Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1200-23-05-.01

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 1200-23-05-.01 - DEFINITIONS

(1) "Alter/Alteration" means to redesign pool size, shape, piping; to change major equipment such as filter or disinfectant system; to install or remove equipment; to change classification of pool; to make any change that may affect the overall safety or effectiveness of operation, including additions or redesign of a bathhouse.

(2) "Approved" means being accepted by the Commissioner.

(3) "Bull-nosed coping" means a rounded edge of the coping that can be used as a hand-hold.

(4) "Certified lifeguard" means an individual who has a valid and current American Red Cross Lifeguard Training Certificate (or current Red Cross equivalent), or the YMCA Senior Life Saving Certificate, or the Boy Scouts of America equivalent.

(5) "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of the Department of Health or the Commissioner's duly appointed representative, and in the event of the Commissioner's absence or vacancy in the office of Commissioner, the Acting Commissioner.

(6) "Contractor" means a person that enters into an agreement with another person to perform specific duties and acts as a representative of the permittee or permit applicant.

(7) "Coping" means the covering which joins the top of the pool wall with the pool decking.

(8) "Deck" means the area around the pool.

(9) "Department" means the Department of Health.

(10) "Diatomaceous earth" means a type of filter media that is obtained from the fossil remains of microscopic marine plants and is used in a thin coating over filter septa or bags.

(11) "Disinfecting equipment" means any device used to mechanically supply disinfectants to the pool water.

(12) "Dive" means to plunge into the water head first.

(13) "Diving board" means a device extending over the pool for the purpose of diving to include diving towers or diving platforms.

(14) "Employee" means the permit holder, individuals having supervisory or management duties, or any other person working in a public swimming pool.

(15) "Face piping" means piping, valves, and fittings that are used to connect the filtering system together as a unit and are necessary to achieve complete filtering and backwashing functions.

(16) "Filter" means any apparatus by which water is clarified.

(17) "Filter backwash" means the process of cleaning a swimming pool filter by reversing the flow of water through it.

(18) "Filter media" means any fine grain material, carefully graded as to size, that entraps suspended particles as water passes through.

(19) "Heater" means a device through which pool water is circulated to increase the temperature.

(20) "Hydrostatic relief valve" means a device used to relieve ground water pressure imposed on the outer shell of the pool.

(21) "Hose bibb" means a water faucet with male screw threads for attachment to hose.

(22) "Law" means any provision of the State of Tennessee statutes and rules.

(23) "Lifeline" means a rope with flotation devices reaching across a pool to designate a change of slope in the pool bottom and used to separate the shallow and deep areas of the pool.

(24) "Life saving equipment unit" consists of a Ring Buoy and Shepherd's Crook. The Ring Buoy consists of a ring at least eighteen inches (18") in diameter made of solid, buoyant material and weighing approximately two and one-half (21/2) pounds with grab line and retrieving line equal to one and one-half (11/2) times the maximum width of the pool not to exceed fifty (50) feet in length. The line shall consist of one-fourth (1/4) inch polypropylene, or similar type line with two (2) inch ball or "lemon" on the free end. The Shepherd's Crook shall be large enough to encircle the entire body and be equipped with a minimum twelve (12) feet handle. Where lifeguards are required, a Rescue Tube or Torpedo Buoy may be substituted for each Ring Buoy required. The Rescue Tube or Torpedo Buoy consists of a length of tube, two(2) meters of rope and strap length.

(25) "Main drain" means the outlet or outlets on the bottom of the deep portion of the pool through which the main flow of water leaves the pool.

(26) "Main drain piping" means piping connecting the main drains to the pump suction.

(27) "Multi-family residential housing swimming pool" means a private swimming pool maintained by a homeowners association solely for the use of the members of such homeowners association and their guests.

(28) "Normal operating level" means the level of the water at the mid-point of the surface skimmer throat or at overflow gutter lip.

(29) 'N.S.P.I. II'' means the National Spa and Pool Institute.

(30) "Outlet" means main drain, skimmer, vacuum line, or overflow trough.

(31) "Overflow trough" means the gutter or trough around the top perimeter of a pool through which the water surface is skimmed. These troughs are sometimes referred to as scum gutters.

(32) "Owner/Operator" means the applicant, permittee, or other persons in charge of facilities.

(33) "Person" means any individual, partnership, firm, corporation, agency, municipality, or state or political subdivisions, or the federal government and its agencies and departments.

