Multiple facilities and structures shall be permitted as a unit for each lessee or landowner for use in connection with the land leased or owned; that is, in the event a lessee or landowner has more than one facility or structure for use in connection with the land leased or owned, only one permit will be required which will include all facilities and structures as a unit. Approval of additional facilities and structures will be required and will be incorporated into the existing permit.
Permits shall not be required for facilities or structures located entirely on or over privately owned lands where the lands are normally covered with water. The maximum width of docks or piers shall not exceed ten feet unless authorized by the executive director.
That portion of the Reelfoot Lake area known as the State Wildlife Management Area from Champey Pocket north to where the State fence intersects Bayou Du Chein. Those portions of land under jurisdiction of the Agency adjacent to the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Refuge and not under lease.
The purpose of excluding these lands is to preserve the natural character of Reelfoot Lake, prevent undue harassment to waterfowl and other wildlife and allow a great freedom for hunters to use the lake as a safety precaution.
Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1660-01-12-.01
Authority: T.C.A. § 70-1-206.