Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1130-01-.15

Current through January 8, 2025
(1) Grounds and Authority For Disciplinary Actions - The Board and the Committee shall have the power to deny, limit, restrict or condition an application for a license to any applicant who applies for the same. The Board and Committee shall have the authority to suspend or revoke, reprimand or otherwise discipline any person holding a license to practice as a physician assistant. The grounds upon which the Board and Committee shall exercise such power includes, but are not limited to, the following:
(a) Unprofessional, dishonorable, or unethical conduct;
(b) Violation or attempted violation, directly or indirectly, or assisting in or abetting the violation of, or conspiring to violate, any provision of the Physician Assistants Act or any lawful order of the Committee and Board issued pursuant thereto, or any criminal statute of the state of Tennessee;
(c) Making false statements or representations, being guilty of fraud or deceit in obtaining admission to practice, or being guilty of fraud or deceit in the practice as a physician assistant;
(d) Gross malpractice, or a pattern of continued or repeated malpractice, ignorance, negligence or incompetence in the course of practice as a physician assistant;
(e) Habitual intoxication or personal misuse of any drugs or the use of intoxicating liquors, narcotics, controlled substances, or other drugs or stimulants in such manner as to adversely affect the person's ability to practice as a physician assistant;
(f) Violation of the laws governing abortion;
(g) Willfully betraying a professional secret;
(h) The advertising of physician assistant business in which untrue or misleading statements are made, or causing the publication or circulation of fraudulent advertising relative to any disease, human ailment, or conditions;
(i) Willful violation of the rules and regulations promulgated by the Board and the Committee to regulate advertising by practitioners who are under the jurisdiction of such board;
(j) Conviction of a misdemeanor or felony;
(k) Making or signing in one's professional capacity any certificate that is known to be false at the time one makes or signs such certificate;
(l) Dispensing, prescribing, or otherwise distributing any controlled substance or any other drug not in the course of professional practice, or not in good faith to relieve pain and suffering, or not to cure an ailment, physical infirmity or disease;
(m) Dispensing, prescribing, or otherwise distributing any controlled substance to any person in violation of any law of the state or of the United States of America or any rule of the Board or Committee;
(n) Offering, undertaking, or agreeing to cure or treat a disease, injury, ailment or infirmity by a secret means, method, device or instrumentality;
(o) Giving or receiving, or aiding or abetting the giving or receiving of rebates, either directly or indirectly for referrals of business or patients;
(p) Engaging in the practice of a physician assistant under a false or assumed name, or the impersonation of another practitioner, or a like, similar or different name;
(q) Engaging in the practice of a physician assistant when mentally or physically unable to safely do so;
(r) Violation of the continuing education provisions of Rule 1130-01-.12;
(s) Violation of the scope of practice statutes T.C.A. §§ 63-19-106 through 63-19-108 and Rules 1130-01-.02 and 1130-01-.10.
(t) Violation of prescribing statutes T.C.A. § 63-19-107(2), and rules 1130-01-.10 and 1130-01-.21 to include improper or abusive practices inconsistent with normal prescribing guidelines.
(u) Disciplinary action against a person licensed, certified, registered, or permitted to practice medicine by another state or territory of the United States for any acts or omissions which would constitute grounds for discipline of a person licensed in this state. A certified copy of the initial or final order or other equivalent document memorializing the disciplinary action from the disciplining state or territory shall constitute prima facie evidence of violation of this section and be sufficient grounds upon which to deny, restrict or condition licensure or renewal and/or discipline a person licensed in this state.
(v) Violation of the use of title statute, T.C.A. § 63-19-114.
(2) Upon a finding by the Board and Committee that a physician assistant has violated any provision of the Tennessee Physician Assistants Act (T.C.A. §§ 63-19-101 et seq.) or the rules promulgated pursuant thereto, the Board and Committee may take any of the following actions separately or in any combination which is deemed appropriate to the offense;
(a) Advisory Censure - This is a written action issued for minor or near infractions. It is informal and advisory in nature and does not constitute a formal disciplinary action.
