Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1240-01-04-.20

Current through January 8, 2025

Net income determines the amount of allotment per household size.

(1) Generally, net earned income is considered to be gross earnings minus an 18% earned income deduction, and, if income is from self-employment, minus costs of doing business.
(2) Adjusted monthly income is gross earned and unearned income less all appropriate deductions.
(3) Work Expense Deduction. Expenses directly attributable to costs of employment are considered as a deduction from earned income as described in the following sections:
(a) A standard allowance of 18% of gross earnings is deducted from gross income as work expense allowance. No additional deductions (i.e., taxes, union dues, transportation, etc.) except for dependent care, can be allowed as work expenses.
(b) Payments for the actual costs for the care of a child or other dependent when necessary for a household member to accept or continue employment, seek employment in compliance with the job search criteria, (or an equivalent effort by those not subject to job search), or attend training or education preparatory to employment, are allowed in addition to the 18% earned income deduction. However, the dependent care deduction cannot exceed the maximum allowable amount or in combination with shelter cost deductions. The dependent care deduction may be made from any income as long as the care is required for reasons listed above.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1240-01-04-.20

Original rule filed August 15, 1980; effective September 29, 1980. Repeal and new rule filed December 10, 1981; effective January 25, 1982.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 14-8-106, 14-27-104; PL 97-35; 7 CFR 273.9; 45 CFR 233.20.