Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1240-01-04-.27

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 1240-01-04-.27 - STANDARDS OF NEED/INCOME

The following tables show the income standards, food stamp coupon allotment (Thrifty Food Plan), standard income deduction, maximum shelter/dependent care deductions, and standard utility/telephone allowances to be used in the Food Stamp Program to determine eligibility and level of benefits. (Tables I through VII). Table VIII shows the maximum income level, consolidated standard of need, and the possible standard payment amounts to be used in the AFDC program to determine eligibility and level of benefits.

(1) Food Stamp Standards.
(a) Food Stamp Gross Monthly Income Standards. The gross monthly income standard is used to determine whether a household is eligible; it is not used to determine the actual amount of the coupon allotment.
1. If the household's gross monthly income (before deductions) exceeds the gross income standard for the number of persons in the household, the household is not eligible for food stamps.
2. If the household's gross monthly income (before deductions) is equal to or less than the gross income standard for the number of persons in the household, the household may be eligible. At this point, the net income standard shall be applied to the household's net income as instructed in 1240-01-04-.27(1)(b).

Table I

No. of Persons in Household12345678910
Gross Income Standard$1174$1579$1984$2389$2794$3200$3605$4010$4416$4822

For each additional member add $406

(b) Net Monthly Income Standards-Food Stamps. The Net Monthly Income Standard is used to determine whether a household is eligible. It is NOT used to determine the actual amount of their coupon allotment. This standard applies to all households including household containing a member who is elderly or disabled.
1. If a household's available income (after exclusions and deductions) exceeds the Net Monthly Income Standard for the number of persons in the household, a household is not eligible for Food Stamps.
2. If a household's available income (after exclusions and deductions) equals or is less than the appropriate Net Monthly Income Standard for the number of persons in the household, the household is eligible for a Food Stamp allotment.

Table II

No. of Persons in Household12345678910
Maximum Net Income$903$1215$1526$1838$2150$2461$2773$3085$3397$3709

For each additional member add $312

(c) Basis of Coupon Issuance - Value of the Thrifty Food Plan. The Thrifty Food plan shows the maximum coupon allotment that can be authorized for a household of any given size, and is used to determine the actual amount of the coupons for which the household qualifies.
1. Calculate 30% of a household's available income (after exclusions and deductions).
2. Subtract that amount from the maximum coupon allotment for the appropriate household size to determine the value of the coupon allotment. The minimum allotment for one and two person households is $16.00 even if thirty percent of those household's net income subtracted from the Thrifty Food Plan is less than $16.00. For all other household's sizes, the allotment is based on the actual amount derived from the preceding calculations.
3. If after using the appropriate formula the result ends in 1 through 99 cents, the amount shall be rounded down to the nearest lower whole dollar. If the computation results in an allotment of less than $10, then no issuance shall be made for the initial month.

Table III

No. of Persons in Household12345678910
Maximum Coupon Allotment$200$367$526$668$793$952$1052$1202$1352$1502


Table IV-A Standard Deduction

Household Size123456+
Standard Deduction$142$142$142$153$179$205

Table IV-B Food Stamp Deductions

Maximum Dependent Care NoLimit
Maximum Shelter Deduction for Non-Elderly/Disabled Households$458
Maximum Shelter Deduction for Elderly/Disabled HouseholdsNo Maximum


TABLE V-A Food Stamp Standard Utility Allowance

Household Size12345678910 or more
Standard Utility Allowance$314$326$338$350$360$372$384$396$408$419

Table V-B Food Stamp Basic Utility Allowance

Household Size12345678910 or More
Basic Utility Allowance$126$126$126$126$126$126$126$126$126$126

The Basic Utility Allowance is to be used for households who are not eligible for the Standard Utility Allowance because they do not incur a major heating or cooling expense, but who do incur utility costs such as electricity for lighting, gas for cooking, water/sewerage, or garbage pickup.


Food Stamp Standard Telephone Allowance

Household Size12345678910 or More
Telephone Standard$25$25$25$25$25$25$25$25$25$25

(g) The Homeless Shelter Standard may be used in determining eligibility and amount of benefits. It is intended to offset such expenses as may reasonably be expected to be incurred for households in which all members are homeless individuals but are not receiving free shelter throughout the month.