(b) Formal Censure or Reprimand - This is a written action issued for one time and less severe violations. It is a formal disciplinary action.
(c) Probation - This is a formal disciplinary action which places a physician assistant on close scrutiny for a fixed period of time. This action may be combined with conditions which must be met before probation will be lifted and/or which restrict the individual's activities during the probationary period.
(d) License Suspension - This is a formal disciplinary action which suspends the right to practice for a fixed period of time. It contemplates the re-entry into practice under the license previously issued.
(e) License Revocation - This is the most severe form of disciplinary action which removes an individual from the practice of the profession and terminates the licensure previously issued. The Committee, in its discretion, may allow reinstatement of a revoked license upon conditions and after a period of time that it deems appropriate. However, no petition for reinstatement and no new application for licensure from a person whose license was revoked shall be considered prior to the expiration of at least one (1) year unless otherwise stated in the Committee's revocation order.
(f) Conditions - Any action deemed appropriate by the Board and Committee to be required of a disciplined licensee in any of the following circumstances:
1. During any period of probation, suspension; or
2. During any period of revocation after which the licensee may petition for an order of compliance to reinstate the revoked license; or
3. As a prerequisite to the lifting of probation or suspension or as a prerequisite to the reinstatement of a revoked license; or
4. As a stand-alone requirement(s) in any disciplinary order.
(g) Civil penalty - A monetary disciplinary action assessed by the Committee and Board pursuant to paragraph (5) of this Rule.
(h) Suspension or revocation of prescribing privileges.
(i) Assessment of costs in disciplinary proceedings shall be as set forth in T.C.A. §§ 63-1-144 and 63-19-104.
(j) Once ordered, probation, suspension, revocation, assessment of a civil penalty, or any other condition of any type of disciplinary action may not be lifted unless and until the licensee petitions, pursuant to paragraph (3) of this rule, and appears before the Committee after the period of initial probation, suspension, revocation, or other conditioning has run and all conditions placed on the probation, suspension, revocation, have been met, and after any civil penalties assessed have been paid.
(3) Order of Compliance - This procedure is a necessary adjunct to previously issued disciplinary orders and is available only when a petitioner has completely complied with the provisions of a previously issued disciplinary order, including an unlicensed practice civil penalty order, and wishes or is required to obtain an order reflecting that compliance.
(a) The Committee and Board will entertain petitions for an Order of Compliance as a supplement to a previously issued order upon strict compliance with the procedures set forth in subparagraph (b) in only the following three (3) circumstances:
1. When the petitioner can prove compliance with all the terms of the previously issued order and is seeking to have an order issued reflecting that compliance; or
2. When the petitioner can prove compliance with all the terms of the previously issued order and is seeking to have an order issued lifting a previously ordered suspension or probation; or
3. When the petitioner can prove compliance with all the terms of the previously issued order and is seeking to have an order issued reinstating a license previously revoked.
(b) Procedures
1. The petitioner shall submit a Petition for Order of Compliance, as contained in subparagraph (c), to the Committee's Administrative Office that shall contain all of the following:
(i) A copy of the previously issued order; and
(ii) A statement of which provision of subparagraph (a) the petitioner is relying upon as a basis for the requested order; and
(iii) A copy of all documents that prove compliance with all the terms or conditions of the previously issued order. If proof of compliance requires testimony of an individual(s), including that of the petitioner, the petitioner must submit signed statements from every individual the petitioner intends to rely upon attesting, under oath, to the compliance. The Committee's consultant and administrative staff, in their discretion, may require such signed statements to be notarized. No documentation or testimony other than that submitted will be considered in making an initial determination on, or a final order in response to, the petition.
