Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1680-03-04-.10

Current through January 8, 2025
(1) TODS Signs and TODS Sign Panels.
(a) The Department will install all TODS signs and TODS sign panels on state highway rights-of-way, subject to the payment of all required fees by participating tourist-oriented businesses.
(b) Each participating tourist-oriented business shall be responsible for the cost of replacing TODS sign panels that have been damaged or destroyed by acts of vandalism, natural causes or accidents. When it is necessary to replace a sign, the Department will assess, and the participating tourist-oriented business shall pay, the required Replacement Fee, as provided in Rule 1680-3-4-.09.
(2) Trailblazer Signs.

When trailblazer signs are required on local roads to provide directional information to a participating tourist-oriented business, it shall be the responsibility of each business to install and maintain the necessary trailblazer signs, at its own expense, subject to the approval of the local government having jurisdiction over the local road where the sign is to be located.

(3) Loss of Business.

The Department shall have no liability for any loss of business that may result because a TODS sign panel is, for any reason, temporarily absent from a TODS sign on a state highway.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1680-03-04-.10

Original rule filed April 8, 1996; effective August 28, 1996. Rule has been assigned a new control number from 1680-11-1-.10 filed and effective February 1, 2003. Repeal and new rule filed August 2, 2005; effective December 29, 2005.

Authority: T.C.A. § 54-5-1303.