Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1200-25-01-.02

Current through January 8, 2025
(1) Pool Facilities
(a) Bathhouse.
1. The floors and walls shall be cleaned as often as necessary to maintain sanitary conditions.
2. Plumbing fixtures shall be clean and in operating condition.
3. Toilet tissue in holders shall be provided at each commode.
4. Soap and either single service towels or air dryer devices shall be provided at lavatories.
5. Mirrors, if provided, shall be of non-breakable material.
6. Facilities shall be free of trash and litter. Trash receptacle(s) shall be placed at convenient locations.
7. Women's bathhouse restrooms shall be equipped with covered sanitary napkin receptacles.
8. A minimum lighting level of ten (10) foot candles measured at a point three (3) feet from the floor shall be maintained in bathhouses.
(b) Pool Enclosures. Ventilation shall be sufficient to prevent condensation and odor accumulation.
(c) Pool Surface and Facilities. The walls, bottom, fixtures and all equipment shall be kept clean and in good repair.
(d) Walks/Decking/Pool Area. Walks, decking, and all other pool areas shall be clean and in good repair.
(2) Safety
(a) Certified Lifeguards.
1. Lifeguards shall be present at Type A pools in accordance with the following square footage schedule:

Square Feet
1,800-3,000 1 lifeguard
3,001-6,000 2 lifeguards*
6,001-9,0003 lifeguards*
9,001-12,000 4 lifeguards*

One additional lifeguard per each additional 3,000 sq. feet.*

*With twenty-five (25) or less pool bathers, a minimum of one (1) lifeguard is required. For twenty-six (26) to fifty (50) pool bathers, a minimum of two (2) lifeguards is required. With fifty-one (51) or more pool bathers, the square footage requirements for lifeguards will apply. Further, for pools requiring more than one (1) lifeguard, the pool area lifeguard requirements can be reduced by roping or partitioning off the unused area(s) of the pool.

2. Lifeguards shall be present at all pools having a diving board or tower that is one (1) meter or more in height above the normal operating water level.
3. Lifeguards shall observe from the lifeguard chair except during instructional activities or during life saving or emergency type situations involving swimmers.
4. "Wave" type pools shall have a minimum of two (2) lifeguards observing from lifeguard chairs. All other "Wave" type pool lifeguards may observe from the pool deck
(b) Chemical Storage and Handling. Chemicals shall be kept in the original containers. They shall be used and stored in accordance with label instructions.
(c) Communicable Disease. All patrons or swimmers suspected of having a communicable disease shall be excluded. No person having a communicable disease shall work at any type pool in a function in which there is a likelihood that he will transmit the disease to any other person.
(d) Depth markers. Depth markers at all Type A, B, and E pools. The depth of the water shall be plainly marked in feet on both sides and at each end at or above the water surface on the vertical pool wall and on the coping or deck next to the pool, and at maximum and minimum depths of the pool. Depth markers shall be spaced at intervals no greater than twenty (20) feet with numerals of at least four (4) inches in height and of a color consulting with the background. Where depth markings are required they shall be in whole foot increments of depth, except across the shallow end the depth shall be marked to the nearest one half (1/2) foot increment of water depth.
(e) Diving Boards/Towers. Diving board stands/towers, which were in existence and in use on or prior to May 9, 1987, at pools having dimensions less than those required by rule 1200- 25-1-.03(4)(h) will be allowed to continue in use until the diving board stand/tower is replaced.
(f) Electrical. There shall be no visible, obvious electrical hazards at any pool.
(g) Fencing. All pools shall be protected by a wall, building, enclosure or chain link fence with a height of four (4) feet, or other functionally equivalent barriers approved by the Commissioner. Enclosures or barriers shall be equipped with gates or doors that can be locked when the pool is not in use. Fencing and/or barriers shall be maintained in good repair
(h) First Aid Kit Reserved.
(i) Gas Chlorination
1. Gas Chlorination equipment shall be located so that an equipment failure or malfunction will have effect on evacuation of pool users in an emergency
2. Cylinders shall be securely fastened to a wall or post.
3. Storage of any other chemicals in the chlorine enclosure shall be forbidden except those used to check chlorine leaks.
4. When gas chlorination equipment is enclosed, the enclosure shall be provided with air-tight ducts from the bottom of the enclosure to atmosphere in an unrestricted area, a motor driven exhaust fan capable of producing at least one air change per minute and automatic louvers of good design near the top of the enclosure for admitting fresh air.
5. Connections from the cylinders to the system depend on the type of chlorinator to be used and shall comply with the chlorinator manufacturer's recommendation.
6. Electrical switches for the control of artificial lighting and ventilation within the enclosure shall be on the outside of the enclosure and adjacent to the door
(j) General Safety. No broken bottles, cans, glass, sharp objects or any other debris which might cause injury or accidents shall be in the pool or pool area. No aspects of the operation or condition of facilities or equipment which if not corrected are very likely to result in illness or injury shall exist.
(k) Illumination. When night swimming is permitted, uniform area lighting shall be provided for the deck area and in all cases there shall be sufficient illumination to enable all areas of the pool including the main drain to be clearly observed by a person standing at the edge of the pool.
(l) Lifeguard chairs. One lifeguard chair shall be provided for each lifeguard as required by these regulations and shall be elevated and strategically located to provide adequate coverage of all areas of the pool,
(m) Lifeline.
1. In all Type A and B pools in which the maximum pool depth exceeds five (5) feet six (6) inches, there shall be a lifeline located at or before the five (5) feet depth area(s) separating the shallow area(s) and the deep area(s). "Wave" type pools shall be exempted from this requirement
2. A lifeline shall be made of approved material such as polypropylene or nylon and be provided with floats made of soft material of contrasting color located at not more than five (5) feet intervals. The lifeline rope shall be a minimum of three-fourths (3/4) inch diameter and be attached to the lifeline anchors on both sides of the pool during all times that the pool is in operation, except during periods of competitive swimming or supervised training.
(n) Life Saving Equipment. All type A and B pools shall be equipped with a minimum of one (1) units of life saving equipment, located within twenty-five (25) feet of the pool, inside the fence. one (1) unit of lifesaving equipment as defined in 1200-25-1-.01(1)(X), shall be provided at each lifeguard chair. Further, additional units of life saving equipment shall be readily accessible and provided in accordance with the number Of "Certified Lifeguards" under Paragraph (2) Safety, Rule 1200-25-1-.02.
(o) Main Drain. Main drain gating in all types of pools shall be in place, securely anchored, in good repair and with slots not more than one-half (1/2) inches wide.
(p) Signs. At Type A, B and C pools, where no lifeguard is required, a warning sign with clearly legible letters at least 4 inches in height shall be placed in plain view stating "WARNING - NO LIFEGUARD". No diving sign(s) shall be displayed in conspicuous locations at all pools not meeting the minimum requirements for diving. The sign shall read. "NO DIVING" with minimum four (4) inch lettering.
(q) Starting Blocks Used for Competitive Swimming. Starting blocks shall not be used for any purpose other than for competitive swimming nor at any time other than during competitive swimming activities.
(r) Steps, Ladders. Steps and ladders shall be maintained in good repair and be free of hazards to reduce possibility of injury.
(s) Telephone for Emergency. All pools shall have telephone service conveniently available on the premises. A list of clearly visible emergency phone numbers to include the nearest emergency and medical services shall be posted next to the telephone.
(3) Water Quality
(a) Bacteriological Test. Pool water sample analysis shall be in accordance with these rules.
1. A sample shall be considered positive and unacceptable if it exceeds four (4) total coliform, bacteria per one hundred (100) milliliters of sample using the membrane filter method.
2. A sample shall be considered positive and unacceptable if total coliform bacteria in any amount are present in three (3) or more tubes using the fermentation tube method and ten (10) milliliter standard portions.
3. A sample shall be considered positive and unacceptable if the analyzed results are "too numerous to count/confluent growth" as reported from the Department Laboratory or a certified lab.
(b) Chemical Tests.
1. The Hydrogen Ion Concentration (pH) of the pool water shall be maintained at a level between 7.2 and 7.6 when the pool is open for operation.
2. Total alkalinity in pool water shall be at a level between eighty parts per million (80ppm) and two hundred parts per million (200ppm).
3. The cyanuric acid level shall not exceed one hundred parts per million (100ppm).
(c) Sanitization.
1. Free available sanitizing residuals in pools for currently approved agents shall be as follows:
(i) Type A, B, C, & E pools

