Current through January 8, 2025
Section 1200-15-04-.02 - DEFINITIONS(1) "Ad Hoc Team Member" means a team member appointed by the Commissioner to assist the State Team on a particular case or cases.(2) "Department" means the Department of Health.(3) "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of the Department of Health, or designee.(4) "Ex Officio Team Members" means(a) The commissioner of health or the commissioner's designee;(b) The state maternal and child health director or the director's designee;(c) The chief medical examiner or the examiner's designee;(d) The chair of the health and welfare committee of the senate, or the chair's designee; and(e) The chair of the health committee of the house of representatives, or the chair's designee.(5) "Maternal Mortality" means a case in which a woman has died within the State of Tennessee while pregnant or within 365 days of having been pregnant.(6) "Staff" means employees of the Department assigned to provide administrative assistance to the State Team.(7) "State Team" or "Team" means the team of professionals appointed by the Commissioner to review reportable cases.Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1200-15-04-.02
Original rules filed May 8, 2017; effective 8/6/2017.Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-202, 68-1-103, and 68-3-601 et seq.