(a) | Application Fee. A nonrefundable fee to be paid each time an application for licensure is filed. | $300.00 |
(b) | License Renewal Fee. A biennial nonrefundable fee to be paid by all licensees. | $150.00 |
(c) | Temporary Licensure Fee. A nonrefundable fee to be paid upon application for temporary licensure. | $50.00 |
(d) | State Regulatory Fee. A nonrefundable fee to be paid upon licensure and biennially for renewal of licensure. | $10.00 |
(e) | Late Renewal Fee. A nonrefundable fee to be paid to reinstate an expired license. | $200.00 |
(f) | Duplicate License Fee. A nonrefundable fee to be paid to obtain a duplicate license. | $50.00 |
(g) | Certificate of Fitness Fee. A nonrefundable fee to be paid to obtain a certificate of fitness. | $50.00 |
(h) | Jurisprudence Examination Fee. A nonrefundable fee to be paid each time a person takes the Board's jurisprudence examination. | $150.00 |
Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1020-01-.02
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-3-1011, 4-5-202, 4-5-203, 4-5-204, 63-1-106, 63-1-107, 63-1-118, 63-16-103, 6316-104, 63-16-105, 63-16-106, 63-16-107, and 63-16-109.