Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 1.301 - Definitions and Previous Participation Reviews for Multifamily Awards and Ownership Transfers(a) Purpose and Applicability. The purpose of this rule is to provide the procedures used by the Department to comply with Tex. Gov't Code §§ 2306.057, and 2306.6713 which require the Compliance Division to assess the compliance history of the Applicant and any Affiliate, the compliance issues associated with the proposed or existing Development, and provide such assessment to the Board. This rule also ensures Department compliance with 2 CFR § 200.331(b) and (c) and Texas Grant Management Standards (TxGMS), where applicable.(b) Definitions. The following definitions apply only as used in this subchapter. Other capitalized terms used in this section have the meaning assigned in the specific chapters and rules of this title that govern the program associated with the request, or assigned by federal or state laws.(1) Actively Monitored Development--A Development that within the last three years has been monitored by the Department, either through a NSPIRE inspection or prior onsite monitoring inspection other than NSPIRE, an onsite or desk file monitoring review, an Affirmative Marketing Plan review, or a Written Policies and Procedures Review. NSPIRE inspections include inspections completed by Department staff, Department contractors and inspectors from the Real Estate Assessment Center through federal alignment efforts.(2) Affiliate--Persons are Affiliates of each other or are "affiliated" if they are under common Control by each other or by one or more third parties. "Control" is as defined in § 11.1 of this title (relating to General items relating to Pre-Application, Definitions, Threshold Requirements and Competitive Scoring). For Applications for Multifamily Direct Grants/Loans and 811 PRA, or for Ownership Transfers of Multifamily Properties containing Multifamily Direct Grants/Loans or 811 PRA, for purposes of assurance that the Affiliate is not on the Federal Suspended or Debarred Listing, Affiliate is also defined as required by 2 CFR Part 180 and 2 CFR Part 2424.(3) Applicant--In addition to the definition of applicant in § 11.1 of this title, in this subchapter, the term applicant includes Persons requesting approval to acquire a Department monitored Development.(4) Combined Portfolio--Actively Monitored Developments within the Control of Persons affiliated with the Application as identified by the Previous Participation Review and as limited by subsection (c) of this section.(5) Corrective Action Period--The timeframe during which an Owner may correct an Event of Noncompliance, as permitted in § 10.602 or § 10.803 of this title (relating to Notice to Owners and Corrective Action Periods and Compliance and Events of Noncompliance, respectively), including any permitted extension or deficiency period.(6) Events of Noncompliance--Any event for which an Actively Monitored Development may be found to be in noncompliance for monitoring purposes as further provided for in § 10.803 of this title or in the table provided at § 10.625 of this title (relating to Events of Noncompliance).(7) Monitoring Event--An onsite or desk monitoring review, an NSPIRE inspection, prior onsite monitoring inspection other than NSPIRE, the submission of the Annual Owner's Compliance Report, Final Construction Inspection, a Written Policies and Procedures Review, or any other instance when the Department's Compliance Division or other reviewing area provides written notice to an Owner or Contact Person requesting a response by a certain date. This would include, but not be limited to, responding to a tenant complaint.(8) National Standards for the Physical Inspection of Real Estate (NSPIRE)--As developed by the Real Estate Assessment Center of HUD.(9) Person--"Person" is as defined in 10 TAC Chapter 11 (relating Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP)). For Applications for Multifamily Direct Grants/Loans and 811 PRA, or for Ownership Transfers of Multifamily Properties containing Multifamily Direct Grants/Loans or 811 PRA, for purposes of assurance that the Applicant or Affiliate is not on the Federal Suspended or Debarred Listing, Person is also defined and includes Principal as required by 2 CFR Part 180 and 2 CFR Part 2424.(10) Single Audit--As used in this rule, the term relates specifically to an audit required by 2 CFR § 200.501 or the Texas Single Audit Circular.(c) Items Not Considered. When conducting a previous participation review the items in paragraphs (1) - (10) of this subsection will not be taken into consideration: (1) Events of Noncompliance, Findings, Concerns, and Deficiencies (as described in 10 TAC § 6.2, 10 TAC §7.2, 10 TAC § 10.625, 10 TAC §10.803 and 10 TAC § 20.3 or by Contract) that were corrected over three years from the date the Event is closed;(2) Events of Noncompliance with an "out of compliance date" prior to the Applicant's period of Control if the event(s) is currently corrected;(3) Events of Noncompliance with an "out of compliance date" prior to the Applicant's period of Control if the event(s) is currently uncorrected and the Applicant has had Control for less than one year, or if the Owner is still within the timeframe of a Department-approved corrective action from the Department's Enforcement Committee;(4) The Event of Noncompliance "Failure to provide Fair Housing Disclosure notice";(5) The Event of Noncompliance "Program Unit not leased to Low income Household" sometimes referred to as "Household Income above income limit upon initial Occupancy" for units at Developments participating in U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development programs (or used as HOME Match) or U.S. Department of Agriculture, if the household resided in the unit prior to an allocation of Department resources and Federal Regulations prevent the Owner from correcting the issue, provided that the household is below the program's upper income limit and otherwise qualifies for the Unit;(6) The Event of Noncompliance "Casualty loss" if the restoration period has not expired;(7) Events