Chlorine 0.4 - 3.0 PPM (Ideal 1.0 - 1.5 PPM)

Bromine 0.8 - 3.0 PPM (Ideal 1.5)

(ii) Type D pools

Chlorine 1.0 - 3.0 PPM (Ideal 1.0 - 1.5 PPM)

Bromine 0.8 - 3.0 PPM (Ideal 1.5)

2. Disinfectants of equal or superior quality to chlorine or bromine compounds that are registered by the Environmental Protection Agency and approved by the Department may be used.
3. Other disinfecting methods or materials may be used if they have been adequately demonstrated to the Department to provide a satisfactory residual effect winch is easily measured or where demonstration and analysis provide assurance that results are otherwise equally effective under condition of use as the chlorine concentration required herein and not be dangerous to Public health, create objectionable physiological effects, or import toxic properties to the water.
4. Sanitizing agents shall be dispensed into the pool water automatically The equipment shall be designed specifically for the type of disinfectant to be used. The equipment shall be of sufficient capacity to maintain the recommended disinfectant residual in the pool. Disinfecting equipment shall be provided with controls for adjusting the rate of flow
5. Hand chlorination is not acceptable except for emergencies, infrequent chlorination purposes, or as approved by the Department where specific circumstances necessitate such dispensing.
(d) Testing Equipment. Testing equipment complete with reagents, shall be provided at the pool for the determination of residual disinfectant, pH, total alkalinity, and cyanuric acid of the pool water The diethyl-p-phenylenediamine (DPD) method shall be used for the determination of disinfectant residual. The range of testing equipment shall be capable of testing all levels as set forth within these rules. Reagents shall not be outdated or otherwise ineffective.
(e) Visual Tests.
1. Water shall be sufficiently clear to allow a viewer to clearly distinguish gratings (openings) of the main drain(s) when standing at the edge of the pool deck
2. There shall be no algae visible in a pool.
3. There shall be no foreign material visible in a pool.
(f) Water Level. The water level in swimming pools with overflow gutters shall be maintained at the break over level. The water level in swimming pools with skimmers shall be maintained at the midpoint of the skimmer.
(g) Water Temperature. Pool temperature shall not exceed one-hundred-four (104°) degrees Fahrenheit. Type D pools shall be equipped with a non-breakable thermometer located in the water.
(4) Water/Waste Water
(a) Cross-Connections. There shall be no cross-connections within any portion of the pool facilities. Hose bibbs shall be equipped with an approved backflow prevention device.
(b) Sewage Disposal. Sewage shall be disposed of according to law
(c) Water Supply. All water used in drinking fountains, lavatories, showers, hose bibbs shall be from potable water sources.
(d) Water Supply. All water used to fill pool shall be of a potable source or a source that is acceptable to the Commissioner.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1200-25-01-.02

Original rule filed February 29. 1996, effective June 28, 1996

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-202, 68-14-301 through 68-14-323, 68-14-302(a), 68-14-303(3) and 68-14-403.