Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1680-03-04-.02

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 1680-03-04-.02 - DEFINITIONS
(1) "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Transportation.
(2) "Conventional highway" means a highway with at-grade intersections and without control of access.
(3) "Department" means the Tennessee Department of Transportation.
(4) "Eligibility distance" means the total roadway distance from the turn on the state highway where the TODS sign is located to the entry driveway of the tourist-oriented business; and, if necessary to break a tie between two otherwise eligible businesses, the eligibility distance shall also include the distance from the beginning of the entry driveway to the entry door of the business.
(5) "Expressway" means a divided highway with partial control of access and some grade-separated interchanges rather than at-grade intersections.
(6) "Freeway" means a divided highway with full control of access and grade-separated interchanges rather than at-grade intersections.
(7) "Immediate area of the business" means the area within a twenty-mile radius of the business.
(8) "Local road" means a city street or county road not on the state highway system.
(9) "MUTCD" means the United States Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, which is adopted and incorporated by reference in Chapter 1680-3-1 of the Rules of the Tennessee Department of Transportation.
(10) "Rural" means an area outside the limits of an incorporated municipality having a population of 5,000 or more according to the most recent decennial census of the United States Bureau of Census.
(11) "State highway" means a highway designated by the Department as part of the state highway system of the State of Tennessee.
(12) "TODS sign" means an official sign structure placed along the right-of-way of a state highway that contains one or more TODS sign panels.
(13) "TODS sign panel" means an individual sign panel on a TODS sign that identifies the name of a participating tourist-oriented business, the direction of turn to reach the business, and the distance to the business from the turn off of the state highway.
(14) "Tourist-oriented business" means a private or public entity, including a publicly owned park, which offers lawful cultural, historical, recreational, agricultural, educational, entertainment and/or commercial activities, services or products to the general public, and the major portion of whose income or visitors are derived during its normal business season from highway users residing outside the immediate area of the business.
(15) "Trailblazer sign" means a secondary sign placed on the right-of-way of a local road that indicates the need for and direction of an additional turn necessary to reach a participating tourist-oriented business identified on a TODS sign.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1680-03-04-.02

Original rule filed April 8, 1996; effective August 28, 1996. Rule has been assigned a new control number from 1680-11-1-.02 filed and effective February 1, 2003. Repeal and new rule filed August 2, 2005; effective December 29, 2005.

Authority: T.C.A. § 54-5-1303.