Current through January 8, 2025
Section 1400-01-.03 - DEFINITIONS(1) Basic Training - The introductory training provided by the Tennessee Corrections Institute which prepares a facility employee with general and specific knowledge about the detention of inmates in a local facility.(2) Booking - An official recording of an arrest and the identification of the person, place, time, arresting authority, and the reason for the arrest. It is the procedure for the admission of a person charged with or convicted of an offense, which includes searching, fingerprinting, photographing, medical screening, and collecting personal history data. Booking also includes the inventory and storage of the individual's personal property.(3) Cell Block - A separate, secure group or cluster of single and/or multiple occupancy cells or detention rooms immediately adjacent and directly accessible to a day or activity room. In some facilities, the cell block consists of a row of cells fronted by a dayroom or corridor-like proportion.(4) Censor - To read communications such as letters to delete material which might be considered harmful to the interests of the organizations, agency or facility.(5) Chemical Agent - An active substance, such as pepper spray, used to deter acts that might cause personal injury or property damage.(6) Classification - A process for determining the needs and requirements of those for whom confinement has been ordered and for assigning them to housing units and programs according to their needs and existing resources.(7) Clear Floor Space - Floor space that is free of obstructions such as bunks, showers, commodes, and lavatories.(8) Contraband - An item that has not been approved for possession or use by inmates or detainees by those legally charged with the responsibility for administration and operation of the facility.(9) Control Center - A secure, self-contained unit designed to maintain the security of the facility. Policies governing the design, staffing, and accessibility of the control center should ensure that it cannot be commandeered by unauthorized persons.(10) Correctional Employee - Full and part time employees on the facility payroll, or reserve personnel, whose primary duties include the industry, custody, or treatment of prisoners.(11) Criminal History Check - An informational inquiry through the NCIC Database (FBI/TBI) regarding a detainee's or inmate's background to identify conviction history for housing classification purposes as well as the presence of any outstanding victim notifications, warrants, wants, or detainers through local and federal indices. A Criminal History Check as it relates to correctional employees is an informational inquiry through the NCIC Database to determine the suitability for employment in a correctional setting.(12) Corporal Punishment - Any act of inflicting punishment directly on the body, causing pain or injury.(13) Daily Log - A record of all significant activities that take place during the course of a day.(14) Dayroom - A secure area directly adjacent to inmate living area, to which inmates may be admitted for activities such as bathing, exercise, recreation and dining. Spaces originally designed for circulation, such as corridors, are not dayrooms.(15) Detainee - A person confined in a local facility not serving a sentence for a criminal offense.(16) Detainer - A writ or instrument, issued or made by a competent officer, authorizing the keeper of a prison/jail to keep in his custody a person therein named.(17) Detention - The confinement of an inmate in a secure area (usually pretrial inmates).(18) Detention Facility - A confinement facility, usually operated by a local law enforcement agency, which holds persons detained pending adjudication and/or persons committed after adjudication.(19) Detention Officer - A person who is employed or authorized to detain or guard inmates. See Correctional Employee.(20) Disciplinary Action - An action taken upon an inmate that is intended to correct or discipline.(21) Disciplinary Hearing - A non-judicial administrative procedure to determine if substantial evidence exists to find an inmate guilty of a rule violation.(22) Disciplinary Report - An account, or announcement that is prepared, presented or delivered, usually in formal or organized form based on the possibility of a rule violation.(23) Disciplinary Segregation - A form of separation from the general population in which inmates who committed serious violations of conduct regulations are confined for short periods of time to individual cells separated from the general population by the disciplinary committee or other authorized group. Placement in disciplinary detention may only occur after a finding of a rule violation at an impartial hearing and when there is not an adequate alternative disposition to regulate the inmate's behavior.(24) Document - To support with written sources.(25) Due Process Guarantees - Those procedures that ensure just, equal, and lawful treatment of an individual involved in all stages of the criminal justice system, such as a notice of allegations, impartial and objective fact finding, a written record of the proceedings, a statement of any disposition ordered with the reasons for it, and the right to confront accusers, call witnesses, and present evidence.