1 Tex. Admin. Code § 370.4

Current through Reg. 49, No. 38; September 20, 2024
Section 370.4 - Definitions

The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

(1) Action--
(A) In the context of an eligibility or disenrollment determination by HHSC or its designee, action is defined as:
(i) denial of Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) eligibility;
(ii) disenrollment from CHIP; or
(iii) the failure of HHSC or its designee to act within 45 days on an applicant's request for CHIP eligibility determination.
(B) "Action" does not include expiration of a time-limited service.
(2) Acute care--Preventive care, primary care, and other medical or behavioral health care provided for a condition having a relatively short duration.
(3) Acute care hospital--A hospital that provides acute care services.
(4) Adverse determination--A determination by a managed care organization (MCO) that the health care services or dental services furnished, or proposed to be furnished, to a patient are not medically necessary or appropriate.
(5) Agreement or Contract--The formal, written, and legally enforceable contract and amendments thereto between HHSC and an MCO.
(6) Alien--A person who is not a native born or naturalized citizen of the United States of America.
(7) Allowable revenue--All managed care revenue received by the MCO pursuant to the contract during the contract period, including retroactive adjustments made by HHSC. This would include any revenue earned on CHIP managed care funds such as investment income, earned interest, or third party administrator earnings from services to delegated networks.
(8) Appeal--The formal process by which a member or his or her representative requests a review of the MCO's action.
(9) Applicant--An individual who applies for health and dental care coverage on behalf of the child. An applicant can only be:
(A) a child's parent, whether biological or adoptive;
(B) a child's grandparent, relative or other adult who provides care for the child;
(C) a minor not living with an adult applying for himself/herself;
(D) a child's step-parent; or
(E) a taxpayer who expects to claim the child on a federal income tax return for the taxable year in which CHIP eligibility is requested
(10) Application--The standardized, written document that an applicant must complete to apply for health and dental care coverage through CHIP.
(11) Behavioral health service--A covered service for the treatment of mental, emotional, or chemical dependency disorders.
(12) Capitation rate--A fixed, predetermined fee paid by HHSC to the MCO each month, in accordance with the contract, for each enrolled member in exchange for which the MCO arranges for or provides a defined set of covered services to the member, regardless of the amount of covered services used by the enrolled member.
(13) Child--An adoptive, step, or natural child who is under the age of 19.
(14) Children's Health Insurance Program or CHIP or Program--The Texas State Children's Health Insurance Program established under Title XXI of the federal Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. §§1397aa, et seq.) the Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapters 62 (relating to Child Health Plan For Certain Low-Income Children) and 63 (relating to Health Benefits Plan for Certain Children).
(15) CHIP Dental Services--The dental services provided through a dental MCO to a CHIP member.
(16) Claims processing entity--The MCO or its subcontractor that processes claims for CHIP.
(17) CMS--The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which is the federal agency responsible for administering Medicare and overseeing state administration of Medicaid and CHIP.
(18) HHSC--The Texas Health and Human Services Commission.
(19) Complainant--A member, or a treating provider or other individual designated to act on behalf of the member, who files a complaint.
(20) Complaint--Any dissatisfaction, expressed by a complainant, orally or in writing, to the MCO, with any aspect of the MCO's operation, including dissatisfaction with plan administration; procedures related to review or appeal of an adverse determination, as set forth in Texas Insurance Code, Chapter 843, Subchapter G (relating to Dispute Resolution); the denial, reduction, or termination of a service for reasons not related to medical necessity; the way a service is provided; or disenrollment decisions. The term does not include misinformation that is resolved promptly by supplying the appropriate information or clearing up the misunderstanding to the satisfaction of the member.
(21) Cost Sharing--Any enrollment fees or co-payments the member is responsible for paying.
(22) Covered service--A health care service or a dental service or item that the MCO must arrange to provide and pay for on a member's behalf under the terms of the contract executed between the MCO and HHSC. This includes all covered services and benefits identified in the Texas CHIP State Plan, and all value-added services approved by HHSC
(23) Cultural competency--The ability of individuals and systems to provide services effectively to people of various cultures, races, ethnic backgrounds, and religions in a manner that recognizes, values, affirms, and respects the worth of the individuals and protects and preserves their dignity.
(24) Day--Calendar day, unless otherwise specified.
(25) Default enrollment--The process established by HHSC to assign a CHIP managed care enrollee to an MCO when the enrollee has not selected an MCO.
(26) Dental contractor--A dental MCO that is under contract with HHSC for the delivery of dental services.