2. The Committee authorizes its consultant and administrative staff to make an initial determination on the petition and take one of the following actions:
(i) Certify compliance and have the matter scheduled for presentation to the Committee and Board as an uncontested matter; or
(ii) Deny the petition, after consultation with legal staff, if compliance with all of the provisions of the previous order is not proven and notify the petitioner of what provisions remain to be fulfilled and/or what proof of compliance was either not sufficient or not submitted.
3. If the petition is presented to the Committee and Board the petitioner may not submit any additional documentation or testimony other than that contained in the petition as originally submitted.
4. If the Committee and Board finds that the petitioner has complied with all the terms of the previous order an Order of Compliance shall be issued.
5. If the petition is denied either initially by staff or after presentation to the Committee or Board and the petitioner believes compliance with the order has been sufficiently proven the petitioner may, as authorized by law, file a petition for a declaratory order pursuant to the provisions of T.C.A. § 4-5-223 and rule 1200-10-01-.11.
(c) Form Petition

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(4) Order Modifications - This procedure is not intended to allow anyone under a previously issued disciplinary order, including an unlicensed practice civil penalty order, to modify any findings of fact, conclusions of law, or the reasons for the decision contained in the order. It is also not intended to allow a petition for a lesser disciplinary action, or civil penalty other than the one(s) previously ordered. All such provisions of Committee and Board orders were subject to reconsideration and appeal under the provisions of the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act (T.C.A. §§ 4-5-301, et seq.). This procedure is not available as a substitute for reconsideration and/or appeal and is only available after all reconsideration and appeal rights have been either exhausted or not timely pursued. It is also not available for those who have accepted and been issued a reprimand.
(a) The Committee and Board will entertain petitions for modification of the disciplinary portion of previously issued orders upon strict compliance with the procedures set forth in subparagraph (b) only when the petitioner can prove that compliance with any one or more of the conditions or terms of the discipline previously ordered is impossible. For purposes of this rule the term "impossible" does not mean that compliance is inconvenient or impractical for personal, financial, scheduling or other reasons.
(b) Procedures
1. The petitioner shall submit a written and signed Petition for Order Modification on the form contained in subparagraph (c) to the Committee's Administrative Office that shall contain all of the following:
(i) A copy of the previously issued order; and
(ii) A statement of why the petitioner believes it is impossible to comply with the order as issued; and
(iii) A copy of all documents that proves that compliance is impossible. If proof of impossibility of compliance requires testimony of an individual(s), including that of the petitioner, the petitioner must submit signed and notarized statements from every individual the petitioner intends to rely upon attesting, under oath, to the reasons why compliance is impossible. No documentation or testimony other than that submitted will be considered in making an initial determination on, or a final order in response to, the petition.
2. The Committee authorizes its consultant and administrative staff to make an initial determination on the petition and take one of the following actions:
(i) Certify impossibility of compliance and forward the petition to the Office of General Counsel for presentation to the Committee and Board as an uncontested matter; or
(ii) Deny the petition, after consultation with legal staff, if impossibility of compliance with the provisions of the previous order is not proven and notify the petitioner of what proof of impossibility of compliance was either not sufficient or not submitted.
3. If the petition is presented to the Committee and Board the petitioner may not submit any additional documentation or testimony other than that contained in the petition as originally submitted.
4. If the petition is granted a new order shall be issued reflecting the modifications authorized by the Committee and Board that it deemed appropriate and necessary in relation to the violations found in the previous order.
5. If the petition is denied either initially by staff or after presentation to the Committee or Board and the petitioner believes impossibility of compliance with the order has been sufficiently proven the petitioner may, as authorized by law, file a petition for a declaratory order pursuant to the provisions of T.C.A. § 4-5-223 and rule 1200-10-01-.11.
(c) Form Petition

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(5) Civil Penalties
(a) Purpose - The purpose of this rule is to set out a schedule designating the minimum and maximum civil penalties which may be assessed pursuant to T.C.A. § 63-1-134. The Committee and Board may assess these civil penalties in lieu of the civil penalties authorized by T.C.A. § 63-19-104(7).
