In addition to having filed an application, an individual seeking licensure by examination as a Level I Licensed Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor shall be required to successfully complete the Board's written and jurisprudence examinations. An individual seeking licensure by examination as a Level II Licensed Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor must meet all educational requirements and shall be required to successfully complete the Board's written and jurisprudence examinations.
(1) Written examination. (a) The written examination adopted by the Board is the examination developed by NAADAC and administered by its designated testing agency.(b) The Board shall include with its application materials information regarding the written examination.(c) Passing scores on the examination are determined by NAADAC and are adopted by the Board as constituting successful completion of the written examination.(d) NAADAC will notify both the Board and the candidate of his or her passing or failing status.(2) Jurisprudence Examination. All applicants for licensure must successfully complete the Board's jurisprudence examination as a prerequisite to licensure. (a) The Board shall include a jurisprudence examination with all applications for licensure that are mailed from the Board's administrative office, or the applicant may obtain the jurisprudence examination from the Board's Internet web page that can be accessed at The applicant shall include a completed jurisprudence examination when his/her completed application for licensure is returned to the Board's administrative office.(c) There is no fee for the jurisprudence examination.(d) The scope and content of the examination shall be determined by the Board but limited to statutes and regulations governing the practice of alcohol and drug abuse counselors (T.C.A. §§ 68-24-604, et seq., and Chapter 1200-30-01 of the rules of the Tennessee Department of Health) and the NAADAC Code of Ethics. Copies of the applicable statutes, regulations, and the NAADAC Code of Ethics are available upon request from the Board's administrative office.(e) The format of the examination shall be "open-book."(f) Correctly answering ninety percent (90%) of the examination questions shall constitute successful completion of the jurisprudence exam.(3) Re-examination. (a) Written Examination. Applicants who fail to pass the written examination may apply to NAADAC for re-examination. Hand-scoring and/or appeal questions are to be directed to NAADAC.(b) Jurisprudence Examination. 1. Applicants who fail to successfully complete the jurisprudence examination must continue to retake the examination until it has been successfully completed before the application will be deemed complete and presented to the Board for review.2. It is not required that an applicant repeat the written examination in order to repeat the jurisprudence examination.(4) If an applicant neglects, fails, or refuses to take any of the required examinations or fails to successfully complete the examinations within twelve (12) months after being approved, the application will be deemed abandoned. Such applicant may thereafter make a new application accompanied by the required fee. The applicant shall meet the requirements in effect at the time of the new application.Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1200-30-01-.08
Original rule filed May 25, 1994; effective August 9, 1994. Repeal and new rule filed January 30, 1997; effective May 30, 1997. Repeal and new rule filed December 28, 1999; effective March 12, 2000. Amendment filed August 19, 2002; November 2, 2002. Amendment filed June 15, 2004; effective August 29, 2004. Amendment filed November 26, 2008; effective February 9, 2009. Amendments filed March 27, 2015; effective June 25, 2015. Amendments filed February 6, 2017; effective 5/7/2017.Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-202, 4-5-204, 68-24-602, 68-24-603, 68-24-605, 68-24-606, and 68-24-608.