(27) Dental home--A provider who has contracted with a dental MCO to serve as a dental home to a member and who is responsible for providing routine preventive, diagnostic, urgent, therapeutic, initial, and primary care to patients, maintaining the continuity of patient care, and initiating referral for care. Provider types that can serve as dental homes are federally qualified health centers and individuals who are general dentists or pediatric dentists.
(28) Dental managed care organization (dental MCO)--A dental indemnity insurance provider or dental health maintenance organization licensed or approved by the Texas Department of Insurance.
(29) Dental service--The routine preventive, diagnostic, urgent, therapeutic, initial, and primary care provided to a member and included within the scope of HHSC's agreement with a dental contractor. For purposes of this chapter, "dental service" does not include dental devices for craniofacial anomalies; treatment rendered in a hospital, urgent care center, or ambulatory surgical center setting for craniofacial anomalies; or emergency services provided in a hospital, urgent care center, or ambulatory surgical center setting involving dental trauma. These types of emergency services are treated as health care services in this chapter.
(30) Designee--A contractor of HHSC authorized to act on behalf of HHSC under this chapter.
(31) Disability--A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of an individual's major life activities, such as caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, socializing, or working.
(32) Eligible provider--A network provider who provides medical services to a member or a non-network provider who agrees with an MCO to see a member for an agreed-upon rate on a case-by-case basis.
(33) Emergency behavioral health condition--Any condition, without regard to the nature or cause of the condition, that in the opinion of a prudent layperson possessing an average knowledge of health and medicine:
(A) requires immediate intervention and/or medical attention without which the client would present an immediate danger to themselves or others; or
(B) renders the client incapable of controlling, knowing, or understanding the consequences of his or her actions.
(34) Emergency Medical Condition--A medical condition manifesting itself by acute symptoms of recent onset and sufficient severity (including severe pain), such that a prudent layperson, who possesses an average knowledge of health and medicine, could reasonably expect the absence of immediate medical care could result in:
(A) placing the patient's health in serious jeopardy;
(B) serious impairment to bodily functions;
(C) serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or part;
(D) serious disfigurement; or
(E) serious jeopardy to the health of a pregnant woman or her unborn child.
(35) Emergency Service--A covered inpatient and outpatient service, furnished by a network provider or out-of-network provider that is qualified to furnish such service, that is needed to evaluate or stabilize an emergency medical condition and/or an emergency behavioral health condition. For health care MCOs, the term "emergency service" includes post-stabilization care services.
(36) Enrollment--The process by which a child determined to be eligible for CHIP is enrolled in a CHIP MCO serving the service area in which the child resides.
(37) Exclusive provider benefit plan (EPBP)--An MCO that complies with 28 TAC §§ RSA 3.9201- RSA 3.9212 (relating to the Texas Department of Insurance's requirements for EPBPs), and contracts with HHSC to provide CHIP coverage.
(38) Experience rebate--The portion of the MCO's net income before taxes that is returned to the State in accordance with the MCO's contract with HHSC.
(39) Federal Poverty Level (FPL)--The income guidelines issued annually and published in the Federal Register by the United States Department of Health and Human Services.
(40) Health care managed care organization (health care MCO)--An entity that is licensed or approved by the Texas Department of Insurance to operate as a health maintenance organization or to issue an EPBP.
(41) Health care services--The acute care, behavioral health care, and health-related services that an enrolled population might reasonably require in order to be maintained in good health, including, at a minimum, emergency services and inpatient and outpatient services.
(42) Health maintenance organization (HMO)--An organization that holds a certificate of authority from the Texas Department of Insurance to operate as an HMO under Chapter 843 of the Texas Insurance Code, or a certified Approved Non-Profit Health Corporation formed in compliance with Chapter 844 of the Texas Insurance Code (relating to Certification of Nonprofit Health Corporations).
(43) Hospital--A licensed public or private institution as defined in the Texas Health and Safety Code at Chapter 241 (relating to Hospitals), or Chapter 261 (relating to Municipal Hospitals).
(44) Household composition--The group of individuals who are considered in determining eligibility for an applicant or recipient for certain medical programs based on tax status, tax relationships, living arrangements, and family relationships, referenced in RSA 435.603(f) as "household."
(45) Main dental home provider--See definition of "dental home" in this section.
(46) Main dentist--See definition of "dental home" in this section.
(47) Managed care--A health care delivery system or dental services delivery system in which the overall care of a patient is coordinated by or through a single provider or organization.
(48) Managed care organization (MCO)--A dental MCO or a health care MCO.
(49) Marketing--Any communication from an MCO to a client who is not enrolled with the MCO that can reasonably be interpreted as intended to influence the client's decision to enroll, not to enroll, or to disenroll from a particular MCO.