TABLE VII Homeless Household Shelter Allowance

Household Size12345678910 or more
Homeless Shelter Standard143143143143143143143143143143

1. A homeless individual is an individual who lacks a fixed and regular nighttime residence, or an individual who has a primary nighttime residence that is:
(i) a supervised publicly or privately operated shelter designed to provide temporary living accommodations;
(ii) an institution that provides a temporary residence for individuals intended to be institutionalized;
(iii) a temporary accommodation in the residence of another individual if the accommodation in the residence is for no more than 90 days; or
(iv) a public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings.
(2) AFDC Standards.
(a) Consolidated Need Standard (CNS). The Department has developed a consolidated standard of need based on size of the assistance unit, which indicates the amount of income the assistance group would need to meet subsistence living costs according to allowances set by the state for items including food, clothing, fuel, lights, household operations, personal incidentals and shelter. The CNS which determines a non-responsible relative's eligibility to be included in an assistance unit, also is used as a basis for determining the gross income standard and the standard payment amount.
(b) Gross Income Standard. This standard is set by federal law at 185% of the consolidated standard of need. If the gross countable income of an assistance unit exceeds this standard, then the assistance unit is not eligible for AFDC.
(c) Standard Payment Amount. Tennessee does not meet 100% of need as defined by the Consolidated Need Standard. Rather, a maximum payment by family size, dependent on funds available, is paid. An assistance payment is determined as follows:
1. If the assistance unit's net income (after allowable exclusions and deductions) equals or exceeds their consolidated need, then the assistance unit is not eligible for AFDC.
2. If the assistance unit's net income is less than their consolidated need, then the monthly grant amount is the smaller of a maximum by family size (standard payment amount) or the deficit if it is $10 or more. If the deficit is $1 - $9, the assistance unit is eligible for Medicaid Only, and is deemed to be an AFDC recipient group.
3. The minimum monthly grant which can be paid is $10. Assistance units otherwise eligible for grant less than $10 are eligible for Medicaid benefits as deemed AFDC recipients.
(d) AFDC Need/Payment - Standards.

Table VIII

Number of Persons in Assistance Unit
Gross Income Standard777111012521289148915071633165518381875
Consolidated Need Standard4206006776978058158838959941014
Standard Payment Amount95142185226264305345386425467
Minimum AFDC Payment $10 per month for any assistance unit.

Number of Persons in Assistance Unit
Gross Income Standard1929197720202055208321092131214921622173
Consolidated Need Standard1043106910921111112611401152116211691175
Standard Payment Amount508549589630670711750790831871
Minimum AFDC Payment $10 per month for any assistance unit.

The AFDC standard payment for an assistance unit of three (3) persons represents 37.0% of the consolidated need for an assistance unit of that size. The payments for units composed of different numbers of recipients represent an upward or downward adjustment of the percentage in the preceding sentence which is necessary to maintain the payment at a level not more or less than that paid in fiscal Year 1993-1994.

(e) Reserved.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1240-01-04-.27

Original rule filed August 15, 1980; effective September 29, 1980. Repeal and new rule filed December 10, 1981; effective January 25, 1981. Amendment filed August 17, 1982; effective September 16, 1982. Amendment filed November 9, 1982; effective December 9, 1982. Amendment filed December 17, 1982; effective March 16, 1983. Amendment filed March 3, 1983; effective April 4, 1983. Amendment filed March 28, 1983; effective April 27, 1983. Amendment filed August 19, 1983; effective September 19, 1983. Amendment filed December 6, 1983; effective January 5, 1984. Amendment filed September 4, 1984; effective October 4, 1984. Amendment filed September 28, 1984; effective December 14, 1984. Amendment filed December 27, 1985; effective March 16, 1985. Amendment filed October 29, 1985; effective January, 14, 1986. Amendment filed November 21, 1985; effective February 12, 1986. Amendment filed December 31, 1985; effective March 17, 1986. Amendment filed April 15, 1986; effective July 14, 1986. Amendment filed July 23, 1986; effective October 29, 1986. Amendment filed November 28, 1986; effective February 28, 1987. Amendment filed April 7, 1987; effective July 29, 1987. Amendment filed February 9, 1988; effective May 29, 1988. Amendment filed February, 12, 1988; effective April 29, 1988. Amendment filed July 23, 1992; effective October 28, 1992. Amendment filed September 29, 1994; effective December 14, 1994. Amendment filed November 18, 1996; effective February 1, 1997. Amendment filed April 4, 1997; effective June 18, 1997. Amendment filed September 18, 2001; effective December 2, 2001. Amendment August 28, 2002; effective November 11, 2002. Amendment filed December 11, 2002; effective February 24, 2003. Amendment filed February 27, 2004; effective May 12, 2004. Amendments filed December 9, 2004; effective February 22, 2005. Amendments filed December 5, 2005; effective February 18, 2006. Amendment filed December 11, 2006; effective February 24, 2007. Amendments filed November, 16, 2007; effective January 30, 2008. Amendments filed December 30, 2008; effective March 15, 2009. Amendment filed July 7, 2009; effective October 5, 2009. Amendment filed September 22, 2009; effective December 21, 2009. Amendments filed November 9, 2009; effective February 7, 2010. Amendment filed November 30, 2010; effective February 28, 2011.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-201 et seq., 4-5-202, 71-1-105 and 71-5-304; 7 U.S.C.A. §2014 and 2017(a), 7 CFR §§ 272.9, 273.9 and 273.10, and PL 110-246, Title IV §§ 4102, 4103, and 4107 June 18, 2008 and PL 111-5, Division A, Title I §101, February 17, 2009.