Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1680-03-04-.07

Current through January 8, 2025
(1) Application.

To qualify for participation in the TODS program, an eligible tourist-oriented business must complete an application, including business identification and directional information, on a form provided by the Department. The application form may be obtained from and shall be submitted to the following:

Tennessee Department of Transportation

Maintenance Division, TODS Program

Suite 400, James K. Polk Building

505 Deaderick Street

Nashville, Tennessee 37243

Telephone: (615) 741-2027

Or through the Department's website, as follows: www.tdot.state.tn.us/Chief_Engineer/assistant_engineer_operations/maintenance/TODSProgram

(2) Additional Requirements.
(a) The business shall provide to the Department an affidavit and/or such other evidence as the Department may reasonably request to demonstrate that the major portion of the business's income or visitors are derived during its normal business season from highway users residing outside the immediate area of the business.
(b) The business shall obtain and submit to the Department all required written approvals from local governments for erecting TODS signs within an incorporated municipality and/or trailblazer signs on local roads, as provided in Rule 1680-3-4-.06.
(c) The business shall, as part of its application, agree to hold the State of Tennessee, the Department and its officers, employees, representatives, contractors and/or agents harmless for any loss of business that may be caused by any damage to or removal of a TODS sign, TODS sign panel or trailblazer sign as a result of highway construction, highway maintenance or any other reason.
(d) The business shall tender the payment of all fees as required in Rule 1680-3-4-.09 below.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1680-03-04-.07

Original rule filed April 8, 1996; effective August 28, 1996. Rule has been assigned a new control number from 1680-11-1-.07 filed and effective February 1, 2003. Repeal and new rule filed August 2, 2005; effective December 29, 2005.

Authority: T.C.A. § 54-5-1303.