(26) Existing Facility - Detention facility built prior to or during the month of June 2000.(27) Facility Administrator - An official who has primary responsibility for managing and operating a local detention facility.(28) Flushable Drain - A pipe or channel which is cleaned by a rapid, brief gush of water which can be mechanically operated from outside the cell.(29) Foot-candle - A unit for measuring the intensity of illumination; the amount of light thrown on a surface one foot away from the light source.(30) Furnishings - Applies to all living quarters and includes, but is not limited to, draperies, curtains, furniture, mattresses and bedding, upholstered or cushioned furniture, wastebaskets, decorations, and similar materials that can burn.(31) General Population - A group of individuals confined in an institution who have no institutional restrictions on them, such as segregation.(32) Grievance/Grievance Process - A circumstance or action considered to be unjust and grounds for complaint or resentment and/or a response to that circumstance in the form of a written complaint filed with the appropriate body.(33) Health/Medical Screen - A structured inquiry and observation to prevent newly-arrived offenders who pose a health and safety threat to themselves or others from being admitted to the general population and to identify detainees or inmates who require immediate medical attention. The screen can be initiated at the time of admission by health care personnel or by a health-trained correctional officer.(34) Housing Area - A high-security, medium-security, or low-security cell or room, excluding holding, detoxification, infirmary, and segregation cells or rooms.(35) Impartial Disciplinary Officer - An officer appointed by facility administration to the disciplinary review board who is responsible for conducting disciplinary hearings. In order to maintain impartiality, the designated disciplinary officer must not have any connection or involvement to the incident requiring the disciplinary hearing.(36) Informed Consent - The agreement by a patient to a treatment, examination, or procedure after the patient receives the material facts regarding the nature, consequences, risks, and alternatives concerning the proposed treatment, examination, or procedure.(37) Inmate - A person, whether in pretrial, un-sentenced, or sentenced status, who is confined in a correctional facility.(38) In-Service Training - Training which is given to an employee on an annual basis to reinforce or add to his basic training(39) Jail - A confinement facility, usually operated by a local law enforcement agency, which holds persons detained pending adjudication and/or persons committed after adjudication. Jails, while intended for the confinement of adults, may also confine juveniles.(40) Jailer - A person who is charged by an institution to detain or guard inmates.(41) Library Service - A service that provides reading materials for convenient use; circulation of reading materials; service to help provide users with library materials, educational and recreational materials, or a combination of these services.(42) Medical Records - Records of medical examinations and diagnoses maintained by the responsible medical provider for each inmate separate from the inmate's file. Medical records shall include the date and time of the medical examination and copies of standing or direct medical orders from the physician.(43) Medication Receipt System - A method that accounts for the administering of medications.(44) Menu Pattern - The outline of food items to be included in each meal.(45) Monitor - To keep watch over, supervise.(46) New Facility - Detention facility built after June 2000.(47) Non-Facility Support Staff - Staff not on the facility payroll who work for or volunteer through an agency outside the local correctional facility who have regular or daily contact with inmates. Volunteers, contractors, professionals, health care personnel, clergy, etc. are examples of persons labeled as non-facility support staff.(48) Physical Force - Any use of firearms, chemical agents, clubs or other devices in controlling an inmate. Also, any situation which requires an officer to make physical contact with an inmate or the use of physical force which subjects an inmate to pain, discomfort or incapacitation.(49) Physical Plant - A building, set of buildings, portion of a building, or area that is used for the lawful custody and/or treatment of individuals.(50) Plan of Action - A written plan that will eliminate or correct deficiencies noted in the annual inspection.(51) Potentially Hazardous Food - Any food that consists, in whole or in part, of milk or milk products, eggs, meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, edible crustacea, or other ingredients, including synthetic ingredients, in a form capable of supporting rapid and progressive growth of infectious or toxigenic microorganisms. This does not include clean, whole, un-cracked, odor-free shell eggs, foods which have a pH level of 4.6 or below, or a water activity (aw) value of 0.85 or less.