Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1700-03-03-.10
If a member terminates membership in the retirement system by withdrawal of contributions, the retirement system shall pay all or a portion of the amount withdrawn to any alternate payee as directed by a QDRO. If the former member later resumes membership in the retirement system, then the retirement system shall pay to an alternate payee no portion of retirement allowance payable to the member or retiree which results from the resumption of membership, even if the retirement allowance is a result in part from reinstatement of service credit initially credited during marriage. A member who reinstates service credit by depositing amounts previously withdrawn or refunded shall deposit the entire amount withdrawn or refunded, regardless of whether a portion or all of the amount was paid to the alternate payee. The reinstatement fee shall be based on the total amount withdrawn, regardless of whether a portion or all of the amount was paid to an alternate payee.
Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1700-03-03-.10
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 8-34-313 and 8-36-128.