of Noncompliance that the Applicant believes can never be corrected and the Department agrees in writing that such item should not be considered;(8) Events of Noncompliance corrected within their Corrective Action Period;(9) Events of failure to respond within the Corrective Action Period which have been fully corrected prior to January 1, 2019, will not be taken into consideration under subsection (e)(2)(C) and (3)(C) of this section;(10) Events of Noncompliance precluded from consideration by Tex. Gov't Code § 2306.6719(e); and(11) Except for Applications for Multifamily Direct Grants/Loans and 811 PRA, or for Ownership Transfers of Multifamily Properties containing Multifamily Direct Grants/Loans or 811 PRA, Events of Noncompliance associated with a Development that has submitted documentation, using the appropriate Department form, that the responsibility for the Development's compliance has been delegated to another participant in the project (defined as a member of the Development Team), and the Applicant is not in Control of the Development with Events of Noncompliance for purposes of management and compliance. The term "Combined Portfolio" used in this section does not include those properties with such documentation. The Department may require additional information to support the Control Form including but not limited to partnership agreements or other legal documents.(d) Applicant Process. Persons affiliated with an Application or an Ownership Transfer request must complete the Department's Uniform Previous Participation Review Form and respond timely to staff inquiries regarding apparent errors or omissions, but for Applications no later than the Administrative Deficiency deadline. For an Ownership Transfer request, a recommendation will be delayed until the required forms or responsive information is provided.(e) Determination of Compliance Status. Through a review of the form, Department records, and the compliance history of the Affiliated multifamily Developments, staff will determine the applicable category for the Application or Ownership Transfer request using the criteria in paragraphs (1) - (3) of this subsection. Combined Portfolios will not be designated as a Category 3 if both Applicants are considered a Category 2 when evaluated separately. For example, if each Applicant is a Category 2 and their Combined Portfolio is a Category 3, the Application will be considered a Category 2.(1) Category 1. An Application will be considered a Category 1 if the Actively Monitored Developments in the Combined Portfolio have no issues that are currently uncorrected, all Monitoring Events were responded to during the Corrective Action Period, and the Application does not meet any of the criteria of Category 2 or 3.(2) Category 2. An Application will be considered a Category 2 if any one or more of the following criteria are met: (A) The number of uncorrected Events of Noncompliance plus the number of corrected Events of Noncompliance that were not corrected during the Corrective Action Period totals at least three but is less than 50% of the number of Actively Monitored Developments in the Combined Portfolio; or(B) There are uncorrected Events of Noncompliance but the number of Events of Noncompliance is 10% or less than the number of Actively Monitored Developments in the Combined Portfolio. Corrective action uploaded to the Department's Compliance Monitoring and Tracking System (CMTS) or submitted during the seven day period referenced in subsection (f) of this section will be reviewed and the Category determination may change as appropriate; or(C) Within the three years immediately preceding the date of Application, any Person subject to previous participation review failed to respond during the Corrective Action Period to a Monitoring Event; however, the number of times is less than 25% of the number of Actively Monitoring Developments in the Combined Portfolio; or(D) The Applicant is required to have a Single Audit and a relevant issue was identified in the Single Audit (e.g. Notes to the Financial Statements), or the required Single Audit is past due.(3) Category 3. An Application will be considered a Category 3 if any one or more of the following criteria are met:(A) The number of uncorrected Events of Noncompliance plus the number of corrected Events of Noncompliance that were not corrected during the Corrective Action Period total at least three and equal or exceed 50% of the number of Actively Monitored Developments in the Combined Portfolio;(B) The number of Events of Noncompliance that are currently uncorrected total 10% or more than the number of Actively Monitored Developments in the Combined Portfolio. Corrective action uploaded to CMTS or submitted during the seven day period referenced in subsection (f) of this section will be reviewed and the Category determination may change as appropriate;(C) Within the three years immediately preceding the date of Application, any Person subject to previous participation review failed to respond during the Corrective Action Period to a Monitoring Event and the number of times is equal to or greater than 25% of the number of Actively Monitored Developments in the Combined Portfolio;(D) Any Development Controlled by the Applicant has been the subject of an agreed final order entered by the Board and the terms have been violated;(E) Any Person subject to previous participation review failed to meet the terms and conditions of a prior condition of approval imposed by the Executive Director, the Governing Board, voluntary compliance agreement, or court order;(F) Payment of principal or interest on a loan due to the Department is past due beyond any grace period provided for in the applicable documents for any Development currently Controlled by the Applicant or that was Controlled by the Applicant at the time the payment was due and a repayment plan has not been executed with the Department, or an executed repayment plan has been violated;(G) The Department has requested and not been provided evidence that the Owner has maintained required insurance on any collateral for any loan held by the Department