(52) Pre-Service Orientation - Training accomplished prior to assignment of duty, which is intended to familiarize new employees with the operations of the particular jail to which they are to be assigned.(53) Preventative Maintenance - A system designed to enhance the longevity and/or usefulness of buildings or equipment in accordance with a planned schedule.(54) Range of Sanctions - The various penalties for noncompliance of rules specified by the facility administrator.(55) Receiving Area - The point of inmate entry into a jail or detention facility where an inmate undergoes admission processing, which may include orientation and initial classification prior to regular assignment to the housing area.(56) Receiving Screening - An observation/initial health assessment to identify newly-arrived inmates who pose a health or safety threat to themselves or others.(57) Regular Access - The documented number of hours an inmate may utilize additional living space available as described by facility policy.(58) Sally Port - An enclosure situated either in the perimeter wall or fence of the facility or within the interior of the facility, containing gates or doors at both ends, only one of which opens at a time and ensures there will be no breach in the perimeter or interior security of the facility.(59) Security Devices - Locks, gates, doors, bars, fences, screens, ceilings, floors, walls, and barriers used to confine and control inmates. Also, electronic monitoring equipment, security alarm systems, security light units, auxiliary power supply, and other equipment used to maintain facility safety.(60) Security Perimeter - Outer portions of a facility which provide for secure confinement of inmates. This perimeter may vary for individual facilities, depending upon their security classification.(61) Segregation - Confinement of an inmate to an individual cell separated from the general population.(62) Sick Call - A function which provides inmates the opportunity to receive required medical attention.(63) Special Purpose Cell - A cell used for the short term detention of persons under the influence of intoxicants until they are cleared by medical personnel for release or transfer to another detention or medical facility.(64) Strip Search - Examination of an inmate's naked body for weapons, contraband, and physical abnormalities and includes a thorough search of all of the individual's clothing while it is not being worn.(65) Structural Projections - Some part of the construction that protrudes with sharp or pointed edges.(66) Support Employee - Full and part time employees on the facility payroll, or reserve personnel who have periodic but minimal contact with inmates.(67) Temporary Holding cell - A cell used to detain a person for minimal periods of time until cleared to transition to general population or transfer to another facility.(68) Trusty - An inmate, usually in a minimum security classification, who is responsible for performing various maintenance tasks under supervision in a jail. May also be referred to as "Trustee".(69) Type I Facility - A detention facility housing primarily adults for more than seventy-two (72) hours.(70) Type II Facility - A detention facility housing primarily adults for not more than seventy-two (72) hours.(71) Type III Facility - A detention facility housing primarily adults that are detained no more than (12) hours and does not include detention facilities used primarily for fingerprinting, photographing, interviewing or interrogating.(72) Type IV Facility - A municipal government facility, permanent or mobile, used for in-processing, booking, fingerprinting, photographing, and bonding of arrestees and where an arrestee shall be released or transferred to another type of facility within two (2) hours of arrest.(73) Unencumbered Space - Usable space that is not encumbered by furnishings or fixtures. In determining unencumbered space in the area, the total square footage is obtained and the square footage of fixtures and equipment is subtracted. All fixtures and equipment must be in operable position.(74) Work Stoppage - A halt by those employed by the facility; usually refers to a strike.(75) Workhouse - A county detention facility operated by or for a county which holds primarily sentenced, minimum security inmates.(76) Working Inmate - An inmate who has been screened, selected, and assigned to a formal jail work program (occurring within the security area of the jail, or external to the jail). This includes those inmates who are taken out by various persons/agencies to work offsite (for example, a county employee comes to the jail each day to take a group of inmates to work at a recycling center).Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1400-01-.03
Original rule filed August 9, 1982; effective September 8, 1982. Repeal and new rule filed June 29, 1984; effective September 11, 1984. Amendment filed March 4, 1988; effective April 18, 1988. Amendment filed July 31, 2000; effective November 28, 2000. Amendment filed July 29, 2004; effective November 26, 2004. Repeal and new rule filed October 29, 2014; effective January 27, 2015. Amendments filed September 1, 2017; effective 11/30/2017.Authority: T.C.A. § 41-4-140.