(50) Marketing materials--Materials that are produced in any medium by or on behalf of the MCO that can reasonably be interpreted as intending to market to potential members. Materials relating to the prevention, diagnosis or treatment of a medical or dental condition are not marketing materials.
(51) Medical home--A primary care provider (PCP) or specialty care provider who has accepted the responsibility for providing accessible, continuous, comprehensive, and coordinated care to members participating in an MCO contracted with HHSC.
(52) Medically necessary health care services--Means:
(A) Dental services and non-behavioral health services that are:
(i) reasonable and necessary to prevent illnesses or medical conditions, or provide early screening, interventions, or treatments for conditions that cause suffering or pain, cause physical deformity or limitations in function, threaten to cause or worsen a disability, cause illness or infirmity of a member, or endanger life;
(ii) provided at appropriate facilities and at the appropriate levels of care for the treatment of a member's health conditions;
(iii) consistent with health care practice guidelines and standards that are endorsed by professionally recognized health care organizations or governmental agencies;
(iv) consistent with the member's diagnoses;
(v) no more intrusive or restrictive than necessary to provide a proper balance of safety, effectiveness, and efficiency;
(vi) not experimental or investigative; and
(vii) not primarily for the convenience of the member or provider.
(B) Behavioral health services that:
(i) are reasonable and necessary for the diagnosis or treatment of a mental health or chemical dependency disorder, or to improve, maintain, or prevent deterioration of functioning resulting from such a disorder;
(ii) are in accordance with professionally accepted clinical guidelines and standards of practice in behavioral health care;
(iii) are furnished in the most appropriate and least restrictive setting in which services can be safely provided;
(iv) are the most appropriate level or supply of service that can safely be provided;
(v) could not be omitted without adversely affecting the member's mental and/or physical health or the quality of care rendered;
(vi) are not experimental or investigative; and
(vii) are not primarily for the convenience of the member or provider.
(53) Member education program--A planned program of education:
(A) concerning access to health care services or dental services through the MCO and about specific health or dental topics;
(B) that is approved by HHSC; and
(C) that is provided to members through a variety of mechanisms that must include, at a minimum, written materials and face-to-face or audiovisual communications.
(54) Member materials--All written materials produced or authorized by the MCO and distributed to members or potential members containing information concerning the managed care program. Member materials include member ID cards, member handbooks, provider directories, and marketing materials.
(55) Member--A child enrolled in a CHIP MCO.
(56) Participating MCO--An MCO that has a contract with HHSC to provide services to members.
(57) Primary care provider (PCP)--A physician or other provider who has agreed with the health care MCO to provide a medical home to members and who is responsible for providing initial and primary care to patients, maintaining the continuity of patient care, and initiating referral for care.
(58) Provider--A credentialed and licensed individual, facility, agency, institution, organization or other entity, and its employees and subcontractors, that has a contract with the MCO for the delivery of covered services to the MCO's members.
(59) Provider education program--Program of education about the CHIP managed care program and about specific health or dental care issues presented by the MCO to its providers through written materials and training events.
(60) Provider network or network--All providers that have contracted with the MCO for the CHIP program.
(61) Quality improvement--A system to continuously examine, monitor, and revise processes and systems that support and improve administrative and clinical functions.
(62) Recipient--An individual receiving CHIP services, including a person who is renewing eligibility for CHIP.
(63) Risk--The potential for loss as a result of expenses and costs of the MCO exceeding payments made by HHSC under the contract.
(64) Service area--The counties included in any HHSC-defined service area as applicable to each MCO.
(65) Qualified Alien--An alien who, at the time of application, satisfies the criteria established under RSA 1641(b).
(66) Significant traditional provider (STP)--A provider identified by HHSC as having provided a significant level of care to the target population.
(67) SSI--Supplemental Security Income.
(68) State Fiscal Year--The 12-month period beginning September 1 of each calendar year and ending August 31 of the following calendar year.
(69) State Plan--The plan permitted under federal law and approved by CMS that allows the state to implement the CHIP program.
(70) Value-added service--A service provided by an MCO that is in addition to the covered services included within the scope of the CHIP State Plan and the MCO's contract with HHSC.

1 Tex. Admin. Code § 370.4

The provisions of this §370.4 adopted to be effective April 4, 2001, 26 TexReg 2519; Amended to be effective September 1, 2003, 28 TexReg 7337; Amended to be effective August 24, 2004, 29 TexReg 4448; Amended to be effective January 1, 2006, 30 TexReg 8666; Amended to be effective September 1, 2007, 32 TexReg 5359; Amended to be effective March 1, 2012, 37 TexReg 1301; Amended to be effective July 8, 2012, 37 TexReg 4854; Amended to be effective January 1, 2014, 38 TexReg 9477; Amended to be effective June 1, 2014, 39 TexReg 3983; Amended by Texas Register, Volume 39, Number 51, December 19, 2014, TexReg 9890, eff. 1/22/2015