related to any Development Controlled by the Applicant;(H) The Department has requested and not been provided evidence that property taxes have been paid or satisfactory evidence of a tax exemption on any collateral for any loan held by the Department related to any Development Controlled by the Applicant;(I) Fees or other amounts owed to the Department by any Person subject to previous participation review are 30 days or more past due and a repayment plan has not been executed with the Department, or an executed repayment plan has been violated;(J) Despite past condition(s) agreed upon by any Person subject to previous participation review to improve their compliance operations, three or more new Events of Noncompliance have since been identified by the Department, and have not been resolved during the corrective action period;(K) Any Person subject to previous participation review has or had Control of a TDHCA funded Development that has gone through a foreclosure; or(L) Any Person subject to previous participation review or the proposed incoming owner is currently debarred by the Department or currently on the federal debarred and suspended listing.(f) Compliance Notification to Applicant. The Compliance Division will notify Applicants of their compliance status from the categories identified in paragraphs (1) to (4) of this subsection.(1) Previously approved. If the Executive Director or the Board previously approved the compliance history of an Applicant, with or without conditions (including approvals resulting from a Dispute under § 1.303(g) of this subchapter such conditions have not been violated, and no new Events of Noncompliance have occurred since the last approval, the compliance history will be deemed acceptable without further review or discussion and recommended as approved or approved with the same prior conditions. For 4% Housing Tax Credit Applications (without other Department resources), where it has been determined by staff that the Determination Notice can be issued administratively, and for which the Board previously approved a set of conditions associated with a prior Application of the Applicant's, and those same conditions are to be applied to the new 4% Application by Program or Compliance, or if an Application only has underwriting conditions, then the new 4% Application does not need to be approved by the Executive Director and is not required to be presented to the Board.(2) Category 1. The compliance history of Category 1 applications will be deemed acceptable (for Compliance purposes only) without further review or discussion.(3) Category 2 and Category 3. Category 2 and 3 Applicants will be informed by the Compliance Division that the Application is a Category 2 or 3 and provided a seven calendar day period to provide written comment, submit any remaining evidence of corrective action for uncorrected events, propose one or more of the conditions listed in § 1.303 of this subchapter, or propose other conditions for consideration before the Compliance Division makes its final submission to the Executive Director.(4) The Department will not make an award or approve an Ownership Transfer to any entity who has an Affiliate, Board member, or a Person identified in the Application that is currently on the Federal Debarred and Suspended Listing. An Applicant or entity requesting an Ownership Transfer will be notified of the debarred status and will be given the opportunity (subject to other Department rules) to remove and replace the Affiliate, Board member, or Person so that the transfer or award may proceed.(g) Compliance Recommendation to Executive Director for Awards. (1) After taking into consideration the information received during the seven-day period, Category 2 Applications will be recommended for approval or approval with conditions (for compliance purposes only). Any recommendation for an award with conditions will utilize the conditions identified in § 1.303 of this subchapter. The Applicant will be notified if their award is recommended for approval with conditions.(2) After taking into consideration the information received during the seven-day period, Category 3 applications will be recommended for approval, approval with conditions (for compliance purposes only) or denial. Any recommendation for an award or ownership transfer with conditions will utilize the conditions identified in § 1.303 of this subchapter. The Applicant will be notified if their award is recommended for denial or approval with conditions.(3) An Applicant that will be recommended for denial or awarded with conditions will be informed of their right to file a Dispute under § 1.303 of this subchapter.(4) In the case of 4% Housing Tax Credit Applications where it has been determined by staff that the Determination Notice can be issued administratively, Category 2 and 3 applications being approved with conditions that are specifically listed in § 1.303 of this subchapter and that have been previously approved by the Board for the Applicant, do not require approval of the Executive Director or the Board unless the Applicant is requesting to Dispute the Compliance Recommendation.(h) Compliance Recommendation for Ownership Transfers. After taking into consideration the information received during the seven-day period the results will be reported to the Executive Director with a recommendation of approval, approval with conditions, or denial. If the Executive Director determines that the request should be denied, or approved with conditions and the requesting entity disagrees, the matter may be appealed to the Board under § 1.7 of this title (relating to Appeals).10 Tex. Admin. Code § 1.301
Adopted by Texas Register, Volume 40, Number 29, July 17, 2015, TexReg 4685, eff. 7/26/2015; Adopted by Texas Register, Volume 43, Number 51, December 21, 2018, TexReg 8283, eff. 12/30/2018; Adopted by Texas Register, Volume 45, Number 19, May 8, 2020, TexReg 3028, eff. 5/17/2020; Adopted by Texas Register, Volume 46, Number 48, November 26, 2021, TexReg 8007, eff. 12/2/2021; Adopted by Texas Register, Volume 48, Number 47, November 24, 2023, TexReg 6888, eff. 11/30/2023