(b) Schedule of Civil Penalties.
1. A "Type A" Civil Penalty may be imposed whenever the Committee finds a person who is required to be licensed, certified, permitted, or authorized by the Committee, guilty of a willful and knowing violation of the Physician Assistant Act, or regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, to such an extent that there is, or is likely to be, an imminent, substantial threat to the health, safety and welfare of an individual patient or the public. For purposes of this section, willfully and knowingly practicing as a physician assistant without a permit, license, certificate, or other authorization from the Committee is one of the violations of the Physician Assistants Act for which a "Type A" Civil Penalty is assessable.
2. A "Type B" Civil Penalty may be imposed whenever the Committee finds the person required to be licensed, certified, permitted, or authorized by the Committee is guilty of a violation of the Physician Assistants Act or regulations promulgated pursuant thereto in such manner as to impact directly on the care of patients or the public.
3. A "Type C" Civil Penalty may be imposed whenever the Committee finds the person required to be licensed, certified, permitted, or authorized by the Committee is guilty of a violation of the Physician Assistants Act or regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, which are neither directly detrimental to the patients or public, nor directly impact their care, but have only an indirect relationship to patient care or the public.
(c) Amount of Civil Penalties.
1. "Type A" Civil Penalties shall be assessed in the amount of not less than $500 nor more than $1000.
2. "Type B" Civil Penalties may be assessed in the amount of not less than $100 and not more than $500.
3. "Type C" Civil Penalties may be assessed in the amount of not less than $50 and not more than $100.
(d) Procedures for Assessing Civil Penalties.
1. The Division of Health Related Boards may initiate a civil penalty assessment by filing a Memorandum of Assessment of Civil Penalty. The Division shall state in the memorandum the facts and law upon which it relies in alleging a violation, the proposed amount of the civil penalty and the basis for such penalty. The Division may incorporate the Memorandum of Assessment of Civil Penalty with a Notice of Charges which may be issued attendant thereto.
2. Civil Penalties may also be initiated and assessed by the Committee during consideration of any Notice of Charges. In addition, the Committee may, upon good cause shown, assess a type and amount of civil penalty which was not recommended by the Division.
3. In assessing the civil penalties pursuant to these rules the Committee may consider the following factors:
(i) Whether the amount imposed will be substantial economic deterrent to the violator;
(ii) The circumstances leading to the violation;
(iii) The severity of the violation and the risk of harm to the public;
(iv) The economic benefits gained by the violator as a result of non-compliance; and
(v) The interest of the public.
4. All proceedings for the assessment of civil penalties shall be governed by the contested case provisions of Title 4, Chapter 5, T.C.A.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1130-01-.15

Original rule filed July 7, 1995; effective September 20, 1995. Amendment filed November 13, 1996; effective January 27, 1997. Amendment filed August 13, 1998; effective October 27, 1998. Repeal and new rule filed March 31, 1999; effective July 29, 1999. Amendment filed July 31, 2000; effective October 14, 2000. Amendment filed August 28, 2002; effective November 11, 2002. Amendment filed September 8, 2004; effective November 22, 2004. Amendment filed June 23, 2006; effective September 6, 2006. Amendment filed August 5, 2010; effective November 3, 2010. Amendments to rules (1)(j), (2), (3), (4), and (5) filed January 20, 2012; effective April 19, 2012. On April 17, 2012, the Board of Medical examiners filed a withdrawal of amendments to (2), (3), (4), and (5). Transferred from chapter 0880-03 on 8/16/2021, pursuant to Public Chapter 565 of 2021.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-202, 4-5-204, 4-5-217, 4-5-223, 63-1-102, 63-1-122, 63-1-144, 63-6-101, 63-19-104, 63-19-111, and 63-19-114 and Public Chapter 565 of 2021.