Assistive devices, adaptive aids, controls, or appliances that enable an Enrollee to increase his/her ability to perform ADLs or to perceive or control his environment. Examples include, but are not limited to, "grabbers" to pick objects off the floor, a strobe light to signify the smoke alarm has been activated, etc. Assistive Technology shall be limited to $900 per person per calendar year. An MCO may authorize services in excess of the benefit limit as a cost-effective alternative to institutional placement or other medically necessary covered benefits.
An item, piece of equipment or product system, whether acquired commercially, modified or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities and to support the individual's increased independence in the home, community living and participation, and individualized integrated employment or self-employment. The service covers purchases, leasing, shipping costs, and as necessary, repair of equipment required by the person to increase, maintain, or improve his/her functional capacity to perform daily tasks in the community and in employment that would not be possible otherwise. All items must meet applicable standards of manufacture, design and installation. The person-centered support plan must include strategies for training the individual and any others who the individual will or may rely on in effectively using the assistive technology or adaptive equipment (e.g. his/her support staff; co-workers and supervisors in the place of employment; natural supports).
The minimum medical eligibility (i.e., level of care) requirement to enroll in ECF CHOICES Group 4 or 5, whereby an Applicant does not meet NF LOC criteria, but has an intellectual or developmental disability as defined under T.C.A. § 33-1-101, as amended, including for an Applicant with ID, limitations in two (2) or more adaptive skill areas (i.e., communication, self-care, home living, social skills, community use, self-direction, health and safety, functional academics, leisure, and work); and for an Applicant age five (5) or older with DD, substantial functional limitations in three (3) or more major life activities (i.e., self-care; receptive and expressive language; learning; mobility; self-direction; capacity for independent living; and economic self-sufficiency); such that, in the absence of the provision of a moderate level of ECF CHOICES home and community based services and supports, the individual's condition and/or ability to continue living in the community will likely deteriorate, resulting in the need for more expensive institutional placement.
The minimum medical eligibility (level of care) requirement to enroll in Katie Beckett, Medicaid Diversion Group Part B, whereby a child does not meet the institutional level of care criteria specified in Rule .11(3)(a) but does meet the criteria specified in Rule .11(3)(b) and in the absence of the provision of a moderate level of home and community based services and supports, the child's condition and/or ability to continue living in the community will likely deteriorate, resulting in the child qualifying for more expensive institutional placement and for Medicaid.
Reimbursement up to $500 per year to offset the costs of training programs, workshops and conferences that help the person develop self-advocacy skills, exercise civil rights, and acquire skills needed to exercise control and responsibility over other support services. Other types of education and training shall not be reimbursed. This service may include education and training for participants, their caregivers and/or legal representatives that is directly related to building or acquiring such skills. Managed care organizations assure that information about educational and/or training opportunities is available to participants and their caregivers and legal representatives. Covered expenses may include enrollment fees, books and other educational materials and transportation related to participation in training courses, conferences and other similar events. In order to be reimbursed by the MCO, Individual Education and Training Services must be approved by the member's MCO before such education or training activities commence and shall be limited to $500 per individual per calendar year.
For purposes of ECF CHOICES, the determination that an Applicant has limitations in two (2) or more adaptive skill areas shall be made by TennCare using an adaptive behavior (or life skills) assessment tool, and review of supporting medical evidence. Information gathered through such adaptive behavior (or life skills) assessment shall not be used for purposes of evaluating functional deficits described in Rule 1200-13-01-.10, or in determining an Individual Acuity Score or an Applicants total score on the NF LOC Acuity Scale.
Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1200-13-01-.02
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-202, 4-5-208, 71-5-105, 71-5-106, 71-5-107, 71-5-109, 71-5-110, 71-5-111, 71-5-112, and 71-5-164 and TennCare II/III Section 1115(a) Medicaid Demonstration Waiver Extension.