Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1680-01-02-.05

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 1680-01-02-.05 - MINIMUM AIRPORT STANDARDS
(1) Subsection A - Airports
(a) Airport Dimensions (Also see Figure 1.)

Effective Length of Runway Safety Area2, 000 ft.*
Width of runway safety area150 ft
Width of runway40 ft
Maximum effective gradient2%
Slope of Approach Surface20:1
*Minimum length increased 10 % for each I of effective gradient.

(b) STOLport Dimensions (Also see Figure 1.)

Effective Length of Runway Safety Area1,500 ft*
Width of runway safety area150 ft
Width of runway40 ft
Maximum effective gradient2%
Slope approach/departure surface15:1
*Minimum length increased 10 % for each I % of effective gradient.

(c) Facilities
1. Office of Aeronautics approved markers shall be installed on unpaved landing areas at 200 foot intervals along the useable width and at 150 foot intervals at the ends of the landing area.
2. Office of Aeronautics approved wind indicator must be installed.
3. A fire extinguisher which is capable of extinguishing all classes of fire must be available for immediate use.
4. An Office of Aeronautics approved runway lighting system must be installed prior to approval for nighttime operations.
(d) Miscellaneous
1. Airport hazards as determined by the Office of Aeronautics must be marked and must also be lighted if the airport is approved for nighttime operation.
2. The licensee shall notify the Office of Aeronautics in writing whenever alternations, improvements, or major repairs are to be accomplished on the airport.
3. The landing area, taxiways, and ramp area must be maintained in such a manner as to assure the sate operation of aircraft.
4. The owner of a closed or abandoned airport shall remove all airport identifying markers and wind indicators and shall place upon the runway an approved "Closed" marker. This marker shall be maintained until the runway is no longer identifiable.
(2) Sub-paragraph B - Heliports
(a) Definitions:

1.HeliportAn area, either at ground level or elevated on a structure, that is used for the landing and taking off of helicopters.
2. Landing and Takeoff Area That specific area in which the helicopter actually lands and takes off, including the touchdown area.
3.Touchdown AreaThat part of the landing or takeoff area where it is preferred that the helicopter alight.
4. Peripheral AreaA safety zone that provides an obstruction-free area on all sides of the landing and takeoff area.
5. Obstruction Clearance Plane Imaginary planes leading outward and upward from the take-off and landing area at angles compatible with the flight characteristics of the helicopter and type of operations anticipated.

(b) Dimensions (See Figure 2)

Landing and Takeoff Area 50 ft. x 50 ft.
Touchdown Area20 ft. x 20 ft.
Peripheral Area Width10 ft.
Obstruction Clearance Slope 8:1

(c) Facilities
1. Office of Aeronautics approved wind indicator must be installed.
2. A fire extinguisher which is capable of extinguishing all classes of fire must be immediately available.
3. All heliports shall be marked with standard heliport or hospital heliport markings approved by the Office of Aeronautics. Markings shall be painted on paved or concrete surfaces; patio stones painted suitable colors may be used on turf areas.
4. An Office of Aeronautics approved lighting system must be installed proper to approval for nighttime operations.
(d) Miscellaneous
1. Obstructions as determined by the Office of Aeronautics must be marked and must also be lighted if the airport is approved for nighttime operations.
2. The licensee shall notify the Office of Aeronautics in writing whenever alterations, improvements, or major repairs are to be made.
3. The landing area must be maintained so as to assure safe operations.
(3) Subparagraph C - Seaplane Bases
(a) Since the length of waterway necessary for seaplanes varies greatly depending on the airplane types, the purpose of this subsection will only be to specify that each seaplane base must be judged individually with regard to the type of seaplanes using the facility. However, in no case, will approach-departure paths be less than a 20:1 slope.
(b) Facilities
1. Office of Aeronautics approved wind indicator must be installed.
2. A fire extinguisher which is capable of extinguishing ail classes of fire must be available for immediate use.
3. At least three life preservers of the ring or throwing type, with line attached to each, shall be available during hours of operation.
4. The minimum water depths and landing area lengths shall be posted at the docking or beaching area.
(c) Miscellaneous
1. Airport hazards as determined by the Office of Aeronautics must be marked.
2. No seaplane base shall be approved which requires aircraft to operate in close proximity to a bridge, public beach, power line, boat dock or other area which could constitute a danger to persons or property.
3. No seaplane base shall be approved on the navigable waters of Tennessee unless a permit is first obtained from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or the Tennessee Valley Authority, as appropriate. Additionally, proof of a lease or ownership of the needed land adjacent to the water areas of the base is required.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1680-01-02-.05

Original rule filed August 12, 1974; effective September 11, 1974. Amendment filed July 26, 1977; effective August 25, 1977. Amendment filed December 12, 1986; effective January 26, 1987.

Authority: T.C.A. §§42-233,42-2-102, and 42-2-119.