Current through January 8, 2025
Section 1680-03-03-.02 - Definitions(1) Background Sign Panel means an official sign panel placed within the freeway right-of-way along the mainline of travel or exit ramp with the words Gas, Food, Lodging, Camping or Attraction, or a combination thereof, and with space where one to six individual business logo signs may be attached.(2) Business means any approved public commercial facility that provides one of the five qualifying motorist services eligible to participate in the Logo Sign Program.(3) Commissioner means the Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Transportation.(4) Contractor means the firm awarded the administrative services contract by the Department for the marketing, management, and maintenance of the Logo Sign Program.(5) Department means the Tennessee Department of Transportation.(6) Disadvantaged Business Enterprise means a small business concern that is certified as a "Disadvantaged Business Enterprise" pursuant to the Rules of the Tennessee Department of Transportation Contract Compliance Office, Chapter1680-08-01, Certification of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises.(7) Double Exit means an interchange design where, for a given direction of travel on the mainline, two exit ramps provide access to the crossroad, with one ramp for each direction of travel on the crossroad.(8) Eligibility Distance means the total roadway distance plus the offset distance to the primary point of entrance to a business. (See Rule 1680-03-03-. 13, Figure 9 for an example.)(9) Exit Ramp means the travel lane at an Interchange on a freeway leading from the mainline to the intersecting crossroad.(10) Freeway means a divided highway with full control of access.(11) Logo Sign means an individual sign of a participating business in the Logo Sign Program that consists of the business's name, trademark, logo, or combination of same. This is the sign that is attached on the background sign panels.(12) Mainline means the through travel lanes of a freeway.(13) Motorist Service means a place of business providing either gas, food, lodging, camping or attraction facilities.(14) MUTCD means the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.(15) Offset Distance means the distance measured from the secondary point of intersection (SPOI) to the nearest comer of the business's building. If the building has an offset the comer that will provide for the shortest eligibility distance will be used for measurement purposes. (See Rule 1680-03-03-. 13, Figure 9 for an example.)(16) PPOI (Primary Point of Intersection) means the point at which the centerline of the median on the freeway intersects with the centerline of the crossroad. When the crossroad has more than two lanes, the centerline of the median, bridge or the exact center of the roadway surface crossing the freeway mainline will be used. (See Rule 1680-03-03-. 13, Figure 9 for an example.)(17) Priority Distance means the distance measured from the Secondary Point of Intersection (SPOI) to the center of the main doorway of the business. (Used only in case of ties in eligibility distance measurements. See Rule1680-03-03-. 13, Figure 9 for an example.)(18) Rest Room means a clean private rest room, having at least one flush toilet and at least one sink with running water, in working order.(19) Roadway Distance means the distance measured from the Primary Point of Intersection (PPOI) along the centerline of the crossroad or other public/private roadway leading to the Secondary Point of Intersection (SPOI).(20) Single Exit means an interchange design where, for a given direction of travel on the mainline, only one exit ramp provides access to the crossroad.(21) SPOI (Secondary Point of Intersection) means the point at which the center line of the public or private thoroughfare providing direct access to the business facility intersects with a perpendicular line to the nearest corner of the business building.(22) Tennessee-Based Business Enterprise means a person or entity that has an office In the State of Tennessee.(23) Trailblazer Background Panel means an official sign panel placed before the intersection where a turn is required to get to the business to display Trailblazer Signs. These are placed at intersections with 3 or more trailblazers signs.(24) Trailblazer Sign means the sign used in the Logo Sign Program that indicates the name, direction and distance to a motorist service.(25) Urbanized Area Boundary means that boundary identified as the census boundary by the United States Bureau of Census for a specific geographical location.Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1680-03-03-.02
Original rule filed January 23, 1989; effective March 9, 1989. Amendment filed September 7, 1990; effective October 22, 1990. Amendment filed January 11, 2002; effective May 31, 2002. Rule has been assigned a new control number from 1680-09- 01-.02 filed and effective February 1, 2003. Repeal and new rule filed May 14, 2014; effective 10/29/2014.Authority: T.C.A. § 54-5-1108.