(34) "Person in charge" means the individual present at a public swimming pool who is the supervisor at the time of inspection, or if no individual is the supervisor, then any employee present.

(35) "Potable water" means water that is safe for human consumption.

(36) "Pool depth" means the distance between the floor of the pool and the normal operating level.

(37) "Pool facilities" is a general term that includes all areas of the pool. It includes, but is not limited to, the pool deck, bathhouse, fencing, filtration and safety equipment, sidewalks, and plumbing facilities.

(38) "Public swimming pool/ Public pool/ or Pool" means any pool (other than a residential or therapeutic type pool) which is used for bathing, swimming, diving, water sliding, swimming instruction, or for other recreational purposes to which admission may be gained with or without payment of a fee. Public swimming pools are listed in the following categories, based upon specific characteristics, usage and other factors:

(a) Type "A" means any pool intended for, or used by, the general public for recreational use, as well as pools not open to the general public, such as institutional, school, child care facilities, scouts, resident camps, day camps, country clubs, or pools of similar usage and type.

(b) Type "B" means swimming pools restricted to residents, members or registered guests, including pools at motels, apartments, trailer parks/mobile home parks, travel camps, condominiums, multi-family residential housing homeowner associations, and subdivisions or similar developments. Also included are YMCA, YWCA, health or athletic clubs, and pools of similar type and usage. When pools of this type are used by other persons, organizations, special groups, or by the general public, the requirements for lifeguards shall be the same as for Type "All Pools.

(c) Type "C" means wading pools.

(d) Type "D" means whirlpools, hot tubs, or other pools of similar type and usage, intended for health or recreational usage.

(e) Type "E" means water flumes, water slides, lazy river, or other similar water attraction.

(39) "Public water system" means a system for the provision of piped water for human consumption if such system serves fifteen (15) or more service connections or which regularly serves twenty-five (25) or more individuals daily at least sixty (60) days out of the year. Public water system as defined is either a community or noncommunity water system.

(40) "Rate of flow" means a quantity of water flowing past a given point in a unit of time and usually measured in gallons per minute (g.p.m.).

(41) "Recirculation system" means the entire system of pipes, pumps and filters that allow water to be taken from the pool, filtered, treated, and returned to pool.

(42) "Return inlets" or "Inlet" means the fittings or openings through which filtered water enters the pool.

(43) "Return piping" means piping which conveys the filtered water under pressure from the filter to the pool.

(44) "Residential pool" means any pool that serves no more than three living units, the use of which shall be confined to the family of each residence and their private guests.

(45) "Sewage" means human excreta, all water carried waste, and household wastes from residences, buildings, or commercial and industrial establishments.

(46) "Shall" denotes a mandatory requirement.

(47) "Skimmer" means a device, other than an overflow trough, that is used to continuously remove surface water and floating debris from a pool.

(48) "Skimmer weir" means that part of a skimmer that adjusts automatically to small changes in water level to assure a continuous flow of surface water through the skimmer.

(49) "Solid waste" means, refuse, garbage, trash, rubbish, and any other item or items which could cause an unsanitary condition or undesirable health and safety conditions.

(50) "Surge tank" means a device of such material, shape, and capacity as to adequately receive the surge water from indirect or direct overflows, so constructed and located as to be easily cleaned.

(51) "Tamper-proof" requires tools to alter or remove portions of the equipment.

(52) "Therapeutic pool" means a pool used for medical treatment under the supervision of licensed medical personnel.

(53) "Tower" means an elevated platform from which a person can jump or plunge into the pool.

(54) "Turnover rate" means the number of times a quantity of water equal to the total capacity of the pool passes through the filters in a specified period of time.

(55) "Vacuum outlets" means the fittings in the pool which are used to connect the under-water-suction cleaning equipment.

(56) "Vacuum piping" means the piping which connects the vacuum fittings to the return piping.

(57) "Wading pool" means a pool, normally intended for non-swimming children, used for wading, with a maximum depth of twenty-four (24) inches.

(58) "Water slides or Water flumes" means inclined trough(s) that convey patrons in a stream of water ending in a pool. This is not intended to include water attractions that involve a boat, "log," or other such vessels in which patrons ride and do not normally come in direct contact with the water; nor does this include swimming pool sliding equipment.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1200-23-05-.01

Original rule filed March 13, 2000; effective May 27, 2000.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-202, 68-1-103, 68-14-301 et seq., 68-14-401, and 68-14-402.