HUB prior to filing of IRS Form(s) 8609;(F) Any amendment that affects a right enforceable by a tenant or other third party under the LURA; or(G) Any LURA amendment deemed material by the Executive Director.(3) Prior to staff taking a recommendation to the Board for consideration, the Development Owner must provide reasonable notice and hold a public hearing regarding the requested amendment(s) at least 20 business days prior to the scheduled Board meeting where the request will be considered. Development Owners will be required to submit a copy of the notification with the amendment request. If a LURA amendment is requested prior to issuance of IRS Form(s) 8609 by the Department, notification must be provided to the recipients described in subparagraphs (A) - (E) of this paragraph. If an amendment is requested after issuance of IRS Form(s) 8609 by the Department, notification must be provided to the recipients described in subparagraph (A) - (B) of this paragraph. Notifications include:(A) Each tenant of the Development;(B) The current lender(s) and investor(s);(C) The State Senator and State Representative of the districts whose boundaries include the Development Site;(D) The chief elected official for the municipality (if the Development Site is within a municipality or its extraterritorial jurisdiction); and(E) The county commissioners of the county in which the Development Site is located (if the Development Site is located outside of a municipality).(4) Contents of Notification. The notification must include, at a minimum, all of the information described in subparagraphs (A) - (D) of this paragraph:(A) The Development Owner's name, address and an individual contact name and phone number;(B) The Development's name, address, and city;(C) The change(s) requested; and(D) The date, time and location of the public hearing where the change(s) will be discussed.(5) Verification of public hearing. Minutes of the public hearing and attendance sheet must be submitted to the Department within three business days after the date of the public hearing.(6) Approval. Once the LURA Amendment has been approved administratively or by the Board, as applicable, Department staff will provide the Development Owner with a LURA amendment for execution and recording in the county where the Development is located.(c) HTC Extensions. Extensions must be requested if the original deadline associated with Carryover, the 10% Test (including submission and expenditure deadlines), construction status reports, or cost certification requirements will not be met. Extension requests submitted at least 30 calendar days in advance of the applicable deadline will not be required to submit an extension fee as described in § 11.901 of this title. Any extension request submitted fewer than 30 days in advance of the applicable deadline or after the applicable deadline will not be processed unless accompanied by the applicable fee. Extension requests will be approved by the Executive Director or designee, unless, at staff's discretion it warrants Board approval due to extenuating circumstances stated in the request. The extension request must specify a requested extension date and the reason why such an extension is required. If the Development Owner is requesting an extension to the Carryover submission or 10% Test deadline(s), a point deduction evaluation will be completed in accordance with Tex. Gov't Code, § 2306.6710(b)(2), and § 11.9(f) of this title (relating to Factors Affecting Scoring and Eligibility in current and future Application Rounds). Therefore, the Development Owner must clearly describe in their request for an extension how the need for the extension was beyond the reasonable control of the Applicant/Development Owner and could not have been reasonably anticipated. Carryover extension requests will not be granted an extended deadline later than December 1st of the year the Commitment was issued.10 Tex. Admin. Code § 10.405
The provisions of this §10.405 adopted to be effective December 24, 2013, 38 TexReg 9293; amended by Texas Register, Volume 39, Number 49, December 5, 2014, TexReg 9518, eff. 12/9/2014; Adopted by Texas Register, Volume 41, Number 01, January 1, 2016, TexReg 174, eff. 1/6/2016; Adopted by Texas Register, Volume 41, Number 53, December 30, 2016, TexReg 10570, eff. 1/5/2017; Adopted by Texas Register, Volume 42, Number 52, December 29, 2017, TexReg 7610, eff. 1/3/2018; Amended by Texas Register, Volume 43, Number 51, December 21, 2018, TexReg 8297, eff. 12/30/2018; Adopted by Texas Register, Volume 45, Number 05, January 31, 2020, TexReg 722, eff. 2/5/2020; Adopted by Texas Register, Volume 47, Number 04, January 28, 2022, TexReg 0266, eff. 2/3/2022; Amended by Texas Register, Volume 48, Number 04, January 27, 2023, TexReg 0348, eff. 2/1/2023; Amended by Texas Register, Volume 49, Number 08, February 23, 2024, TexReg 1054, eff. 2/27/2024