Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1200-30-01-.01

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 1200-30-01-.01 - DEFINITIONS
(1) Advertising. Commercial communication which includes, but is not limited to, business solicitations with or without limiting qualifications, by a card, sign or device issued to a person; a sign or marking in or on any building; or, in any newspaper, magazine, directory or other printed material. Advertising also includes business solicitations communicated by an individual, radio, video or television broadcasting or any other means designed to secure public attention.
(2) Applicant. Any individual seeking licensure by the Board who has submitted an official application and paid the application fee.
(3) Board. The Board of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors established by T.C.A. §§ 68-24-604, et seq.
(4) Commissioner. The Commissioner of the Department of Health or his/her designee.
(5) Contact hour. Sixty (60) minutes in a required activity, including licensure experience and continuing education.
(6) Continuing education. Education beyond the basic initial licensure educational requirement which is related to the practice of alcohol and drug abuse counseling.
(7) Department. The Tennessee Department of Health, Division of Health Related Boards.
(8) Fee. Money, gifts, services or anything of value offered or received as compensation in return for rendering services; also, the required fee(s) pursuant to these rules.
(9) Good moral character. The quality of being well regarded in personal behavior and professional ethics.
(10) He/she, him/her. When "he" appears in the text of these rules, the word represents both the feminine and masculine genders.
(11) Hold oneself out. To represent one's self to the public as having a particular status by means of stating on signs, mailboxes, address plates, letterhead, announcements, business cards or other instruments of professional identification.
(12) License. The document issued to an applicant who successfully completes the licensure process.
(13) Licensed Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor or "licensee". Any person who has met the qualifications for licensed Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor and holds a current, unexpired, unsuspended or unrevoked license which has been lawfully issued by the Board.
(14) Licensure training supervision. On-going, direct clinical review for the purpose of training or teaching, by a qualified supervisor who supervises the performance of a person's interaction with a client and provides regular documented face-to-face consultation, guidance and instructions with respect to the clinical skills and competencies of the person supervised. Supervision may include, without being limited to, the review of case presentations, audio tapes, video tapes and direct observation.
(15) MAC. Master Addiction Counselor.
(16) NAADAC. The National Association for Addiction Professionals.
(17) Qualified Clinical Supervisor. A person who meets the requirements for a qualified clinical supervisor, as defined in Rule 1200-30-01-.10(2) or (3).
(18) Retirement. Voluntary deactivation of the Board issued license.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1200-30-01-.01

Original rule filed May 25, 1994; effective August 9, 1994. Repeal and new rule filed January 30, 1997; effective May 30, 1997. Repeal and new rule filed December 28, 1999; effective March 12, 2000. Amendment filed August 19, 2002; effective November 2, 2002. Amendments filed November 2, 2005; effective January 16, 2006. Amendment filed March 27, 2015; effective June 25, 2015. Amendments filed February 6, 2017; effective 5/7/2017.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-202, 4-5-204, 68-24-602, 68-24-603, 68-24-604, 68-24-605, and 68-24-606.