Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1660-02-07-.08

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 1660-02-07-.08 - BEECH RIVER WATERSHED LAKES
(1) The following rules are applicable to these lakes:

Beach Pine Sycamore
Cedar Pin Oak
Dogwood Redbud

(a) All motorboats operating within 150' of boat launching ramps as designated by buoys shall be operated at a "Slow-No Wake" speed, and shall not tow a person on skis, surfboard or similar devices.
(b) Motorboats are prohibited from operating within areas designated by buoys for swimming.
(c) Beech Lake, Henderson County-Vessels operating in the first cove north of beech Lake Dam on the east side of the lake, as delineated by a line of information buoys, shall operate at a "Slow-No Wake" speed.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1660-02-07-.08

Original rule certified May 8, 1974. Amendment filed July 14, 1980; effective August 28, 1980. Amendment filed October 4, 1989; effective November 18, 1989.

Authority: T.C.A. § 70-1-206.